Chapter 15

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Summer 1994

"Come on, its time to get up." Molly called.

James refused to move, he was going to be locked up with Sirius in the house.

"Coming Mum!" Ron moaned. "Oi, Harry, first day of school."

"Few more minutes Dad!" Harry moaned.

"Sorry Pup, but up you must get." Sirius appeared in the doorway.

Harrys eyes snapped open. "Alright, Im up!" He glanced at his son.

"Let the lad sleep. While we're at Kings Cross, I'm having Dora stay here." Sirius smiled leading Harry downstairs.

"Thanks Dad. I was chatting with James and he told me that as an adult I dont speak much about my time at Hogwarts." Harry stated looking troubled.

" have had near death experiences at the end of each year. Your one brave kid, but your tales probably arent child friendly. Maybe your adult self knows that." Sirius commented before handing Harry his trunk.

"Maybe so." Harry sighed. "Ill miss you Dad."

"As will I." Sirius embraced Harry tightly. "Now remember, any trouble, just owl me."

"Yes Dad." Harry rolled his eyes like any teenager would.

"Ouch!" A voice yelled.

"Thats Dora, right on time!" Sirius called as the young witch came into the room.

Meanwhile the Weasleys flooed over to Kings Cross.

"Wotcher Sirius, you two had best get going. Dont want to floo into Hogwarts, now do you?" Tonks smirked. "But knowing you Sirius, you'd want Harry to make a grand entrance, right?"

Sirius rolled his eyes. "You know Harry detests the attention. Come on." The two stepped in and were gone.


Harry groaned later that night when the new DADA teacher was announced. A disaterous pink toad who apparently took glee in dishing out punishments.

"Cheer up Harry, keep your head down." Hermione patted his shoulder

"Im not good at doing that, now am I?" Harry groaned.

Summer 2017

Once all the children of the Potter-Weasley-Malfoy clan were in the ballroom, did Hermione and Draco start the show.

The two waved their wands as the lights went out.


"Ready!" Hermione smiled. She waved her wand and a silver animal burst from it.

"Show off!" Draco laughed and he casted his patronus, but he had to say the incantation.

"Ooh, we havent seen your patronus in a long time Mummy!" Ursa squealed.

Hermione smiled at her daughter. "I know, but it changed. It used to be an otter, now its a tiger. Fiercely protective."

"While mine is a sloth. Laid back and relaxed." Draco revealed his trademark smirk.

The group of kids looked at the Malfoy parents in awe.

"Now that we've begun, lets move on to conjuring!" Draco laughed. This caused their audience to cheer.

The night wore on as the kids played Exploding Snap, Gobstones and Wizards Chess.

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