Got A Secret, Can You Keep It...

By Lapeligroza

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Sometimes you're born with a destiny already written for you. But could you just followed what was already wr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chpter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
List of Love Interests
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 27

232 8 14
By Lapeligroza

She wasn't happy, she was furious! The princess passed back and forth in her room, she wasn't even allowed to leave the castle and when she did, it was with so many guards. And now she was told that she would be guarded to ShinRa Kingdom.

"Doing that will not solve your problems," the blue haired woman grumbled as she sat on the bed.

"They can't keep protecting me forever," the Princess almost gripped her hair in anger, "I can learn to protect myself. I just..."

"Kairi, your duty to the Kingdom is not only to defend it, but it is also to be safe. If the rest of your family dies and there is no one else to take possession of the throne than who will? You need to keep that in mind."

Princess Kairi looked down at the ground sadly, finally coming to a stop. "As much I would like to think that was true," she raised her gaze and there were tears really to run down her cheeks, "but it's not. Aqua," she walked closer to the other woman and sat down, as if she was just too tired. "If it ever came to that, I wouldn't take possession of it, I would have to get married and then...Someone else would take care of the Kingdom. Why can't I just...I don't want this life, why do I have to live like this?"

Aqua sighed, "we have all been given our roles and lives, you just happened to be a princess. We all have our duties, and yours is not the best, but the least filled with pain." Because wether Kairi wanted to admit it or not, she had a very good and happy life and a family that loved her. There were others who were very unfortunate, others who grew up with hunger, pain, and one way or another, they were forced to do something about it or they ended up dead.

Aqua didn't have a rough childhood, her parents used to work for the King and that guaranteed her three meals a day for her. It was also because of that that she became friends with Kairi, and well, as Aqua grew up, she ambitioned something better for her. That is other than being just a servant girl. Unfortunately, no matter how much she tried to enlist to the military, she wasn't given the opportunity. Not because she couldn't, she was very skilled, but because it was a society that was just dominated by men and of course,not was frowned upon for women to envision something like that. Eventually, the King had convinced her that she should train so that she could keep Kairi safe. That was her role, to keep Kairi safe, wherever the princess went, she went.

Even with that role, she had to give up a lot in exchange. At some extent, freedom, because she could be her guard and friend, but when she accepted that role she had to stay at the Princess' side. That's what Kairi didn't understand, that sometimes if people wanted to achieve their goals, they had to sacrifice something. Despite that, she was honored to have been given the task of protecting her, if it ever came to give her very own life in exchange, she would do it gladly.

She understood Kairi, of course she did. She also envisioned something else, she wanted to be free and do what she desired the most. She wanted to learn how to battle, just like Aqua, but she wasn't ready for something like that. There was a lot of injustices and discrimination that even Aqua had to face, despite given the task of protecting her since she was a teenager.

She wasn't trying to kill Kairi's dream, but she could not fuel it either, specially not now. The last thing she wanted was for her to encourage her and then to find out that she run away. She would just put herself at arms way, and maybe even killed.

"But..." Sounding defeated, Kairi began to sob. It was always like this for her, to try to convince her family only for her to end up defeated.

A soft knock made the two women stop, "Princess Kairy, your father would like to see you."

It was one of the maids who had informed her that she was being requested. Aqua stood up, encouraging her to do the same. "Come on, we shouldn't keep the King waiting."

Finally Kairi cleaned her tears and tried to make herself as presentable as she could. Once ready, she straightened her posture and plastered a smile on her face, even if she felt like dying in the inside, she couldn't worry her father more than he already was.

The two of them walked to his father's office, where she was to be expected. However, just as she was approaching she noticed six figures leaving said office.

She knew who they were, their aura being enough to announce their presence. They were First Class Soldier, the very best that ShinRa Kingdom had. It was said that these Soldiers had to go under some sort of treatment, or something, she couldn't quite remember, that would give them superhuman abilities. Not everyone made it that far though, because these had been the ones strong enough to survive. Of course, so far only men were able to obtain that rank, until recently.

Among them, there was a feminine form, and just like the others, her aura was not of a simple or even fragile woman. She held the posture straight and even powerful, her face despite looking soft held a strength behind it. And of course, those glowing [e/c] eyes, the signature of a First Class Soldier. The sword hung on her hip, her right hand resting on its handle as if ready to battle if necessary.

Kairi bad heard about her, she knew that there were other women very skilled, but so far, it has been heard that [Name] had been so far, the first woman to be officially part of the military. Not just any rank, First Class Soldier, becoming the first woman to ever obtain that rank.

When she heard about her, her heart explored with hope. Although she knew that Aqua often told her about how she should accept her fate, she only did it for her own sake. She didn't want to put her at risk, even so more now that they were at war. Aqua feared that she would run away, that's why she didn't encourage her anymore like she used to before the war.

But, staring at the First Class Soldier, she felt that with determination and hard work, she could achieve her goal. Feeling like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, her smile didn't seem forced anymore, now it was filled with content.

Aqua didn't like this, not one bit. She knew that look, and she knew that Kairi was up to something. Letting out a long sigh, she continued to walk towards the King's office but not before glancing at the new arrivals.


Upon your arrival, everyone was given their task. Cloud, Zack and Genesis had to retire for the rest of the day and rest. Although they just arrived, the King made it clear that he wanted the Princess to be taken to ShinRa Kingdom as soon as possible, so that only meant that they had to depart first thing tomorrow.

While the rest of you were tired, but unlike Sephiroth and Angeal, you had never been to this Kingdom so you and the other soldiers were supposed to be given a small tour.

Civilians were still busy, trying to either finish their last tasks or simply just getting ready to go home.

But they stopped to stare, they were curious to see soldiers from another Kingdom. You could see fear in their eyes, not because of you all, but because they knew how the war was just getting worse.

Then, as if they hadn't noticed that you were a woman, and they just realized it now, they began to murmor to one another. Maybe it was surprise, and something along with distaste.

Either way the tour came to an end, the other soldiers were taken to where they would rest for the night while you were given a private room, just like the other First Class Soldier.

The person who had given you the tour was a young man, a high ranking soldier by the name of Riku. Silver locks unlike you have ever seen, especially on someone so young. He had not met your gaze, only when he introduced himself, but as he walked, he kept his distance.

Even so, he had not made any attempt to start a conversation, or he has not made any sort of expression that showed distaste. He just acted as if he was in the presence of another soldier, which you appreciated. But the way he acted was maybe because there was a royal guard, a woman, who was in charge of the safety of the princess. So maybe that was why, he was used to it.

"This will be your room, First Class Soldier Sephiroth is right across from you in case you have any questions. Now if you'll excuse me." With a nod, and a final glance your way, he walked away.

The castle was silent, except for footsteps from guards making their rounds, the other must have already reiterated for the day and maybe even sleeping. You had not had any proper sleep for the past twenty four hours, since you were already close to the Kingdom, Angeal and Sephiroth decided to keep pushing.

"Excuse me"," the door of your room was mid open, and you were just entering when a feminine voice stoped you from continuing.

Letting go of the door handle, you turned around to face a young red headed girl maybe around your age. She was in what looked a very expensive dress and uncomfortable dress, a tiara resting on the top of her head.

Widening your eyes, you bowed in order to acknowledge her. At her side was a young woman, with blue hair and of course, a sword resting on her hip. She must he the royal the others told you about. "How may I be of service?"

The Princess offered a friendly smile, "oh it is nothing like that. I just wanted to introduce myself, since well, we will spend time together on our way back to ShinRa. I am Princess Kairi, but please call me Kairi."

Highly unlikely, "I am afraid I cannot do that Princess Kairi. And I am afraid you for got it all wrong. First Class Soldier Zack Fair, Cloud Strife and Genesis Rhapsodos will be in charged of your safety until you arrive at ShinRa."

She opened her mouth, her eyebrow furrowing, "Aqua, I don't understand." She referred to her companion and then back to you. "But, I thought that you would be going to."

"Kairi," Aqua shook her head, "the King did not specify as to who."

Of course she came to that conclusion because you were a woman. Or maybe you were just reading to much into it, either way, you didn't get offended became she didn't mean it. She was just curious about you, you saw it when she introduced herself.

It was as if that light in her eyes banished and she was trying so hard not to look so disappointed. "I...I see. So you're going to stay with the rest to defend the castle?"

Aqua allowed the princess to ask her question, she just listened, your gaze trailed to the other woman and caught her studying you. "Yes, if it comes to that. But it is very unlikely," maybe she was worried about her father? "But I assure you that the King and Prince will be well protected if that is your concern Princess Kairi."

"Thank you," she smiled again, "very well then, I too should return to my room. I'll let you rest." Those were her last words as she turned around and walked away with Aqua at her side.

Aqua watched as you shut the door and you were no longer visible. "I told you not to get our hopes up, the King didn't say she was going to be part of the group tasked of your safety." But the Princess was so excited that you would be, she had been so happy that she would get to know you.

Mostly because you had accomplished what she most envisioned. She probably wanted to ask you about what you thought she should do, Kairi asked her about it when she confided in her if what she desired.

"Maybe right now it's not the best time, maybe once the war is over you can convince the King. I am sure that after the war is over, hell realize that you'll need to be able to protect yourself just in case something happens to me. Alright?" She tried to cheer the Princess up.

Kairi finally nodded, but she still felt heavy in her heart. When will she ever be the owner of her choices and find the freedom she so desires?

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