Got A Secret, Can You Keep It...

By Lapeligroza

11.2K 496 300

Sometimes you're born with a destiny already written for you. But could you just followed what was already wr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chpter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
List of Love Interests
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 24

214 11 10
By Lapeligroza

King Noctis, he approached you and you didn't see his friends around, though just because they were not on sight, didn't mean they were not around. The young King stopped in front of you, almost as if he was indecisive as to why he was standing at your side. He grabbed a plate, pretending that he was just serving himself some food.

You didn't particularly hate him, but you didn't like him either. It was awkward having him just two feet away, his shoulder almost touched yours. Letting out sigh, you turned to face him and bowed down. "Your highness," it was the least you could do to acknowledge him, and then you could be off.

He simply nodded, and that was your cue to walk away. "Wait," he was about to touch your arm but stopped when you halted. He watched as you turned around slowly, almost as if you just wanted to continue walking. "I'll like to talk to you."

"As you wish, your highness." His lips twitched and formed a frown at your response. The noise stopped him from talking, instead he motioned for you to follow him to a quieter place.

There were people everywhere, even in some of the guest room and from the sounds coming from them...It made you cringe and blush as Noctis cleared his throat in discomfort.

Not finding a good place to talk, you decided that your current room would be the best option. But you decided against it when the hall was empty from servants or any other guests. "What is it that you wanted to talk about?"

Noctis stated at the wall at his side, as if he wasn't sure to say what was on his mind. Until a shaky breath left his lips. "Why didn't you tell me?" He questioned, and the only thing that came to mind was that his father knew about your secret. "He knew, you should have told me."

It shouldn't, because your secret had been thrown out the window and the wind carried the news to other Kingdoms. "You weren't worried wether King Regis knew it not, you were worried about how your people would take the news. Which I completely understand, you were their prince and your priority was and still is, to protect them. What should have or should not have happened doesn't matter, we're here and well, Princ-" you stopped to correct yourself, "King Rufus offered the opportunity. And everything worked out for the best, so please King Noctis, do not fret about it."

"But I was foolish, my father had already made that decision. He thought that you were an asset to our Kingdom, and I had thrown you away at the first sign of trouble."

King Regis was an amazing and a kind King, despite finding out who you were, he had believed in you. He offered you the his support, and he watched as you succeed his expectations. Shaking your head, you smiled sadly at Noctis. "I'm sorry, I didn't even offer my condolences. “Your hands twitched a bit, not sure what to do. You hadn't particularly dealt with any deaths in your family, or you didn't have to give your condolences before. You had seen people offering their arms, and hug the person who was suffering from the loss of someone but your weren't sure that was the best thing to do. "I know it hasn't been long since his death, so it must not be easy to have to not only deal with his death but also with all the responsibilities that come with being a King. If it lifts any sort of guilt that you might have for what you did before, I really do not have anything to forgive. As a Prince you had to think of what was best for your Kingdom, so please don't apologize."

Beside, like you told him, everything worked out for the best. "Thank you," his lips twitched to offer a smile, but you could  see that smiling wasn't easy. You even wondered how he could stand here, at a ball when it was obvious the pain he still had. It must really take a lot of strength.

"Noc, I have looking for you everywhere!" A middle aged man appeared out of nowhere, a wide smile on his face as he approached the two of you.

King Noctis groaned as he rubbed his face in annoyance. You glanced from Noctis to the new arrival, waiting for either of them to start the introductions. But when the man stood at King Noctis' side, he jabbed him with his elbow. "Come on, aren't you going to introduce us?"

With a roll of his eyes, King Noctis motioned to you, "uncle Ardyn, this is [Name] [Last Name], [Name], this is my uncle Ardyn."

If possible, Ardyn's smile widened as he extended his hand. "On a first name basis, Noc?" When you extended your hand to shake his, instead of shaking it, he leaned forward and kissed your hand. His lips lingering on your skin longer than necessary, as he he did so, he looked up at you. "Though I cannot blame you, she is a beauty."

Feeling uncomfortable, you pulled you hand away trying to smile and not be rude, but your lips trembled as you tried to keep it from falling into a frown. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Ardyn straightened his back, "Likewise, I had been dying to meet the first woman who has so far, made history."

"I wouldn't go that far". You didn't like the way he was looking at you, it was uncomfortable, though it was probably merely interest.

"And you're quite genuine," sighing, you glanced at Prince Noctis, "I could not believe my ears when I heard that my nephew had left you here. But alas, it was true."

"And so far, you're not going to let me live through it are you?" As if tired by his uncle's antics, another groan escaped his throat.

Ardyn slapped Kind Noctis on his back and by the sound of it, and the pained expression on his face, his uncle was not quite gentle. "How could I? I cannot believe you left her here! What were you thinking?!"

That was only adding salt to Noctis' wound, and the pain in his eyes showed you that. "Well," the longer you remained here, the longer Ardyn would torture King Noctis, "I should really get back."

As you attempted to walk away, Ardyn sent you a wink. "Such a shame."

"Wait," King Noctis stopped you, and hesitated when be spotted the mocking smirk on his uncle, "you can call me Noctis."

Nodding, you offered them both a last smile and resumed your walking.

When you were out of their sight, Ardyn's some dropped, only to turn his serious gaze upon his nephew. "Ravus is planning something, I had to stop him when the two of you were heading here. Besides, he was so... Friendly with here before you arrived."

Noctis mirrored the scowl on Ardyn's face. "What could be be planning? And why?"

Ardyn shook his head, "I don't know but whatever it is, it's not good. Don't let your guard down Noctis or you're going to give him the satisfaction when he takes advantage of it." The advice was the last thing he said as he too left.

Once alone, Noctis tried to think of what Ravus was planning. Could he try to use you? And if so, for what?

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