Chapter 22

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Summer 1994

"Sirius, now that I know about my dads side more, can you tell me about my grandmum? All I know is that she shares Lilys name." James stated.

"You are correct about that. Now, she had an older sister named Petunia. Petunia was very bitter with her sister. She turned that on your father as he grew up." Sirius' eyes darkened.

"Dad never told us any stories of his childhood." James mused.

"I should hope not!" Sirius snorted. "His childhood was full of abuse, not the greatest time, may I add."

"What?! But hes so sweet, nurturing, loving and happy!" James exclaimed.

"He vowed to give his kids what he never got."


"Harry, are you sure you want me to join?" Hermione wrung her hands.

"For the tenth time, yes! I need you for moral support. Especially if your my sister." Harry replied.

Severus Snapes Memories 1971-1978

Harry and Hermione appeared in an old rickety house.

"Boy! Eileen, where is he?" A man snarled.

"Stop it, please Tobias!" The woman yelled. Then a slap could be heard.

"This cant be right." Harry mumbled at once.

"Harry, look around." Hermione whispered.

The pair saw a trunk filled to the brim with school supplies. A calander tacked to the door showed it to be the start of Augest.

"Snapes house." Harry replied.

The sound of chokd sobs caught their ears. They turned and saw a boy with black hair around the age of 12, rocking himself. Tears streaming down his face.

"Oh no, Im such an idiot." Harry mumbled shaking his head. "I just had to prejudge, just like my fathers."

"What are you talking abou-" Hermione was cut off by a drunken man forcing the door open. He had a half glass of whiaky in one hand.

He took Snape and lifted him by the collar.

Hermione cried out, burrying her face in Harrys collarbone.

"Hes like me." Harry breathed.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"Nothing come on, lets go." Harry peopelled Hermione out, but he stayesd behind. He needed to see more

He watched as Snape met Lily Evens and slowly fell in love with her, his bullying by James Potters hands and the road to hell he rode all to help him. The son of the man he hated, yet the woman he loved.

"Whoa Snape." Harry breathed


Summer 2017

Albus left the desk and sat in a comfy chair. He frowned when there waa a single sheet of paper, stating Harrys linage to obe Dudley Dursley.

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