Fate/Misguided Paths (Male Re...

By vashen01

135K 2.7K 2.9K

Y/N L/N lives an entirely normal life, before one night, he goes to sleep and wakes up the next day to realiz... More

A Sudden Change [1]
An Awakening [2]
An Unlikely Ally [3]
A New Challenger [5]
Finish a Problem, Start Another [6]
You're Kidding [7]
A Quick Break [8]
A New Threat [9]
Task Failed Successfully? [10]
What Absolute Scum [11]
Explaining Some Characters [A/N] (Maybe/Not Really Spoilers?)
A Fitting Wrap [12]
Dodgeballin' [13]
A Talk with Vashen [A/N]
Vashen Rises from the Dead [A/N]
Another Familiar Face [14]
Uh.. a Leak? [15]
Tied to a Bomb [16]
As Expected [17]
Lucky? Or Spent? [18]

Something... a Bit More Normal... [4]

7.5K 162 97
By vashen01

Heya, fellas! I'm here with a 4th chapter! And I still have quite a few ideas in my head too, so heeeell yeh. I'm used to just writing 4 chapters, so I'm kind of feeling a bit on edge about the romance, since I have to actually make it so the girls grow to like Y/N, so... Oof I guess. Anyway, here you fellas go!

Tetsuya: "So, you doing anything today, new kid?" You slipped into your outdoors shoes and nodded.

Y/N: "Yeah, I got a shift today." Tetsuya sighed.

Tetsuya: "Damn. I wanted to go batting like you suggested..." You thought for a moment.

Y/N: "Well, maybe I can stop by and see if he'll give me an off day..." Tetsuya beamed.

Tetsuya: "Sweet!!" You chuckled as the two of you made your way out of school.

[TimeskipTM brought to you by Chibi Y/N and Chibi Tetsuya batting and being okay at it!]

You and Tetsuya walked out of your work. You had gotten the okay, and a soda. Tetsuya didn't have any money though, so you payed for his too.

Tetsuya: "S-Sorry. I'll pay you back." You chuckled.

Y/N: "Don't sweat it."

The two of you were walking down the street, before you heard a familiar voice.

???: "Ah! Y/N!" You looked over before nearly choking on your soda. There stood Astolfo and Medusa, seemingly exploring. Astolfo jogged over happily as Medusa followed, holding a bag.

Y/N: "H-Hey, guys... what are you two doing...?"

Medusa: "We ran out of detergent." She lifted the bag.

Astolfo: "We were also looking for food, since there wasn't any in the apartment."

Y/N: "O-Oh, I see..."

Astolfo: "Hmm? Who's this?" Astolfo looked at Tetsuya, who seemed unprepared for the sudden attention.

Tetsuya: "I-I-I'm Tetsuya K-Kirigaya! N-Nice to meet you..!" He looked distracted by how adorable Astolfo was. You could only feel pity for the poor lad...

Astolfo: "Ooh! Nice to meet you! I'm--"

Y/N: "My sister." Astolfo seemed to freeze at the sudden branding, confused, before rolling with it.

Astolfo: "Y-Yeah! I'm... uh... Estelle... L/N..." You and Astolfo were sweating bullets, but Tetsuya seemed to buy it.

Tetsuya: "Nice to meet you, Estelle." He smiled, before looking at Medusa.

Tetsuya: "Uhm... and who are you.. ma'am?"

Y/N: "She's my...--"

Medusa: "I'm their mother." She adjusted her glasses, and you swore you could hear a 'shing!'.

You and Astolfo were still sweating as Tetsuya nervously chuckled.

Tetsuya: "N-Nice to meet you, Miss L/N..." Medusa gave a nod, before you decided to wrap this up. You started pushing Tetsuya away, coming up with an excuse.

Y/N: "W-Well, we gotta go! We're gonna go batting, so...--"

Astolfo: "Oooh! Let me come too!" You froze.

Tetsuya: "I don't see a problem with that. The more the merrier, right?" You faltered. There wasn't any getting out of this now, huh?

It didn't take long for the four of you to get there. You bought some time in the cages, before handing everyone a bat. First up were you and Tetsuya.

Astolfo: "Do your best, Y/N!" Astolfo gave you a thumbs up and a grin, making you chuckle weakly.

Y/N: It's just to release stress, not to compete...

Tetsuya: "Well, new kid? How about it? Think you can beat me?"

Y/N: What, now because a cute gi-- I mean, a girl-looking boy is here you suddenly wanna compete...?

You exhaled. Now you couldn't back down.

Y/N: "Sure. Let's see what you got." Tetsuya grinned.

The both of you set the speed of the baseballs to be roughly 80km/h. Afterwards, the two of you got into position, as the machines launched their projectiles.


Tetsuya: "OOOOOOORA!!"

You both missed.

Both of you stood there awkwardly before getting back into stance as another ball came flying.

Both of you missed again.

Y/N: "...."

Tetsuya: "...."

Astolfo: "...Wow. You guys are really bad at this."

Tetsuya: "I-I was just trying to give the new kid a handicap."

Y/N: I have no excuse...

The two of you turned off the machines, before stepping out. The other two took the bats, and you explained how to set everything up. 

Of course, the both of them set everything to max. 

You bought a soda, before hearing the crack of a bat.

Tetsuya: "Whoooa! Good hit, Miss L/N!" 

You chuckled weakly as you heard the crack of another bat, and Tetsuya congratulating Astolfo. You had a feeling they were showing off. You drank your soda, before returning to the others. 

Astolfo was basking in his glory after having a ball hit the home run plate. 

Tetsuya: "Hey, new kid! You never told me your sister was good at batting!" 

Y/N: "I uh... didn't know." Astolfo twirled the bat and rested it on his shoulder chuckling as Medusa's cage buzzed. 

Tetsuya: "Whoa! Even your mom is good at baseball!"

Y/N: Hey, hey... when did you get into baseball...?

You looked over at Tetsuya to see him giving you a disappointed look. He just sighed sadly and looked back at the girls.

Y/N: Hey, hey! What the hell was that look for!?

The girls batted for a while, before the time ran out. Afterwards, you and Tetsuya parted ways, before you turned towards the girls. 

Y/N: "I think I'm gonna go see if I can do a quick shift. Will you two be fine getting home?" 

Astolfo: "Yep!" He grinned as Medusa gave a nod.

Y/N: "Alright, good to hear. I'll see you two when I can, then!" You said your goodbyes, before you all went your separate ways. 

You walked over to the bar, before walking in. The Boss looked up and chuckled.

The Boss: "I thought you were going to take the day off?" You smiled.

Y/N: "I had a bit of free time." The Boss tossed you your apron, and you set your stuff aside, before getting to work. 

The Boss: "Ah, right. Could you take orders today, Y/N?" 

Y/N: "Sure thing." 

[TimeskipTM brought to you by Chibi Y/N slowly getting better at taking orders!]

The Boss: "It's gettin' late. Why don't you head home?" You stretch before looking outside. 

Y/N: "Huh. Yeah, maybe I should get going..." 

???: "Hey! Is this run down place open or somethin'...?" You exhaled, as the Boss chuckled.

The Boss: "Go ahead and head home, Y/N." You smiled.

Y/N: "Thanks." You went to retrieve your stuff, before you walked back out to see the black haired man that had been with Tetsuya yesterday. He hadn't noticed you, since you were out of his view, so you took the chance to walk out. 

The guy was scum, but you didn't want to cause a commotion for the man who'd graciously given you a job. 

You walked out, and headed towards the station, to see the last train had already run. You exhaled, before taking your phone out and finding the route home. 

[TimeskipTM brought to you by Chibi Y/N tiredly staring at the stars!]

As you walked home, you could sense the gears in your head turning. 

It'd been a while since you started really thinking about your situation. In what aspect of the Fate series were you even in? The rules of what you were doing didn't make any sense. You were in command of two servants. Two Riders. That shouldn't be possible, and yet, here you were... And what's up with the seal on your arm? It's not even a seal, it's more of a massive tattoo. You looked at it, before an idea slithered into your head.

You lifted your hand and pointed it in front of yourself. 


It was quiet for a moment, before you exhaled. 

Y/N: Of course it wouldn't work like that...

You kept walking, an upbeat melody in your head. 

[TimeskipTM brought to you by Chibi Y/N thinking!]

You walked into your apartment, exhausted. 

Y/N: "I'm ho--" You saw both Astolfo and Medusa in their gear, just about to leave the apartment. Infact, Astolfo looked like he was about to grab the doorknob.

Astolfo nearly tackled you before backing up.

Astolfo: "What happened!? We thought you had gotten in trouble!" You weakly chuckled.

Y/N: "Sorry, sorry... the trains all stopped running, and I worked a bit late..." Medusa stepped up, before extending her hand towards you.

Medusa: "Your phone, please." 

Y/N: Am I grounded...?  You awkwardly handed her your phone, and she took it, input something, before handing it back to you. You looked at it questioningly.

Medusa: "I put my number in there. If you're going to be out late, then notify me." 

Y/N: "A-Ah, right... Wait. How did you get a phone?"


Boss: "Y-You need another advance? I-I'm sorry, but I can't do that." 

The boss sat at his desk nervously as the atmosphere in the room slowly got darker, and darker. The boss started shaking, before he finally snapped.

Boss: "A-Actually, I-I think it'd be o-okay!" 

He nervously put 30,000 yen on the table. Medusa didn't move, the atmosphere still getting darker.

Boss: "Y-You still need m-more? I-I don't think..." 

Medusa slowly reached for her glasses and the boss jumped.

Boss: "N-Nevermind! I-I can make an exception t-this one time!" He put another 20,000 down and Medusa took it, before leaving.

[Flashback end...]

Medusa: "Unimportant. Just make sure you notify me as soon as possible." 

You gave her a nod, and she eased up, walking off to change. You walked in as Astolfo walked out of the bathroom in something more suitable for being lazy at home. He plopped down on the couch and you thought to yourself.

Y/N: "Hey, Astolfo, mind helping me out for a minute?" Astolfo looked up, a bit confused.

Astolfo: "Oh, sure. Whaddya need?" 

[TimeskipTM brought to you by Chibi Y/N and Chibi Astolfo moving furniture!]

You backed up, exhaling. You gave Astolfo a smile, and he grinned back.

The two of you had rearranged all the furniture in the living room so it was still a living room, but there was enough space for the two of them to sleep. Medusa looked up from the book she was reading, before walking over to examine your work.

Medusa: "Hmm. Good work, master." You chuckled.

Y/N: "Thanks." 

You yawned, before noticing the time. 

Y/N: "Well, I think I'm heading to bed. Don't stay up to late, alright?" 

Astolfo: "Roger that!" Medusa nodded, as you waved them goodnight and retreated to your own room. You changed, tossed your stuff aside, before unceremoniously faceplanting into your bed.

Chapter 4 done! So, these chapters might come out at a wacky rate, so I'm thinking (hopefully) one every day, or one every other day. This one was shorter than my last one, capping out at roughly 1500~1600. I'll try my best to keep keep these updates coming, but I still do have some life stuff I need to deal with, so here's hoping my life goes smoothly so I can work on this, eh? Anyway, I'll see you guys in the next chapter!

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