Chapter 12

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After the conversation with teenage Ginny, James was avble to fall asleep a lot easier. Never before had his mother talked about the pressure she was under.

What felt like minutes after falling asleep, Molly had woken them all up.

"We need to get you your school supplies." Molly stated.

"What about Hugo Mrs. Weasley?" Hermione asked

James shifted. "Professpr Dumbledore insits I stay here. Hes hoping I can return home, soon."

"Oh, I see." Molly looked ready to say more, but Tonks came in.

"Molly, theres no need to pressure the boy. You'd better get a move on."

Molly sighed, "you're right Tonks. Im sorry Hugo."

"Um...whos staying with Hugo?" Harry asked.

"That will be me, Potter." A deep voice replied. In came a man dressed in all black and James stifled a groan. Despite Snape sacrificing himself, James never would have thought he'd meet the brooding man.

"Ooh tough luck mate." Ron winced before walking towards the fireplace. Once everyone was gone, did Snape glare hard at James.

"What is your name?" Snape asked.

James gulped, he rememberd his father told him Snape knew how to sense liars. "My name is James, but everyone here calls me Hugo."

"You look like the spawn of young Mr. Potter here." Snape sneered.

"Guilty." James chuckled sheepishly.

Summer 2017

"So, did you hear any news?" Ginny asked when Harry and Lily had returned from the Malfoys.

"None. Im glad you had a fun sleepover with Ursa." Harry smiled at Lily.

"I miss James! When is he coming home?" Lily complained

"Soon honey." Ginny replied.

"Lily!" Al yelled bounding down the stairs. He hugged his younger sister. "I hate being an only child!"

Harry and Ginny laughed. "Its almost time for the annual Family Sleepover with all the cousins."

"Yay!" Lily squealed running up to her room.

Al turned to his parents, "when will my adventerous brother return?"

"Soon Al." Harry smiled.

"Can you be more specific?"

"Sorrry bud, I cant." Ginny replied.

Summer 1994

"Not possible!" Snape hissed.

"Yet it is." James pulled out the time turner.

"Oh Merlin, forgive me!" Snape moaned.

"What did you do?" James asked

"I am the one who put the Fate Magic there." Snape moaned.

"You?! Why?" James demanded.

"Besides being a potions master, I've done research into time traveling. I wanted to see how Fate Magic and time traveling work. Now, when are you from?" Snape asked.

"The year 2017. Im going to turn 14." James replied.

"How did you get that time turner?" Snape asked.

"Stole it off my dads desk." James blushed.

"Classic Potter move. Disregard for the rules." Snape rolled his eyes.

"Moving on. Can you yell me who the other time traveler was? I got their journal entries and it seems they time traveled a year ago, from now that is." James stated.

"They did. The student was, Hermione Granger." Snape sighed

James stared at Snape in shock. "So, she learned her lesson. Shes with us right now. But in my future, shes a bitter woman, why?"

"To protect the fabric of time. I could not trust Granger to not blab about the past. So I put a warning into the time turner. Should any time travelers say anything about their time traveling, pain will come to them." Snape sighed

"Thats beyond screwy! Hermione is a mean cold hearted person because of what you did!" James yelled. "You have to undo it! Now!"

The two didnt hear the fireplace roar to life as the Weasleys, the Blacks, Hermione, and Tonks returned from their shopping trip.

"Why should I? You and Granger dont know how to keep your mouth shut!" Snape snarled.

"I wonder what is going on." Molly asked Arthur.

"Who cares?" The Weasley twins asked in unison.

"That isnt right! Hermione is miserable because of your percautions!" James yelled.
"I dont care about the thread of time, what I dont understand is why you chose to curse Hermione!"

Everyone turned to the brunette. "Dont look at me, I have no idea what they are talking about."

"Dad, shouldnt we break that up?" Harry asked nervously.

"Nah, Snape getting a lecture by a 14 year old? When is this ever going to happen again?" Sirius laughed.

James and Snape stopped their yelling. The group had decided to barge in. "What is going on in here?!" Molly demaned. They saw James and Snape locked in an intense stare down.

"Tell them." James demanded. "You are the reason why Im here."

"Snivillus, what did you do this time?" Sirius growled.

"Nothing." Snape ground out.

"Continue to lie Snape, and I might tell them who I am. Unless you do it and take the curse off that blasted necklace! You are the only one that can do it." James pleaded.

"Shut up! I owe you nothing. It was her fault she had blabbed and the same fate will befall you." Snape snarled.

"What is going on here?" Harry demanded.

James smirked, "you leave me no choice you slimy snake. Why my dad named my brother after you, I'll never understand."

The group around them gasped.

"You little brat!" Snape snarled.

"Can someone tell us whats going on?!" Ron asked impatiently.

James never broke eye contact with Snape. "You cant Obliviate them all, or can you?"

Once again the group gasped. They were beyond confused. "You do this Hugo, and you are going to mess up everything!" Snape warned.

"The device I used to get here should do the erasing minds for you. It said so in the notes I recieved. I'm done Snape, finished." James sighed.

"No dont!" Snape yelled as James pulled out the time turner.

Everyone in the room gasped besides Tonks and Sirius.

"Im not Hugo, my name is James Sirius Potter and Im the son of Harry."
James smiled turning to the raven haired teenager.

"Wait, you're from the future?!" Hermione squeaked

"Yes. I am. Now Snape please, look at her." James pointed to Hermione. "Do you want her to be in pain? Is the fabric of time worth a person's happiness?"

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