Digimon Adventure: A Yamato l...

By Rubyrose645

136K 2.7K 437

He was my best friend for years... until he suddenly shoved me away. For years I thought that our friendship... More

The Adventure Begins
Rise of Greymon
Garurumon Howls!
Birdramon gets Firepower
Kabuterimon's shocking attack!
Togemon in Toy Town
Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo!
Memories tell the truth
Evil shows his face
Legend of the Digidestined
Departure For a New Continent
The Dark Network of Etemon
Arrival of SkullGreymon
The Crest of Sincerity
The Piximon Cometh
The Prisoner of the Pyramid
Rise of MetalGreymon
WereGarurumon's Diner
No Questions Please
Princess Karaoke
Sora's crest of Love
The Gateway Home: The Crest of...
It's All in the Cards
Return to Highton View Terrace
Almost Home Free
The Ninth Digivice
Gatomon comes calling
The Ninth Child Revealed
Show us your power
City Under Siege
Wizardmon's Gift
The Battle for Earth
Enter The Dark Masters
Sea-Sick and Tired
Under Pressure
Playing Games
Trash Day
The Ultimate Clash
No More Games
Crest of Light. A Mage and Queen
Our Battle
True Power
The beginning of the final battle
Now Apocalymon
Fate of Two Worlds
Book Two Sneak Peak
Book Two is out!!

Forget about it!

1.6K 46 4
By Rubyrose645

The day was quiet as a familiar digimon slept by the banks of a beautiful lake, two small objects layung abandoned on the grass near him.

The sun was shining down, the waters were sparkling like sapphires in the light, and the air was warm and comforting.

But the sleeping digimon was not enjoying the lovely day. In fact, tge events that led him to sleeping on the soft grass left hin saddened and alone.

Just then, two strangers came through the trees and reached the lake banks.

"Tokomon!" The two strangers called out as they rushed the sleeping digimon.

"Tokomon, are you all right little guy?" The human stranger asked.

Tokomon opened his eyes and stared sleepily at the boy.

"You look like Tai.. You are Tai! You're alive!" He exclaimed happily.

"Yeah, the last time I checked." Tai replied jokingly.

"I'll bet a black gear digimon got you, right?" Agumon asked.

"No, if it was something simple like that I wouldn't feel so bad." Tokomon said as he jumped out of Tai's arms.

"Where is everybody? Where's Tk?" Tai asked,

"I don't know, he's probably off with his new friend."

"New friend? What new friend?" Tai asked.

"I think you'd better ask Tk."

"I would but he's not here right now and you are. Now, start at the beginning, Tokomon and tell me exactly what happened."

"Well, you were gone an awful long time."

"We were? How long?"

"We looked high and low for you, I did most of the low part, finally, we stopped in the desert to rest. Although we had many ideas about how to find you, we couldn't figure out what to do. Later on after everyone else went to sleep, Sora and Biyomon woke me up and said that they would go off to find you on their own. That's how it started, first Sora left, then we all went in search of Sora. Then someone said that we might cover more ground if we split up. Raya tried to keep us all together, but she was outnumbered. So, Izzy and Tentomon went off one way. And Joe and Gomamon went off another, and pretty soon, only Matt, Tk, Raya, Lunamon, Gabumon and me were left. We walked long and far trying to find you until we reached a bridge. Tk was upset with the separation of our team, and Raya was barely able to keep him from crying. But, Matt and Raya reassured him that you two were okay and that you would bring a bunch of presents with you."

"Wow, I had no idea that Matt could be like that." Tai thought, "I wonder about Raya though."

"I knew they were kidding Tk about the presents, but that didn't matter because just then, we saw a large amusement park in the distance. Tk was excited about park, but Matt didn't seem too excited, it was like there was something on his mind that he couldn't stop thinking about. And Raya was suspicious too, whispering to Lunamon about something I couldn't hear. When we entered the park, no one was there, then we found a boat and Matt said that he would check out the area. He said that he would be gone for a few hours at the most, telling me, Raya and Lunamon to watch over Tk while he was gone. Then, he and Gabumon left. Hours went by and still no Matt. Raya, Lunamon and I kept reassuring Tk that he woukd come back, but Tk still didn't seem happy about his brother's absence."

"We waited at the park for almost a week. Tk spent the whole time staring out at the water, excpet for when he just couldn't stay awake anymore. Raya would hold him in her arms, silently whispering to him that Matt would come back soon, but after Tk would fall asleep, and she thought that the rest of us were asleep, I could hear her crying softly into her hands. She kept going like that the entire time, crying at night and smiling during the day. But then, something happened..."

"What happened?" Tai asked.

"Raya went off to find food with Lunamon and left Tk and I on the dock. She smiled and said that she would be back soon, but after a couple of hours, we were very worried. We went off into the forest, but we couldn't find her. All we found was her cloak and an abandoned pile of fruit. Not knowing what else to do, Tk waited and waited, until he just about gave up hope. Without Raya there to help keep his spirits up, my words of encouragement barely did a thing for Tk. Suddenly, a little digimon named Demidevimon appeared. I didn't trust him and I still don't. He said that he was grateful and that he would go find Matt. I couldn't believe that one of Etemon's crazy henchmen was being helpful, but sure enough just a few minutes later he came back and said that Matt wouldn't be coming back and that he was tired of babysitting a crybaby. I tried to tell Tk that everything would be okay, but Tk wouldn't believe me at all. I confronted Demidevimon about his lies, but he didn't take any of them back. I attacked him and Tk saw. He took Demidevimon's side and we got into a big fight and Tk threw away his tag and digivice and left me here."

Tai and Agumon couldn't believe the story they had heard. Not only was Matt gone, but so was I and Tk was runnign around with a strange digimon.

"See Tai? We go away for a couple of days and everything falls apart." Agumon said.

"Hmm, first let's find out what Tk's up to and then we'll look for Matt and the others. Take us to him, Tokomon."

Tokomon nodded and led the two towards the amusement park.

~~~~Tk's POV~~~~

I sat with Demidevimon on the ferris wheel, but I wasn't having much fun. All I could really do was gently hug the white cloak Raya left with me.

"Whoo-we, isn't this a gas? We're having so much fun, huh?" Demidevimon asked excitedly.

I didn't answer him. I was thinking back to the time when we found Raya missing.


"Raya!" I shouted. She had been gone for a long time and I was scared and worried.

"Raya! Lunamon! Where are you?"

"Raya?!" Tokomon shouted for her as well. He sniffed the ground and jumped up when he caught her scent.

I quickly followed Tokomon to a deeper part of the forest, only to find nothing there.

All we saw was her cloak on the grass and a pile of fruit abandoned on the ground.

"She's gone. Just like Matt." I whispered, falling to my knees and picking up her cloak and crying into the cloth.

~~~flashback end~~~~

Even though I was thinking about Raya, I couldn't help but think about Tokomon, even when we went on all the other rides in the park, in the back of my mind I thought about Tokomon.

"You're not still thinking about Tokomon, are ya?" Demidevimon asked, "He made the decision to walk out on you. Not much of a friend if you ask me."

I sighed, "I know, but I can't help wondering if he's okay. Raya wouldn't like it if I left him alone for too long."

Demidevimon looked down, then back up again, flying in front of me with a smile.

"Hey, there's something I forgot to take care or. I'll be right back." He said.

"You're leaving me too?" I asked, worried that I would lose someome else.

"Just for a minute, trust me. You just stay here and have fun." Then he flew out of the rollercoaster car.

After getting off the rollercoaster, I found a table and sat down.

"Raya, I wish you and Matt were here. I dont know what to do." I mumbled into the white cloak and cried again until I fell asleep.

~~~~~third POV~~~~~

"Tk?" Someone called to the small boy. Tk slowly opened his eyes at the sound of his name being called.

With sleepy eyes he looked around and saw a familiar brunette boy with goggles running towards him.

"Tk! Hey!" Tai shouted happily.

Tk stood up from his seat and smiled, "It's my friend! You're back!" He exclaimed.

"Hey, little guy!" Tai said back, "We sure are and it's great to see you!"

Tk ran up to the boy with tears in his eyes. And hugged him tightly.

"I'm so happy! Oh, Tai, I was worried. You were gone for so long. We thought something bad must've happened to you."

"Well, I'm back again and I'm all in one piece." Tai said as the two parted.

Tokomon jumped off from his spot on Agumon's head, surprising Tk.

"Tokomon, you came back too. So you finally admit that you were wrong and you're going to apologize to him, now?"

Tokomon stated angrily at Tk, "I wasn't wrong and I'm not apologizing." The little digimon stated.

"Tokomon, what's happened to you, when'd you get to be such a brat?" Tk asked, just as irritated as Tokomon was.

"Okay, you two chill out. Knock off this bickering right now, because we've got too many other problems to worry about. We've got to tey and find, Matt, Raya and all the others." Tai said trying to calm down the two and change the subject.

"Not me." Tk said as he turned around, confusing Tai and Agumon, "Why should I? They're not nice, they left me behind. First Sora, then the rest, then even my own brother, Matt. Raya was the only one nice to me and something bad happened to her."

"Come on, Tk, it's not your fault they left and that Raya is missing." Tai said.

"They hate me!" Tk shouted, tears welling up in his eyes, "They think I'm a crybaby, even Matt said I was. And Raya went missing finding food for me."

"Whoa, man, I don't know what this new friend of your's has been telling you, but I happen to know for a fact that Matt does not hate you."

"Well, you wouldn't be saying such nice things about him if you knew that I wanted to keep searching for you, but he didn't." Tk said, "It's true. He's really jealous of you, Tai. Haven't you ever noticed that he gets all upset when you and me do things together and he hates it when I talk about you. Do you think I could be your little brother? Please!"

Tk flung himself into Tai's arms crying and pleading.

"Uh, I don't think it works that way." Tai said nervously.

"Why not?" Tk asked.

"It just doesn't, that's all."

"Oh, you don't like me either."

Tai knelt down in front of Tk and saw the white cloak he held. Gently, he took the cloak from Tk and wrapped it around the boy's shoulders.

"Tk, you shouldn't say these types of things about Matt and not wanting to be his little brother. If Raya heard you say these things, I'm sure it woukd hurt her a lot."

Tk's eyes widened at Tai's words. He had been thinking about Matt and how he hated being alone so much, that he had almost forgotten about the girl who stuck by him.

Tk looked down at the securing pendant on the cloak and then back up at Tai. The but nodded and clutched the cloth tightly.

"Okay, Tai."

Tai smiled back at the boy, "Good, how about this, I'll be your big brother, but just until we find Matt amd Raya, okay?"

"'Kay." Suddenly, the sounds of soft flapping wings rushed to their ears. They looked up towards the sky and saw the little black digimon carrying a basket.

"Look, it's Demidevimon!" Tk said as the digimon flew towards the ground but Tai looked at him with slight suspicion.

"That's him?" He asked, "Not the most trustworthy looking guy I've ever seen."

Demidevimon landed on the ground and set the basket down, looking down at Tokomon.

"Welcome back, Tokomon. How've ya been?" The digimom asked, but jumped back when Agumon spoke.

"All right, what did Matt really say to you?"

"Cool it buddy, just who are you anyway?"

"We're friends of Tk's, real friends." Tai answered.

"Yeah, so start talking and it better be the truth this time." Agumon demanded.

"It happened just like I told Tk. Matt said he was tired of the little guy and thay he didn't want to hang with him anymore." Demidevimon flew inti the air with a look of slight fear in his eyes, "I told Matt that brothers really ought to stick together, but he didn't listen to me. It's the truth, cross my heart."

"If you've got one." Agumon retorted.

"Hey, why would I lie?"

"Then you wouldn't mind taking us to Matt so we could ask him ourselves." Tai said.

"Not at all, but I gotta warn ya, he's far away."

"Lets get started then."

"Fine, lets go, but its been a long day wouldn't you like something to eat?"

The sudden rumbles of the three boys stomachs gave the winged digimon hus answer.

Demidevimon flew by the basket filled to the brim with mushrooms. Tokomon smelled their fresh scent as Demidevimon told them that they were delicious.

Just as Agumon wemt to pick one up to eat, Tai stopped him.

"Whoa, don't just eat them raw. Let's do this right." Tai said. He then looked around the area and found kindling, a pot, a small wire grid and some skewers.

He lit the kindling and began to roast the mushrooms.

"Viola, le mushroom de la barbeque." Tai said in a bad french accent, "They'll be ready in just a minute."

Just then, Agumon ran off, "Oopsie daisie, gotta use the little digimon's room!"

"Dont forget to wash you hands, or claws or whatever they are." Two shouted as Agumon ran off.

As the mushrooms cooked, Tai glanced back up at Tk, mostly staring at the white cloak around his shoulders.

"Tk?" Tai asked grabbing the young boy's attention.

"What is it, Tai?" Tk asked.

"What do you think happened to Raya? Did she seem a little strange before she disappeared?"

Ths mention of the cherry red-haired girl's name almost made Tk cry again, but he kept in the tears and thought back to the past week before Raya vanished.

"Not really, Raya didn't seem to different. She stayed with me a lot while we waited for Matt and kept me safe and warm during the night. But once in a while she would look up at ths sky, as if she was looking for something."

"What do you think she was looking for?" Tai asked. Tk shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know, but when she didn't see anything, she seemed relieved."

Tai and To stayed silent for about another minute until the mushrooms were done cooking.

"Want one?" Tk asked Tokomon, but the little digimon refused it, saying that he wouldn't touch it.

But just as Tk was about to take bite, Tai took it away, saying that it wasn't cooked on one side.

When it was finally cooked all the way, Tk was just about to dig in and chew when Agumon came tunning back in a panic.

"Stop! Stop it, don't eat that mushroom!" He shouted.

"It's all right, Agumon, there are plenty of mushrooms to go around." Tai said happily, but Agumon kept on running.

"Don't eat any of them, they're poisoned, evil, bad stuff!" Agumon went over to Tk, pulling the mushroom out of his mouth and taking the mushroom Tai was holding.

He turned towards Demidevimon, "You don't see him eating one! Try one, come on open up!" Agumon threw the mushroom at Demidevimon, who refused to open his mouth to eat it.

"He won't eat one! He was trying to slip us some kind of mushroom that makes you forget things! You're bad!"

Tai and Tk were shocked, turning towards the black digimon with wide eyes.

"Is that true? Were you trying to poison us?" Tk asked angrily.

A bead of sweat dripped down Demidevimon's small head, "Don't be silly!" He said tryong to act innocent.

"You're lying, just like you lied about Matt!" Tokomon shouted.

Demidevimin tried to fly away, but was quickly caught by Agumon.

"It was a lie, wasn't it?" The orange digimon demanded an answer.

Demidevimon was forced to answer the truth, "Yeah.." He strained.

Tk's eyes filled with tears, "You.. flying rat!" He ran back to Tokomon and held his arms out wide.

"Tokomon, can you ever forgive me?"

"If you promise we'll always be friends." Tokomon said. Tk quickly agreed and hugged Tokomon tightly.

Tai, relieved by the newly repaired friendship, gave Tk his tag, crest and digivice back. Upon touching the boy, the crest began to glow, frightening Demidevimon.

"That's no good." He said before biting Agumon's hand to break free, "Who gave you the idea that crest was yours? Hand it over you little squirt!"

Tk narrowed his eyes, glaring at the little digimon.

"Raya said it was mine and that's good enough for me!" He shouted. Demidevimon smirked evilly at the mention of Raya.

"Oh, really? Well, that little girl was pretty pathetic giving herself up like she did." The small group looked up at the digimon confused and surprised, which only amused him further.

"Oh, did I forget to tell ya? I met the digi-mage and her partner while she was searching for food for ya. All I had to do was promise not to hurt ya and she came without a fight. My master will be very pleased once her powers are given to him."

Tokomon growled and jumped out of Tk's arms.

"I'm gonna teach this mon a lesson!" He shouted. Tk nodded and Tokomon quickly digivolved to Patamon, flying up to attack.

But Demidevimon was fast, he hit Patamon and knocked him into the teacups.

Tk and Tai ran to hide and catch uo with Patamon as the fight continued.

"Patamon, what are you doing?" To cried when they saw the two digimon on the ferris wheel.

"Let him do what hes gotta do. I have a feeling he'll be all right." Tai said. And he was right, not even a moment later, Patamon used his boom bubble attack to knock Demidevimon into the water.

While the boys were celebrating their victory, Demidevimon wahsed up onto ths shore, only to be met by the dark shadow of his master.

"Forgive me oh terrible one, tye crest of Hope has regained it's light! But I'll make it up to you, I'll work overtime and on Sundays." He begged and peladed for mercy.

"You shall receive your punishment in time, but right now, explain the progress of the child." The mastercs deep voice said.

Demidevimon stood up to attention, "Yes, sir." He said, "The girl is resisting a lot, master. She is strong and it'll take a while to break her, but she will submit soon, I can tell."

"Not good enough. I need her power before her crest reappears. Get her power no matter what the price." The sounds of bats squeaked as the shadow disappeared.

Meanwhile, in a dark cave, a small bright light lit up in the darkness. Two figures sat in a dome of lavender light, sitting in silence as the larger figure held the smaller one in their arms.

"Tk..." The larger figure whispered. A small crystal pendant floating in front of the figure showing the small boy smiling happily with Patamon in his arms.

"I'm happy that you've moved forward. I'm sorry for worrying you like this. I hope you find me soon."

The figure's eyes slowly clouded, the crystal pendant fading in color and dropping to the hard cold ground.

The figures slumped in a sleeping form, resting until the crystal shined once again.

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