Got A Secret, Can You Keep It...

By Lapeligroza

11.3K 496 300

Sometimes you're born with a destiny already written for you. But could you just followed what was already wr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chpter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
List of Love Interests
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 32

184 8 9
By Lapeligroza

Kingdom Hearts: Prince Luneth, Princess Kairi

Oblivion Kingdom:King Xemnas

Lunar Kingdom: Princess Yuna

Dissidia Kingdom: Ravus

ShinRa Kingdom: Rufus

Lucis Kingdom: King Noctis

Kingdom  Ballad:King Caius

Kingdom Dissidia: King Ravus, Princess  Lunafreya

Kingdom Palamecia: King Mateus

These are so far the Kingdoms along with their Royalty, though I may add more in the future.


Out of all the things, this was definitely what you didn't see coming. Tidus, was it? Had made it his ultimate goal to reprimand you for how you had behaved with the Princess. Because of that, Princess Yuna was saddened.

It was so early outside that it was still dark outside, you had just woken up and you were about to get ready for the day when it was interrupted. Tidus so it fit to interrupt the beginning of your day because he wanted to make it clear that what you had done was not right.

You didn't roll your eyes, but you were fighting that urge not to do so hard. "For that reason, you should apologize to her." This man was beyond irritating, why did it even mattered to him? It wasn't like you insulted her or anything.

Shutting your eyes for just a couple of seconds, you let out a long exhale. "Tidus, was it?" Because he didn't even have the decency to introduce himself. By the shock on his face, he must have realized it too. "I am by no means going to apologize to Princess Yuna, I don't quite remember doing something that would require me to apologize."

"But yo-" he was about to repeat himself, but you interrupted him.

"I was merely asking her to treat me like the rest of soldiers, I don't suppose she welcomes other Soldiers in such a way, does she?" Why was he even making such a big fuss? He opened his lips but you continued, "she doesn't. I shouldn't be any different, now if you would please." Placing your hand on the door handle, you started to close it. "I am busy at the moment."

He continued to look unhappy, so you shut the door and continued to prepare for the day. He may call you rude, but he's the one for disturbing you to talk about what you told Princess Yuna. Did she even talk to him about it?

Either way, you stopped thinking about it and finished getting ready. It was way to early even for Prince Luneth, which was your main priority right now. So, you headed to the kitchen for something to drink and some food. By the time you finished eating, the Royalty began to eat breakfast, so you waited until they finished.

Auron and Cid walked towards you, Cid sending you a wide smile. "[Name]! Good morning!"

"Good Morning [Name]." Auron greeted as they joined you waiting just outside the door of the dinning room.

Sending them a quick smile, you greeted them. "Good morning Auron, Cid."

"Hey," if possible Cid's smile grew. "Is it true Tidus went to see you early this morning?"

It was probably the servants who spread the news. "He did," and speaking of the devil, he walked towards you three. By the way he glared at you, he wasn't pleased. "But it was just a misunderstanding."

"Tidus! " Cid greeted the man, but said ma only greeted with a mumble.

"I'm guessing you're talking about me, aren't you?" He must have realized that people were gossiping, "they're right." He explained the situation to them, probably in hopes of having their support.

Cid and Auron glanced back at you, Cid turning serious now. "Tidus," it was the blond man that began to talk to him, "what she said wasn't wrong. Princess Yuna is very kind, but it wasn't right for her to assume that [Name] would...Well, act like most women do."

Tidus' eyes trailed to Auron only to be disappointed when he nodded. "Cid is correct, [Name] is one of us, a soldier and at such, Princess Yuna should take that into consideration."

"That's enough, why are we making this matter bigger than it should be?" Having enough drama for the day, you snapped at Tidus for acting so childish.

But no one had to say anything because the doors of the dinning room opened revealing Luneth and the other Royals. Princess Yuna sent you a glance, and then at her father. "[Name], why didn't you join us today?" Luneth asked, and he even seemed rather relieved to see you.

You bowed down, "I thank you for your concern, however I already ate breakfast."

"I...I see," he straightened up, obviously disliking that you were not present. But he should be used to movements like these, should he? The way the King glanced from Luneth and Princess Yuna, you could imagine which was the main topic of conversation during breakfast. "Well, I would like to walk around a bit."

Nodding, you excused yourselves and left the castle. Once outside, Luneth let out the biggest sign you had heard from him. "Is everything alright?"

"It was rather uncomfortable sharing that meal with the King and Princess Yuna." Sending you a glance, he seemed to consider whether he should even be telling you this. "I just find it rather insensitive to bring the topic of marriage now when our people had to leave their homes, and even separate from their families in order to stay safe."

Marriage? The two of them? You couldn't understand the matter of arranged marriages but from what little you knew from royals and other people with higher statuses, it was normal. Though it was concerning that the King would bring that topic right now. Not sure what to tell him, you didn't respond, which seemed to bring the male down a bit. "The King just wants to make sure to marry his daughter to not only the best suitor, and although he was insensitive, I'm sure he didn't intentionally mean it."

"Well," he cleared his throat, "I wanted to go an check how my people are settling in." The sadness settled heavily in the tone of his voice,"we still need to figure out who will stay."

It wasn't easy for him, that you understood. It must not be easy to have to rely on other Kingdoms to protect his people, and it was obvious he blamed himself for not being capable. "The journey that lays ahead of us won't be easy, maybe we can leave the older folks, and the sick ones."

But in the end, it was up to him to decide. "I suppose that makes sense. Would it be possible to leave tomorrow?"

It would be, they had plenty time to rest so you didn't see why not. "Yes, we still have a whole day ahead of us. I'll make sure to prepare for the journey, prepare food, water and anything else that could be of use to us."

For the remainder for the day, you left Luneth under the care of Raul while you took care of gathering the names of the people you would be taking with you. They still looked exhausted, and unhappy that they had to move on, they knew that not all of them were able to stay.

Luneth must really be brave to be able to handle all...This. It probably wasn't easy to have to see how all his people were scattered among all the Kingdoms. It wasn't easy, and for that, you admired his courage and how well he was handling it.

A few hours before the day darkened, you finished the last few tasks. The King was kind about to give you some carriages to help make the rest of the journey easier. Food, water and even people would be able to be carried. But what mattered was that you were finished, everything was prepared for the journey that lays ahead of you.

Just when you were ready to retire for the day, because you were exhausted, Cid, Auron and even Tidus blocked your path. "Are you finished?" Cid questioned as he walked towards you, threw his arm around your shoulder and his smirk widened when Tidus' eyes widened.

"That was the plan." You shrugged his arm off because he was just putting most of his weight on you, and you were just to tires to barely Carey your own weight. "Why?"

"We were informed you were going to leave tomorrow, so, why not take a few hours to relax?" Cid added.

Raising and eyebrow, you glanced at Auron who nodded. "Well," your stomach grumbled reminding your that you had only eaten breakfast this morning. "I guess it wouldn't hurt."
You mirrored Cid's smile, and even Auron shared one of his own.

The only one who was growing was Tidus, so you just ignored him and followed the two males that began to walk towards the place they had in mind.

Since it was getting dark, it made sense that they were leading you towards a bar. Men, soldiers began to walk into the bar that you were headed to. Some of them even sent you a glare, others sending indirect insults. Cid was about to snap at them, but you shook your head. The night was about to start, and you didn't want for a fight to start and ruin it.

As you entered the bar, occupied a table, the stares glued to your back. It was so obvious that you were a woman, at least short hair helped in preventing the attention but with the current events, you hadn't had the time to get it cut. Right now it was just below your jaw.

Tidus watched silently, returning their glares. He just couldn't understand how you could drink and even laugh at Cid's jokes when you were clearly unwelcome here. It was then that he realized what you had to endure as a female soldier. The discrimination was strong, and despite his Kingdom being welcoming to travelers, seeing someone like you was...Just out of the ordinary. You were challenging their beliefs, what they believed for decades. They had a clear role for women and for men, and you were challenging that.

Which was what made you act the way you did with Yuna. You had to make people treat you for what you worked for, not for what you were. Yuna didn't intend to offend you, she was just so curious about learning more about you. That's why you had to set boundaries.

Challenging what others believed for years wasn't easy. And for you not only to challenge that, but also to get where you were right now must have taken a lot of hard work and perseverance. Slowly he began to relax, and he couldn't help but smile and even have a certain type of admiration.

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