By 1985cat

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On earth 38 KAL-El of Krypton is sent to earth after the planet Krypton blows up. KAL-El becomes superboy and... More

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By 1985cat

After Harley uses the burner phone to call Jack Napier she quickly drops the burner phone in the toilet that is in her prison cell and flushes it down the toilet. Harley Quinn sits in her prison cell.

Bruce Wayne is down in the underground cave. Bruce Wayne is staring at an old photo that was taken of him and Jason Todd. In the old photo Bruce Wayne is wearing the armored suit and Jason Todd is wearing his suit.

Bruce Wayne thinks about when Jason Todd put on his suit for the very first time. Jason Todd was just a little kid when he put his suit on for the very first time. When Jason Todd put on his suit for the very first time he said this is the best day of my life!!!

Bruce Wayne thinks about when he saw Jack Napier beating Jason Todd with a crowbar.

Bruce Wayne thinks about when he was too late to save Jason Todd when Jason Todd died.

Jack Napier walks to an old abandoned circus. Jack Napier acts like he's going to buy the old abandoned circus. The man who is selling the old abandoned circus is riding a kids toy. The kids toy looks like a pig. The man who is selling the old abandoned circus says y'know I'm positive you won't regret this purchase... The place isn't that dilapidated, some of these rides are still pretty sturdy... Really this could be one hell of a carnival. Jack Napier kills the man who is selling the old abandoned circus to him with a special gas that he created called Joker gas. Joker gas makes people laugh themselves to death. The joker gas also makes people end up with a permanent grin on their faces. Jack Napier uses the joker gas to kill the man who is selling the old abandoned circus by sticking a needle in the man's back. Jack Napier says oh you're so right... Thanks to your smooth salesmanship and your silver tongue you've completely sold me on the place, let's shake on it. Jack Napier smiles and laughs like a crazy person.

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