Ameortentia - Collection of O...

By SlytherinPrincess002

693K 9.9K 3.4K

A collection of One-shots: Fremione Dramione FredxHermionexGeorge Theomione Linny Deamus Cedmione ect... More

Mistletoe (Fremione)
Filthy Little Mud-Blood (Dramione)
Coming Out (Linny)
Pissing off the Old Toad (George x Lee)
Marry me? (Fremione)
Caught (Scorose)
Am I? I am. (Oliver x Percy)
"Make me, Potter." (Scorbus)
Back To You (Charlie Weasley/Hermione Granger)
His Girl (GeorgexHermione)
Defying Fate (Hermione/Adrian Pucey)
Half Off (Fred/Hermione/George)
Guilty (Draco×Ginny)
Imprint? (Hermione/Paul Lahote)(Harry Potter/Twilight Crossover)
Tame Me (Hermione×Charlie)
Gryffindor at Heart (Blaise Zabini × Hermione Granger)
Dauntless (Hermione × Fred)
Friends Dont (Hermione × Ginny)
Let Me Down Slowly (Ron x Lavender)
Thank you, Next (Hermione x Pansy)
First Dance of Many (Fremione)
Secret Love (George x Hermione)
End Up With You (Theomione)
Traitor (Theodore Nott and Hermione Granger)(Part 2)
The Martyrs (Theomione Part Three)
I Dare You
Broken (Fred x Hermione)
Do You See Them Too? (Oliver and Percy)
Changes (Lee x George)
Unbreakable (Deamus)
Sleepovers (Lee x Hermione)
The Cure
Love Lies
Broom Sticks and Bookworms (Oliver x Hermione)
Teasing (BlaisexHermione)
Bravery and Loyalty
Hermione Granger and The Goblet of Fire
Ravenclaw Tower Romance (Hugo Weasley & Daisy Dursley)
The Weasley Eight
She's So Gone (Cedric/Ginny/Oliver)
Running Away From The Past (HermionexCharlie)
Facing the Consequences
Fire and Ice (Scorose)
Kryptonite (GeorgexHermione)
Fist Bumping (Jily)
Misfit (Scorlily)
Aftermath (Vikmione)
Demons in... Lust? No, Love.
The Weasley/Granger War of '95
Dragons (Hermione×OC Muggle Boy)
The Executioner
Interdimensional (Thresh and Hermione)
Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not? (Seth Clearwater & Hermione Granger)
Taken with Her (Hermione Granger×George Weasley)
Real or Not Real?
In Another World
In Another World
The Forest and The Ocean (HGxGW HGxFW)
Demetrius Harrison Nott
Evans Sisters
His Mate (Young Remus LupinxHermione Granger)
Hermione Roses and Lily Flowers
Stolen (MiltiShip)
Dirty Blood
Reunion of Sorts (Spencer ReidxHermione Granger)
Color (Soulmate AU)
True Loves Curse
Teach Me
Good Girls
The Wrong Weasley
The Young McCarty (Time Warp - Hermione x Paul Lahote)
Part One: What Makes A Man (Trigger Warning)
Part Two: What Makes A Man (Trigger Warning)
Part Three: What Makes A Man (Trigger Warning)
The Beaters Girl (OC/GW)
The Wrong Ginger (HGxFW) (NBC)
Dear Fred,
Hey, Freddie
His Name (Soulmate AU)
Venom (Smut)(GWxHGxFW)x(CW) (HGxFW)(Modern Muggle AU)
Mudbloods (Hermione Granger x Carl Gallagher AU) (Part One, Years 1-3)
Lupin (Chapter One Draft) (OCxRAB)
Lost in Battle
My My I Think We Have A Spy (OCxRemus Lupin)
Spin the Wheel
Life Debt (Hermione x Marcus)

Snakes in the Lions Den

4K 60 18
By SlytherinPrincess002

"Miss Avery, Fifty Points from Slytherin!" Professor McGonagall shouts when she takes notice of the stinging jinx I'd thrown at Ronald Weasley, what she hadn't seen were Weasley and his sister throwing insults at Adrian and I just moments before I lost my temper and hexed the git. I open my mouth to say something to her but am stopped when Adrian clamps his hand over my mouth so silence me. He waits until McGonagall leads her lions back to their tower before he removed his hand and spins me around in his arms to face him. "You shouldn't have hexed him, Love." Adrian says softly, hugging me tightly to his chest. "They called us Death Eaters, Dri." I growl angrily into his chest, my fingers fisting the fabric of his school robes tightly as unshed tears burn my eyes. "You didn't expect it? Our families side with The Dark Lord, Our fathers are inner circle Death Eaters. Even if we aren't, we're going to suffer for their choices... even if we wouldn't make them ourselves." He says, stroking my hair lightly in an attempt to comfort me. "We aren't our parents, Adrian." I scoff, blinking the tears from my eyes.

"I know we aren't, but the Gryffindors will never see us as anything but Death Eaters and Followers of The Dark Lord." He says honestly, using his arms to push me back from his chest a bit to look me in the face. "Then we'll make them." I snap, my eyes hardening with determination. "How do you suppose we do that, My Love?" He grins, knowing I'm already forming a plan. "We need to go see Dumbledore, now, before Umbitch runs him from the castle." My boyfriend smirks and leans down to quickly capture my lips with hisown. "You're hot when you're plotting something." He growls at me when he pulls away, offering me his hand. I lead the way to the Headmaster's office, nearly shouting the password at the gargoyle when we reach the hidden entrance. Adrian watches as the gargoyle leaps to the side and reveals a staircase. Together we climb the stairs two at a time, trying to make this as quick of a visit as possible. Pushing the door open we find Dumbledore sitting behind his desk, reading over some old scroll with a gleam in his eye.

"Ah, Miss Avery and Mr Pucey, I've been expecting the two of you." He says without glancing up from his scroll, causing Adrian and I to recoil slightly at his knowing tone. After a moments pause I clear my throat and step forward, my hand still clutching tightly to Adrian's. "Then I suspect you know what we want." I politely state, the usual edge to my voice gone. "Yes, Miss Avery, I am very much aware of your wishes to deflect from your father. Just as I am aware Mr Pucey needs my help to avoid taking the Dark Mark the moment he returns home for the winter holidays." Adrian stiffens behind me and I grit my teeth, of course the old bats been watching for defectors. "Then I am correct to assume you have a solution?" I snap, my patience wearing thin. "My solution will not be an easy one, Miss Avery, and it will bring some things to light I'm sure will shock you to your core." He gestures for Adrian and I to take a seat, which we reluctantly do, before he continues speaking- he knows we'll do whatever it takes.

"Let me start by telling you of your true parentage, Miss Avery. You are not a Pureblood by birth, but by blood ritual. You were born a Muggleborn, kidnapped at only three weeks old by your father after he lost his wife during childbirth." I gasp loudly and tighten my grip on Adrian's hand, my entire life is a lie. "You appeared on the Hogwarts registry at only a week old after a rather outstanding display of accidental magic." He pauses, giving Adrian and I a moment to process the information bit by bit. "You-Know-Who was informed of you and decided you would become an asset if correctly brought up, which is when he assigned your father to take you from your muggle family and raise you as his own." He stops and looks at me, as if he's waiting for something. "The muggles?" I question, already regretting asking when I see the grim look that masks his features. "Murdered the night you were taken." I take a shaky breath and close my eyes, anger building up within me. "Miss Avery, if I understand correctly what exactly you're willing to do to escape your family name, I'm going to need you to accept my terms... You as well Mr Pucey."

Adrian and I share a look before dipping out heads forward once in compliance. "Do not return home for the Christmas holidays, instead report to the Three Broomsticks the day we release and I will have someone waiting to take you to a safe house where you will then pledge your allegiance to Mr Potter and his cause. From that moment on you will be recognized as members of The Order of the Pheonix, and used as our eyes and ears inside Slytherin House." He pauses, giving us a moment to think his terms over before he asks, "Do you accept the terms of my agreement?" Adrian squeezes my hand and we both come to the same conclusion. "Yes, we accept your terms." He says, pushing himself to his feet and leading my from the office. As we make our way to the Great Hall I find my mind ablaze with the truth of what we're doing... We're deflecting. We're rebelling. We aren't standing for the load of shite we've been fed our entire lives. Adrian and I are writing our own story, one that makes us heros instead of villains.

*Time Skip - Christmas Holidays*

"We should go now, Mione, the common room is completely empty- everyone's gone for the train already." Adrian says as he pulls his shirt on and offers me a hand to pull me from his bed. "I suppose we must, I was hoping to spend a bit longer in bed... But we did promise we'd be on time." I remark as I allow my boyfriend to pull me into his quidditch toned arms. "Believe me, I'd much rather stay in bed than walk to bloody Hogsmede in this damn blizzard but we unfortunately must go." He whispers before pulling me in for a chaste kiss. Once he releases me I slip on one of his jumpers and pull my jeans on, stepping into my shoes as quickly as I can. Adrian grins widely as he takes in me clad in his jumper and offers me his arm to escort me from the dungeons. The two of us walk arm and arm out of the castle and head towards the Three Broom Sticks, my eyes widening when I notice who exactly is waiting for us. "Adrian, that's Alastor Moody." I gasp softly, as we reach the entrance of the small pub, Adrian's eyes bulge but he says nothing as he opens the door for us.

As soon as we enter the pub, Moody approaches us and leads us to a small booth in the back of the place, hidden from view of prying eyes. "Albus has already filled me in and I must say I'm impressed, it takes alot of courage to do what you're doing." He says, taking a swig from a flask and raking his eyes over Adrian and I in observation. "I will be sidealong apparating both of you to the destination Ablus has designated, I must of course ask you to play nicely with the other inhabitants because I'm sure some will not be enthused to see two Snakes in their Den." As soon as he finishes talking he reaches across the table and grabs onto both Adrian and I, and suddenly we aren't at the Three Broomsticks anymore. We're standing in the middle of an unfamiliar street. Moody turns to us smugly and tells us to stand back before pulling his wand and pointing it between two houses. He casts a spell quietly and the houses begin to shift apart, revealing a third house wedged right in-between them.

Without another word Moody grabs onto Adrian and I and pulls us up onto the porch of the mysterious third home. He knocks and when the door swings open we find ourselves on the other end of Professor Lupins wand. Adrian pulls me behind him, an attempt to protect me should this be a set up and looks towards the Auror questionably. Professor Lupin asks Moody what I can only assume is a security question, lowering his wand only after Moody gives him the correct answer. "What are you doing here, Mad-Eye?" Lupin asks as be ushers him into the house, not taking notice of either of us until Moody reaches behind him and yanks us into the house behind him. "Albus asked me to deliver our newest members, I trust you can gather everyone into the meeting room?" Lupins eyes widen when he realizes who exactly we are and he nods his head wordlessly as he rushes up the stairs to, I assume, gather the order. "Follow me." Moody calls gruffly to us as he leads the way down a hallway, dropping us off in a room with a round table. "Sit down and wait here."

Adrian takes a seat in one of the chairs at the table and pulls me into his lap, allowing me to lean into his warmth. Not five minutes later the door to the room is thrown open and a group of people come rushing on, a few red heads narrowing their eyes on me. I watch as everyone grabs seats as far away from Adrian and I as they can, the room remaining silent until Moody enters and clears his throat. "Albus unfortunately couldn't be here today, he however did leave me with specific instructions regarding the two new faces in the room. Hermione Avery and Adrian Pucey are here today to pledge their allegiance to Potter and the Order. They will become our eyes and ears inside the Slytherin House." As soon as our last names register with everyone in the room, gasps of shock and outrage can be heard from nearly every person and I can almost swear that I hear voices from the corridor whispering harshly. "This is outrageous, Alastor! They're school children! The girl can't be any older than fourteen!" A plump ginger woman shouts, slamming her fist against the table and standing up angrily.

"Forget their age, Molly, didn't you hear their names? Avery? Pucey? Death Eaters." A sickly looking man snaps from the head of the table. Adrian loosens his grip on my hip when the man calls us Death Eaters because he knows what's coming next. Angrily I shoot to my feet and slam both my palms  against the wooden table with so much force it cracks beneath my hands. "Listen here you absolute arsehole, would we be here if Dumbledore didn't trust us? If we bore the dark mark would we be sitting in this room with you right now? How stupid must you be! Honestly! A person's last name doesn't define them, Mr Black, I'd assume you of all people would know that." The sickly looking man, that I now see to be Sirius Black, narrows his eyes at me but doesn't dare open his mouth in retort. "Further, to clarify, Adrian is seventeen and I am sixteen. I've not had the trace on me since I was eleven, if that's what you're worried about, because my father bribed someone at the ministry to remove it before I started my schooling." Taking a deep breath to regain my composure I sit back down into Adrian's lap and rest my head on his shoulder.

Nobody speaks for a moment, until a melodic voice washes over the room. "She's got fire, I like her." Looking around my eyes fall on a short woman sitting in between Professor Lupin and Mr Black, her hair a bright bubblegum pink. "I figured you would after that outburst." Sirius complains mostly to himself as Moody tries to regain control of the meeting. "As they're becoming official members of the order, we need to see how they fair in a duel so we can determine how handy they'll be on missions... Let's continue this meeting in the dueling room." Moody leads the way out of the meeting room and as soon as Adrian and I step into the corridor behind him we are met with the shocked faces of our fellow classmates. The Weasley girl is the first to step forward, a suspicious expression on her face. "We don't trust you." She spats at us, crossing her arms over her chest. The woman, Molly, who'd been worried about our age gasps and swats at her daughter. "That's fine, Weasley, we don't particularly trust you either." Adrian says curtly, grabbing my hand and pulling me after Moody and the rest of the order.

As soon as we reach the room they've designated for dueling, Moody rounds on us. "Let's see how you two fair against trained Aurors. Kingsley, you and Mr Pucey have the floor." A tall, dark, Auror steps forward with a smirk and nods his head at Adrian. Leaning down, Adrian kisses me softly for luck before waltzing into the center of the room and standing where Moody directed him. As soon as the protective wards go up the duel commences, Kingsley throwing a stinging hex at Adrian... Only for my boyfriend to dodge it and fire off three different hexes in less than five seconds. Tonks looks at me with a raised eyebrow and I lean towards her and let her in on Adrian and I's dirty little secret. "We like to listen to muggle rap music when we're alone... He's rather skilled at it." Tonks nods in amazement as she watches my seventeen year old boyfriend take down a fully trained Auror. The duel ends five minutes after it starts, with Adrian holding a defeated Kingsley's wand. The room is shocked, and Mr Black is muttering about dark magic.

"Alright... Mr Pucey will definitely be an asset, a valuable one at that. Miss Avery, would you and Tonks care to give it a go?" I don't get a chance to respond before Tonks has me dragged into the arena and shoved me in the direction of my spot. "I'm not going to take it easy on you, Youngling." She grins, earning a smirk from me. Moody throws the wards up and the duel commences quickly. Tonks waits for me to draw my wand, but grows confused when I point to Adrian, who is holding both of our wands. It's not until she's hit with a wandless, nonverbal, Colloshoo. The Auror shrieks in delight when she realizes what I've done and begins throwing hexes and jinxes at me, only to have me deflect then with a wave of my hand. I play with her for about six minutes before I finally summon her wand into my hand. As soon as the wards go down the entire Order is upon me, questioning how in the hell I, a fifth year, have perfected Nonverbal and Wandless Magic... I'm Slytherin and an Avery, how shocked can they really be.

Time Skip - Return to School

After staying the entirety of our Christmas holidays at headquarters, Adrian and I return to school not only closer than ever, but with a shiney new, muggle, Phenix Feather tattoo each. Both curving around the underside of out left ears, disillusioned as to not be seen. While staying at headquarters I became close with Tonks, and surprisingly the Weasley Twins. The twins quickly became Adrian's best friends, and pretending to dislike them will probably be a challenge from now on. Upon entering the Slytherin common room, the first thing that grabbed my attention was Gregory Goyle, showing Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini his left arm... A dark mark. I discreetly pinch Adrian in the side and tip my head in Goyles direction, Dri instantly catching on to what I'm getting at. The two of us make our way up to his room, after he tells Marcus not to bother us for a bit, and he pulls out his spelled journal and writes our findings. The ink disappears moments later and a reply from Fred comes through, letting us know he'd pass the information on to Potter... As soon as he's sure the informations been received, Adrian tackles me back onto his bed and proceeds to snog me senseless.

Time Skip - Sixth Year

It's weird being at school without Adrian, but he's safer not being here. He refused the dark mark, and told his father it was so he could become an Auror and help Voldemort from within the Ministry. The fool bought it. As per our fathers contracted agreement, the moment I turned seventeen Adrian and I were married. I'm no longer Miss Avery at school, but Mrs Pucey... It drives McGonagall crazy half the time because she always forgets to call me Pucey in class. While my husband runs rampant with Tonks, taking down one follower after another- I'm stuck at Hogwarts, watching over Draco Malfoy. I'd managed to recruit Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini to the Order shortly after the start of term, and now the three of us are practically inseparable. I spend every Wednesday night teaching them nonverbal magic, both of them making fast progress. The three of us charmed three journals the same way Adrian had charmed his and the twins last year, so we always have an open line of communication. The three of us are currently holding a meeting because Blaise found something out.

"He's going to kill Dumbledore."

Time Skip - Seventh Year

We'd been unsuccessful in stopping the Murder of Albus Dumbledore... But the three of us had been able to stop something else. Blaise and Theo destroyed the Banishing Cabinet before any Death Eaters could get through, the only reason we'd been able to accomplish that was because I'd discovered the room of requirement. Over summer, Theo and Blaise both got a Phenix Feather tattooed under their left ear to symbolize their part in the order, we'd disillusioned them the same way Adrian and I had ours. Adrian's father still suspects nothing of his involvement with the Order and my father hasn't attempted to contact me since my wedding, my purpose in his eyes fulfilled. Tonight's the night, after nearly seven months of constant hell at this school, Harry Potter returns. The boys and I received word just before curfew, he was in Hogsmede with Ron and Ginny Weasley. War was upon us, and we're more than ready for it. Not more than half an hour after receiving word of Potter's arrival are we called to the Great Hall by Snape. Greasy Git.

He has us stand separated into our houses before he begins spouting bullshit about what would happen to anyone found hiding Harry Potter. I have to bite my lip to stop my grin when I hear Potter's voice cut across the already tense room, telling Snape he's got a bit of a security problem. The doors to the Great Hall swing open and I don't need to turn around to know the rest of the order is with us. I'm standing in the front of the Slytherin lines, my hair pulled back messily so that my tattoo will be on full display when I remove my disillusionment charm.

Blaise stands to my left and Theo to my right, both of them clutching to their wands tightly. Snape suddenly raises his wand in Potters direction and I react before anyone else gets the opportunity to. Stepping forward I raise my hand at Snape and he's sent flying backwards into the Carrows. All three get to their feet quickly and raise their wands at me, and suddenly Theo and Blaise are at my sides, wands raised in preparation for a battle. The Carrows are messy with their curses and it takes my boys only seconds to send them to the floor in full body bind curses. Snape raises an eyebrow at me as I shoot stunner after stunner at him, my magic sparking around me dangerously. Finally I get an idea and shoot a Levicorpus at him and watch in triumph as it makes contact with the git. The rest of the Great Hall is watching us in shock, three Slytherins just protected Potter. With a wave of his wand Blaise reveals our Phenix Feathers and the Gryffindors erupt into cheers, accepting us as one of them. Our victory is short lived, as soon the Dark Lord is upon us his army in tow. McGonagall assigns Adrian, my boys, the Twins, and I to take the Astronomy Tower. I run to Adrian's arms and jump wrapping my legs around his torso and kissing him soundly. "Mione, after this is over we're going home and I'm never letting you out of my sight again!" He says sternly, setting me back to my feet and leading the way to the Astronomy Tower. We reach our post just as the little Irish dude manages to blow up the bridge, the twins whooping loudly at his success.

The battle is long and hard. Between the six of us I'd say we've got a death count of twelve... My father and Adrian's included, I'll have to buy Fred and Theo a gift after all of this is over. We round a corner just in time to see Bellatrix Lestrange take down Lupin and Tonks, and I can't stop the enraged scream that leaves my lips as I step forward and incendio the bitch. The boys watch in horror as I cook the woman alive until their eyes land on Tonks, who'd just given birth days ago. The six of us fight our way to the Great Hall where we find the Weasley family huddled around the body of Ronald Weasley. The twins cry out painfully as they rush to their mother's side, and Theo and Blaise go to try and find Malfoy, maybe talk some sense into him. Looking around Adrian and I spot Potter moving to leave and we know where he's going. I tell Adrian to stay put and follow Potter from the hall, calling his name once we're out of earshot of anyone else. He jumps and rounds on me, his eyes wide... He'd not been expecting to get caught.

"I know where you're going, and I'm not going to try and talk you out of it because I know it's pointless. I want you to know you're loved before you walk into that forest. Black loved you, Weasley loved you, Remus loved you, everyone here today loves you Potter. I'll forever be in your debt and I promise to take care of our Godson." He nods his head and moves to hug me, pausing momentarily, unsure of if it's welcome contact. I smile softly and fling my arms around him, squeezing him tightly. I watch him until he disappears into the forest before I allow tears to freely roll down my cheeks. Taking a deep breath I turn and walk back into the castle, straight to Adrian. He opens his arms and pulls me into his chest, shaking slightly when I whisper Teddy would be our responsibility if we survived this. Blaise and Theo rush into the Hall dragging a half dead Draco Malfoy with them- his Dark Mark carved out of his skin.

"Who?" I snap angrily as they lay him down in front of Adrian and he begins to cast healing spells and shouts for blood replenishing potions.

"His father."

Time Skip - Battle Resumes

When Voldemort calls out to Draco, I step in front of him, my deadly stare locked on Lucius. "Ah, Miss Avery, we meet again." Voldemort says in his snake like voice, a grin spreading across his face. I don't respond, so he prods at me. "Tell me, little one, how many of the light have you killed tonight?" At this my calm snaps. "None. I am, however, responsible for the downfall of Bellatrix Lestrange... And will soon be the downfall of Lucius Malfoy." His expression turns stony and he finally takes notice of the feather tattoo curving under my ear. "I see girl that you have fallen into the stupidity that Albus Dumbledore so frequently preached. Such a shame that is, you'd have been a valued asset alive." I smirk at him and cock my head to the side. "You really thought I'd stay loyal to the man who ordered me to be kidnapped as a child? Who put a three week old infant through a blood ritual? Who murdered my muggle parents because they weren't of value to you? You're stupider than you look Tom."

I see him raise his wand at me, but before he can cast the curse to take my life, Potter rolls from Hagrids arms.

Potter Lives.

Time Skip - Victory

It's over. We won. Harry defeated Voldemort  and everything is going to be okay. Lucius Malfoy is dead, at my hands, and I'm currently holding Draco Malfoy as he sobs into my shirt. Adrian and my boys watching from a distance. "Thank you, Pucey," he sobs, "I'm free!" His mother comes and claims him a moment later to take him home to rest, stopping to thank Adrian for healing his arm back to its former, unmarked, glory. I move to walk over to Adrian, but am stopped when a mass of messy raven hair collides with me roughly and hugs me tightly. Potter. "Thank you." Is all he says before releasing me and running over to the Weasley family. Following Potter's excellent example I take off in a sprint for my husband and launch myself into his arms, pressing my lips soundly to his. Adrian clutches me tightly and inhales deeply, savoring everything about this moment. I can't help the happy sobs that begin to shake my body. I'm alive. Adrian is alive. Theo and Blaise are alive. Fred and George are alive.

We survived.

Time Skip - Nineteen Years Later

Today is the day Adrian and I send our youngest off to Hogwarts. Ameila Freddy Pucey, the youngest of four and our only daughter. Our son's, Alastor George, Avery Blaise, and Arthur Theodore are all already in attendance: Arthur, our eldest, is starting his fourth year in Gryffindor. Avery, second eldest, is starting his third year in Gryffindor. Alastor, our second youngest, is starting his second year in Slytherin. Adrian swears Ameila will be sorted into Slytherin but I disagree, I believe she'll be placed in Ravenclaw. It's been Nineteen years since we won the war and not a day goes by that I don't think about those we lost. About all I did to survive.

I may have been a Slytherin, but I was Gryffindor at heart.

Bravery lies in my soul and the war proved it.

My parents, Adrian's parents, they didn't define who we were.

Who we are.

I'm forever thankful to Ronald Weasley, no matter how much of an arrogant prat he was, because he made me see the truth.

I am, and always will be my own person.

(Did you like it? Let me know in the comments.)

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