The Beauty and The Beast

By calianaking

115K 2.2K 450

After the big battle, Hogwarts students didn't flee like they were expected to, but stood tall fighting for t... More

Chapter 1: New beginnings
Chapter 2: Lifeless heart
Chapter 3: Forced bond
Chapter 4: I'm sorry
Chapter 5: Memory Lane
Chapter 6: New dorm
Chapter 7: Mistakes were made
Chapter 8: Hargrids Heart
Chapter 9: Lake Mistake
Chapter 10: Drunk with Lust
Chapter 11: Remembering
Chapter 12: Wishing
Chapter 13: Eyes
Chapter 14: Tears
Chapter 15: Harry
Chapter 16: Mourning
Chapter 17: Sorry
Chapter 18: Fights
Chapter 19: Special Place
Chapter 20: Bullies
Chapter 21: Leader
Chapter 22; Talk
Chapter 23: Stood up
Chapter 25: Goodbye
Chapter 26: She
Chapter 27: Bruises
Chapter 28: New Love
Chapter 24: The Cheat
Chapter 29: Aria
Chapter 30: Redemption
Chaper 31: Hold me close
Chapter 32: Formal
Chapter 33: Slow dance
Chapter 34: To heal
Chapter 35: Additions
Chapter 36: Lint
Chapter 37: Check up
Chapter 38: Alone
Chapter 39: Rekindled
Chapter 40: Time of our lives
Chapter 42: Pansy
Chapter 43: All Love
Chapter 44: In awe
Chapter 45: Wedding
A/N; 1K Reads!!!!
46: Another one
Chapter 47: Others
Chapter 48: Wrong

Chapter 41: Tied down

1K 23 9
By calianaking

Hermione's P.O.V

"Just like old times!" Harry boomed when Neville's drink somehow exploded everywhere. Everyone erupted in laughter. Everyone being Harry, Aria, Ron, Ginny, Luna, Draco, Neville, Blaise and I.

It has been four months since graduation. The gang, (the people I just mentioned), have been meeting up once a week ever since. We've had a blast and I am so happy to know that none of us have changed.

I'm an intern at the Ministry of Magic as I am studying. Draco is completely against it, because the baby is three months away. Drama queen. Draco started a business in law, and now owns the highest ranking wizard law firm. We are wealthy, but not rich, because we donate a lot of it to charity.

We stay for another three or four hours before deciding to leave, promising to be back at the same time and place next week. Draco grabs my hand as I get up and takes me out the door.

"Hi" he whispers and I grin.

"Hi yourself, are we going home?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Not yet. In honour of our one year anniversary, I'm taking you on a date, my love" he says and I swoon. I can't believe it's been a year already. A full year.

"Where to?"

"When have I ever answered to that?!?"

I laugh and he joins me. We begin walking and chatting, chuckling happily. This is the kind of life I have always dreamt of. One with the man I love and a child. A man who loves me and makes me feel like we just started dating.

"And we are here, sweetheart" he says and I looks around. We are on a beach. A beautiful, cool beach. I gasp.

"You crackhead!" I screech and hug him tightly, kissing him long and hard.

"You don't like it?"

"I love it you goof" he immediately relaxes.

We go to sit down on a blanket he has laid down for us. He pulls out a chocolate cake and I squeal. This man was perfect.

"Oh my god, this is amazing. Fucking hell. You are the best. I love you so much!" I gushed as I ate the cake and he laughed, kissing me.

"Of course you do, who wouldn't love this extremely hot bod?" He motions to himself and I burst out laughing. I raise my hand and his eyebrow raises in mischief.

"Really, you don't think I'm hot?"

I shake my head. Lies. LIES.

"Not at all"

He climbs on top of me carefully and begins kissing my earlobe. Trailing his mouth downward, he plants feathery kisses everywhere. His tongue darts out to lick my neck in one fast stroke and I moan. He grunts, smirking huskily.

"Not hot huh?"

"Nope, still not" his eyes light up with challenge and he dips his head down, only to be interrupted by a beeping noise. I squeal and cover my ears. He gets up and looks at his watch, groaning.

"Hey sweetheart I'm sorry I need to make a quick call" he apologises and I nod. I stare out into the ocean, thinking about me and the baby and Draco. I am living with him in a double story house that is just beau-

IS THAT?????

I gently stand up and walk over to the moving object laying close to me. I squint to get a closer look. Oh my god. What the fuck??? Is that a kitten?

In front of me was an adorable white baby cat. It had amazing blue green eyes. Who did this belong to? I grabbed the blood red collar and clutched the small circular plate.

Will you marry my daddy?

I gasped. What the fuck? What the actual fuck?!? What is this?

"Sweetheart" a voice called and I turned. Tears sprung in my eyes and I almost dropped. Draco was on one knee in front of me, holding a small book shaped box with a gorgeous ring inside.

"Draco?" I asked and he grinned.

I looked up and saw fairy lights laid down carefully, creating an aisle in which we were standing, or crouching in Draco's case. There were rose petals littered everywhere.

"Hermione, I know I'm not the best man for you. I know I've made mistakes. So many mistakes. I've hurt you, and I've broken you, and you've taken pieces of my soul with it. And even after you forgave me you still had those pieces. Because it belongs to you. My heart is yours and yours only" I was fucking crying.

"A-and I know I've messed up. But I also know that I love you. Look, I guarantee they'll be tough time's. I guarantee that at some point or another, we might want to get out of this thing. And I now that we might hurt each other, like we've hurt each other before. But it will be worth it. That hurt brought us closer."

"You are the love of my life. I would give my life for you. I would die for you. You are my world. Without you, I am done for, ruined, gone. I'm alone. You are my sanity. I'm not good with words, and It took Harry, Blaise and I a long time to figure out what to say. Because I love you so fucking much that I can't explain it. I know I only want to wake up with you and see you're beautiful face in the morning and I only want to marry you, and I only want to hold your hand and kiss you and I want to be the only one who's body you find insanely hot" he said, winking and I laughed through tears.

"So, Hermione Jean Granger, will you marry me?" He asked and I didn't even hesitate.

"Tell me I'm dreaming" he chuckled.

"I know, I'm the man of your dreams, but i need and answer or I'll go marry that amazing pie that you make" I laughed.

"Yes! Yes! Fuck yes!!!!" He laughed and stood up, picking me up and spinning me around.

"I love you" I whispered and he grinned.

"I love you too baby. And now, you are stuck to
me forever!" He slipped the ring onto my  finger and gave me a breathtaking kiss.

"Oh no! My entire life, with you?" I whined teasingly and he kissed my nose.

"How unfortunate" he pouted.

"Aww look at you" I pinched his cheeks.

"Surprise!!!!" Someone screamed and I was wrapped in a hug. Aria?!?

"Guys?" I asked and the entire gang, my parents and my close work friends jumped out and hugged me. They all helped set this up. I love these guys!

"I got the booze!" Harry yelled and everyone laughed as Aria grabbed it from him. He pouted and tried to get it back but she was stubborn. He smiled and kissed her. She forgot about the alcohol and kissed him back. Harry being Harry grabbed it and made a run for it with a cheeky smile as she chased him.

Most people got drunk halfway into a the night. We stayed there until like 3 in the morning.

"I'd like to make a to-" I started but someone caught my eye.


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