Chapter 5

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Summer 1994

James and Ginny were bent over two textbooks on Herbology.

"What are you two doing?" Hermione asked coming into the room.

"An essay I have due in Herbology. My mum wanted it done before I came here." James smiled

"Thats very studious of you." Hermione beamed. "Do you need some help?"

"Yes, we could. Its not every day the brighest witch offers help." Ginny smirked

"You only say that because of Harry and Ron. If only they opened a book once in a while." Hermione sighed.

The brunette sat down at the table and glanced at how much was written.

"Not bad Hugo."

"Really?" James asked eagerly. He always felt he was disapointing someone when it came to school. He had the true spirit of a Marauder.

"Yes." Hermione smiled

James felt proud, his aunt never complimented him on his homework before. Usually whenever his Aunt Hermione read over his essays, she'd only give him constructive criticism.
James was liking the younger version of Hermione. The teenage girl obviously had a taste for adventure. He had a hard time believing that his strict studious aunt once had a fun side. He didnt think Hermione possessed a single funny bone in her body.

"Thank you." James smiled. "That means a lot, coming from you."

Hermione looked confused, "your welcome, I think?"

The trio didnt speak for the remainder of the morning. James felt like he was able to see another side of his family. The light hearted side, before the war had hardened them into people who were too uptight.

"Lunchtime!" Molly called.

James wrote his last word. "There, five feet of parchment on Mandrakes."

"Im glad you were able to be productive." Hermione shot James a smile he never saw on his aunt. It was a childlike smile, a true one.  The adult Hermione never smiled like that anymore, she grimaced.

James beamed at his aunt before clearing the dinning room table.
The future boy didnt have much time to dwell on anything as everyone came barreling downstairs.

Once the 7 Weasleys, James,  Hermione and Harry were seated, did Molly ask how they spent their morning.

"We played Quidditch." Harry pointed to the twins and Ron.

"Hugo was wise and he got an essay for Herbology done. He at least knows how to be productive." Hermione said looking smug.

"No need to get your wand in a knot." Ron coughed.

"Hermione's right Ron, after lunch, you should tackle your summer homework. Harry what about you?" Molly asked

"Finished it already Mrs. Weasley." Harry smiled

Hermione whipped her head to face Harry. "You did? How?!" She demanded.

"Sirius didnt give me an option." Harry made a face.

James laughed, he knew Harry was loving the doting Sirius did.

"No bloody way, the Sirius Black demanded for homework to be done?!" The twins gasped dramatically.

"Dont get me wrong, hes fun. But fair." Harry laughed

"Sounds like hes doing the perfect job." Molly smiled.

They spent the rest of the meal in silence. When they were done, the door opened. "Wotcher everyone!" A woman called.

"Tonks!" Hermione and Ginny gasped.

James waited until the stranger came into the room. He knew who this woman was; Remus Lupins wife. She was killed in the war by her deranged aunt.

James shook his head. Maybe he could give Teddy something special. Tonks is in front of him and alive.

"Hello, who are you?" Tonks turned to James.

"Im Hugo, I came here by accident, spell gone wrong." He revealed the Potter smile.

Tonks narrowed her eyes slightly. "Nice to meet you."


Summer 2017

"Mum, Dad! When will James come home?" Albus asked his parents at breakfast.

"He will be home soon Al." Harty smiled ruffling Als hair.

The clock struck 8. "Youd better be off." Ginny commented.

Harry sighed, "Im going."

"Is Daddy ok?" Lily asked as Harry was about to spin away.

"He will be honey. I know he will. Hes worried about James." Ginny answered.

Harry spun and disapperated. He appeared in his office and picked up a file Sirius had on his desk.

It was on Greyback. Harry sighed uneasily, today he had to interviwe the vile werewolf.

"Harry, you can relax." A voice came from the door.

Harry turned his head to see Sirius leaning casually against the doorframe. "Easy for you to say Dad. Im not the one stuck in the past, now am I?"

Sirius released his bark like laugh. "If you were, you know Id search all the timestreams to get my son back."

"I wish I could do that, but James is with us right now. I mean- the past us, ugh you know what I mean!" Harry groaned.

"Yes, I understand that. And hes doing surprisingly well. Given his pranking genes." Sirius raised an eyebebrow.

"What am I going to do?" Harry sighed.

"For one, stop worrying. And two; join me with the interrogation of Greyback huh?" Sirius stated

"Im coming."

"We will get to the bottom of this. I promise you." Sirius gave Harry a one armed hug.

"Thanks Dad."

The two walked down the hall to the interogation room.

"Kingsley." Sirius nodded at the man standing guard.

Kingsley allowed the Head Auror and Harry in.

Greyback was sitting in a chair, his hands cuffed to the desk. "About time, mishap with that time turner eh Black?"

Sirius didnt crack a smile. "That is none of your concern."

"If it isnt, why are you here?" Greyback cackled.

Harry groaned, "this is useless!"

"Patience Harry." Sirius held up a hand. Harry wisely shut his mouth.

"It is my job as Head Auror to inquire about the objects I collect. Although Mr. Potter here confiscated a timeturner from you, my paperwork says this time turner is different from others." Sirius narrowed his eyes.

"Yea Black it is. But why should I tell you anything?" Greyback snapped.

"You were sentanced to do 100 hours of  community service here. It says cleaning without magic, if I'm not mistaken. Right?" Sirius raised an eyebrow.

"So?" Greyback grumbled.

"Tell us everything you know about the time turner, and I will have your hours cut in half." Sirius stated.

Greybacks eyes narrowed.

"I dont have time for this. Either you start talking or; I could add on a few more hours for your lack of..
Cooperation." Sirius smirked.

"Fine Black, you have a deal. I'll tell you everything I know." Greyback grumbled.

"Excellent." Sirius grinned. He then turned to Harry. "You'd better take notes."

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