She led me to him (Werewolf s...

By milroymelena

23.5K 1.5K 123

When I locked my gaze with hers, everything became clearer. While my wolf screamed 'Mate' in my head with joy... More

Chapter 1: What you meant
Chapter 2: Thanks Zaphira
Chapitre 3: Lucky To Survive
Chapter 4: Tracking This Scent
Chapitre 5: You always knew
Chapitre 6: Her
Chapter 7: Reds
Chapitre 8 (part 1): I won't mind
Chapter 8 (part 2): Four years
Chapter 9: Last warmth
Chapter 10 (part 1): In the middle of nowhere
Chapter 10 (part 2): Hunter vs Rogue; supposedly...
Chapter 11: Beg for my death
Chapter 12: The whisper of despair
Chapter 13: Disappointed
Chapter 14 (part 1): Keep your head held high
Chapitre 14 (part 2):**BANG**
Chapter 15: Hate the most
Chapter 16: Why isn't she coming?
Chapter 17: Need to tell you something
Chapter 18: I'll be the one
Chapter 19: Breaking the bond
Chapter 20: B*stard of human
Chapter 21: Still rejected
Chapter 22 (Part 1): After twenty years
Chapter 22 (part 2): An already written fate
Chapter 22 (part 3): The Sleeping boy
Chapter 23: The best of the worst
Chapter 24: Tainted Purity
Chapter 25: All It Took
Chapter 26: Messed up
Chapter 27: The reason why
Chapter 28: Eye to eye
Chapter 29: Everything black
Chapter 30 part 1: What a day
Chapter 30 part 2: A great mistake
She Led Me To Him Part II
Chapter 32: Introducing Max
Chapter 33: So, It's A Girl
Chapter 34: Next Time
Chapter 35: Crush
Chapter 36: He was gone
Chapter 37: Red Team
Chapter 38: Déjà vu
Chapter 39: Let's go
Chapter 40: The future
Chapter 41: Didn't Tell Her
Chapter 42: A secret
Chapter 43: To be found
Chapter 44: Ice Moon
Chapter 45: Illuminated Night
Chapter 46: End of the day
Chapter 47: Another Pack
Chapter 48: Time for what?
Chapter 49: Take care of it
Chapter 50: The Beginning
Chapter 51: A bitter joust
Chapter 52: The proposition
Chapter 53: Encircled
Chapter 54: Two weeks
Chapter 55: Hidden Pack
Chapter 56: Which room?
Chapter 57: Our exit
Chapter 58: Let her go
Chapter 59: Not alone
Chapter 60: Now
Chapter 61: Can you see?
Chapter 62: Because of her
Chapter 63: Half Blood
Chapter 64: Shameless
Chapter 65: His childhood memories
Chapter 66: Introductions
Chapter 67: A story I have to hear
Chapter 68: Grey
Chapter 69 (part 1): Best friends
Chapter 69 (part 2): worst friend
Chapter 70: A sickening night
Chapter 71: An other reason to disagree
Chapter 72: Shut the f*ck up
Chpater 73: Prophecy
Chapter 74: No responsibility
Chapter 75: They collided
Chapter 76: It talked
Chapter 77: Bad decision
Chapter 78: Keep being busy
Chapter 79 (Part 1) : Peacefulness
Chapter 79 (part 2): The mirage
Chapter 80: A salmon sandwich
Chapter 81: Your Blood
Chapter 82: Erased
Chapter 83 (Part 1): The truth about Dina
Chapter 83 (Part 2): Ridiculous
Chapter 84: Only ally
Chapter 85: All the pleasure was mine
Chapter 86: Broken ribs
Chapter 87: Explosion
Chapter 87 (part 2): Broke her heart twice
Chapter 88 (part 1): Thank you
Chapter 88 (part 2): Memories
Chapter 89: Not today
Chapter 90:
Chapter 91: I don't blame you...
Chapter 92: The hint
Chapter 93: The weight of my wrongdoings
Chapter 94: From human to lycan
Chapter 95: Where you belong
Chapter 96: Run
Chapter 97: A bitter lie
Chapter 98: The answers are ahead
Chapter 99: The red Maiden Tale
Chapter 100: Both tainted red
Chapter 100 (part 2): A promise not to be broken
Chapter 101: Broken Promises
Chapter 102: Inhana
Chapter 103: The List
Chapter 104: A bane or a cure
Chapter 105: From hope to despair
Chapter 106: Wished to be human

Chapter 31: A dance or chase?

210 11 0
By milroymelena

So sorry completely forgot to update Saturday!
But here it is!


Serah POV

Two week went by since the rogues trepassed and attacked. None of them survived, thanks to the pack's method. I wasn't really okay with it but I could understand, the safety of your people came first no mattter what. Protect the wives and children, if something happened to Gab or Josh I didn't know what I'll do. I still didn't know what really happened that day-

"Girls careful!"

I turned around, alert, hearing a guy shouting. But too late, two little girls, wearing similar clothing,  bumped into me making me fall.

"Anna! Lea!"

Before realising what was happening, the guy who was previously shouting, took the girls in his arms making sure they were alright.

The scene was adorable if we overlooked his worried face and the fact that I was still on the soil. The girls, that I assumed were twins, giggled at their antics. If they weren't charming I would have scolded them.

I got up and finnaly the dark haired person noticed me. His eyes reflected surprise but mostly the sky.

"Luna, please excuse their indulgeances."

The guy I still didn't know the name of, tried to make the girls behave but it didn't quite work. He murmured something in their ear making their behavior make a 360 degree turn. The mumchkins looked guilty and faced me.

"Sorry Luna."

They chorused losing their joyfulness. They didn't wait for me to answer that they scurried off, leaving me with this male.

"It's okay you know, your daughters were so cute."

My response generated a funny face from the guy.

"No, no they're my sisters luna!!"

His embarrassed face was a delightful sight that it made me chuckle.

"How could I have known? Anyway, stop with "luna"; my name is Serah and-."

I tried to joke this out so he wouldn't turn red but it didn't quite work.

"Lucas, Serah I guess."

The silence between us was quite comfortable and a little bit amusing. The blue of his eyes were similar to his sisters not for the color but for the innocence they cast back. After this episode he decided to end our little exchange.

"I have to prepare the hall for the ball so..."

This was a brief meeting, I let him go honorably and made my way to the pack living room.

It was really big, the room was spacious and the light made its way inside with no problem. I'm grateful they put a bay window right behind to have access to the garden, it was such a lovely view. The sofas were against the wall to not lose any space. There also was a long table, if there wasn't any place in the kitchen some would come here even though it was prohibited to eat there.

"What happened?"

My feet left the ground as Jess words echoed in my hears.

"WTF Jess, human doesn't mean deaf!"

This girl continued to speak, wait correction, shout for me to hear her. At least if she didn't surprise me by behind I could have accepted it.

"So what happened? You seem to be in a good mood."

My words went through one hear and left by the other one. She sure I'm the one with auditif deficiency? Anyway she jumped on the sofa not caring about anything.

"Nothing special."

I sighed as she ignored my complain.

"Don't tell me last week hook up happened just a few minutes earlier and I missed that?"

If I had water in my mouth everything would have gotten out, it was at this point that I was shocked. This girl didn't lose any occasion to bring that up.

"WTF Jess. What's up with you?"

She was royaly ignoring me but it sure wasn't the case for this new comer.

"What? What happened?"

Jay made a perfect entry, so perfect for Jess.

"More like what happened between you too?"

It could sound like an innocent question if it wasn't for the suggesting tone that Jess took.

"Nothing yet."

These siblings were utterly desregarding me on purpose. And he obviously smirked after the yet.

"You mean nothing with you."

Jess I love her. But she was such a tease. I was about to laugh but a hand that took me from behind and I felt his head lodge in the crook of my neck. I won't lie it had its effect.

"Why do you smell like Lucas?"

I didn't expect this. His voice was calm and collected as if he knew nothing happened.

"I just bumped into him, well more like I bumped into his sisters..."

I stopped because it felt like I was explaining myself too much. There was nothing to explain. The air suddenly become heavy and I knew that it wasn't his fault this time. It was me. I was looking at him as if it was the first time I saw such a fine specimen.

He was the one who end this thing we had, Jess didn't notice a thing. It was just seconds but I felt it, just like last week I still didn't know what took over me.

"I need to go, I need to call some alphas for the ball."

With this statement he left without a second ado.

"Everyone's restless because of the ball."

I wasn't talking to anybody in particulary but Jess answered anyway.


By answer I never meant an useful one. I was quite curious actually shouldn't we contribuate.

"Shouldn't we help?"

Everyone was helping but we were the only one doing nothing but sinking on the sofas.

"No no way! we have to go right now."

I turned around to see Ms. Rider running down the stairs in a speed while zipping up her vest to go, god knows where.

"Mom relax, why are you so agitated?"

For the first time, Jess seemed focused on what was happening aroud her.

"Women! Get your ass of this couch and let's go to the mall."

Did  I hear the mall. The mall meant shopping and that was a big no.

"No way!"

Jess' ranting portrayed my feelings. I wasn't going to waste time nor money for a dress.

"Come on! The futur luna and beta female won't go around looking negleted. You guys reflect the pack so let's go find a beautiful dress for both of you!"

If their argument stopped here, you're so wrong. I was starting get an headache because the female from the Rider family were so stuborn. I had to do something.


I shouted with all the air I had in my lungs. I menaged to separate them, peace could almost be heard; I felt them going to argue once again. So I engaged the discussion.

"You both are right. With Jess there's no way we'll go to the mall, that's just not our thing but we still need a dress."

My raisoning was actually logical.

"No way genious, so what do you propose."

Jess knew I had the raisoning but not the solution. However, I had a solution.

"Wait, I did think of it. We won't be able to go to the ball."

Their reaction was epic. Jess was dumbfounded finding the situation quite funny on the other side, Ms. Rider was furious. I didn't expect this reaction.

"Serah you will not say such a thing again."

I tried to not laugh but Jess saved me. This girl was still useful after all.

"Mom we really don't want to go to the mall."

We made the cutest face ever for her to accept this fact and her expression gave away a slight grin. I didn't grasp it at time but it was scary.

"Okay, but you'll wear whatever I give you."

The deal was nice but I knew better that she had something behind her mind. I was about to refuse but this brainless girl answered for me.

"Do whatever you want but we won't go to the mall."

The ex Luna left without a word. But she knew well that she won this round.

"Jess don't you think that we made a mistake right now?"

I was genuinely curious. Will her mom get her revenge with the gown she'll choose for us. Jess shrugged not paying any mind to this. I sighed. Whatever happens, I didn't care anymore.



I voice woke me up from my slumber. My eyes didn't take a lot of time to open and see Jay. I was taking slowly into account my surroundings but my mate helped.

"You dozed off on the pack sofa."

I got up slowly with his help. He was already seated next to me with his body really close to mine. I unconsciously eyed his lips. I was so lucky he didn't catch on the small action but knew so well that the heat between my legs was rising slowly but surely.

"Ready for tomorrow?"

The question took me off guard as I
enjoyed the view with a perfect silence as background. He didn't think so.

"Yeah, anyway it's just a ball. Few dances together and we're done."

My knowledge on the ball was quite minim and he knew as he looked amused. He got up and stirred.

"Dear mate, if you want to dance we can but I'm here for the chase."

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