Ameortentia - Collection of O...

By SlytherinPrincess002

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A collection of One-shots: Fremione Dramione FredxHermionexGeorge Theomione Linny Deamus Cedmione ect... More

Mistletoe (Fremione)
Filthy Little Mud-Blood (Dramione)
Coming Out (Linny)
Pissing off the Old Toad (George x Lee)
Marry me? (Fremione)
Caught (Scorose)
Am I? I am. (Oliver x Percy)
"Make me, Potter." (Scorbus)
Back To You (Charlie Weasley/Hermione Granger)
His Girl (GeorgexHermione)
Defying Fate (Hermione/Adrian Pucey)
Half Off (Fred/Hermione/George)
Guilty (Draco×Ginny)
Imprint? (Hermione/Paul Lahote)(Harry Potter/Twilight Crossover)
Tame Me (Hermione×Charlie)
Gryffindor at Heart (Blaise Zabini × Hermione Granger)
Dauntless (Hermione × Fred)
Friends Dont (Hermione × Ginny)
Let Me Down Slowly (Ron x Lavender)
Thank you, Next (Hermione x Pansy)
First Dance of Many (Fremione)
Secret Love (George x Hermione)
End Up With You (Theomione)
Traitor (Theodore Nott and Hermione Granger)(Part 2)
The Martyrs (Theomione Part Three)
I Dare You
Broken (Fred x Hermione)
Do You See Them Too? (Oliver and Percy)
Changes (Lee x George)
Unbreakable (Deamus)
Sleepovers (Lee x Hermione)
The Cure
Love Lies
Broom Sticks and Bookworms (Oliver x Hermione)
Teasing (BlaisexHermione)
Bravery and Loyalty
Hermione Granger and The Goblet of Fire
Ravenclaw Tower Romance (Hugo Weasley & Daisy Dursley)
The Weasley Eight
She's So Gone (Cedric/Ginny/Oliver)
Running Away From The Past (HermionexCharlie)
Facing the Consequences
Fire and Ice (Scorose)
Kryptonite (GeorgexHermione)
Fist Bumping (Jily)
Misfit (Scorlily)
Aftermath (Vikmione)
Demons in... Lust? No, Love.
The Weasley/Granger War of '95
Dragons (Hermione×OC Muggle Boy)
The Executioner
Interdimensional (Thresh and Hermione)
Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not? (Seth Clearwater & Hermione Granger)
Taken with Her (Hermione Granger×George Weasley)
Real or Not Real?
In Another World
In Another World
The Forest and The Ocean (HGxGW HGxFW)
Demetrius Harrison Nott
His Mate (Young Remus LupinxHermione Granger)
Hermione Roses and Lily Flowers
Snakes in the Lions Den
Stolen (MiltiShip)
Dirty Blood
Reunion of Sorts (Spencer ReidxHermione Granger)
Color (Soulmate AU)
True Loves Curse
Teach Me
Good Girls
The Wrong Weasley
The Young McCarty (Time Warp - Hermione x Paul Lahote)
Part One: What Makes A Man (Trigger Warning)
Part Two: What Makes A Man (Trigger Warning)
Part Three: What Makes A Man (Trigger Warning)
The Beaters Girl (OC/GW)
The Wrong Ginger (HGxFW) (NBC)
Dear Fred,
Hey, Freddie
His Name (Soulmate AU)
Venom (Smut)(GWxHGxFW)x(CW) (HGxFW)(Modern Muggle AU)
Mudbloods (Hermione Granger x Carl Gallagher AU) (Part One, Years 1-3)
Lupin (Chapter One Draft) (OCxRAB)
Lost in Battle
My My I Think We Have A Spy (OCxRemus Lupin)
Spin the Wheel
Life Debt (Hermione x Marcus)

Evans Sisters

3.3K 66 9
By SlytherinPrincess002

When Sirius turned up here an hour ago, I didn't want to believe him... He claimed Lily and James to be dead, and Harry missing. My first instinct was to deny it, that he was lying, but one look into his eyes and I knew. My sister and her husband had been slaughtered in cold blood by Voldemort in the dead of night. My life would never be the same, for what's a twin without their other half? The rest of the Wizarding world is going to rejoice at the alleged defeat of the dark wizard who's been reigning terror for nearly eleven years, but I know deep down that he was not defeated. A man that evil could not simply be defeated by a child, a child just a year of age. It's simply not possibly. Sirius said Hagrid was sent by Dumbledore to retrieve Harry from Godrics Hollow and deliver him into the custody of his aunt... And seeing as he's not with me, the old lune has delivered him to Petunia. The same Petunia who's not spoken to Lily and I since she was old enough to move out of our parents house out fifth year.

"Remus, get your coat, We're going to get Harry." I wake my husband and give no further explanation as I slip my shoes on and direct Sirius to go lay down on our couch. "Mione! I can't, I have to go after Peter... He's the reason they're dead and I won't stop until I rip him limb from limb." Sirius growls at me, flinching when Remus enters the room and snarls in warning at his tone. "Peter isn't our concern right now, Harry is, and when we get him back here I'm sure he's going to want his Uncle Padfoot. So lay the bloody fuck down and take a nap, Sirius."  I snap, glaring him into submission. "Fucking fine." He shouts, angrily stripping down into his boxers and stomping over to my couch. "Good boy, Remus and I will be back in a few hours and I expect you to still be on that couch when we return or I'll absolutely have your head, do you here me, Black?" He grumbles in reply and waves me and Remus off. "Love, what's happened?" Remus asks once we climb into the car, he wasn't awake when Sirius arrived so he doesn't know yet.

I wait until he turns the engine over and begins driving before I start talking. "Peter betrayed us all... Lily and James are dead, Harry's been delivered to Petunia." Remus's grip on the wheel tightens to the point his knuckles turn white and he growls monstrously, Moony threatening to take over. "You need to calm down Remus, we've got four hours worth of driving to do so we can take Harry from my bitch of a Sisters house and I can't have you driving angry, you'll get us both killed." I snap, reaching over to smack him on the nose. He huffs out in annoyance, but complys and takes a few deep breaths to calm himself. "What are they saying then?" He asks after a while, his voice thick with unshed tears. "A load of shite, they're saying Harry defeated him... As much as I hate to say it I think I need to host a press conference. The more attention I can take off Harry the easier it'll be for him in the long run." Remus glances at me questionably and I further explain my idea. "I'm going to make them believe Lily defeated him, not Harry."

His eyes widen in understanding and he sucks in a sharp breath of air. "It'll take him out of the spotlight." He agrees a few seconds later, drumming his hand against the wheel. Taking out my wand I preform a spell that will allow me to see Harry, and what I see makes me blood boil. "Get your phone out and call Child Protective Services and have an agent meet us at Petunia's." I grit out as I watch my sister place a basket containing my nephew in the cupboard under the stairs and shut the door on him. "What's going on?" He asks, pulling his phone out and dialing the number quickly. "I'm taking Harry, and Dudley if I have my way. Petunia just put Harry in a cupboard and locked him in." Remus's jaw grits and he begins speaking rapidly with an agent on the phone, telling them to have someone meet us on Privet Drive in no less than two hours. As soon as he hangs the phone up he presses his foot to the gas and we spend the next hour and a half speeding through England and arrive outside my sister's house half an hour before the CPS agent is set to meet us. "Call Sirius and gave him go prepare Harry's room for two toddlers instead of one." I snap at my husband as my icy glare settles on my sister's house, my mind running wild with all the things I'd like to say to her. Remus quickly makes the call and when he explains why I can hear Sirius angrily shouting from the other end and know Petunia is damn lucky I didn't bring him with us. He'd kill her with the mood he's in right now.

It doesn't take long at all for the CPS Agent to arrive and suddenly I'm on my Sister's doorstep with Remus, Special Agent Lyra Thomas standing just behind Remus and out of sight of the door. Angrily I lift my fist and pound on the door, covering the peep hole with my other hand. A minute or so later a plump man slings the door open and snarls at me. "What do you want? Knocking on our door this time of morning." I smile sweetly at my Brother-in-law before Remus and I step to the side and Agent Thomas steps forward. "Good Morning, Mr Dursley, I'm CPS Agent Lyra Thomas and I'm here to look into a complaint we received a few hours ago." He turns a sickly shade of white when she says CPS and she notices instantly. "If you'll allow me to do a walk-through it would get this done with much quicker." She taps her foot and he coughs before allowing her entry, Remus and I following closley behind her. As soon as we walk through the door I'm struck by how average Petunia turned out, and it's extremely disappointing. "Allow me to go retrieve my wife, I believe she's feeding our son his breakfast."

When he leaves the room I tap agent Thomas on the shoulder and point at the cupboard under the stairs, she raises her eyebrow but nods her head. She'll have them open it. I hear my sister gasp from her kitchen and the next thing I know Petunia rushes into the front room, wiping her hands on her apron. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize we'd be getting a visit to-" Her sentence stops as soon as she sees Remus and I. She knows I know, and she's scared. Little does she know our agent is a Muggle Born.

"Hello, Sister, such a shame we meet under these circumstances." I say with a smile, watching her eyes grow wide when Agent Thomas approaches the cupboard. "Open this." She says, and Petunia gulps loudly. She doesn't move to open it, so I step forward and yank the door open... Agent Thomas gasps when she takes sight of Harry. His forehead bloody from the events of this morning, his lips blue from the cold, and his nappy clearly beyond ruined. "Mrs Lupin, thank you and your husband for calling us. I'll be in contact with the Minister of Magic and with my Muggle head of department. Until further notice any and all wards of this house are placed under your care. I will stay until you collect your charges."  I smile thankfully and draw my wand, waving it in Harry's direction and cleaning him up. Remus steps forward and lifts him into his arms and turns to take him to the car. Petunia glares at me until Mrs Thomas tells her to go retrieve her son as well. "You can't take him from me!" She shrieks, her eyes welling with tears.

"Actually, we can and we are. You're a monster Petunia, you find out our sister was murdered and what do you do the moment her son is placed in your care? You lock him away under your stairs because you're jealous of what he is. I know for a fact Dudley has been displaying bouts of accidental magic because I work in the department in charge of documenting Muggle Born births... If the way you treated Lily and I wasn't enough of an inclination to how you feel about the magical community, the way you just treated Harry is so I'd hate to see the way you'd treat your own son. So go get my nephew and hand him the bloody fuck over before I get my government involved and you have every freak in the country in this house." I snarl, causing Agent Thomas's eyes to widen, she was apparently unaware of the Evans temper. Petunia begins sobbing and refuses to go get Dudley so I shove past her and into her kitchen where I find my Nephew eating sausage links off his father's plate. Walking over I pluck him from Vernon's lap without so much as an explanation and blow out of the house, handing Dudley to Remus the second I'm on the front porch.

Turing around I watch my sister and her husband glare at me angrily and can't stop myself from slapping the bloody hell out of Petunia. "Listen here you ordinary bitch, I don't give a fuck how jealous you were of Lily and I's magic, you're not going to mistreat my Nephew's in any way. Maybe if you learn to be a better person I'll change my mind about letting you near them, but until then you can keep the bloody fuck away from me." I growl lowly before crossing the street and climbing into the front seat of my car, Remus already having clicked both the children into car seats is more than ready to get the hell out of here... My sister is a cunt if I've ever seen one. When we arrive home Sirius has prepared the boys rooms and they're both beyond ready for a nap. "Did you hit her? Please tell me you hit her! I've wanted to hit her since I first met her fourth year but James said it'd be rude." Sirius laughs, the three of us plopping down onto the couch... It's been a long day.

*Ten Years Later*

"Dudley Lupin! You help your cousin this year you hear me?!" I shout as I watch my nephew climb onto the Hogwarts Express for his second year, his yellow and black tie tucked properly into his robes. "Yes, Mum!" He shouts back, dragging Harry onto the train behind him. Remus and I decided to adopt him after it became clear Petunia would never change her ways, and he knows we aren't his real parents... But we're all he knows. Remus stands behind me holding tightly to our son's hand, he's still got a year to go before he's allowed to attend. Remy James Lupin is absolutely the spitting image of his father, but he acts so much like his Aunt Lily used to it never fails to pull at my heart strings... Things are starting to turn out okay for us.


But everything is not always as it seems.

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