Ameortentia - Collection of O...

By SlytherinPrincess002

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A collection of One-shots: Fremione Dramione FredxHermionexGeorge Theomione Linny Deamus Cedmione ect... More

Mistletoe (Fremione)
Filthy Little Mud-Blood (Dramione)
Coming Out (Linny)
Pissing off the Old Toad (George x Lee)
Marry me? (Fremione)
Caught (Scorose)
Am I? I am. (Oliver x Percy)
"Make me, Potter." (Scorbus)
Back To You (Charlie Weasley/Hermione Granger)
His Girl (GeorgexHermione)
Defying Fate (Hermione/Adrian Pucey)
Half Off (Fred/Hermione/George)
Guilty (Draco×Ginny)
Imprint? (Hermione/Paul Lahote)(Harry Potter/Twilight Crossover)
Tame Me (Hermione×Charlie)
Gryffindor at Heart (Blaise Zabini × Hermione Granger)
Dauntless (Hermione × Fred)
Friends Dont (Hermione × Ginny)
Let Me Down Slowly (Ron x Lavender)
Thank you, Next (Hermione x Pansy)
First Dance of Many (Fremione)
Secret Love (George x Hermione)
End Up With You (Theomione)
Traitor (Theodore Nott and Hermione Granger)(Part 2)
The Martyrs (Theomione Part Three)
I Dare You
Broken (Fred x Hermione)
Do You See Them Too? (Oliver and Percy)
Changes (Lee x George)
Unbreakable (Deamus)
Sleepovers (Lee x Hermione)
The Cure
Love Lies
Broom Sticks and Bookworms (Oliver x Hermione)
Teasing (BlaisexHermione)
Bravery and Loyalty
Hermione Granger and The Goblet of Fire
Ravenclaw Tower Romance (Hugo Weasley & Daisy Dursley)
The Weasley Eight
She's So Gone (Cedric/Ginny/Oliver)
Running Away From The Past (HermionexCharlie)
Facing the Consequences
Fire and Ice (Scorose)
Kryptonite (GeorgexHermione)
Fist Bumping (Jily)
Misfit (Scorlily)
Aftermath (Vikmione)
Demons in... Lust? No, Love.
The Weasley/Granger War of '95
Dragons (Hermione×OC Muggle Boy)
The Executioner
Interdimensional (Thresh and Hermione)
Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not? (Seth Clearwater & Hermione Granger)
Taken with Her (Hermione Granger×George Weasley)
Real or Not Real?
In Another World
In Another World
The Forest and The Ocean (HGxGW HGxFW)
Demetrius Harrison Nott
Evans Sisters
His Mate (Young Remus LupinxHermione Granger)
Hermione Roses and Lily Flowers
Snakes in the Lions Den
Stolen (MiltiShip)
Reunion of Sorts (Spencer ReidxHermione Granger)
Color (Soulmate AU)
True Loves Curse
Teach Me
Good Girls
The Wrong Weasley
The Young McCarty (Time Warp - Hermione x Paul Lahote)
Part One: What Makes A Man (Trigger Warning)
Part Two: What Makes A Man (Trigger Warning)
Part Three: What Makes A Man (Trigger Warning)
The Beaters Girl (OC/GW)
The Wrong Ginger (HGxFW) (NBC)
Dear Fred,
Hey, Freddie
His Name (Soulmate AU)
Venom (Smut)(GWxHGxFW)x(CW) (HGxFW)(Modern Muggle AU)
Mudbloods (Hermione Granger x Carl Gallagher AU) (Part One, Years 1-3)
Lupin (Chapter One Draft) (OCxRAB)
Lost in Battle
My My I Think We Have A Spy (OCxRemus Lupin)
Spin the Wheel
Life Debt (Hermione x Marcus)

Dirty Blood

3.4K 71 21
By SlytherinPrincess002

The Silver Trio.

Three Lions in the pit of Snakes.

Two of Dirty Blood.

One a mix of Dirty and Pure.

The three had rocked the Wizarding World when they'd been sorted into Slytherin their first year.

They'd gotten so much attention that the fact Harry Potter had arrived to Hogwarts the same day had been totally overlooked.

The half-blood, Seamus Finnigan, was the first to adopt the silver and green robes.

He'd been expecting to go to his mother's house, Hufflepuff, or even Gryffindor...

...but, Slytherin?

He wasn't evil, and his mum said all the darkest wizards were Slytherins.

He was ashamed to be a Snake, because he was not evil.

Far from it actually.

He was kind, brave, and intelligent.

He was not cunning, not ambitious...

...or so he thought.

The girl followed him, Hermione Granger, her parents were muggles.


She'd read all about Hogwarts and knew enough to know her being sorted into Slytherin would cause a commotion.

She was of Dirty Blood.

Slytherin was a house for those deemed Pure.

She'd been expecting Ravenclaw.

She was intelligent and witty.

She decided the moment the hat shouted out her house that she wouldn't do it.

She would not allow her magic to be tainted.

The last of the three was a shy lad, Dean Thomas, his mum was a muggle and he knew not of his father.

He could have been very well been a half-blood...

...but claiming so didn't feel right.

He had not grown up in this world and would not make false claims to it.

He knew nothing of the houses and their reputations when he was sorted into Slytherin.

All he knew was that the bushy haired girl and the boy with trembling hands looked just as out of place as he did.

So he'd marched himself over and seated himself between them, this sparking the beginning of a powerful friendship.

The three found themselves at odds with their housemates, and as a result, spent most of their time alone in the library.

Their first year was spent learning spells to protect themselves from their housemates...

...and somehow striking up a friendship of sorts with the red headed Gryffindor twins, Fred and George Weasley...

...and Harry Potter.

The unusual friendship between the six began out of convenience.

Fred and George wanted to use the trios brains to execute a prank against the older members of the Slytherin House.

Harry had needed a tutor in Potions, and found himself sitting in the library between Dean and Seamus every Tuesday -

- listening to Hermione as she lectured the three of them on Potion making.

Their second year was spent much the same way, just with a bit more sneaking around with the twins.

With something petrifying muggle borns, the three took every precaution to ensure the safety of Hermione and Dean.

It had been Hermione who'd discovered the identity of the creature...

...and her boys who had delivered the information to Harry upon her petrification.

Harry planned on facing the creature head on, that is until Dean suggested a better idea.

Under strict orders from Dean, the twins and Seamus snuck to Hogsmede in the night and stole every rooster they came in contact with.

When Harry entered the Chamber of Secrets to face the creature, he simply released no less than a dozen roosters.

They'd killed the Basilisk for him and in doing so saved the life of the twins sister.

Harry destroyed the diary and all traces of Tom Riddle in the chamber with a single tooth from the Basilisk.

Third year was nothing spectacular.

Sirius Black was on the loose and they'd had the best Defense Professor they'd ever have.

Third year was the year the Silver Trio began helping the Golden Trio in anyway they could.

It was the year she and her boys each received their first detentions.

Hermione for cursing Pansy Parkinsons mouth shut for a week.

Seamus for punching Draco Malfoy as hard as he could in the mouth for calling Hermione a Mudblood.

Dean for setting off a dung bomb in their common room.

At the end of the year when Harry told them that Sirius Black was innocent, they couldn't believe it.

They'd realized what it meant long before Harry or any of his bunch would.

Dumbledore wasn't as good as everyone thought he was.

Fourth year was the year everybody realized that Hermione was infact a girl.

After the announcement of the Triwizard Tournament, and the revelation of the Yule Ball, she'd become quite popular.

She'd been asked to the yule ball by the Durmstrang Champion, Viktor Krum, but politely declined.

She had already promised Lee Jordan she'd attend with him.

Lee was friends with the twins, and wanted to see what his friend found so special about the small Slytherin girl.

When she'd come upstairs the night of the ball, escorted by her boys, he'd had the wind pulled from his lungs at the sight of her.

She was beautiful.

Her dress was made of a long, flowing, Slytherin green material that hugged her body in just the right places.

She looked absolutely enticing...

...and Lee wasn't the only person who'd have told you so if asked.

Dean and Seamus's roommate, Blaise Zabini, couldn't get his eyes off her the entire night.

Nor could Fred Weasley.

Or Viktor Krum.

Even Seamus seemed to be entrapped by her elegance as Jordan waltzed her around the ball room.

Near the end of the ball, Lee rushed off to Gryffindor tower- embarrassed by the feelings the witch was stirring in him...

...and she found herself on the arm of Blaise Zabini, who'd swooped in before Fred could excuse himself from his twin.

Zabini had taken from her that night something she'd never be able to give anybody else.

Her first kiss.

When they'd arrived back to their common room she found her boys waiting on her, Seamus looking absolutely livid.

Their first fight was awful.

They'd yelled at each other for so long that by the time the shouting finally stopped it was time to begin getting ready for classes.

In an effort not to take sides, Dean had opted to remain Switzerland.

The fighting went on for weeks until Dean finally locked the two of them in a broom closet and demanded they work it out.

Five hours later the two emerged from the depths of the closet.

Seamus was sporting a bright red handprint across his face and a shit eating grin.

Hermione looked perfectly normal except for the pink tinge in her cheeks...

Fifth year was awful for the three.

Hermione and Blaise had began formally dating over the summer, and word of their relationship was not taken kindly.

Their housemates, barring her boys, demanded Blaise break up with her and at least find a half-blood to consort with.

To top it all off their new DADA Professor hated she and Dean for tainting the Slytherin legacy.

They served more combined detentions with her than the Weasley Twins could ever dream of serving.

At the end of the year, Hermione made a decision that effected her relationship with Blaise deeply.

She left the school with Fred Weasley when he asked her to.

Though she and Blaise never formally broke up, it was assumed.

When Seamus and Dean arrived home at the end of the year they found her working, and living with the Weasley Twins.

The three of them had a long conversation and worked through their problems.

While her boys returned to Hogwarts for their sixth year, she began planning.

She saved up enough money to purchase small island just south of Hogwarts.

A single home was the only structure on the island.

She and the twins hid the island under the Fidelius Charm...

...she and Dean would be the only people capable of finding it without help.

She named the island Haven.

Along with her safe house purchase, she began seeing Viktor Krum on a regular basis.

He offered her the world, he would have done anything to please her...

...which is exactly why at the end of the Christmas Holidays he began teaching flying at Hogwarts.

She asked he keep her boys safe.

He readily agreed.

After the murder of Albus Dumbledore was announced, Viktor got Dean out of the castle immediately.

Hogwarts was no longer safe for those with dirty blood.

She and the twins had made sure the island was stocked with enough supplies to last for a while...

...and she and Dean went into hiding.

The two had no contact with the outside world until 2 May, 1998, when they were called to Hogwarts to fight.

Upon their arrival, it was clear something had changed between the two.

They were more in sync, and constantly touched.

Though Seamus knew something had drastically shifted between the two of them, he kept his mouth shut.

He would not ruin their happiness at a time like this.

The three of them fell into sync quickly, cutting down Death Eaters left and right.

They fought for their right to exist in the magical world.

They might have been dirty blood, but that didn't mean they were worth less than those born pure.

When the dust settled in the early morning hours, and the war was won...

...the bodies of Fred and George Weasley were discovered.

Fred had been crushed beneath a wall.

George was found only steps away from his brother, face down on the stone.

He'd been killed while his back was turned.

Hermione had been inconsolable, it was as if her entire world had been shattered around her.

Nobody understood why until Dean left and came back a half an hour later with a small ginger boy.

The Weasley family had been rocked on their heels when Hermione clutched onto the small child and sobbed.

When she regained herself, she introduced her son to his grandmother.

Molly had been broken beyond belief when her son's had been found, Murdered...

...but the moment she laid eyes on the boy in Dean Thomas's arms, she knew that she'd always have a reminder of her boys.

His name was Gideon Fredrick Weasley.

He was the spitting image of her boys, the only difference being his deep Chocolate eyes.

He was the reason she'd fled the school with the twins.

He was the reason she'd so readily gone into hiding.

He was the reason she fell in love with Dean Thomas.

He made them grow up and realize that their world was about to change for better or for worse.

The small ginger boy was the reason they fought.

For his future.

For his life.

Without him, they'd be different people.

She and Fred didn't get together after his birth, he'd fallen hard for Angelina Johnson and who was she to stand in their way...

...not that it mattered now.

Fred was gone.

A few short months after the final battle of Hogwarts, Seamus Finnigan had the honor of being best man in she and Deans wedding.

Their short engagement surprised nobody, they were inseparable after all.

Though they received many gifts at their Union, their favorite was from the Weasley family.

The joke shop.

Instead of going on a honeymoon, the two spent weeks repairing the shop and opening it just before school started back up again.

Nearly nine months to the day after their wedding, she'd given birth to yet another beautiful baby boy.

Their little Finn George Thomas.

They never removed the Fidelius Charm from their home, opting to keep that a secret only they and their new secret keeper, Seamus, knew the whereabouts of.

In the years following Finn's birth, they'd welcomed five more boys and two little girls into the world.

Their daughters were the youngest of the bunch, born on their godfather's birthday.

Storm Skye and Rayne Cloud Thomas, born 14th of March, 2013.

The year their eldest brother graduated from Hogwarts.

Just before their daughters came their son, Harrison Blake Thomas, born the 1st of January, 2008.

Before him was Ethan Conner, born the 13 of February, 2006.

Before him was Hero Louis, born the 31st of January, 2005.

Their first set of twins came in 2001, Emory Dean and Edmund Seamus, born the 2nd of May.

Dean had adopted Gideon just before his first year, so when Gideon Thomas was sorted into Gryffindor it cause much commotion amongst the staff.

That child resembled the Weasley Twins much too much for comfort.

His brother, Finn, followed him to Gryffindor three years later.

Emory and Edmund went to Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff respectively.

Hero to Ravenclaw.

Ethan to Gryffindor.

Harrison to Hufflepuff.

Their daughters, Storm and Rayne found their way into the house of their parents and godfather.

Slytherins through and through.

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