Got A Secret, Can You Keep It...

By Lapeligroza

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Sometimes you're born with a destiny already written for you. But could you just followed what was already wr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chpter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
List of Love Interests
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 31

214 9 19
By Lapeligroza

It was simple, protect the last of the civilians. With the thirty soldiers that were left with you, and your own two members of your group, it would not be too hard. The last group consisted of 200 people, all of them were men, and some older folks. They would be able to fight back if it came to it, not that you would let them if you could prevent any sort of danger to come their way.

The only downside was that you didn't get too much food, but they were men and knew how to hunt for food. So it wasn't much trouble.

But, this was not what you expected and not what you wanted. The last thing you wanted was to have Prince Luneth to somehow escape from his group and return to the castle. He was worried, and he felt that his responsibility was to stay back and help protect his people. What he didn't realize was that he made your job and the job of everyone else a lot harder. Your main priority was to protect him and the rest of soldiers would do the same, protect him.

"I understand," you started, as you faced Prince Luneth, in his office. After everyone else got ready and left, and when it became your turn, it was way too dark and dangerous to set out. So, the safest place was the castle, so you moved everyone inside it and added protection outside. The conversation you were about to have with Prince Luneth could be saved, or maybe not even take place but you felt that he needed to know. "I understand that you are worried about your people and you find that it is your responsibility to protect them. But in escaping from your personal guards and returning, is not the brightest idea."

The Prince frowned, and even refrained from shouting. "How dare you speak to me like that."

"Your people need you alive now more than ever, they need you to guide them and you can't do that if you're dead. It's highly probable that we can be attacked any minute, and your soldiers will more likely try to protect you rather than protect the civilians."

That seemed to make him think, you saw how his expression of determination turned to regret. Were you too harsh? "For now, please try to stay out of trouble. If there is an attack, refrain from joining the battle and if I tell you to flee, please heed my words and flee."

Because if it came to that, you'll stay back and fight so that you could give them time to flee. So when the time arrived you wouldn't be worried that Prince Luneth will ignore your order of fleeing and try to join the battle. "I'm sorry, the last thing I wanted is to become a burden." He looked rather depressed now, "These are my people and I just wanted to ensure their safety."

Prince Luneth seemed like someone who really cared for his people, not just a pretty Prince who cared about his own safety. You didn't personally know him, and you couldn't just grasp how he really is. Either way, that shouldn't really matter, your task is to make sure these people are taken to the Kingdoms that had been given scheduled to receive them and then, head back to ShinRa to wait for further orders.

"I am sure your people appreciate your concern, and perhaps you can join the battle but not after make sure that your father and sister are safe. Your people need someone from the Royal Family to be alive." The room was darker, so it was late now.

For now, it would be better to him to take some rest, and then you'll have to assign a few soldiers to guard the Prince. Unfortunately with how those men were able to travel and get into places without anyone noticing. So whomever was assigned to protect him would have to enter his room, he would have been a bit awkward but it was for his own safety.

"It's late, I'll have a few soldiers to take you to a one of the rooms of the castle. One closer to the entrance. Come," you motioned for him to follow you, he hesitated almost looked as if he was going to protest, but he just took a deep breath and nodded.

Prince Luneth remained in silence, even when you ordered the two guards outside of his office to protect him. You explained to them what you needed them to do, as expected, Prince Luneth protested. "That's unnecessary."

"I understand, but we can never be too careful." With that, you turned around and left the room. The Halls of the castle were filled with civilians that huddled together, which was the best option.

After assigning the tasks to the soldiers, you talked with Owen and Raul, the names of your teammates. "We'll have to split, there'll be three shifts, so I'll take the first shift, Raul will take the second,' you turned to Owen, "you'll take the last one. But before we depart, you'll have time to rest as we begin your journey. I already split the soldiers, they already know when their shift will start."

You dismissed them so that they could rest, and you started your shift with four soldiers, the other six were making sure that the civilians were protected.

A few hours, your shift consisted for maybe around four maybe even five hours. But even when your shift ended, you weren't sure you would be as to relax and sleep. You waited, and waited, every single noise alarming not only you but also your fellow soldiers.

Fortunately, the night went by with no attacks. Early in the morning, you lead the group of people towards the destinations scheduled. Prince Luneth still looked depressed, lagging a bit behind only for you to tell him to stay at your side. These people had been your priority, but with him here, he was your priority.

The arrival to Lunar Kingdom took about three weeks to finish. There were a few obstacles, food and water being one of them. With mutual cooperation, you all managed to arrive without any more problems.

During that journey though, you were able to know Luneth, the male insisted you should call him at such, was an alright man. He was very kind, loved his people unconditionally, and he was willing to fight in order to protect his people. Sadly though, he was very impulsive, always throwing himself in danger.

Upon your arrival, you were welcomed. The Princess, along with the King were waiting for all of you with food, water and clothing. Civilians set to work right away, helping all the men, offering food and water.

"Welcome Prince Luneth and Miss [Name]." The King greeted you both as he led the two of you into the castle. "Your people will be well taken care of, I assure you. So please come, I am certain you must be hungry and thirsty."

More than hungry, and thirsty, you would rather get a bath considering that you didn't quite able to clean yourselves up. But you didn't speak, nor did Prince Luneth.

The Princess tagged along, though you felt her gaze on you, curious, but she kept herself quiet. Their personal guards trailed behind, Auron and Cid, but you only managed to greet them with a small nod. There was another male, younger than the two of them. This one was closer to the Princess, and you caught them talking, the name Tidus leaving her lips.

The dinning room, it was fairly big and spacious, a big table with so many chairs was set in the middle of it. There were so many plates and platters of food filling half the table. "Please come and have a seat," the King offered, though you felt like you should have just eaten somewhere else. But Prince Luneth managed to tug your forward without allowing the rest to see the gesture.

"Thank you, I do not know how to thank your kindness not only for this splendid meal but most importantly, for allowing my people to stay." Luneth offered his gratitude, offering a small smile in the process.

The King laughed, "there is no need, in times like this we must help each other. Now please eat, I am sure you must be hungry."

You waited until the King, Princess, and Luneth began to eat. The guards remained outside, so you felt out if place. But more than that, you didn't know how to use the silverware, and with embarrassment, you ate how you are always using the items that you were familiar with.

While you are, the King and Luneth started a conversation about politics that you really were not interested. And you were starving if you were being honest, food was not easy to obtain during your journey, and the one you had had to be split. But it wasn't enough, and most of the time you offered your portion to Luneth, of course lying that you would have yours later. You even lost a lot of weight, you probably lost plenty of muscle mass and you looked very fragile. So, you lost the embarrassment as you stuffed yourself.

"I've heard you will continue with your journey, but first why don't you take some rest. I'll have someone take you to your rooms." Standing up the King said.

The Princess spring to her feet, only to clear her throat and composed herself. "Father, if I am, I can take Miss [Name] to her room."

The King laughed. "Of Course Yuna, I'm sure you girls must have a lot to talk on your way."

Even Luneth didn't like the way the King said like that. Maybe it wasn't his intention, but you didn't like it. Taking a deep breath, you decided not to make something as petty as this into something bigger and ridiculous. "Miss [Name], come." She offered her hand, but you only stared at it and waited for her to walk.

It must have looked rather rude of you, but that kind of treatment should have to come to an end. She was treating you so friendly, not because she knew you and you both were friends. It was because you were another woman, but without realizing it, that action was offensive to your persona and to your title. She didn't greet all guards or Soldier like she did with you, did she? Of course not.

The silence made her feel uncomfortable and awkward. She expected to act differently, more friendly and even kindly. "Well, this is it." She came to stand in front of a door, her hands clasped in front of her. "If I may," she then rubbed her arm rather nervous. "Did...Did I do something to offend you?"

Letting out a long breath, dragging your fingers through you greasy hair, frowning at its state. "Please Princess Yuna, I understand you are curious to see a woman Soldier, however, please do not rest me...Like one of your simply because of my gender. Treating me as such is as an offense o my title. "Did telling her that made you look as if your title got to your head? You hoped not. You didn't want to mean to her, she looked like a kind and genuine person, but if you allowed every single Princess treat you like that, it won't do you any favors.

"Ah, of course. I apologize, it wasn't my intention. My curiosity got the best of me." She didn't even say anything else, and she stormed off.

She wasn't that bad, but you weren't here to make friends, you were here to ensure the safety of Luneth's people, but him too. Only a few days you would remain here while they recuperate, and then you'll be delivering the second group. There was no time for chit chat, no time for friendship.

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