Behind Closed Doors ((One Dir...

By 223NiallandMe

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Katie and Charlotte were two normal girls... Until they were chosen to go to Hill Heights secondary school. N... More

Behind Closed Doors
Hill Heights Secondary School
Smiles and Timetables!
PE and Drama!
Sneeking in!
Spin the bottle!
Band Meeting!
The Video
A plate of carrots please!
A cute wake-up note and Music
Sorry, we lost track of time!
Charlotte's being a bitch..
F*ck that hurts!
I have to tell you guys something...
A/N - If this works...
Going Home
Just help me contact her.
Thought you were ditching me.
The Letter!
Just Relax.
Spa Time
Sex on The Beach
The Tour Got Cancelled!
Many More Tears.
The First Scan
Epologe 1
Eplologe 2

Good news never lasts long.

180 4 1
By 223NiallandMe

Chapter 28

** Charlotte's POV **

We arived at the doctors after our chat with Simon and I had this odd feeling that something wasn't right. I'm not sure if it was because I was nervous about the appointment or for some other reason but I could tell something was up.

"You ready?" Liam asked once we were parked up.

"I guess so." We walked into the practice and Liam signed me in so I could go and sit down.

"You seem nervous. Calm down." Liam sat down next to me. I couldn't calm down thought. I knew something was up.

After another 5 minutes my name got called and Liam pun an arm around my waist before guiding me in the direction of the room we were told.

I was just about to knock on the door when I got a call.

(P: Penelope - Katie's mum. C: Charlotte)

P: Charlotte are you able to talk?

C: No can I speak to you in say 15 minutes? 

P: Okay *sniffing noise* I will talk to you in a moment.

I was very worried now. Penelope never cried. She was always happy and up beat. Something must have happened.

"Come on lets go in." Liam knocked on the door and the doctor let us in.

"Hello miss Devine. I hear you have been a tad ill resently." The doctor was an older gentleman maybe in his 50's? I told him that I had been throwing up every morning for a few days and that Liam was worr but I was sure it was just a bug.

"I don't think its just a bug but I have an idea though. Could you lay down on the bed please I would like to do an ultrasound." As soon as I heard the word ultrasound I knew what he was on about. I looked over to Liam once I was on the ved and he got up to hold my hand. I think by know the switch in Liam's head had clicked.

"This may be cold." Doctor Fox told me, I saw his name on his desk. As he promised the gel was cold and made me shiver. He began to move the probe around on my tummy and I looked up at Liam in hope that he could calm me.

He mouthed 'I love you' and kissed my forehead. "Yep. As I thought."

I took a deep breath.

** Liam's POV **

"Yep. As I thought." Doctor Fox though out loud. I knew what he was on about.

"Miss Devine, Mr Payne congratulations. Your about 5 weeks pregnant." He told us with a massive smile on his face.

I began to think back to that amazing night on the beach. We didn't use protection and now this was the consequence.

My first reaction was to panic and run a mile. I couldn't look after myself very well let alone another human being! Plus I had an extremely busy schedule but I knew Charlotte would need my support. I was telling the truth when I said that I would always stick by her.

I could see the tears well up in my baby girls eyes and at that point I knew what I had to do. "We can get though this. You will be an amazing mummy to our little boy or girl. We can get through anything."

"Are you sure? I'm still in school and you have your career. I can't hold you back from all that!"

"I'm sure. The boys will understand. Management will just have to get on with it and understand that I won't be able to be away from home for as long or I will bring you and the baby with me." I was going to say more but Dr. Fox interrupted me.

"Sorry to interrupt but would you like a picture of the scan?"

"Yes please." After that we talked with the doctor about different options for if we didn't want to keep the baby but we both agreed that we wanted to keep even though we knew it would throw up a few problems we couldn't let that baby go.

When it came to thinking that the girl that I loved was carrying the child we created out of our love for each other I couldn't help the smile on my face. I felt so protective over Charlotte now, not that I didn't before.

I saw her in a new light. Not my girlfriend or my baby girl I saw her as the lady I want to spend my life with. The lady I want to marry. The lady I want to grow old with.

We booked an appointment for a few weeks time and left. Once we got into the car Charlotte called Penelope back and linked the phone up to the car so I could hear too.

** Charlotte's POV **

"Penelope is everything okay?" I asked. I was beaming from what I had been told. Me and Liam were both over the moon but I knew whatever Penelope was about to tell me wouldn't be good.

"No. You should be the first to know. Katie's father doesn't even know. Are you with Liam?" I panicked.


"Katie took her own life. I went down to the basement this morning to check on her and her father and brother were out and I found her. Do you want to know the details? I won't tell you if you don't want to know." The tears fell from my eyes like the rain on a winters day.

"Tell me." I sobbed.

Penelope's voice cracked as she carried on. "I found her on the floor in a corner, where she made her makeshift bed. The blankets were covered in blood. There was so much blood! She was covered in it!" She cried. "It was like something you would find in a war zone! Her body was covered in cuts. Then the knife she had was in her hand. Again covered in blood. She wrote a note but it clearly said only to be opened by you. I will send it to you after I hang up." We were both full on crying and Liam had pulled the car over as he was crying too. He patted his lap so I climed over the central console onto Liam's lap and cried into his chest.

"I will tell you what it says." I told her through my tears.

"I'm sorry I can't talk anymore I'm going to go. Goodbye." Once Penelope had hung up thats when the tears properly came. The fact that my best friend had taken her own life. I knew if I had told someone I could have stopped this whole thing from happening. 

"Why didn't I stop it!" I shouted. I wasn't shouting at Liam or myself.

"You did what she asked and that is all she wanted. Just remember she is no longer in pain. She is in a much better place." Liam whispered into my hair.

"Why did I have to find out today though?! I should be happy that I'm pregnant not crying because my best friend died!" I shouted again.

"Maybe a bit of Katie is in our baby. We must have found our everything today for a reason." I pulled away and rested my back on the steering wheel.

"Do you think so?" My voice was horse from the crying and screaming.

"Well why else would we get such tragic and amazing news on the same day?" Then Liam's eyes lit up. "If it's a girl we could call it Katie." He suggested. "In honour of her."

Then I remembered. "When we were 14 we promised each other that if one of us died young we would name our first baby girl after the other, as long as our partners agreed of course." Liam wiped my tears and then his own.

"Then that's what we will do."

"If its a boy we have to choose who we like most out of Niall, Louis, Harry and Zayn though.." I joked finally managing a smile from me and Liam.

"Or we could just name him Paul. Or Bob." We both laughed. "Lets keep you smiling I know it won't be easy but its better for the baby." Liam rubbed my cheek before kissing me and reminding me that even though I had lost one of the mosy important people I know I had alos gained a perfect bundle of joy.




I'm really enjoying this book at the moment and I can put a lot of emotion into it. Okay the real Katie hasn't died but I have been feeling really shitty resently and I can just get out all of my rubbish feelings.

I have a name for the baby I think its quite pretty. I have started writing the epologe thing and that almost made me cry! Thb I was crying through this because of the thought of actually loosing Katie or one of my other really close friends.

Okay long chapter so...



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