More Than A Game

By KatFrederick

162K 5.6K 262

They say love is just a game for two, but they will tell you differently. It's not a game. Especially when it... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Thank you

Chapter 7

6.5K 216 10
By KatFrederick

Rosalina sighed when she entered her apartment. She had sent Zack and Ricardo texts that she was being sent home for the day and that since they're busy she'd take the bus. She then sent a text when she got home. She threw her bag off to the side, not caring where it landed. She went to her bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit before going into the kitchen. She lost her temper today and it resulted in her punching a customer and messing up her hand. She could tell nothing was broken, just in a lot of pain. She wrapped it before grabbing an ice pack to help with the swelling. She then went back into her bathroom and stripped out of her clothes for a hot bath. She sighed as she leaned back, her arm propped on the side of the tub with the ice pack across her hand. God she felt like the world's biggest idiot. She kept telling herself that she needed to stay calm, but damn it, no one should have to go through what she did. No means no. What was so hard to understand about that? She sighed and sank deeper into the water. 

When the water got cold and her ice pack was ready to go back into the freezer, she got out. She dressed in a hoodie she stole from Zack, and a pair of lace panties. She grabbed her stack of bills, her calendar, and her container of savings. She was most likely going to be fired for the stunt she pulled today and she needed to figure out how much time she had to find another job. It didn't help some of her shifts at Lacy Doll had been cut. 

Zack left the shop and went straight to Rosalina's apartment when he finished with his latest appointment. He used his key and just went in. He found her in the living room, and was instantly concerned when he saw her wrapped hand. "What happened," He asked when he shut the door. She sighed, "I lost my temper today at work. This guy kept touching me any time I walked past his table, which was by the server exit so there was no avoiding him. The guy who was with him, had even told him to stop. I eventually snapped and told him he should keep his hands to himself. Well, he didn't listen, and I hit him. Unfortunately it got me sent home, and I'm most likely going to loose my job over it, and he will probably press charges." She wouldn't look him in eye, too ashamed of herself. 

He sat next to her on the couch and looked at her phone that was opened to her calculator, her funds, and the calendar that had all of her pay days, due dates for bills, and other various things. "I'm so stupid," She groaned while leaning back, her good arm covering her eyes. "I've got two weeks to try and find another job or I'm screwed." He looked over her notes and how much she had saved up. At this rate, she wasn't going to have enough to pay her rent. "Will they let you pay your rent late," He asked her. "I can't be later than three days or they'll evict me," She sighed. "The apartments have the lowest rent in the city and they actually have a waiting list so if I can't make my rent then they'll just put someone else in here who can. I got lucky that I was given the chance to be put in here since at the time, most on the list it was people looking for two bedrooms. Things change all the time, so there is probably someone who needs this apartment. I'm going to start looking for another job." She then raised her wrapped hand, "Unfortunately, this won't make a good first impression." 

"How about this," Zack offered after a moment of thought. "You come work for me." She raised an eyebrow at him, "Doing what?" "Helping me keep the shop clean, the paper work, booking appointments, answering the phone, things like that. You'll get paid ten an hour and you'll work when not at the Lacy Doll, and you'll have every Saturday off," He explained to her. He has been looking for someone to hire, and this just conveniently dropped into his lap so to say.

"Plus it will allow you to have a job that allows you to dress more comfortably and you wont be on your feet as much," he told her. She pursed her lips as she thought about it. Ricardo then came in. "Why didn't you call someone to pick you up," Ricardo asked her. He then saw her hand, "What happened to your hand?" She told him what happened, not meeting his eyes.

"Look at me Kitten," he ordered. She slowly raised her eyes to meet his, and she saw his disappointment and annoyance with her. "You should've called someone to pick you up. I told you, I don't like the idea of you riding the bus," he told her. "I'm sorry sir," she told him honestly. "You could have gotten hurt, or worse," he told her. He sat down in her arm chair, "What did you and Pup discuss before I got here?" "I offered for her to work at the shop," Zack informed him. Ricardo nodded, "You're going to take it at least until you find something else." He told her firmly. She nodded, "Yes Sir." "Next time you hit someone for sexually harassing you, don't go for the face, you can do more damage to them than you do for yourself," He told her. "Or use your tray," Zack threw in. Ricardo rolled his eyes,"Now for your punishment, you will ask permission to go everywhere. To the bathroom, to the kitchen, you will do it for a week so that it gets put into your head to call one of us when you need a ride."

She nodded again,"Yes Master." He then gave her a soft smile, "Now go get changed for the club." She smiled softly and did as she was told. She wore a red and black lace corset with black satin shorts. She was brushing her hair when Ricardo came into the bathroom. He took a black checker and put it around her neck, "It's only temporary till your collar comes in." She smiled softly, "Its pretty."

She finished getting ready and they left. They went back to their house so they could get ready. She sat on the couch as she waited for them. She sighed and slouched on the seat. She couldn't believe she lost her temper. She was usually level headed, so it was a little shocking when she hit him. She had to admit it felt good though.

Ricardo studied his Kitten. He could see the stress on her face. Her shifts were being cut and she is about to lose her other job. She was juggling a lot and it was clear to him, she was loosing steam and was soon going to crash. At the club Zack went off to dance with the other subs while Rosalina was kneeling by Ricardo's leg.

Vance raised an eyebrow, "What happened to Kitten?" "A guy sexually harassed her today at work and she hit him," Ricardo explained, his hand caressing her hair. "In the process she hurt her hand." She leaned into his touch as she relaxed and enjoyed watching Zack with the others. "What's going to happen now," Lester asked him, concerned. "She's most likely going to loose her job, but Zack offered her a job at his shop until she finds something else. Whether or not that guy plans to press charges has yet to be seen," Ricardo replied with a sigh. "If you get proof he sexually harassed her, he'll have no grounds to stand on," Vance told him. "Is she going to file sexual harassment charges," Mitchel asked him. Ricardo shook his head, "I don't think she ever got the guy's name." Rosalina shook her head as a reply, her eyes on Zack.

Ricardo could tell she wasn't in the mood for anything sexual after the long and stressful day she's had, which was perfectly fine with him. They were here to hang out with their friends. The ability to have sex at the club was just a bonus. He continued to run his fingers through her hair as she simply relaxed.

As her eyes ran around the club, she tensed when she saw a familiar man with a broken nose. Ricardo had seen him too, and he noticed Rosalina's reaction. As did the others. "Are you okay Kitten," Ricardo asked her. "Um," she said, not able to finish as the man approached, his eyes on her, looking extremely furious.

Can her day get any worse, she asked herself. Zack and the others noticed the man approach the table, and thought it best to go back to their Masters. "You broke my nose you bitch," the man seethed. Ricardo stood up, arms crossed, "You don't have permission to speak to my submissive." The man turned his heated glare to Ricardo, "Because of this bitch, she cost me several modeling contracts." "Had you kept your hands to yourself after she told you to stop, that wouldn't have happened," Ricardo said. "Due to your actions, she hurt her hand." "I should do more than hurt her hand," the man snapped. "She should be tied and whipped for what she did to me." "On what grounds should she be punished," Vance asked him, fuming at himself that he allowed such trash into his club. "She was in every right, after all, you were touching a sub not contracted to you. Especially after telling you to stop."

Vance noticed almost everyone in the club was watching them. He slipped into his role as Head Dom of his club and stood. "For punishment for sexually harassing one of the submissives contracted to another Dom as well as wanting to punish them without approval, I'm revoking your membership. Now gather your things, and get out before I have security throw you out."

The man threw out vulgar protests and had to be escorted out by security. Zack kneeled down next to Rosalina. She hadn't said a word. She was pushing back the flashbacks of a past she wanted to forget. "You okay Kitten," Zack asked her. She nodded, "Yeah I'm fine." Zack didn't believe her, but he wasn't going to push it.

"I think that's enough excitement for one night," Lester said. The others nodded in agreement and decided to call it a night.

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