Why Am I Elena Gilbert?

By crazyKate92

747K 24.9K 7.5K

You know, the idea of ending up in a fictional world such as this was supposed to be funny especially as Elen... More

Chapter 1 - Am I dreaming?
Chapter 2 - What Comet? Lets build a Fort! Yay! Vervain!
Chapter 3 - Cheerleading? No thanks, Standing up for my Bro? YES SIR
Chapter 4- Wahoo.. Saturday and Bro/Sis bonding! Oh.. party?
Chapter 5- Vervain Tattoo's and Ugh the Plot. . .
Chapter 6 - Learning to fight and Halloween
Chapter 7 - Stefan is Old, Road Trip fun and Tyler Lockwood's curiosity
Chapter 8 - Meeting Alaric, Girl time and Logan what?
Chapter 9 - They've been WHAT? and Logan vs Alaric
Chapter 11 - BLANKET FORT! Ohhh. . Witchy Book! Gimmie!
Chapter 12 - School, conversing with Alaric and Opening the Tomb
Chapter 13 - Bonding Trips and Raffle skipping
Chapter 14 - Stefan gets Kidnapped and Fredrick is a asshole.
Chapter 15 - Stefan-No-Blood and Protecting Tyler
Chapter 16 - Tyler moves in and His 1st Full Moon.
Chapter 17 - Of Cuddles and Waning Rituals
Chapter 18 - Miss Mystic Falls
Chapter 19 - Stefan gets help and Lena gets scolded. .
Chapter 20 - Meeting Mommy Dearest
Chapter 21 - Founders Day and Visiting Vegas
Chapter 22 - Darling Katherine Has Arrived. .
Chapter 23 - Carolines a Vamp
Chapter 24 - Katherine looks High and Tyler n Mason have a chat
Chapter 25 - Full Moon again and Caroline breaks up with Matt
Chapter 26 - Stefan vs Kat Vervain Edition and Mason New To Fort
Chapter 27 - Making Kat Laugh. . and Mason pretends to die?
Chapter 28 - Craigslist, Masquerades and Kidnappings
Chapter 29 - Meeting Kidnappers and Elijah; Klaus investigates
Chapter 30 - Fights and Kidnapper friends?
Chapter 31 - Elijah, Tylers Full Moon and Jules visits town
Chapter 32 - Elijah Visits, Fort Partys and Mates talk.
Chapter 33 - Kidnapped by sadistic Wolves
Chapter 34 - School, skipping and inanimated objects!
Chapter 35 - You're not my treee and Klaus Klaus visits
Chapter 36 - School, Blood and Hating Needles
Chapter 37 - Road Trip Fun, Danger Magnets and Shenanigans
Chapter 38- Tyler's Dad, Lena has fun and Kol is amused
Chapter 39 - 60's Dance? No. Blanket Fort Party? FUN, FUN!
Chapter 40 - Of Rituals and Where the fuck am I?
Chapter 41 - So, I'm a Ghost now?
Chapter 42 - I want to push you into a wall, but alas I am Transparent
Chapter 43 - Traveling Around and a Brothers Advice
Chapter 44 - Searching and The Pyramids
Chapter 45- Returns and Greetings
Chapter 46 - Sadness Falls, Hello, Daddy, New Mommy and Daddy Two!
Chapter 47 - Augustine VS Elena's Hero's
Chapter 48 - We're Mates
Chapter 49 - Blanket Fort Parties and Killing Spree's
Chapter 50 - Kill Me Now
Chapter 51 - Original Mommy Comes To Visit
Chapter 52 - The Past Slips Out and Original Mommies First Fort Party
Chapter 53 - Having Fun!
Chapter 54 - Adventures of The Traveling Fangs, The Wolf, The Siphon&The Human.
Chapter 55 - The Adventure Begins With a Massacre In Chicago
Chapter 56 - The Hotel Adventures
Chapter 57 - Cults and Accidental Dimension Hopping

Chapter 10 - Real or a Dream? Noah's Annoying

15.6K 474 135
By crazyKate92

Gilbert Residence
3rd POV

Jeremy is sketching at the dining table to pass the time, pizza should be arriving soon. The doorbell rings and Jeremy gets up to answer it. A pizza delivery guy is on the front porch.

Noah looks around and sees the girl Elena's brother "Hey. It's gonna be $22." He says as he pulls pizza out of the bag.

Jeremy looks at him and opens the door and yells up the stairs "Elena, I need the money! Uh, Just put it on the table. Please"

Jeremy walks back into the dining room then.

The young man stands on the front porch still unable to enter the house because he wasn't invited in. He didn't have much choice but to just stand there on the porch.

Elena hurry's down the stairs, careful not to trip or fall, she died/or fell in to a coma by falling down stairs. "Hi. Um, keep the change.
Elena hands him $50 to Noah who takes it but as her fingers touch him he grabs her hand

Noah looks at her and says "Thanks. But how's about you invite me inside?" He asks her looking into her eyes.

She yanks her hand out of his quickly and says "Not even if you paid me, you can't walk past the threshold yourself then you can stay the hell out" then she slams the door in his face.

She pulls out her cell phone and calls Damon feeling annoyed, "Hey Day, Noah was here, he delivered the pizza, he wasn't invited in but he tried to compel his way in."

"Alright, alright calm down Lena, you're sure that he wasn't invited in right?" He asked sounding a bit worried.
Gilbert Residence

"Positive, Neither Jeremy or Jenna will invite anyone into the house, if they can't get through the threshold without being invited in then they aren't allowed in." I say matter of factly.

"Good, good, I'll be there soon to scope out the area to make sure he's really gone okay?" Damon asks me.

"Yeah, yeah, I guess I'm just going to have to find some way to keep a stake on me at all times now just to be safe. See you soon Day." I hang up the phone and I go find my yarn stash and start working on bag for my stakes.

It's not a perfect solution but I'll do. It'll be shaped for like a phone bag or a dice bag but baggers can't be choosers.

About an hour later it's done and I line with with some fabric so that the stake won't slip through it. By the time it's finished it's been two hours.

I hear the front door open and i then know that Damon is here, since it took so long my guess is Stefan is here too.

Jeremy and Aunt Jenna are already asleep since it's late so it's just me going down to see the boys.

I stand at the bottom of the stairs and look at the brothers and I look between them and say sheepishly while looking at my feet, god this is embarrassing "Hey"

"Hey" both boys say.

"Did you already check out the area?" I ask curiously.

"Yeah, there was no one around though so afterwards he must of just left." Damon says.

I let out a sigh and say "Alright, well at least he can't get in right?"

Both boys nod then Stefan asks "Do you want one of us to stay here?"

I blink at him. . . Ugh. I smile a little and say "Thank you, but I'll be fine okay Stef?

He hesitantly nods, what? He doesn't think I can stay safe in a house that the only two vamps that are invited in is both of them? Unless they plan on becoming deadly to me of course. Which is actually possible, if that happens then I'll just put the house in only Jeremy's name.

"Thanks for checking out the area for me, I'm sorry for having to ask, but me doing it would just result in me being eaten and it's not time for me to die yet." I say quietly.

"We won't let you die Lena." Damon snaps.

Why does he keep doing that. "Oh Day, it's not a big deal." I say with a wave of my hand. It's not, it's my death and maybe then the dream that possibly a dream will end.

Stefan shakes his head and vamps up to me grabbing my arms. I can see Damon holding himself back from doing the same, the anger on both their faces is weird.

As I'm about to speak Stefan snaps and says "We. Won't.  Let. You. Die."

I look at him curiously with an eyebrow raised. "Why does this bother you both so much? We're friends and you both understand why I want to try getting back."

"We're not letting you die Lena" Damon snaps at me which is basically a repeat of what Stefan said.

I hold back a groan, it's not such a big deal, Jeremy and Aunt Jenna I understand then being upset about it, but those two don't have an actual reason to behaving like this.

"Listen okay, I get it I'm a replica of Kathrine, minus the fact that my eyes are now different and I dyed my hair for this precise reason. I am NOT Kathrine." I snap at them, mad that they seem so obsessed with her that they obviously only want to be around me as it seems literally anything.

Both boys eyes widen in shock and their mouths pop open. I turn to walk away and next thing I know Damon is in front of me his eyes are angry and his posture is stiff, but he's looking me right in the eyes. Stefan is still behind me but I know he isn't as far as he was before.

I stand up straighter, it's like they're boxing me in, my eyes narrow "Got something to say Damon?" I ask him.

"That's why you think we want you safe?" Damon snaps at me harshly.

"Isn't it?" I ask with venom in my voice. "I'm the look a like, the face claim. . ."

Damon butts in saying spiting out , " . . Funny, you're funny, you're odd, you're reckless all the time, you're selfless, you're blunt."

Damon stops talking and takes a deep breath while he looks at me as I'm frowning, trying to think. . To understand. . I let out a sigh and run my fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry" I say as I turn away and look at the floor, "I know we're friends, but I, I might be dreaming guys and, and if I am then, then I have to wake up." I say as I hold back tears. I need to see my kids, I have kids and my husband, my parents, I have nephews and nieces and grandparents, a dog. I cover my face with my hands as I hold back tears even harder. I feel a body press against mine for comfort as I try to stop the urge to cry even more, I can't cry.

Damon and Stefan are here I can't cry, I breathe in through my noise and then take a couple deep breathes and when I open up my eyes of un-shed tears I see Damon holding me close his arm around my waist and his hand running soothingly over my head.

I whisper to him, "I'm okay Damon"

I push myself away from him and say with a stronger voice "I just, I just had a moment, I'm sorry." I turn away, but his arm is still around my waist and my cheeks are probably bright red right now, god this is SO embarrassing.

I can feel both boys eyes burning into my head right now as Damon asks "are you sure?"

I nod, then he releases my waist. I let out a long breathe and I'm awkwardly standing around. This is so so awkward, couldn't I just be swallowed up by the floor now.

"You two can uh, go home, thanks for uh, stopping by. . .and the um, the support? Yeah, the support and stuff, it wasn't uh, you didn't uh,"

"It's okay" both brothers say bashfully at the same time. Twin moment, it'd be cute if I wasn't so embarrassed.

I nod my head and I try to sneak quietly past them. "Night, Thanks"

The she can feel the brothers look at her as she heads up stairs, as she's almost all the way up she hears "Goodnight Lena" "Goodnight Elena" then she hears the front door open and shut, signaling that they've left.

After she falls asleep in her bed that night she doesn't notice Damon in her room again or Stefan outside her window, she doesn't notice that Damon ran his fingers through her hair to try to calm her before she wakes up sweaty from a vivid nightmare, or as she leaves her room and climbs into bed to snuggle with her brother.
Mystic Falls High School
3rd POV

Today at school was somewhat odd, while Elena is normally full of life almost everyone who knows her in some way have noticed that she seems to be in her own world today.

She's wearing a loose sweater, which seems to be becoming a usual thing for her, a pair of leggings and combat boots.

"Elena, Elena" Caroline keeps saying as she waves her hand around in her face. "What's wrong with you?"

Elena smiles sheepishly "Sorry? I guess I'm just distracted."

"Oh" Caroline says as she looks her over "You're going to the dance tonight right!"

Elena nods with a small smile "Of course I am. I'm meeting Bonnie at the Grill before I get ready for it though."

Caroline smiles a little when Elena asks her "How are things with you and Matt?"

Caroline can tell that Elena's smile is happy aww "We're Okay, but I think he's still very into you though" the blonde sadly then she sees Elena roll her eyes.

"I don't understand why, I'm not interested in dating right now and I won't be getting back together with Matt, he's a sweetie, but I'm totally shipping you and him so bad right now" Elena tells her blonde friend.

"Really?" Caroline asks excitedly "I'm so happy, I was so worried and"

"It's okay Care, you're one of my best friends, I want you to be happy." Elena says as she gives her friend a big hug.

As Caroline walks over to Matt, Tyler is heading straight for Elena.

Stefan is having a hard time not pulling Elena out of the building as Tyler nears her, not that she notices that though.

"Elena" Tyler calls her out but she seems to be preoccupied. Tyler notices Stefan trying to pull her away, but he can tell she's not paying attention, it makes him worried, the Salvatore's didn't hurt her right? "ELENA" he shouts out, he sees her head snap up from looking at the floor as she turns her eyes directly at him.

"Yeah? Tyler? What is it?" She asks confusion lacing her voice as she looks around, she notices Stefan's hold on her hand then and pulls away, wow, she really wasn't paying any attention.

Stefan backs up after she pulls away, he doesn't trust Tyler, not even a little. He knows though that if he tries to force her away from Tyler that she'll see him as trying to control her and Tyler, well he figures he'll cause him trouble.

Tyler walks quickly up to her "Hey, uh, can I talk to you?" He asks sounding urgent, to him it was, he needs her away from Stefan so that he can make sure she isn't being hurt, her eyes just look so lost today.

She blinks at him in confusion as she tilts her head, it's adorable, not that he'd tell her that, "Sure, is everything okay?"

"Here" Tyler says as he grabs her hand and drags her away from Stefan to an empty classroom. "Are you okay?" He asks urgently while grabbing her shoulders and pulling her closer into a hug.

She blinks, once, twice, then she frowns her brows in confusion "Are you okay? She asks while trying to pull out of the hug.

He doesn't let go he just starts petting her hair. She speaks hesitantly, timidly, Tyler notices, "Tyler? Uh, Lockwood? You can uh. . Stop hugging me now?"

He slowly lets go of her, his hand wrapping around her wrist as she backs away, he doesn't want to let her go completely yet though, "Sorry, it's just, you seem so, lost and Stefan was. . . practically pulling you around the school and I was worried."

"Uh, I'm sorry?" She says sounding confused.

Tyler smiles a little then it goes away, he shakes his head and sighs "Are you okay?"

"Huh? Uh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine." She says "I have to go now Lockwood"

She try's to pull her wrist away from him, "Not yet" he says then starts up again saying "you're sure you're ok right?" He asks desperately.

"I'm fine, just a bad day is all." I say.

"Alright, Are you uh, going to the dance?" He asks Elena.

"Yeah, dancing helps so, yeah, yeah I'll be there. I have to go now, I'm uh, meeting Bonnie, I'm sorry for worrying you." Elena says and then pulls her wrist away from and he leaves.

He lets out a breathe as he watches her go. . What the hell is going on with him. . . He's never like this.

Mystic Grill

As I arrive at the Grill I see Bonnie sitting down already.

"Hey Bon,"I say as I sit down on the opposite side of her.

"Hi Elena, how are you today?" She asks looking a bit worried, I guess everyone has noticed I've been a bit off today.

"I'm fine Bon, I just have been having a bit of a bad day is all." I tell her

"Grams has been teaching me witchy stuff lately, she's been saying how important it is and I guess she met up with another witch and Damon a few days ago and they plan on doing something soon and I get to help." she says, sounding a bit excited, of course she's not afraid of Damon or Stefan, she hasn't been attacked by either so far , thank god.

I nod in agreement "I wish I was a witch, it'd be soo cool" I say with a disappointed sigh.

Bonnie lets loose a small chuckle. I smile back at her.

"I should probably go, I have to get ready for that dance thing." I tell her, god I love dancing but the dances in this town ALWAYS suck.

Outside of the Grill, I'm walking through the parking lot to my car, I know Noah is stalking me now and of course my cell phone starts ringing so I grab it from my little purse.

"Hello." I say to Noah feeling more annoyed then anything.

"Hello, Elena." He says trying to scare me.

I let out a sigh and say "Hey, Noah, hows it going? Was uh, breakfast good?"

I stop walking when I reach my car and I grab my car key from my keychain to unlock it.

Noah laughs on the other line and then says "You know, I have plans for you, how I'm going to kill you, how you'll scream.

I let out a yawn, really I'm feeling kind of sleepy now "That's exciting" I say as I look behind me as he walks towards me.

Noah then says menacingly "You got away from me. You won't next time" then he hangs up.

I open the car door, lock it and start the engine, I consider tuning him over but nah. These villains really, can't they go after someone else? Seriously I get it, but I'm not her, my hair isn't even the dark brown anymore and my eyes aren't brown since I landed in her body.

Fucking assholes they are. If I bang my head on a tree in frustration would the trees keep it a secret for me? Ugh. Idiots.

Gilbert Residence

I just get home and I see Aunty Jenna in her 50's attire I look her over and smile "So you're coming to the dance?"

Aunt Jenna smiles up at me and says excitedly "Alaric asked me to help chaperone."

Aunt Jenna walks around the couch and leans against it. I smile lightly at her "I'm glad, he seems like he'd be really good for you." I sigh, "I have to get ready for this stupid dance."

Aunt Jenna smiles and asks me "Where's Jeremy?"

I smile a little "He's with Anna sort of, he's at the Grill and she's at the Grill."

I head upstairs to get on the dress it picked.

I braided my hair again, then I put on my thigh Stake holder and I'm again wearing my black combat boots.

Besides I'm going to be attacked tonight, they should be happy I'm showing up at all really.

Maybe I should High Jack their music thing and play my own... nah, I can't unfortunately I have to make sure Noah is taken care of, assuming I don't let him kill me first. Tough decisions, I kind of want to be alive at least until Klaus's sacrifice though.

But if it's a dream does it really matter? But if it's not? Eh, maybe I'd end somewhere else then? Decisions decisions ugh.
Mystic Falls High School
3rd POV

At the '50s dance the students of Mystic Falls are dressed in their best '50s getups and dancing to "This Magic Moment". Caroline and Bonnie are dancing together on the dance floor. Elena and Jenna arrive together, shortly after arriving Jenna approaches Alaric. As Elena goes to Bonnie and Caroline to dance with.

"Alaric." Jenna says smiling happily at him.

Alaric looks over her appreciatively and smiles "Hey, look at you."

"I figured I'd stand out less if I dressed up." Jenna says as a way of explaining being dressed up for him.

Alaric seeing through that says jokingly "Heh heh. Liar."

Jenna smiles at him brightly and then says "Ok, I'm a sucker for the decade dance. I went to school here, you know. They do the sixties and seventies, too, FYI."

Alaric says sarcastically "Oh. Can't wait. Can I get you a drink? I hear the punch is real boss."

Alaric smiles at her and then the two of them share a laugh. Then Alaric and Jenna walk off together.

Elena skips over to her friends happily and asks "Having fun?"

Caroline shakes her head sadly then says "No, but this took about two hours, so I'm at least staying half of that."

Caroline and Bonnie  laugh and then Elena smiles at them and shakes her head at her friends.

Elena drags her friends around dancing with them goofily, eventually they start copying her while laughing at each other.

Tyler is watching Elena with a smile on his face as he sees her having fun around her friends.

Alaric and Jenna are walking across the dancefloor, punch cups in hand and talking.

Jenna tells him sincerely, "I'm glad you're giving him a chance to fix his grades, he's been a lot better since he and Elena have become attached to the hip but you're giving him a chance in school to better himself more. Thank you."

Alaric nods and says "yeah, they're more like twins from what I've seen but I know that, Uh, losing someone you love so suddenly, the, uh—the trauma and the grief there are some of the tougher things he'll face in life."

Jenna grabs his hand and turns to him and says "From someone who knows. You have no idea what happened?"

Alaric shakes his head sadly "That's the hard part, not knowing."

Jenna sadly asks "Is it ok to talk about your wife?" She knows his wife is a Vampire, but he wouldn't believe her right now.

Alaric sighs "Heh. There's not much to talk about."

Jenna says solemnly "That must be impossible to deal with, not having any answers."

Alaric says sadly "I'd be lying to you if I told you it didn't keep me up at night. Wondering why, by who."

Jenna says sadly "Maybe one day."

Alaric agrees saying "Hope so."

Alaric looks over towards the entrance and sees both Damon and Stefan enter and whispers "I hope so."

As Damon and Stefan enter the dance they quickly spot Elena dancing with her friends. They look at each other and chuckle, she always looks so free when she's doing that.

Elena is talking to her friends after the song "So how are things with you and Matt?" She asks Care

"I don't know, I think I offended him earlier by accident" she says sadly.

"It happens Care, we all say things wrong or do the wrong thing sometimes." I tell her, she needs more confidence in herself, not that I should be talking my confidence can be fucked up too. But I'll build her up regardless, she's a great person, a bit difficult sometimes but she wonderful regardless.

"Did you want to go see him Caroline?" Bonnie asks her, she must be getting bored and wanting to see that Ben from the Grill.

"Can we go please?" Caroline asks her, Bonnie nods and then they leave the building.
3rd POV

Damon and Stefan head towards Elena where she's dancing by herself, Tyler is watching her from afar with a small smile on his face.

Damon reaches her first he stands in front of her and starts dancing goofily with her and she bursts into laughter and pushes him away with a shake of her head, Stefan smiles and starts copying his brother and she laughs even harder.

"What are you two idiots doing?" She asks while trying to hold in a laugh.

"We wanted to check on you Lena!" Damon says happily, well, they're trying to make sure she's not going to be attacked by that Noah but they don't tell her that.

"Yeah, you're too naive to leave alone anyways" Stefan says teasingly, he's really coming out of his shell huh? He's teasing now!!

She laughs and continues her goofy dancing saying "I am not."

"Alright, too innocent then." Damon says with a wicked grin as he steps into her space.

She pushes him away and laughs "No, but I'm not going to be fooling around with anyone Day, they want me then they better be in for the long hall, or I'll die or something and well, it won't matter anyways."

"Ah, come on Lena, don't you wanna have fun?" Damon asks curiously.

"I'm not a toy Day, I'm not going to be used for a good snag and tossed out." I tell him sternly with my eyes narrowed.

Damon rolls his eyes playfully and says "Fine Lena."

Across the room, Noah, the boy with the hoodie, watches Elena and how she interacts with others.

Jeremy is being his manly self and manning the punch bowl, the lovely Anna comes out of nowhere and walks up to him. She is his personal stalker of course.

Anna says "You neglected to mention this was a theme party."

"What are you doing here?" Jeremy asks her confused.

Anna says happily "Well, seeing as you also neglected to invite me, I took matters into my own hands."

Jeremy shock his head with a sigh, does he really end up falling for this girl or was his sister joking? "You're doin' that thing again."

Anna looking confused asks "What thing would that be?"

Jeremy rolls his eyes and says "That thing where you pretend we're dating, even though we're not."

Anna says sarcastically with a laugh, "Oh, you mean stalking. Yeah. Get over yourself. Come on. I've never been to a school dance before. Humor me."

Jeremy can't stop the fond smile from appearing on his face as he looks at her.

Alaric sees Damon moving away from Elena and follows him to the side and says "Yeah, I don't recognize you. How'd you get roped into chaperoning? Alaric Saltzman. I'm the new history teacher."

Damon looks at Alaric's hand and shakes it before saying "Ah, the, uh, cursed faculty position."

Alaric jokes back "So I've been told."

"Damon. Salvatore." He says to introduce himself.

Alaric pauses and asks, "Salvatore, as in, uh, Stefan?"

Damon nods and says "He's my little brother. I'm his legal guardian, hence the chaperoning."

"I hear he's very bright, not that I've had a chance to see for myself." Alaric says conversationally, really having communication like this with his wife's killer makes him want to snap.

Damon nods, and says "Well, his attendance record's a little spotty. Family drama."

Alaric asks "No parents?"

Shaking his head Damon replies "Mm, it's just the two of us now."

Alaric nods and says awkwardly "You, uh—you live here your whole life?"

Damon says flamboyantly "On and off. Travel a bit."

Alaric knowing it's a lie says "Really? Where? Around the states?"

Damon looks at him with raised eyebrows

Alaric continues awkwardly "Heh. I'm sorry. I'm nosy. I...I don't mean to pry. Look, it was nice meeting you."

Damon says boredly "You, too."

Alaric nods then says "Enjoy the rest of the dance."

Alaric pats Damon on the arm and walks past him and Damon watches him leave confused by the confrontation.

Over by the punch bowl Anna carries three stacks of paper cups over to Jeremy who takes them from her.

Jeremy looks at her curiously "You don't go to school here. You know, you don't have to help."

Anna shrugs her shoulders and says "Oh, I don't mind. It's fun. Oh, um, yeah. Before I forget, can I borrow your ancestor's journal?"

Jeremy sighs inwardly, of course it's that damn journal, that's what Elena says Anna will be after at first "Why?"

Anna shrugs again "You said I could read it."

Jeremy says awkwardly "Uh, I don't have it."

Anna laughs a little "Oh. Well, obviously you didn't bring it here, uh, but I can walk you home."

Shaking his head Jeremy says "No. I mean, I gave it to my history teacher."

Anna looking confused asks "Wait. Why did you give it to him?"

Jeremy shrugs feeling a bit annoyed "Because he wanted to read it."

Anna try's to hold back a snap says "You know, you shouldn't be giving that to just anybody."

Jeremy looks at her for a moment then says "But I should give it to you?"

Anna then says "Loan. Loan it to me."

Jeremy sighs out loud this time "Well, I loaned it to Mr. Saltzman."

Anna says hopefully "Maybe he's in his classroom. We can get it back."

Jeremy says frustrated "What's the big deal with this stupid journal?" As he leans across the table towards Anna. Suddenly, Anna's eyes begin to change.

Jeremy of course comments on her eyes regardless, because really, he can't imagine any vamp wanting to be found out right now "Your eye."

Anna blinks and turns away from him then says "Um, there's something in it. Forget it. I...I gotta go." Anna walks away from him and Jeremy can't help but be a bit disappointed.

Stefan said he thought he saw something and Damon is off possibly doing something or someone.

I start to go towards my brother when my cell rings. How annoying.
I answer it but before I can say hello I hear Noah's voice and I have to hold back a roll of my eyes.

"Hello, Elena. Here's what you're going to do. There's an exit door behind you. You have five seconds." Noah tells me.

I hold back a groan and say "God you're annoying." I grab one of my stakes from around my thigh and cradle it so that it's not noticeable.

Noah barks out a laugh then says "Or your brother dies. I can snap his neck so fast I bet there's not even a witness. Now, start walking."

"You touch my brother and I swear I'll gut you like a dear Noah." I tell him menacingly through the phone.

Noah really does laugh this time "You're funny and feisty I like it. Keep walking. Through the door."

I reply sarcastically as I go out the gym doors, "Really? I thought I had to go through the wall, what fun you are."

I hear him laugh through the phone and hang up as I walk through the hallway. I pass through the double doors to the lunch area and I slip my phone into my little carry around purse thing and sit it on the nearest table waiting for him.

Maybe it's because I wasn't running that he's taking so long?

I make sure I have the stake in my hand, held to my chest. Then I see him speed through the doors and I burst into laughter, god talk about dramatic.

He rushes straight for me, as I see him right in front of me I push my hand out with the sharp edge ready right as he starts to get into my face.

I push the stake into his shoulder. He growls at me and then rushes at me, picking me up and throwing me into the table across the room, I fall to floor hard and fuck that shit hurts.

I groan and grab another stake with my right hand from my thigh as I get onto my hands and knees, I'm pretty sure I scraped my left arm, fucking asshole.

"Oh, Noah, you threatened my brother, if the brothers don't kill you, then I will." I say with a snarl from across the room as I get back up to my feet.

He laughs, the asshole laughs at me as he rushes for my again, I grip the stake tightly and I swipe it forward, it hits him right on the opposite shoulder from earlier. I pull it out quick as he grabs my shoulders and throws me again across the room, this time I just hit the wall, fast and hard.

I hold back some tears from the pain as I land, but I can't stop the yelp, I bare my teeth at him, he doesn't hesitate to come at me again, before he reaches me though Damon is in front of me, I can hear him growl at Noah as Stefan comes up behind him staking him in the back.

I hear running in the halls as Damon and Stefan get Noah to the ground. I see Tyler by the doors looking wide eyed at me, I wave. He blinks and runs across the room past both the brothers and vamp who ignore him as he try's to help me up, he hasn't said a word yet though.

I push his hand away and shake my head as I get to my feet from the floor, I stand up tall and straight, Tyler's hands grab me as I tune into what the brothers are saying to Noah.

"Wrong answer. Why are you doing this?" Stefan asks Noah with a snarl.

Noah says mockingly "Because it's fun."

Stefan digs the stake in a little bit more."What do you want with Elena?" Stefan snaps the question at him.

"She looks like Katherine." Noah says with a smirk.

Stefan, Damon and Tyler look shocked and I bark out a loud laugh.

Noah's head snaps towards me and smiles a slimy smile.

"Yeah, because I'm sure her eyes change between Brown, Green and Blue right?" I say with a scuff.

Damon asks curiously "You knew Katherine?"

Noah says mockingly "Oh. You thought you were the only ones. You don't even remember me." He finishes with a laugh and a gasp.

Damon leans over towards Noah and says "Tell me how." More out of curiosity, Lena and the witches have already told him but the information they have can be useful.

Noah snaps "No."

Stefan leans back down and drives the stake in deeper. Noah groans.

Noah says in pain "The grimoire."

Damon asks, of course he and Lena are digging it up in a couple days, but it they know then he'll have to dig it up tonight with her. "Where is it?"

Stefan drives the stake in deeper. Noah gasps and says "Check the journal. The journal. Johnathan's journal. Johnathan Gilbert's."

Outside of the cafeteria, Anna looks in, looking helplessly as Noah is tortured. Damon stands up and grimaces.

Stefan snaps out "Who else is working with you?"

Out in the hallways, a door open. Anna hears this and runs off before she is caught. Alaric appears from down the corridor and walks towards the cafeteria.

Damon asks upset "Who else is there?"

Noah shakes his head, "No. You're gonna have to kill me."

Damon looks at Stefan, rolls his eyes, and nods. Stefan removes the stake from Noah's stomach. Stefan waits for a moment, but before he can stake him I speak up "Let me do it."

All three heads snap towards me, Tyler beside me has stiffened, his mouth wide open and well the brothers have a similar expression actually.

Stefan nods dumbly and hands it to me. I push away from a very quiet and frozen Tyler and bring myself beside Noah, I raise my hand and run it through Noah's hair as he's staring at me wide eyed in absolute shock.

"Oh, poor poor Noah," I say mockingly "You threatened to kill my brother, I warned you didn't I?"

His eyes widen more as he stares at me.
I stab the stake into his belly button hard, "You threw me across the room twice you know"

I pull the stake out and stab it into his ribs and snarl "But that wasn't good enough no? You threatened my Fucking Brother" I bring my face right up to his as I pull the stake out.

I stab him in the heart as I snarl at him "No one hurts my family Noah, you wanna hurt me? Fine, but you touch my family and I fucking kill you, got it sunshine?" He's dead and grey now.

The boys are still starring at me in shock as I get to my feet painfully and walk across the lunch room over to my bag, I hear Stefan and Damon vamp out, they must've heard Alaric coming this way.

I hear Tyler make his way towards me as I move towards the double doors. "Are you afraid of me now Tyler?" I ask him curiously.

I hear him let out a sigh, I look up at him as we pass by Alaric, who seems to be frozen in shock at the sight of me.

After we pass by Alaric Tyler says "Not, just, you just. . . "

Tyler glances down at me and grabs my hand tightly, I look up at Tyler confused and say quietly "he threatened to kill my brother Ty."

He nods at me and says "you got hurt too"

I shrug then say playfully, hoping to lighten the mood " ''tis but a scratch."

He looks confused and I let out a groan "you know, Monty Python and the Holy Grail?"

He shakes his head and I let out a sigh, "You're officially going to a few blanket fort party's because if I can't say quotes from Monty Python and the Holly Grail to you without you looking like I'm a knight that says nii I'm going to start throwing out random quotes at you."

He laughs." Won't Jeremy be upset?"

"Nah, Jeremy will be fine, he already has to cope with Damon and Stefan during the once a week fort party's, he might not be thrilled though and if I don't try to piss you off for fun then he'll do it be eh, you two will just have to settle for Foam sword fights now." I say happily as I skip towards Jeremy by the punch bowl and I give him a big hug.

Jeremy looks at me and his eyes widen, his eyes snap to Tyler and his eyes narrow god Jeremy must be thinking Tyler hurt me.

Jeremy pushes me behind him and snaps "What did you do to my sister."

Tyler puts up his hands solemnly "I didn't hurt her, she was fighting a Vampire."

Jeremy looks down at me and I nod, he lets out a sigh and hugs me "You okay Lena? Did the Salvatore's finish off that Noah?"

I shake my head and say with a giggle "I took care of him Jere, he threatened you. Oh and Ty's coming to our Blanket Fort party tonight, the brothers will be there when we arrive and I imagine Jenna is getting out the blankets and picking out movies, she does love the blanket fort parties after all."

Jeremy groans and says "Does he have to?"

I smile happily "Yup, think in a week or so Anna can join us too! I'd like to invite Bonnie and Care but they said they're not comfortable with it yet." I walk around my brother then grab his hand and Tyler's and lead them out of the school, as I walk to my car I say "when we get to our house you'll have to call your mom Tyler, tell them you're having a guys night if they wouldn't believe you having an innocent sleepover near us."


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