Why Am I Elena Gilbert?

By crazyKate92

747K 24.9K 7.5K

You know, the idea of ending up in a fictional world such as this was supposed to be funny especially as Elen... More

Chapter 1 - Am I dreaming?
Chapter 2 - What Comet? Lets build a Fort! Yay! Vervain!
Chapter 4- Wahoo.. Saturday and Bro/Sis bonding! Oh.. party?
Chapter 5- Vervain Tattoo's and Ugh the Plot. . .
Chapter 6 - Learning to fight and Halloween
Chapter 7 - Stefan is Old, Road Trip fun and Tyler Lockwood's curiosity
Chapter 8 - Meeting Alaric, Girl time and Logan what?
Chapter 9 - They've been WHAT? and Logan vs Alaric
Chapter 10 - Real or a Dream? Noah's Annoying
Chapter 11 - BLANKET FORT! Ohhh. . Witchy Book! Gimmie!
Chapter 12 - School, conversing with Alaric and Opening the Tomb
Chapter 13 - Bonding Trips and Raffle skipping
Chapter 14 - Stefan gets Kidnapped and Fredrick is a asshole.
Chapter 15 - Stefan-No-Blood and Protecting Tyler
Chapter 16 - Tyler moves in and His 1st Full Moon.
Chapter 17 - Of Cuddles and Waning Rituals
Chapter 18 - Miss Mystic Falls
Chapter 19 - Stefan gets help and Lena gets scolded. .
Chapter 20 - Meeting Mommy Dearest
Chapter 21 - Founders Day and Visiting Vegas
Chapter 22 - Darling Katherine Has Arrived. .
Chapter 23 - Carolines a Vamp
Chapter 24 - Katherine looks High and Tyler n Mason have a chat
Chapter 25 - Full Moon again and Caroline breaks up with Matt
Chapter 26 - Stefan vs Kat Vervain Edition and Mason New To Fort
Chapter 27 - Making Kat Laugh. . and Mason pretends to die?
Chapter 28 - Craigslist, Masquerades and Kidnappings
Chapter 29 - Meeting Kidnappers and Elijah; Klaus investigates
Chapter 30 - Fights and Kidnapper friends?
Chapter 31 - Elijah, Tylers Full Moon and Jules visits town
Chapter 32 - Elijah Visits, Fort Partys and Mates talk.
Chapter 33 - Kidnapped by sadistic Wolves
Chapter 34 - School, skipping and inanimated objects!
Chapter 35 - You're not my treee and Klaus Klaus visits
Chapter 36 - School, Blood and Hating Needles
Chapter 37 - Road Trip Fun, Danger Magnets and Shenanigans
Chapter 38- Tyler's Dad, Lena has fun and Kol is amused
Chapter 39 - 60's Dance? No. Blanket Fort Party? FUN, FUN!
Chapter 40 - Of Rituals and Where the fuck am I?
Chapter 41 - So, I'm a Ghost now?
Chapter 42 - I want to push you into a wall, but alas I am Transparent
Chapter 43 - Traveling Around and a Brothers Advice
Chapter 44 - Searching and The Pyramids
Chapter 45- Returns and Greetings
Chapter 46 - Sadness Falls, Hello, Daddy, New Mommy and Daddy Two!
Chapter 47 - Augustine VS Elena's Hero's
Chapter 48 - We're Mates
Chapter 49 - Blanket Fort Parties and Killing Spree's
Chapter 50 - Kill Me Now
Chapter 51 - Original Mommy Comes To Visit
Chapter 52 - The Past Slips Out and Original Mommies First Fort Party
Chapter 53 - Having Fun!
Chapter 54 - Adventures of The Traveling Fangs, The Wolf, The Siphon&The Human.
Chapter 55 - The Adventure Begins With a Massacre In Chicago
Chapter 56 - The Hotel Adventures
Chapter 57 - Cults and Accidental Dimension Hopping

Chapter 3 - Cheerleading? No thanks, Standing up for my Bro? YES SIR

28.1K 746 376
By crazyKate92

30 mins later

          So, right now my fort idea hasn't escalated the way I wanted it too, we're in silence because I had to mention dying and dreaming and not trusting and blah blah blah.
Now I need a solution.... skinny dipping? To awkward.... we're not good enough friends yet = they're untrustworthy
Get drunk? Nah. Hmm. . . I know!!!!

I get the biggest grin on my face and I start bouncing in my seat... I jump into Stefan's arms and climb onto his back and exclaim loudly...

Maybe that wasn't a good idea ... they're frozen again and they look?? Shocked.. odd boys they are.
I then tap Stefan on the nose and say  "Come now Mr. Stefan I'm trying to teach all of you how to have fun! It'll be exciting, we'll gallop around the house and then as long as we don't accidentally flood it or burn it down we'll be fine, or fall down the steps...." ( I pause and turn to Stefan and ask shyly) "You'll keep me safe from the steps right Mr. Stefan? Steps are my biggest enemy, please keep me safe."

Luckily Damon gets into character. He's a good actor. (irony is strong here hehehe) he exclaims loudly to copy me.  "YES PRINCESS I SHALL PROTECT YOUR FORTRESS AND YOU FROM THOSE MALEVOLENT STEPS!!!
Stefan starts moving as I'm sitting on his back. I laugh with Damon. Hehe this'll be fun!!!!
Mr Stefan starts making Neighing sounds. I'm so proud of him, maybe he'll stop being a brooding blanket now sorta!
I notice Zach is still frozen. Hmm ... can I prevent his death? Tricky tricky question.
"MR. ZACH, ATTACK THE INVISIBLE PIRATES BEFORE I HAVE YOU ATTACKED BY THE BETRAYING STAIRS!!" I exclaim loudly while Stefan becomes a standing horse and holding my legs so I don't fall.
Mr. Zach starts acting now too, hehehe my dream has actors acting! How exciting!!!
All of a sound Stefan moves us towards the couch, drops me on it then turns around and exclaims " the Horse is now a man and he's going to eat the princess."  He goes in to tickle me and his words catch up in my mind and I burst into laughter as he starts to tickle me, it's not long before Damon joins the tickle Ms-Mrs uhh... me? Hmm ... who am I? Ughhh... Mr. Zach leaves, probably feeling confused and afraid. Because I'm assuming it seems very unnatural for him.

After the random tickle fest where me the fake princess is overcome by giggles I hop Up and grab the boys and ask Damon..
"Hey, Day-Day, you're not going to use my Caroline right? It'd be really rude you know..."

Damon pauses and breaths out, probably trying to keep from lashing out at me. . .
"No, I won't use your friend like I planned too.." ohh poor Day, he sounds kind of sad now.
"Yay!!" I exclaim happily.. "it's not nice for friends to eat their friends friends and we're friends now!!" I start hugging him like a happy child.
"Elena, how do you know about us?" Stefan asks timidly, while Damon is just pouting.

I have to think about this...
"Hmm, Do you want the truth or a fabricated lie?" I ask him curiously.
Damon speaks up "The truth." He states plainly now looking upset.
"Kay, well when I was alive or not in this very vivid coma dream, I'm still not sure which, there was a show called Vampire Diaries and I know everything about, well basically everyone, sorta I mean after season 5 you're all just a bit annoying and kind of stupidly kill happy but whatever but I only watched till part of season 6 I think." Now I'm tapping my chin thinking

"Stupidly kill happy?" Damon asked curiously,

Stefan just looks confused now and worried... maybe he thinks he'll be ripper kill happy then?

"Yeah, we'll all have a grand time, I just can't decide if I should let you go through your Vicki thing, not that I could stop you, but I'm totally pumping my Dreaming-Coma Bro with Vervain so you idiots can't compel him." I state Matter of Factly, no ones gonna hurt my bro in dream or no.

"Who's Vicki?" Damon asks, looking somewhat confused. But then it's not like he was looking for her life story any-who.

"The girl you decided to bite, who Stefan compelled before your confrontation while I was talking with my aunty." I state plainly.

"Oh" Damon says.

Stefan breaks into the conversation saying "So, you're convinced your dreaming, you're saying we're from a tv show and you don't think you should go to the hospital?" He asks looking very confused.

"Nah, I don't like hospitals, there's people there and doctors and people, it makes me nervous." I say starting to feel like maybe he's like my mom....
I ask hesitantly... "Mr. Stefan, you're not going to become my in a coma Mom-a are you?" Looking worried. I love my mom, but it's not bad if I don't wanna go to the doctor unless I'm dying right?
"What?" He asks in confusion then yells out "NO" Damon snickers behind me.
"We should probably go to sleep now, life continues tomorrow and it's midnight now, or Fortscapaids Shall be known throughout the land of SalvaLand!" I laugh and my Baby Salvs are trying to hide their snickers from me.
I set my alarm, we do have school tomorrow ya know, it's Friday. How exciting!

The Next Morning

I go to the bathroom to get ready, it's not like I can get dressed in front of them, that'd be awkward and uncomfortable.

Of course Damon offers to drive me and I decline, we're friends, I don't trust him enough though. Stefan is walking as well, yes walking, did I mention I don't LIKE to drive? Yeah, I don't, my directionally challenged self is MUCH worse in a vehicle and Stefan being himself is walking with me because well, he doesn't drive much or something.

We walk in random bouts of my singing and dancing because, well, did I mention I'm obsessed with my music? Sure Stefan stood somewhat randomly of to the side but that's details that aren't important.

Her outfit for the day is at the top of the page.
Mystic Falls High
3rd POV

An odd sight greeted the Mystic Falls High School today, Ms. Perfect Elena Gilbert Cheerleader who does nothing. Unusual is dancing and singing through the halls today with Stefan trailing slightly behind her looking amused.

Bonnie can't help but feel extremely confused by this of course, she knows Stefan is interested in her friend but she doesn't trust him.

Matt can't believe it either, and he can't help but feel jealous, he never got to see her that way, she seems much more lively.

Tyler is simply intrigued by her right now, and amused, she seems to be rather enjoying herself as she heads to her locker, not to mention her ass looks really nice. If only she wasn't Little Gilbert's sister maybe he'd give her a go.

Caroline is confused just like Bonnie is, her friend has been acting so weird since the first day of school when she fell asleep in class.

I'm at my locker, Stefan is behind me for a second before he heads to his own leaving me by myself.

As I'm putting everything in my locker a song I can't stop myself from singing and dancing to Unwell by Matchbox 20

So I just ignore the stares and pretend they aren't there as I dance and sing by my locker.

Don't judge I spent one life, if this ISN'T a dream, not letting me be myself until a got older because I felt worried about my classmates thoughts or opinions, so I'm going to be myself right here in front of my locker hehehehe.

After I'm done I turn around with my books to see nearly everybody in school looking at me like they've never seen me before.

Poor Matt he seems like he's about to have a heart attack. Ops here comes Bonnie and Caroline (since Damon isn't using her, hopefully it stays that way)

I bow dramatically and say to Caroline and Bonnie, "Hello ladies. I am... Ohhhh there he is (I see Stefan and I start hoping up and down and say loudly) "Mr. Stefan, I demand a Gallant horseback ride!" As he walks up and I hop on his back I yell out "ONWARDS MY GOOD MAN, WE MUST SAVE THE UNIVERSE"

Stefan snickers at me and says "Yes Fort Princess." Of course fate doesn't stop Stefan and Bonnie from accidentally touching hands so now she looks afraid, you know the whole (he feels like death thing)

Now everyone is frozen in place with their mouths open..... hehehe. This is fun!

After my first class I'm walking through the halls with Bonnie and she's now trying to give me unnecessary advice... hmmm

Bonnie starts saying again despite my reassurance that I Don't plan on dating Mr. Stefan. "I'm not saying don't date the guy. I'm just saying take it slow." Ohhhh now she's pleading...

Annoyed I repeat myself "Bonnie, I don't plan on dating him, remember? I don't know him that well."

Bonnie looks at me in disbelief and raises an eyebrow, "You were being carried on his back to the first class today, that didn't look like nothing to me Elena."

"We're Friends, we teamed up together and built a blanket fort at his house and his brother even joined, it was a bonding experience, we should totally do that Bonnie, it'd be fun" now I'm hoping up and down in excitement of the possibilities. My blanket forts will be the way to save the world muhahahaha World domination by Blanket fort Friendships and Alliences!!! Hehehe. Eh probably not but oh well.

Oops, she stopped walking, why is she looking at me like I'm crazy now? "Elena, I'm just worried about you and I know you're attracted to him and...."

Now I cut her off "He's cute yes, but so what? I'm not going to be with someone just because they're cute remember? I can't just... oh Bon's" I start saying sadly "You don't understand, I can't just... I can't just trust anyone Bon's.. I ... You wouldn't believe me" I finish sadly. I can't tell her that I'm sure I'm either dead and I'm Elena now or that she's my vivid imagination from of falling off stairs coma.

I start up again "Are you worried because of your witchy warningness?"

Bonnie then says sounding almost scared "You know what? I'm just concerned. This is me expressing concern about my best friend's new BoyFriend-Friend"

I start hoping up and down in excitement then I give her a big hug and say "Oh Bonnie, you're such a good friend"

Stefan comes over to us saying "Good morning Bonnie, hello again Elena."

I respond quickly and Dramatically "Ah my good sir, how lovely to see you again after so long."

I can tell Bonnie is trying to hide her amusement and worry as she says "Hey, um, I gotta find Caroline. . So I'll see you guys later." Then she quickly scampers off.

I watch her go feeling thoughtful, maybe I'll do the dinner party thing just for fun?

"She doesn't like me very much." Stefan states Plainly and maybe a bit sadly.

I say "She doesn't know you at all and she's got her fun Witchneas coming in you know? I'll probably have to do that dinner party thing ugh" I finish feeling saddened, I don't want to make everyone dinner.
3rd POV

Tyler looks around and he see's Elena and Stefan talking together.

He says " Look...there's Elena and her new boyfriend. Now, what are they doing? Oh, they're walking, walking, walking. Yep. Right into the sunset."

Matt replies feeling annoyed. "You're a dick."

Tyler replies aggressively "While you just stand there looking like one of those little yard trolls."

Matt replies quickly "Gnomes and Elena said she wasn't dating him, that they're just friends."

I ask Stefan "You and your brother aren't busy tonight right?

Stefan takes a second to reply "Not that I'm aware of"

Excited I jump up and down and say " YAY! We'll hang out! And maybe make Blanket forts and make friends!"

Now Mr. Stefan looks amused.

3rd POV

Tyler replies "With her arriving to school by him, dancing in the halls and getting a piggy back ride from him during school you honestly think they're not doing something?" He asks with disbelief. Sure she's hot as hell but how can someone just be friends with a girl like that?

Matt looks sadly at Tyler as he throws the ball and says "What am I supposed to do? She's made a choice regardless and I'm not in it" but at least she seems happy he can't help but think.

Tyler catches the football and turns to throw it towards Stefan. He can't help but be a bit jealous, she is beautiful after all, even if her hair is a bit shorter and lighter and her eyes are a beautiful mixture of colors.

Matt yells at Tyler feeling worried about what his hot headed friend is going to do "What are you doing? Ty, don't. Ty, don't! Ty!"

Tyler then decides to throw the foot ball at Stefan, who has his back towards him. Stefan quickly turns around faster then they imagined , catches the ball, and throws it right back to Tyler and he falls to the ground by the strength behind the throw. Tyler and Matt I'm shocked disbelief. They both see Elena quirk up a small smile and shake her head and mumble something but can't hear what.
I'm mumbling under my breath at the display "Immature, irritating boys with inferiority complex's , it was a good catch and throw though." I stop in place for a second and turn to Stefan and ask "Hey, Mr. Stefan are you going to join the football team?" I ask feeling curious.

Stefan pauses and says teasingly "well I don't know fort princess, can you stand your knight away from you for me to play it?"

I laugh at his teasing, at least he seems funnier then in the show.

"Will you try out for football?" I can't help but feel curious if he still will.

He replies hesitantly "Yeah, I don't know."

I ask "Do you not want to?"

Stefan replies quickly "No, I love football. But in this case, I don't think football likes me. You saw Tyler over there, and we both know how Matt feels."

I respond, "They don't know you though either. To them, you're The New Guy. Wouldn't hurt to be part of. Make some friends maybe."
Stefan looks thoughtful then says "I'll think about it, it could be fun."

"And you could show them how it's done." I say excitedly "although I dont care for it much I'd still watch you play, friend support and all that"
In history class. Bonnie is writing numbers on her book. "8", "14", "22".

Mr. Tanner is doing his thing and saying "World war II ended in...Anyone got anything? Miss Juan? 1945."

I lean toward Stefan and say with a whisper"He makes me feel sleepy"

Stefan looks at me trying not to laugh and says "I think it's the Voice he uses"

As Mr. Tanner says "Pearl Harbor."
I'm about to reply as Mr Tanner calls my dream name.

He says with his annoyed Voice "Miss Gilbert?"

I reply "Mr. Tanner?" With an incline of my head.

"Pearl Harbor" he asks me raising his eyebrow.
I reply back " In.."

But Stefan interrupts and says "December 7, 1941."

Mr. Tanner says sarcastically "Thank you, Miss Gilbert."

Stefan replies "Anytime." Looking a bit annoyed.

Mr Tanner then asks pompously "Very well.
The fall of the Berlin wall."

Stefan replies quickly "1989. I'm good with dates, sir."

Mr. Tanner asks Challenging him "Are you? How good? Keep it to the year. Civil Rights Act."

Stefan again replies quickly "1964."

"John F. Kennedy assassination."

Stefan says "1963."

"Martin Luther King."

"68" Stefan replies.


Stefan says "1865." It's like ping pong. Geesh. Ego issues.

"Roe vs. Wade."


"Brown vs. Board."


"The battle of Gettysburg."


"Korean war." Mr Tanner asks excited as if he's trying to trick Stefan.

Stefan replies evenly "1950 to 1953."

Mr. Tanner looks elated and says "Ha! It ended in '52."

"Uh, actually, sir, it was '53." He says plainly.

Mr. Tanner says feeling irritated "Look it up, somebody. Quickly."

One of the kids in the class says "It was 19...53."

The bell rings and now we're out in the hallway, "That was exciting, I rather enjoyed that"

Stefan laughs at my comment shaking his head then says "I'm glad I can entertain you"
Football field/cheerleading practice

Both Bonnie and Caroline see me and say excitingly "Oh, my God! You're here!"

I reply sheepishly looking at Caroline feeling a little worried about her reaction "Yeah, I'm quitting and Oh, and you're coming to dinner tonight." I finish excited.

Caroline says "You're not quitting and wait, dinner? Uh, ok I guess."

While Bonnie just says "I am?"

I reply "Yeah, Caroline I'm quitting, and Mm-hmm. Both of you, me, Stefan and maybe Damon. You can all bond and we can build forts and be Fort Princesses together."

Bonnie replies quickly "Tonight's no good."

While Caroline happily says "Okay " all chirpy like.

I look Bonnie in the eye with my sad face and say "Pretty, pretty please Bonnie Bennett?"

Exasperated Bonnie replies "Fine. I'll go."

"Yay!!" I say exciting while hoping up and down.

3rd POV

Mr. Tanner is talking to Stefan and says "Varsity trials were last spring, Mr. Salvatore."

"I wasn't here then, sir." Replies feeling a bit annoyed with Mr. Tanner.

"And you're not here now, as far as I'm concerned." Mr. Tanner says childishly.

Stefan says hesitantly "Mr. Tanner, I realize that you and I didn't get off to the best start, and I want to apologize for that. I've played football before. Wide receiver, mostly, and I'm pretty good."

Mr. Tanner replies "Well, I won't be asking you who won the super bowl in '71."

Stefan replies without thinking and says "71 was the...Sorry. I...I understand that, sir."

Mr. Tanner then says "Just to see you get knocked on your ass. Borrow some gear. Go! Before I change my mind. Let's run it again!"

Matt feeling really annoyed with this turns to Tyler and says "First my girlfriend, now my team?"

Tyler looks to his best friend then sighs and says "Dude, this is an opportunity. Football's a contact sport. Sometimes people get hurt. Whoo! Ha ha!"

The players get into formation,
Matt says "Blue 80! Blue 80! Set, hut! Go!
Come on, Tyler, cover it! Let's do it."

Mr. Tanner says "Get it."

Matt then says to the team "Line up!"

Matt and Tyler are obviously annoyed that Stefan is doing so well. They both notice that Elena is looking at them play curiously.

Matt feeling put out says "I hate to say it, but he's got skills."

Tyler simply replies "I think he needs a buddy pass."

"Really?" Is Matt's curious reply.

"You don't get to walk on the field and act like you own the place after 5 minutes. Just hang one up there and I'll take care of the rest." Tyler says while feeling both Confident and annoyed. Both boys not noticing that Stefan is listening to their conversation.

Mr. Tanner orders "Do it again."

Matt says to the team "All right, let's huddle up. Set, hut!"

Tyler throws the ball and hits Stefan hard with it.

Tyler then exclaims with fake apologies "Oh! Whoo! Welcome to the team, buddy."

Mr. Tanner looks over at Stefan and asks "You gonna live, Salvatore?"

Stefan replies "Yeah."

"Walk it off, son." Mr. Tanner tells him.

Matt walks over towards Stefan and says "Hey. That was my bad."

"It's all right." Stefan says, not really caring.

Matt says with uncertainty " Yeah."

Stefan notices then that his finger is broken. He pops it back into place and keeps on going.

Salvatore Boarding House
3rd POV

Stefan arrives home and notices his brother sitting in his room looking at his diary.
"Hello Stefan, your girlfriend made blondie unavailable to me. Apparently she's off limits." Damon says bitterly.

Stefan looks at his brother and asks "So who are you going to use then?"

Damon looks thoughtful, "Maybe that Vicki girl, her blood wasn't too bad."

"Elena is having a dinner tonight, she says you're invited." Stefan says, feeling reluctant to say it.

Damon turns his head towards Stefan, his face looking completely surprised "Really? God that girl keeps surprising me" He says while running his fingers through his hair with a small smile on his face.
Gilbert House.

       Me, Caroline and Bonnie are in the kitchen, I'm making dinner for tonight but after Caroline leaves the room Bonnie turns to me and starts talking about her coming into witchiness saying "You explain it. Last night, I'm watching Nine-o, a commercial breaks come on and I'm like, I bet it's that phone commercial. And sure enough, it's that guy and the girl with the bench, he flies to Paris and he flies back. They take a picture."

I look at her curiously and raise an eyebrow and ask "Isn't that commercial played on a constant loop though?"

Bonnie looks a bit put out then gets excited again "Fine. Well, how about this? Today I'm obsessed with numbers. 3 numbers. I keep seeing 8, 14, and 22. How weird is that?"

Hmm. Should I be happy that my asshole of a teach is still marked to be, well, dead? Eh? Maybe. I tell her "Maybe we should play the lottery. Have you talked to your Grams yet, I met she's full of information."

Bonnie looks down and says "She's just gonna say it's because I'm a witch. I don't want to be a witch. Do you want to be a witch?"

I look at her and get excited, I start to bounce up and down "I'd LOVE to be a witch!!!! I can just see it now... I'd sooo be trying Harry Potter spells you know and maybe get a wand just for fun!"

I'm putting the food into dishes for serving. I made breaded chicken, bread, potatoes and corn.

Bonnie stops what she was doing and looks at me, the food and then asks me "Since when can you cook?"

I look over at her and say simply "I learned, besides I Like cooking." I look in the drawer by me and then say "Ok, serving spoons. Where are the serving spoons?"

Bonnie quickly says without thinking "Middle drawer on your left."

I look and grab the spoons in excitement, "Yay Bonnie, your witchiness is coming in handy!"
Caroline walks back in and asks "What witchiness?"

Bonnie looks at me then Caroline a bit worried then she looks back at me and says "Yeah, that's it."

Shortly after that the doorbell rings. I should've canceled. Uggh. If I didn't love their characters I'd of became a loner after Bon's showed me around this town.

I walk to the door and see both Damon and Stefan standing a bit nervously.

I say "I see you've arrived Mr. Salvatore's. You may come into this lovely home."

I see both Bonnie and Caroline behind me. After I open the door all the way I hear Caroline look at Damon and say, "It's you, from the Grill"

As Damon and Stefan walk into the house Damon gives her a cocky look and then hears me mumbling about hormonal teens his mouth twitches with amusement and says "Yes it is, it's lovely to meet you Miss?" He leaves it hanging even though he already knows.

Caroline smiles happily and bounces over to him "Forbes, Caroline Forbes."

They both shake hands. Hmm. Maybe without him hurting her they'll be friends?

Eh, maybe not, he can be quite an asshole. I could see him and Bon though, that'd be intense.

We're all sitting in the dinning room eating now. It's a little to quiet. What'd make them talk?

I start awkwardly "I decided I wanted to lose to this silent game, it'll make me fidget."

Stefan and Damon look amused but bored and Bonnie and Caroline's mouth pops open in a HUH face hehehehe.

Caroline asks Stefan curiously "Did Tanner give you a hard time today?"

Stefan responds awkwardly, "Well, he let me on the team, so I must have done something right."

Caroline turns to Bonnie and Damon and says "Bonnie, Damon, you should have seen Stefan today. Tyler threw a ball right at him, and..."

Bonnie replies quickly "Yeah, I heard. " and Damon looks slightly curious about what happened, however he doesn't ask.

I'm still awkwardly sitting there thinking about how I'm going to start another conversation as Caroline again speaks up. "Hey Bonnie, you should tell them about your family."

Yeah, that's why I didn't wanna do it, oh Caroline, Bonnie looks really annoyed with her and says awkwardly, "Um, divorced. No mom. Live with my dad."

Then Caroline says impatiently  "No, about the witches. Bonnie's family has a lineage of witches. It's really cool." She finishes excitedly.

Bonnie looks down with a frown "Cool isn't the word I'd use."

Stefan then speaks up looking generally curious "Well, it's certainly interesting. I'm not too versed, but I do know that there's a history of Celtic druids that migrated here in the 1800s."

Bonnie then replies more confidently "My family came by way of Salem."

"Really? Salem witches?" Damon speaks up, his face is blank, plotting Kathrines non needed escape I see.

"Yeah." Bonnie says looking a bit awkward.
Stefan speaks up again "I would say that's pretty cool."

Bonnie looking curious asks "Really? Why?"

Damon speaks up confidently "Salem witches are heroic examples of individualism and nonconformity."

"Yeah, they are." Bonnie says looking a bit uncomfortable because of Damon, not that I blame her, he is a bit imposing and intimidating.

After the conversation goes silent again Caroline speaks up about football again.
"I cannot believe that Mr. Tanner let you on the team. Tyler must be seething. But good for you."

Damon obviously hops on this train just like in the show says "That's what I always tell him. You have to engage. You can't just sit there and wait for life to come to you. You have to go get it." Now I just wanna bang my head on the table. Unfortunately there are witnesses.

Caroline pauses for a second and looks at me as I'm putting things in the kitchen and says "Yeah, Elena wasn't so lucky today. It's only because you missed summer camp. God, I don't know how you're ever going to learn the routines.

I shout over feeling annoyed  "I said, I QUIT"

Caroline shouts back "NO, You DON'T. Besides, we can put you in the back."

I walk back into the room, I notice Damon is checking me out now. I turn to Caroline and say "I SAID I QUIT, it's MY decision, not yours."

Then Damon pips in "You know, you don't seem like the cheerleader type, Elena."

Caroline says something before I can "Oh, it's just 'cause her parents died. Yeah, I mean, she's just totally going through a blah phase. She used to be way more fun. And I say that with complete sensitivity."

I snort, god she is such a bitch during the first season. Ugh.

Surprisingly Damon looks a bit annoyed at Caroline now. I guess our little fort meeting thing has made him a bit considerate I guess, or it's the dead parents thing.

Damon then looks at me and says "I'm sorry, Elena. I know what it's like to lose both your parents. In fact, Stefan and I have watched almost every single person we've ever cared about die." He finishes while looking at Stefan.

"We don't need to get into that right now, Damon." Stefan says sternly.

Damon looks at Stefan angrily, then replies  "Oh, you know what, you're right, Stef. I'm sorry. The last thing I wanted to do was bring her up. Mmm." Ohhh now he just wants to cause trouble. I can't help but roll my eyes.

I look between both boys and say sternly "If you're both going to fight we'll have a Blanket fort meeting understand?"

Both boys freeze and look between each other and then reply at the same time through some what gritted teeth "Fine"

Then Stefan says while looking right at Damon  "We won't fight, right Damon?"  It's so hard to hide eye rolls around these boys. Maybe I should adopt them?

But if they want to bang their mom that's just to creepy right now.

Mystic Grill
3rd POV

At the Grill Tyler grabs onto Vicki a bit roughly but Vicki pulls away from him and says seemingly annoyed "Don't do that. Not while I'm working. I'll see you later." Then she walks away.

Tyler watches as she walks away and saysI'll see you later."

Matt looks between his Sister and his best friend feeling grossed out then turns to Tyler and says "She's my sister and I love her, but sometimes she can really make you work for it."

Jeremy walks up to them and says "I find it pretty easy."

Tyler is feeling a bit pissed of course and pushes at Jeremy a bit, wanting to hit him.

Jeremy raises his hands in mock surrender and says "All right, I get it. Hit me to impress her. That's...That's real nice."

Tyler responds back both sounding upset and arrogant "I don't need to impress her. I already won. Now you're dead."

Jeremy looks around in surprise, not looking s bit scared "Am I? 'Cause it seems like I'm standing here waiting for you to man up."

Matt grabs onto Tyler as he's about to retaliate and says "Ty, don't!"

Tyler is trying to regain his temper and says "The next time I see you, Gilbert..."

Jeremy who was about to turn around and go stops then turns and looks at Tyler says "No, next time I see you."

Matt feeling worried says to himself "What are you doin', Vick?"

Football field outside Mystic Falls High

I'm of course out of uniform, Caroline already aware of the fact that I quit.

I see Stefan walk up to me and then he stops and fidgets a bit nervously. He pulls out a box and I can't help feel annoyed, I said we're not going to date yes?

"Mr. Stefan, what do you think you're doing?" I ask starting to feel upset.

He looks even more nervous and says "I just , I wanted to give this to you?" He finishes it like a question looking uncertain.

I release the breath I was holding and cross my arms and ask "Why?"

He says sheepishly  "Because it's my own way of making sure you're safe."

"Shouldn't you give it to someone more important to you though?" I ask curiously, I mean, we aren't dating.

Stefan looks a little put out but says "You are important to me."

I start saying "Mr. Stefan, we aren't..."
then he cuts me off and says pleadingly "Please?"

I release an annoyed breath and then I say "Fine" then he gives me the signal to turn around, after I move my hair out of the way I freeze as his arms go around me a bit with the necklace as he hooks it on me.

3rd POV

Stefan goes to line up. I'm keeping an eye out for when my "Bro but not Bro will need me".

Mr. Tanner is giving his speech, he's saying "Wait, wait, wait, Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait. Let's be honest here. In the past, we used to let other teams come into our town and roll right over us! (Boos from the crowd.) But that is about to change. (Cheering.) We've got some great new talent tonight starting on the offense, and I'm gonna tell you right now, it has been a long time since I have seen a kid like this with hands like these. Let's give it up for Stefan Salvatore!"

Tyler is still anger and annoyance says "This blows. He can't start the guy. He just got here."

Mr. Tanner then announces "That have been waiting for us to put a check in the win column, I have only one thing to say to you...Your Timberwolves are hungry."

Tyler see's Vicki and walks over to her, still feeling very angry.

Vicki looks over and see's Tyler coming, so she turns to him and says "Hey, babe. What's wrong?"

Tyler replies hastily feeling very angry says "Nothing."

You can hear Mr. Tanner say "And the central high lions are what's for dinner!"

Tyler looks around and see Jeremy then he turns to Vicki and says "Is that Jeremy?"

Vicki starts freaking out. "Wait, no! Ty! No. Leave him alone."

Tyler can't help but feel even more pissed off looking at Jeremy then says with disdain "Oh, what do you care? Don't look so down. You can have her when I'm done."

Then Jeremy feeling provoked strikes him. The two boys begin to fight.

Elena looks over and see's her bro fighting. She knows she has to step in.

Vicki yells "Tyler, stop it! Tyler! Tyler, stop! Stop it! Stop, you're hurting him! Tyler! Tyler, stop! Tyler! Stop it! Tyler, stop!"
I jump in between my brother with my arms out as Tyler is about to strike. I stand up straight get right up in his face before he strikes and say with a snarl "You hit my brother one more time I'll kick your ass"

Tyler's eyes go big, his expression is surprised, he wasn't expecting me to intervene huh?
Fucking Jack ass. I see Tylers hands start reaching out for me, to grab me or hit me most likely, maybe it's the adrenaline, but I don't flinch, I just straighten up my posture and I pull back my fist, but then before I can blink or strike Stefan is in-between me and Tyler.

Stefan's arua is downright murderous though.

I can't see his face but he seems pretty pissed, I wonder why? It can't be because of the fight can it? He would've done the same for his own brother if he was in a fight right?

I look around him with my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion as Stefan quickly grabs both of Tyler's wrists as they had reached for me.

3rd POV

Tyler can't help but think that Stefan may kill him when he see's his face near where Elena's was, he looks really pissed.

Stefan says to him in a low threatening voice that's more like a snarl or a growl "Don't touch her" then stefan pushes Tyler's arms away.

Everyone is pissing him off today, he wasn't going to hurt her, maybe push her out of the way, or pull her close, she did look pretty hot so it's hard to say which one but he wasn't going to hit her... hopefully, she's, god why is she so different now.

Tyler retaliates against him feeling more frustrated and angry but doesn't give Stefan a response.

Tyler then tries to punch Stefan, but seeing that it seems to have any affect on Stefan he can't help but feel a bit scared, not that he'd ever admit to that though.

Tyler turns his head and sees Elena behind
Stefan looking at Stefan her expression both confused and annoyed, he can't help but wonder when she got brave enough to stand in a confrontation like that, she didn't even look afraid when she did, she just looked pissed enough to kill him.

Behind them Jeremy feeling both helpless and afraid for both himself and his sister grabs a broken glass bottle and strikes at Tyler, who moves out of the way and he almost cuts his sister but ends up cutting Stefan's hand instead.

"Jeremy" I call out to him as I grab his hand and pull him to me in hug "It's ok, it's ok, I won't let any asshole hurt you okay?"

Jeremy is looking at me in surprise and shock, has his sister never taken his side before? Has she never protected him? I will protect him, he's MY brother, dream or not, coma or not. He is MY brother.

Matt steals glances at Elena as he hurries over to Tyler and shouts "Tyler, knock it off! Stop!"

Grabbing one of Tyler's arms. Tyler's eyes are trained on Elena as she notices his stare she steps in front of her brother in a protective stance, he notices Jeremy looks surprised too, but Elena's face is serious, she'd defend him no matter what. He could see it and so could Stefan, Jeremy and Matt.

No one notices that Stefan's hand is bleeding except Elena so he hides it, he knows Elena saw it, but she already knows so it's no big deal, but he'll have to talk to her about being reckless though, she could've been very hurt.

Elena turns her head towards her brother as she grabs his hand, but her eyes stay hard and on Tyler as she asks, "Jere, Are you Okay?

They hear Jeremy reply softly to her "I'm fine Elena."

Elena turns her eyes away from Tyler who she see's as a threat and inspects her brother with her eyes, then nods her head in acceptance and then says plainly  "When we get home I'm giving you a hug and we're going to cuddle under blankets in the living room and I'm going to give you cuddles to make it all better, then we'll see."

Everyone who heard is quietly watching in surprise, she's never been like this before after he got into a fight.

Jeremy can't help but feel comforted by his sister, worried by what she did, annoyed and happy about it. Does she actually care about him then? She looked really pissed at Tyler, he's never seen her like that before. Quietly he whispers to her "Just stop, ok?"

His eyes are a little watery. He wants her safe too, he feels tears in his eyes as he try's to shake them off. Tyler could've hurt her but she was protecting him. Actually protecting him.

He hears Matt talking to Tyler saying "Come on, man. Come on." While trying to pull away but his eyes seem glued on Elena, his brow scrunched up.

Stefan seeing Tyler's gaze on her starts to move in front of her as Jeremy notices Tyler's gaze on his sister too after he see's Stefan shifting to block the view of his sister.

Jeremy decides to follow Stefan's example and he pushes his sister behind him as Stefan comes to stand beside him making Tyler have to remove his eyes from his big sister.

Elena looks confused between both boys as they move in front of her. She leans closer to her brother and grabs his hand to help comfort him and asks him with a whisper "What are you doing?"

She didn't notice Tyler looking at her or anyone else, her only worry or care is for her brother, real or not right now.

Jeremy looks at his sisters perplexed face and whispers back stiffly, "Tyler wouldn't take his eyes off of you. Stefan noticed before I did and was going to cover you, but I couldn't let him keep looking at you like he was either."

Elena's face scrunches up in confusion as she whispers back sadness in her voice as she imagines him protecting her, "I'd rather you be protected then I Jere." (She pauses and says strongly, not noticing how even Matt and Tyler can hear her again she says with steel in her voice none of them have heard before from her.) "I'm not afraid and I'm, I'm your big sister, I'll protect you with my life regardless of the consequences." 

She doesn't notice Tyler looking at her again curiously or Jeremy and Stefan shifting to stand more in front of her again as they again see Tyler checking her over again, as if he's curious about her, or as if he appreciates something about her.

But they do. Jeremy looks at Stefan and Stefan looks at him as they nod at each other both unconsciously agreeing to protect her better, neither realized she'd respond that way in this type of situation, she's been out of place and timid lately.

Elena looks between her brother and Stefan as they nod to each other, no words exchanged by them. But she recognizes that look.

Her husband (at the time friend) had the same look when he found out someone kept touching her during class when she'd tell them to knock it off. She use to be horrible at confrontations, timid and worried she'd upset her parents even for protecting herself, she couldn't understand why they had that look now, but she knew that she would protect her brother regardless of what they thought, she wasn't going to let someone hurt her family, dream or not she'd rather die.

But as she looked between them she couldn't stop the shiver going down her spine as both boys glared at Tyler, why were they looking at him like that? God boys were so weird.

But none of them noticed Damon watching it all from the side either, feeling unexpectedly upset in a way he doesn't understand just because he wasn't there standing beside them to help protect her however both he and Tyler where the only ones who noticed Elena's eyes become hard with steel while looking between her brother and his, as if she prepared herself to do anything to protect someone and no one could stop it.

But Damon doesn't know her well, fort party aside, so why does he feel the need to protect her when he was going to try to use her against his brother? But then, before he didn't see her stand up for her family like that, besides she mentioned using vervain during the fort thing, didn't she? Damn that girl is ruining his plans, but he's surprisingly ok with that.

It feels like it's been forever since anyone's spoke, everyone is quietly waiting and then Elena rolls and eyes and pushes both boys away then grabs their hands to comfort them, as she's leading them away she says, "Come on boys, nothing like a fight to liven everything up right before a game no?" she says with a laugh surprising everyone.

Vicki realizes that she won't be able to sneak over and do Jeremy tonight, she'll have to settle for Tyler if she wants to do anything, however she didn't like how he was looking at Elena, his only interest is supposed to be her after all.

As I'm dragging my boys off (my Bro and Mr. Stefan, he's a friend now, so he's one of mine now) Damon comes out of nowhere surprising both boys. I look between them and say "You guys should let Jeremy know, he'll be better prepared when or if things go badly" both Stefan and Damon look surprised and Jere looks confused.

"Let me know what Lena?" Jeremy asks while looking at me, his hand still in mine, what a sweet brother.

I look at both Salvatore brothers and tilt my head.

Damon looks in my eyes and nods his head. We follow him to the woods in silence, then he turns quickly towards my brother, who I push behind me out of instinct as Damon Vamps Out.

Jeremy's eyes are wide with surprise. I look at my brother and state simply after Damon deVamps. "They're vampires Jere, you're my brother and I need to keep you protected, that means I'm bringing you to get a Vervain tattoo and I'm going to be putting vervain in basically everything you use, do you understand?"

He looked at me, his mouth agape in surprise and I see excitement flash through his eyes, of course he'd be excited haha. "Okay!" He says chirpily.

Both brothers blink at him, apparently they weren't expecting that either.

We're going to have to tell Jenna though. I turn towards them. "Where going to have to tell Jenna too." I say this starring at both brothers.

Damon looks like he's about to protest before I say "If we don't tell her she could get severely hurt and I protect my family, I'm sure you both understand that?"

Jeremy looks at me in surprise again, god Elena wasn't the greatest with her family before this regardless of how she claimed to want to protect them was she?

Damon breaths out slowly. He's not used to this, not calling the shots that is. I'm surprised he hasn't threatened me, but he looks resigned and says "Fine, fine, and if she tells the concil?" He asks

I decide then, "If we find more vamps coming out and they're threatening my family we tell her but I'm going to make her on vervain so heavily that if someone bites her they'll regret it. . I already have things in or with vervain for her, no one and I mean no one can compel her even now"

They all nod.

I pull Jeremy along by the hand and we head over to the bleachers as Damon and Stefan walk away by the front where Mr. Tanner will die.
3rd POV

Damon walks beside Stefan, both are quiet before Damon says "Isn't that nice? Stefan joins a team, makes a friend. It's all so, "rah, rah, go team, yeah!"

Stefan isn't finding it funny, he can't help but still feel upset about Elena almost getting hurt, however he also doesn't realize that that's why Damon is mad too. "Not tonight. I'm done with you okay?"

Damon is quiet for a bit then says with anger "She's going to be a handful isn't she? She jumped in between them as if she didn't matter to any of us"

At that Stefan is quiet for a bit then he says "I believe I'm going to have a hard time stopping her from getting hurt if she'll be doing reckless things like that"

Damon nods in agreement with him and then runs his fingers through his hair in frustration "Guess I could just kill that punk for almost hurting her"

Stefan shakes his head, not that he would've necessarily objected if she had gotten hurt, he'd probably have a hard time stopping himself, he takes a deep breath then says "No. You're not gonna kill him Damon."

"No?" Damon asks with anger in his eyes.

Stefan breaths out a sigh "No, because I think we both know she'd be pissed about it, she seemed pissed that me and her brother stepped up to defend her and despite you acting like you may have actually become the monster that you pretend to be you know know she'd be pissed at you for defending her after the fact too."

"Who's pretending?" He asks casually, he really wants to hurt that boy.

Stefan then says "Then kill me."

Damon looks confused then uses false bravo and says "Well, I'm...I'm tempted."

Stefan hides a laugh, understanding that Damon is upset, he's just not realizing how pissed his brother actually is feeling right now "No, you're not. You've had lifetimes to do it, and yet, here I am. I'm still alive. And there you are. You're still haunting me. After 145 years. Katherine is dead. And you hate me because you loved her, and you torture me because you still do. And that, my brother, is your humanity."

Before Damon can say anything Mr. Tanner walks over and says. "Salvatore! What the hell? We've got a game to play!"

Damon turns to his brother, his need to kill some asshole to strong and says "If that's my humanity...then what's this?"

Stefan is in slight shock as Damon jumps over and rips out Mr. Tanners throat.

They hear Mr. Tanners screams and Stefan can't help but shout out "No!" To Damon that comes out more of a plea though.

Deciding to taunt his brother he turns to him and says "Anyone, anytime, any place." Even if he doesn't completely mean, even if he wishes he did. Damn Elena and her striking up his feeling of protectiveness and stuff.
In the locker room
3rd POV

Tyler looks around and noticing that Mr. Tanner isn't there turns to Matt and says "Tanner's M.I.A. I think he had a little bit too much beer."

Matt is just feeling extremely mad at Tyler right now, even more since it seemed like he was going to hurt Elena "Don't talk to me right now, all right? I'm pissed at you."

Tyler shocked turns to Matt again and asks "What's your problem?"

Matt looking dumbfounded by the question responds with disbelief "What's my...You're my problem, all right? You're a bully. A freakin' 12-year-old bully, man. And I'm sick of it. I mean, what was that about tonight? What's beating up the new guy going to prove? Or screwing with my sister or how about how you were pummeling my girlfriend's kid brother and about to hurt her too?"

Tyler looks at Matt with narrowed eyes "Girlfriend? Look, I don't know how to tell you this, but she dumped your ass. Are you for real?! You want to hit me? I'm on your team and I wasn't going to hurt her, maybe move her out of the way, or something." Like pull her close but he sure as hell wasn't going to tell Matt that.

Matt says with rage "This was over the line. Even for you." And he walks out of the locker room and as he walks around he stumbles over Mr. Tanners body.

Matt yells out in desperation "Somebody help!"
Someone calls 9-1-1 as the police arrived.

Bonnie looks at the scene before her in disbelief. She looks at the license plate "BLDG 8", the immatriculation's car is "FHT 14" and on the ground, the number 22. Bonnie is now afraid.

Vicki notices that Jeremy isn't here, but she see's Tyler, she goes up to him and grabs his arm and says "Come on Ty, lets go have a good time" he follows her off.

Stefan watches in the background, he knows that Elena will know what happened, that'll she'll probably know who did it too and can't hold back a sigh, he should get home.

Gilbert Residence

Elena is beside her brother of a sort and they have the blankets set up. She pulls out a board game called LIFE and goes over to Jeremy
"Jeremy, lets play this."

He looks at her with a smile and says "Sure, should we wait for Jenna so she can play with us?"

I think for a little. "I think she's sleeping already, it's late, maybe she'll want to play with use tomorrow though." I say with a shrug.

We play well into the night and we both fall asleep.
3rd POV
Neither of us wake to Damon coming in the room and putting us in comfortable positions or to him putting blankets on us before he barely touches Elena's face gently enough she doesn't awaken, his eyes filled with something even he wasn't sure of. He loves Kathrine right? Not this brave spitfire of a girl that he just met right?

He can't help but feel incredibly confused.

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