Got A Secret, Can You Keep It...

By Lapeligroza

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Sometimes you're born with a destiny already written for you. But could you just followed what was already wr... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chpter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
List of Love Interests
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 19

230 14 4
By Lapeligroza

Three weeks, it has been three long weeks and during that time a lot had taken place.

Just a couple of days later, the King urged Cloud and Zack to take the same procedure as you did. Of course they accepted without hesitation.

Then there were rumors of the possibility of another war, but a war close to Kingdom Oblivion, so it wasn't like it would affect ShinRa.

Oddly enough, King Regis' death happened which had been rather misterious since he was not ill. But no matter how much the doctor's investigated, they were not sure what happened.

And just a couple of days ago, Prince Rufus' own father passed away. There was no mystery there since he was rather sick. But upon his death, an overwhelming amount of information was revealed to Prince Rufus.

There was a reason why his father was wanted Zack and Cloud to be exposed to Mako energy. Because he knew he wouldn't last long, and he needed them to do it before he died.

There was no reason for Prince Rufus to be suspicious since the two were wide awake two days later, but you were a different story. You were in a coma and didn't seem to wake up.

And after his father's death, he finally realized why and why he was not allowed to see you or know about your progress. Finally, with the King dead he was allowed to see you.

It wasn't the mere sight that had him disgusted, but all the information that despite the unwillingness that HoJo showed, revealed to him.

Experiments, you went through an experiment...Which was the very same that First Class Soldier experienced, of course unknown to them.

This...This is how First Class Solder were created, how they obtained their superhuman abilities. And HoJo had revealed that they had done experiments on women before, but none survived. That was why men went through it, if they showed they were strong enough. Though not everyone survived it, but they kept those deaths hidden.

Prince Rufus was not sure what his father would accomplish by doing this to you when it was clear that it didn't work on women.

And after three weeks of not waking up, it was about time to end this torture, your torture. He had HoJo and a few of his helpers to remove your body, and place you on a bed.

He didn't have much hope for your recovery after the truth was revealed to him. They had hopes, or at least, HoJo did. From all the women they experimented on, you had been the first that lasted this long despite not waking up.

But he couldn't keep you inside that tank for his own amusement. No, he hated to admit, it was time to accept that you would not recuperate.

Then, he ordered everyone to burn whatever was used for these experiments. The last thing he wanted was for people to discovered what had taken plane. Everyone got to work while HoJo and an assistant removed your body from the water tank and proceed to place you on a cot.

As Prince Rufus approached, your body began to convulse wildly. HoJo and the other man held you down, but it was only seconds until you stopped and remained still, and for a good reason. HoJo cursed as he checked your vitals, "we're losing her! She's not breathing!" But there was no one else to help, and he didn't have the right tools.

However, there was one thing to do, resuscitation. Just when HoJo grasped your chin and lifted up a bit, and approached. Then it was as if lighting had struck you. A lound gasp left your lips, and then you began to cough and cough.

HoJo moved back, allowing you some space all the while Prince Rufus hurried to get closer. It took a few moments for the coughing to stop, but once it did, you opened your eyes.

As soon as they opened, that unmistakable glow was there. The Mako eyes, as many had refereed to them. You sat up, but not before you grasped the bed sheets to cover your naked body. After scanning your eyes from HoJo, his assistant and then to Prince Rufus, you ran your fingers through your hair. You stopped as soon as you noticed the length of your hair, then you glanced up with shock and a hint of fear. "H.."You tightened your jaw as you lowered your hand, "how long has it been?"

Hair doesn't grow that fast, it three weeks it looked around four inches longer, which shouldn't be possible. "Three weeks," HoJo explained with a smile, he was thrilled that his experiment had worked.

A sigh of relief left your lips, clearly happy that it wasn't longer than that. Before anything else was said, Prince Rufus pursed his lips as he noticed JoJo's behavior. "If by the end of the day my orders are not fulfilled, I'll have you executed. Do I make myself clear?"

The men nodded, HoJo reluctant. Prince Rufus glanced around only to frown when his eyes didn't see what he needed. He took off his long coat, and placed it on your shoulders. "Follow me, we have much to discuss." He offered you his arm once you put the coat on, and lead you away from that room.

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