Chapter 2

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"Yes, Dumbledore is here." Harry replied and he went to fetch him.

James meanwhile was trying to figure out a way to get home.


Summer 2017

"Wait, Aunt Hermione, what was that necklace James had on his neck?" Lily demanded

"A time turner, but it only allowed for a one way travel into the past." Hermione sighed.

"My careless brother got himself trapped in the past?! Thats bloody brillant!" Al rolled his eyes.

CRACK! Harry and Ginny had returned.

"When is my son Hermione?!" Harry asked quickly.

"I dont know. James took the time turner with him. Come on, I know there has to be a way for us to figure out when he landed." Hermione sighed.

"There had better be, with James' track record lets hope he doesnt screw our past or change our future!" Ginny said looking worried.

"Gin, James is smart, although sometimes wreckless." Harry said quickly. "We will find him. Lets go chat with who last had that time turner, shall we?" 

"Oh we shall Harry." Hermione nodded. "But we need backup."

"I agree."


Summer 1994

"Did someone request me?" Dumbledore asked walking into the room.

James' jaw dropped. The man his father respected is right in front of him!

Dumbledore turned to James and gave him the piercing look his portrait did whenever James was called to Minervas office.

"May we please speak alone Miss Granger, Mr. Potter?" Dumbledore asked

The two exchanged looks of confusion, but left the room.

"Ok, why isnt this place filled with more people?" James asked at once. He wantrled to fill the weird silence.  His father told him about the Order
and the house the Potters live in currently, used to be its headquarters.

"Its a weekday, not many Order members are here. Most are at their jobs." Dumbledore shrugged."How did you get here from the future?

James chuckled, "By this." The teenager pulled out the time turner.

"I know that you are Mr. Potter's son. And that is a time turner around your neck. It looks a bit different than the ones in our time -this time, though." The old man smiled

"I didnt say anything to Dad, I mean Harry or anyone about being from the future. I cant screw up my present." James stated firmly.

"What did you call yourself when you arrived?" Dumbledore asked.


"Ah. Now tell me your real name." Dumbledore replied.

"James Sirius Potter." James answered.

"No wonder you looked familiar. Your grandfather looked a lot like you at this age." Dumbledore chuckled.

"Im sorry, but this is no laughing matter, I'm stuck here in the past with no way to get home." James sighed. "And when I do, Mum will kill me."

Running Out Of TimeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz