The Beauty and The Beast

By calianaking

115K 2.2K 450

After the big battle, Hogwarts students didn't flee like they were expected to, but stood tall fighting for t... More

Chapter 1: New beginnings
Chapter 2: Lifeless heart
Chapter 3: Forced bond
Chapter 4: I'm sorry
Chapter 5: Memory Lane
Chapter 6: New dorm
Chapter 7: Mistakes were made
Chapter 8: Hargrids Heart
Chapter 9: Lake Mistake
Chapter 10: Drunk with Lust
Chapter 11: Remembering
Chapter 12: Wishing
Chapter 13: Eyes
Chapter 14: Tears
Chapter 15: Harry
Chapter 16: Mourning
Chapter 18: Fights
Chapter 19: Special Place
Chapter 20: Bullies
Chapter 21: Leader
Chapter 22; Talk
Chapter 23: Stood up
Chapter 25: Goodbye
Chapter 26: She
Chapter 27: Bruises
Chapter 28: New Love
Chapter 24: The Cheat
Chapter 29: Aria
Chapter 30: Redemption
Chaper 31: Hold me close
Chapter 32: Formal
Chapter 33: Slow dance
Chapter 34: To heal
Chapter 35: Additions
Chapter 36: Lint
Chapter 37: Check up
Chapter 38: Alone
Chapter 39: Rekindled
Chapter 40: Time of our lives
Chapter 41: Tied down
Chapter 42: Pansy
Chapter 43: All Love
Chapter 44: In awe
Chapter 45: Wedding
A/N; 1K Reads!!!!
46: Another one
Chapter 47: Others
Chapter 48: Wrong

Chapter 17: Sorry

2K 47 2
By calianaking

Hermione's P.O.V

"Ginny I'm not asking" Harry said and he got up to take her somewhere. Probably a deserted classroom to...nevermind.

And just like the we were alone.

I gulped slowly and his eyes followed my action. What was I supposed to do, or say, or even think? This was my ex.

"So how is your mother?" I asked politely, trying to make small talk.

"Good, yours?" He replied, his attention solely on his food.

"Fine, I guess" I said briefly.

Awkward silence.

"Uhh so-" I started again, trying to ask him how his studies were going and what not, when I felt a familiar presence behind me. I swallowed nervously as he sat next to me.

"Hey Mione" Draco said, grinning at me.

"Hey" I said softly, trying to smile, but I knew it didn't reach my eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked, worry lacing his face, his eyes darting between my features, trying to find any signs of hurt.

"Since when do you care?" Ron asked, seemingly coming out of nowhere.

Draco's features visibly stiffened and his jaw clenched tight in anger. He looked at Ron with so much hatred and dislike that I almost felt sorry for him, because the glare he was giving was enough to make me crawl under a table and die. Ron played it off with a cool shrug.

"Since you stopped" Draco said dryly.

"So you never have then?" Ron shot back.

"Never have what? Got with her? I wouldn't bet on that if I were you" Draco said, with a dangerous glint in his beautiful eyes.

Ron's eyes darted to me, asking for confirmation. What was did he...THAT- THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE!

"Good one" Ron said, turning to his food.

"What makes you think I am joking? You were with her for how long? Oh yeah! Two years, I think, not once did she do the deed with you. But what? She talked to me for a month before we had sex!" Draco said bitterly.

What a liar! Why would he fake all this... ugh that ass! He used me to try get to Rons head!

"Mione?" Ron asked quietly.

I shook my head truthfully and he looked him to my eyes and by the look he gave me at the end, he knew I wasn't lying.

"Ok" Ron said, fighting off a smirk as Draco looked madder than ever.

"How was it Hermione? Didn't now you were that loud" Draco said, trying to get a rise out of Ron, who chuckled. A look of frustration crossed Draco's face and he twitched.

He...keeps faking it to get revenge on Ron.

And here I thought he had changed.

I stood up and retrieved my stuff.

"I'm going to my room Ron, I'm tired." I said.

Draco looked at me in confusion. There was a flash of regret in his green orbs.

"Bye Mione" Ron said softly.

"Bye Ron" I said In the same tone and quietly walked to my dorm. On the way, I heard Ginny and Harry talking in one of the classrooms. I was so tempted to just peek, just a tiny peek, and listen to what they were talking about, but I shook it off.

I sat in my bed and tried to fall asleep early, but sleep wouldn't come to me.

I tried to count sheep and goat and fish, numbers to a hundred thousand. Nothing worked.

The door creaked open and I heard soft footsteps come into the room. The door shut, causing a loud creak in the wood. I felt the bed dip bedside me and I rolled my eyes and this bitch. Who did he think he was?

"Hermione" he said gently.


"Hermione" he tried again.


"I'm sorry" he said calmly.

"Ok, done?" I scoffed. He cupped my chin and forced me to face him. His eyes were sincere, but I couldn't find it in myself...

"I'm sorry" he said, his warm breath hitting mine, creating a clash.

"I shouldn't have said that. It's just that Ron makes me ticked off sometimes and it gets really frustrating." he said, resting his forehead against mine. I flinched.

"I don't care" I said blankly.

"You do" he argued cockily.

"I don't" I said back.

"Yeah, you do. You are mad at me, I know that and I can't stand it. What do you want to do?" He asked hopefully.

"Honestly?" I asked and his eyes glittered with eagerness and hope.

"Fuck off" I said boredly and pulled my head from his. An emotion resembling hurt fell on his face, but it was gone as soon as it came.

"Hermione stop being so difficult!" He said loudly and I flinched. He's eyes held guilt but anger boiling inside of me. Draco saw this and rolled away from me a little. How dare he? He just expects that I wouldn't be offended?

"Seriously? You just expect me to brush it off? Why did I even think you'd change in the first place?" I said in an angry tone.

"I don't know, why did you?" He asked daringly and I smirked.

"Because I thought you," I said, poking his chest slightly, "had some kind of emotion and weren't an asshole, but I guess that's too much to ask nowadays, now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to Blaise's, so move!" I said in a frustrated tone. I'm sick of all guys becoming shitty.

The second Blaise's name left my mouth, he got on top of me and pinned me down to the bed, holding my my arms above me. He leaned down slowly to get next to my ear.

"You aren't going to Blaise" he said calmly.

"Who are you to stop me?" I asked challengingly. He looked into my eyes.

"Draco Malfoy." He said boringly.

"Pleasure, now stop acting like you care about anything I do and get off" I said hurriedly.

"It's not acting" he said, leaning down so that our breathes became mingled.

"Stop. You used me to get to Rons head" I said as a matter of factly.

"I said I'm sorry!" He yelled and I flinched. He saw this and collapsed beside me, running I hand through his blonde locks.

I turned away from him for a while, and I soon felt like I was drifting off to la-la-land.

I felt him wrap his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry" he whispered.


Hola guys! I can't believe we got this shit to 200-300 reads!

Thank yoh soooooooo much.

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