Chapter 18

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"Merlin, that would drive me mad!" Lily groaned.

Hermione chuckled, "Despite being very determind and intelligent, the witch had her flaws. At the time, she thought knowing everything was important, but did she have a rude awakening."

"What happened?!" Lily asked captivated by her aunts story.

"One day in her 4th year, the witch used her time turner to go back one hour and go to another class. But..." Hermione trailed off.

"But what?!" Al and Lily demanded.

"She time traveled a little further than 1 hour into the past." Hermione paused for dramatic efcect.

"What was her name?" Lily asked.

"Her name was Jean. So when Jean landed, she was surprised to see she was in the dorms of her school. It was shocking even more for her when she found a young boy in the room." Hermione explained.

"Did Jean know him?"

"Yes Al, she did. And Jean knew this boy was a natural prankster. But that wasnt what shocked her, no. What shocked Jean was that she knew the boy first as an adult!" Hermione laughed.

"So Jean time traveled?!" Lily gasped.


"Wait, Jean as in Jean Finley the author of tbe Time Travelers Myths?! Is that the same one?!" Al gasped.

"No, its a coincidence." Hermione said quickly. "Jean asked the boy what year it was and the boy told her. Jean had time traveled 20 years into the past!"

"So cool! Aunt Luna already had us read it." Lily smiled.

Summer 1994

Sirius was furious at that toad! He was all out fuming as he waited for his back up. He was waiting outside the DADA teachers office.

"Sirius?" A deep voice asked.

The man turned to find Kingsley Shacklebolt, his cousin Dora and a few other Aurors coming to him.

"Thanks for coming. Sorry for being so bloody secretive." Sirius chuckled weakly

"No need, you have your reasons." Kingsley waved away his apology.

"Ok, so heres the deal, I was given an anonymous tip, that the DADA teacher has been using a Blood Quill during her detentions." Sirius stated.

Kingsleys eyes, normally calm turned murderous. "That is a level 3 Dark object and very disturbing. Do you have evidence?"

Sirius nodded and took out the photo that Colin took of his sons hand. Once Harry knew Hermione would not let it go, he gave her the picture and Hermione sent it to Sirius with her concerns. "Right here."

"Who was the victim?" Dora asked.

"My son."

"I see. Now lets go stop that maniac, shall we?" Kingley asked.

"Yes, we shall." Sirius smirked and knocked on the door.

The pink toad opened the door with her sickly smile. But it faded when she saw Sirius Black, the powerful Auror. "Can I help you?"

"Yes, you can hand over that cursed quill of yours." Sirius replied.

"I dont know what you're talking about." Umbridge lied.

"The Blood Quill you make your students use when you issue them detentions." Sirius snapped at once.

"You made a student write, I must not tell lies, now you should do the same, unless you want Veriteserum." Kingley growled.

"Why are you, an Ex-Death Eater interested in that Potter brat?" Umbridge asked at once. 

"That. Boy. Is. My. Son." Sirius replied in a deadly voice, making Umbridge shiver.

"Your son?!" The toad gasped.

"Obviously, you dont read the Bright News section of the Prophet. It was announced this past May. Now hand over the quill and we will be off to the Ministry for your trial."

"Trial?!" Umbridges face paled.

"Posession and usage of a Level 3 Dark object gets you 20 years in Askaban alone. The Wizgamont wont be pleased to hear you were subjecting children, maybe, their children to your Quill." Sirius smirked.

Dora raised her wand, "Accio Blood Quill!" The pink feathered quill flew into Dora's outstretched hands.

Kingey conjured handcuffs to appear on Umbridges wrists. "Come on you."

Before leaving, Umbridge sent a loathing glare at Sirius Black.

Summer 2017

"How did Jean get back to her time?" Lily asked.

"Im paraphrasing from the Time Travelers Myths. You want to know how it ended, read it, all the way through." Hermione chuckled.

"We never reached the end yet!" Lily complained.

"Come on Aunt Hermione!" Al pleaded.

"No, Im sorry kids. Here." Hermione flicked her wand and seconds later, the book flew into the room, landing between Al and Lily.

Summer 1994

After Sirius had secured Umbridge, he went to the entrance of Gryffindor Tower.

"Sirius Black." The Fat Lady smiled.

"Hello Emily." Sirius grinned

The Fat Lady giggled, "no one ever has addressed me by my name, except you."

"Is Harry inside?" Sirius asked

"Sorry Sirius." The Fat Lady replied.

Sirius sighed, then began to pace. "I wonder where he is."

Moments later, Harry had appeared. "Dad?"

Sirius lifted his head and smiled at his son. "Harry!"

"Dad, how did it go?" Harry asked nervously.

"Umbridge is gone, she wont hurt you or anyone else." Sirius grinned.

Without warning, Harry launched himself at Sirius, throwing his arms around the man. "Thank you." He mumbled.

Sirius chuckled and hugged the 15 year old. He waited till Harry pulled away. "Now, I had best get going, I left Hugo with Remus."

"Ok, thanks again Dad!" Harry called before entering the common room.

Summer 2017

"Whats wrong?" Hermione asked Harry the minute he got home.

"Hermione! Dont sneak up on an Auror!" Harry sighed.

Hermione didnt comment, but crossed her arms. "What is troubling you?"

"James trapped in the past." Harry sighed.

"You should worry about your other kids too." Hermione stated.

"Whats wrong with them?" Harry demanded.

"Nothing, at least now. When I arrived earlier, Al was trying to help Lily. Apparently the girl woke up with a fever." Hermione explained.

"Why wouldnt Al call me?" Harry asked

"Al doesnt want to bother you, when he knows you are busy trying to get James to return." Hermione answered.

Harry sighed, "thank you."

"Your welcome, but you shouldnt add more fuel to the sibling rivelry fire." Hermione stated before apperating away.

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