Fate/Misguided Paths (Male Re...

By vashen01

134K 2.7K 2.9K

Y/N L/N lives an entirely normal life, before one night, he goes to sleep and wakes up the next day to realiz... More

A Sudden Change [1]
An Awakening [2]
Something... a Bit More Normal... [4]
A New Challenger [5]
Finish a Problem, Start Another [6]
You're Kidding [7]
A Quick Break [8]
A New Threat [9]
Task Failed Successfully? [10]
What Absolute Scum [11]
Explaining Some Characters [A/N] (Maybe/Not Really Spoilers?)
A Fitting Wrap [12]
Dodgeballin' [13]
A Talk with Vashen [A/N]
Vashen Rises from the Dead [A/N]
Another Familiar Face [14]
Uh.. a Leak? [15]
Tied to a Bomb [16]
As Expected [17]
Lucky? Or Spent? [18]

An Unlikely Ally [3]

9.1K 166 121
By vashen01

So, I kinda watched Fate/Extra, and I gotta say, the main character has some hate issues. The boi needs to chill out a bit. Nero is also great. Umu. This chapter will contain some scenes of a fucked up dad abusing his boi, so warning for that. If you wanna skip it, you can, you can tell which boi is the one who got confused well enough by reading the last segment. Careful tho, the abuse bit's right over it. Anyway, onto the book we go!

You walked through your school's halls, a bit tired. Yesterday was exhausting, and now you suddenly had two Servants. You looked at your arm. You couldn't see the seal, since it was covered with your sleeve. You exhaled, before someone called out to you. 

???: "Hey, new kid!" You turned to see the bully waving as he walked over towards you. 

Y/N: "...What is it?" The bully smiled.

???: "What, is that any way to treat a friend? You can call me... Boss." 

You turned around and left.

???: "Heheh, come on, new kid! What's wrong?"  He caught up to you and nudged you, before you stopped and gave him a deadly glare. You saw him slightly flinch, before he laughed.

???: "What, you thought I was serious?" He nudged you again. You were really close to just hitting him over head head with something. 

Y/N: "No, but you're annoying." 

???: "Wow, what a temper, new kid! Anyway, you can call me Tetsuya! Don't bother giving me your name, new kid, I don't need it." It felt like he was drilling your head out and just leaking out it's contents. Thankfully, you made it to class, and he went to his own seat. 

After that, class began as usual. 

[TimeskipTM brought to you by Chibi Y/N getting followed by Chibi Tetsuya!]

It was now lunch again, and you were walking out of the class when you heard someone call for you.

Tetsuya: "Hey, new kid!" You turned to see Tetsuya walking over. 

Y/N: "Yo." He grinned. 

Tetsuya: "Heading to lunch?"

Y/N: "Yep. I'm guessing you're coming along?" 

Tetsuya: "Well, of course! I can't let my minion walk off by itself." You rolled your eyes as you walked towards the cafeteria. 

The two of you got your food and sat, before Tetsuya took out some assignments and pointed them at you.

Tetsuya: "Feeling like doing my homework?"

Y/N: "Not really." 

It was quiet for a moment. It didn't seem to be the answer he was looking for.

Tetsuya: "It wasn't a question, new kid."

Y/N: "And my answer won't change. No." 

It got quiet again, before Tetsuya faltered, deciding it'd be better to work on it himself. You looked at him out of the corner of your eye to see he seemed to be having trouble. After a while, you exhaled, before deciding to help him.

Y/N: "Here, you do this." 

Tetsuya: "Huh. You're pretty smart, new kid." 

Y/N: "Not really. I just don't sleep through every class." Tetsuya shrugged. 

Tetsuya: "The lectures are all so boring..."

Y/N: "Yep. Now, look here." Tetsuya grudgingly looked over as you taught him how to do the assignments.

[TimeskipTM brought to you by Chibi Y/N teaching Chibi Tetsuya!] 

You tossed your shoes onto the ground, before slipping into them and closing your shoe locker. You headed towards the school entrance, before noticing Tetsuya leaning against the wall near the school. He seemed to be spaced out. You made a mental note of it, before walking out, heading towards the station.

It doesn't take long to get there, where you notice Astolfo and Medusa sitting on a bench in civilian clothing. Medusa wore glasses, a black sweater and jeans, whole Astolfo wore a jacket, a stomach cut short, jeans, and his usual excitement. Medusa seemed to be calmly reading a book, and Astolfo seemed bored out of his mind before he spotted you. He hopped up and jogged over to you.

Astolfo: "Y/N!" You smiled. You had given a proper introduction last night, so they both knew your name.

Y/N: "How long were you two waiting for me?"

Medusa: "Not for very long." You looked over to see Medusa had walked over as well.

Y/N: "Glad to hear. Ah, I have a few questions, Rider, if you don't mind my asking?" Astolfo nodded with a smile.

Astolfo: "Not at all!" You smiled, before the three of you started heading towards the station.

Y/N: "So, what was it your previous master was looking for?"

Astolfo: "Whaddya mean?"

Y/N: "I mean, what was his objective? When you found me, you mentioned something about a black haired master." Astolfo looked upwards, with his hands behind his back.

Astolfo: "I dunno, but it kinda seemed personal. He'd mumble about some guy while he was in his study." You thought for a moment, before exhaling.

Y/N: "Well, we don't have many leads to go by, so we should just keep a low profile and gather info for now." Medusa nodded.

Medusa: "A good idea. As expected of my master." You awkwardly chuckled and rubbed the back of your head as Astolfo ran ahead.

Astolfo: "Master! Rider! Look at the adorable pastries~!" You felt a chill go down your spine at how feminine he sounded. You put that aside.

Y/N: "Right! Coming!" You adjusted your bag before you followed Astolfo as he took in the city with excitement.

You still couldn't understand why they made Astolfo a guy. He looked feminine, he sounded feminine, it hurt your head to always remember Astolfo was a he. You watched him look at the glass displays in glee, making your heart skip a beat for a second, before you nearly had a heart attack for feeling that way. You calmed yourself, before looking at Astolfo again. Something was definitely off. Compared to the anime, his chest wasn't as broad, and his hips were wider. Almost as if...


No way. You're in Japan, his trap powers could be amplified or something. You made a mental note of what you had noticed, and tossed the idea aside as you followed the two down the market. As the three of you explored, a game store caught your eye. As you peered in through the glass, you heard someone gasp in glee. You and Medusa looked over to see Astolfo staring intently into another glass display, making both you and Medusa walk up to him to see what he was looking at. It was another pastry shop, but the pastries were cute little animal heads. Astolfo looked at you, with stars in his eyes.

Astolfo: "Master, can we get some!? Please, please, please!?" He was clinging to you now.

Y/N: "I-I would, but I-I don't have any money..." Astolfo seemed to fall into a deep despair, before Medusa spoke up.

Medusa: "No worries, Y/N. I received my first paycheck today." She held up several bills of Yen, as she adjusted her glasses.

Y/N: "W-Wait, how did you get a job, much less get paid?"


Boss: "Give you your paycheck now? Is that a... joke...."

The atmosphere in the room turned deadly, as Medusa sat silently in the chair across from her boss. Her boss nervously chuckled.

Boss: "I-It'd be against the rules to give you your paycheck now, b-but is an advance okay?"

He chuckled nervously again as Medusa thought for a minute, before she nodded. Her boss awkwardly handed her 10,000 yen which she took, before leaving.

[Flashback end...]

Medusa: "That's unimportant. Shall we eat?" You looked at Astolfo who looked at you, his eyes still glimmering, before you chuckled.

Y/N: "Alright, alright. Let's go get some pastries."

Astolfo: "YES!" Astolfo dashed into the store as you and Medusa followed.

[TimeskipTM brought to you by Chibi Y/N and Chibi Medusa watching Chibi Astolfo inhale an entire bag of animal head pastries!]

Astolfo: "Oooh, those were greeeat..." The three of you were on your way home now, and Astolfo looked satisfied with his snack.

Y/N: "...You ate an entire bag of pastries... are you okay...?"

Astolfo: "Yep! I could eat more! ...If Rider would let me."

Medusa: "My paycheck wouldn't survive another attack." You chuckled.

Y/N: "I'll start applying to some places tomorrow, since we're off then. Thanks for the help though, Rider." She gave a nod, before you made it to your apartment complex and started heading up.

[TimeskipTM brought to you by Chibi Y/N making a simple breakfast for Chibi Medusa and Chibi Astolfo!]

You exhaled as you walked out of another shop. Another rejection. You looked at your resumè half heartedly. You'd been looking for a job since you left the apartment. You walked around the market, looking for another place to try out, when someone called out to you.

???: "Hey, you! The boy with the (h/c) hair!" You looked up towards the voice to see an old man motioning you over. You walked over quickly, hoping you weren't in trouble.

Y/N: "Yes, sir?" The man chuckled a bit.

???: "I see you've been looking for some work?"

Y/N: "Ah, yeah.. I haven't gotten any luck." You awkwardly scratched the back of your head.

???: "Well, one of my usual employees is sick today. I have a bit of work if you're up to it. Of course, I'll compensate you for the trouble."

Y/N: "Yes, please!" The man chuckled again and motioned you inside.

It was a bar. A few patrons were sitting inside, sipping their drinks, or making light talk. The man handed you an apron, and you put it on after setting your bag aside. He explained your tasks, before you started working. You did simple labor, like moving around crates full of drinks, or wiping off tables, until the man told you your shift was up. 

Boss: "Here. You did some good work today, Y/N." You smiled. 

Y/N: "Thanks." You gracefully took the paycheck, before putting it in your bag and returning the apron.

Boss: "Feel free to help out again sometime. I'll pay you for it." You nodded. 

Y/N: "Thanks again!" You quickly walked out to see it was late. Looks like you had worked for the whole day... you should've mentioned that to those two... You quickly made your way towards the station, before hearing a commotion.

???: "Dammit Tetsuya! How can you be so worthless?" You peeked at the person making a commotion to see a black haired man yelling at Tetsuya. 

Tetsuya had his hands in his pockets, acting like he couldn't care what the man was saying.

???: "Answer me, dammit!" 

The man grabbed Tetsuya by the collar of his shirt and Tetsuya just looked away, acting nonchalant. The man slapped Tetsuya over the head, still not getting a reaction. 

???: "Tch." 

The man shoved Tetsuya away.

???: "No wonder my wife left me." The man turned to walk off, as Tetsuya balled his fists.

Tetsuya: "Mom left because you were abusive!" The man stopped.

???: "What did you say you little--" You stepped out of your hiding spot, making the two look at you. You shot a deadly glare at the man, making him scoff and walk off. Tetsuya and you looked at each other, but he walked off without saying a word. You couldn't exactly blame him. You exhaled and once again headed home.

[TimeskipTM brought to you by Chibi Y/N plotting something!]

You were sitting at your table during lunch as Tetsuya walked up. 

Tetsuya: "...You heard, didn't you...?" 

Y/N: "...Yeah." Tetsuya was silent for a moment, before sitting at the table.

Tetsuya: "Sorry."

Y/N: "For what?"

Tetsuya: "I uh... picked a fight with you, and was generally mean.. The people here are weary of me, and... I uh.. have a habit... of..." 

Y/N: "Yeah, I get you. Don't sweat it. Just.. go batting, or somethin'."

Tetsuya: "So..."

Y/N: "Yeah, we're cool." 

Tetsuya: "T-Thanks, new kid. A-Ah. I never got your name did I..."

Y/N: "Ah, forget it." Tetsuya smiled, before remembering something.

Tetsuya: "Oh, and uh... do you think you could help with my homework again...?" You weakly chuckled.

Y/N: "You really need to pay attention during class..." It was Tetsuya's turn to weakly chuckle now,  as you started teaching him again how to do his assignments.

Whooo! Tetsuya is a gud boi. He's just misunderstood. And has anger issues. Anyway, that's over now, so that's good. Ye'll be seeing much more of Tetsuya, since he'll be Y/N's classmate (duh). Hmm... I don't really have much to say here now, except I'm slowly starting to plot Astolfo's reveal so we can get Y/N and her to hook up, because yes. I'm really just trying to figure out the overall timetable for this arc, since I wanna do a lot and I don't know where I'm going to put it... anyway, as usual, tell me what you liked, what you didn't, who's best girl, all that good stuff and I'll see you guys next time!

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