By daisy-ruby

244K 15.5K 4.3K

In a world where 25% of men can get pregnant Xiao Zhan is one of them, he's also an intelligence officer, an... More

Author's note
1. The Case
2. Conspire
3. Amusing
4. Impressed
5. Bitter
6. Apprise
7. Charmed
8. Striking
9. Stunned
11. Jealousy
12. Devastated
13. Depart
14. Feelings
15. Void
16. Unveil
17. Distraught
18. Desperate
19. Unforeseen
20. Trust
21. Infatuated
22. Unfold
23. Obscure
24. Animosity

10. Unexpected

8.7K 683 126
By daisy-ruby

"You are so beautiful I can't take my eyes off of you, like a thorn on a flower. I want to have you, though I know I'll get pricked, you're so beautiful, so pretty, it makes me sad."- MONSTA X



"Oh, Shit!!" Yibo and Zhan spurred in sync as they both fell on the floor when they realized their faces were inches apart as they woke up.

"Why the hell are you in my room!?" Yibo demanded an explanation.

"Y-you didn't let me g-" Zhan was cut mid-way.

"Just get out," Yibo growled as he pushed him out and slammed the door.

"What the Hell ?!" Zhan whispered as he was wanting to kick down the door and slap him across the face.

"How annoying!" Yibo sighed as he took a quick shower and was mad at the fact that he remembered everything.

"Why the fuck would I do that," Yibo repeated continuously.

On the other hand, Zhan was mad because of Wang Yibo, how can he just act like it was all his fault.

Zhan's pissed-off attitude was all over his face. As Yibo entered the kitchen Zhan went to the living room and ignored Wang Yibo.

"Meng Yao what do I have today," Yibo asked as Meng Yao read the agenda.

"You have important meetings with some clients, and contract Rene-"

"Cancel everything, let's have a party at the club," Yibo suggested as he needed to distract himself from all of his thoughts that were haunting him since yesterday.

"Are you sure ?" Meng Yao ensures

"Yes and inform Wei Ying To stay home I'll take my other guards," Yibo added.

Xiao Zhan heard everything and was not phased at all, he was actually relieved. This was an opportunity to find information.

"Wei Ying You'll be on leave today so do what you want." Meng Yao commanded.

"Yes." Zhan smiled and left for his room.

Zhan wondered how he could sneak into Wang Yibo's office. He knew Yibo kept things locked but not monitored.

Yibo had left for the night and Xiao Zhan was waiting for the right timing.

Xiao Zhan was careful to not make too much noise, Incase someone was in the house. He knew Yibo always kept his things locked up and knew there were no cameras in the house.

Zhan went to Yibo's room to get the keys to the office and was lucky that his room was left open. He was surprised but not worried, to him it felt like luck.

Soon Zhan was close to the office until he heard noises that came from the kitchen, he couldn't make out who it was but it did sound familiar.

"Hao Xuan, I'm trying my best to get as much information as I can from Yibo."Meng Yao insisted as he whispered in a loud tone.

"I need to know who Wang Yibo's contacts are! Can you at least do that for me? Or are you backing out now? Remember our deal?" Wang Hao Xuan demanded, On the other line.

Xiao Zhan hid as he heard Meng Yao's voice.

"No sir I wouldn't dare to back out now! Besides wang Yibo is in our hands now." Meng Yao grinned as he sat down at the kitchen table.

"Good then I'll see you later there are things we need to discuss." Wang Hao Xuan said as he hung up.

Xiao Zhan remembered how Wang Hao Xuan was Yibo's enemy but that was it, now he knew Meng Yao's true intentions.

Xiao Zhan tried to go back to his room but bumped into a vase which made Meng Yao turn around.

'Shit' Zhan thought as he tried to make resolutions but couldn't in any way.

"Wei Ying ...or should I say Xiao Zhan " Meng Yao speculates.

"Come out, I know you heard everything when I was on the phone." Meng Yao insinuated as he got closer to Xiao Zhan's Hiding spot.

There was nothing there as Meng Yao Looked all over.

"So you knew who I was." Zhan cautioned as Meng Yao turned around.

"I did, since the beginning, Wang Yibo is a smart Man but not enough to look into you himself as you know he trusts me. I made a thorough investigation on you." Meng Yao said as he sat down.

"Then why keep it a secret?" Zhan questioned Meng Yao's motives.

"So Wang Yibo Can Have someone to blame for all of my faults, at first I was going to tell him but then I found you use in many ways." Meng Yao sneered at the thought.

"I can't believe Wang Yibo hasn't seen through your facade." Zhan annoyingly felt this sense of justice.

"Let's make a deal then, you'll keep my secret and I'll keep yours, besides we're aiming for the downfall of the same person aren't we?" Meng Yao purposed an exchange.

Xiao Zhan was tempted but he knew how dangerous Wang Yibo could be but he had no choice, he was going to be used on both ends.

"I'll just tell you this Meng Yao I won't be taking part in your scheming matters as you know who I am, I won't let you do this for long." Zhan conveyed his sense of justice.

"Fine do as you wish but remember if this gets out to Wang Yibo, I'll kill you myself, I hate to leave loose ends." Meng Yao Argued.

"Then let me see information on Wang Yibo?" Zhan asked.

"You really want to know? , if you decide to change your mind I'll definitely kill you and your Family."Meng Yao continued as he got closer to Xiao Zhan.

Meng Yao opened his laptop and showed Zhan delicate information. Zhan read things thoroughly and discover something he'd never imagine.

"You can't back out now!"Meng Yao glared.

"Th-this must be wrong." Zhan insisted.

"Why would I lie to you ?" Meng Yao asked.

"I don't know, but information like this why would he make people believe that he's like this?" Zhan worried.

"Because he despises the police, he'd rather do things on his own, he isn't like your Ordinary Chinese mafia. He helps the poor, uncovers the black market, and child prostitution, he's done so much for them." Meng Yao inquired.

'This is bad' Xiao Zhan thought, the person he should be after is Wang Hao Xuan. This made Zhan feel sick. How can he possibly make things better? He had already taken his side.

"Now that you know who Wang Yibo really is, I suggest you listen carefully to our instructions." Meng Yao commanded

"What are you trying to do to a man who  is only doing a commendable job?" Zhan argued.
He was amazed to see how he fell right into this trap.

"Yibo c'mon let's dance, don't let a bad moment ruin your day." A girl giggled as she sat beside Yibo.

Yibo kept drinking shots after shots.
He kept thinking of Xiao Zhan's eyes to his thin waist. Everything was so confusing to him he's never took interest in someone like this. And not to mention a man.

"What's wrong Yibo? Why are you so quiet?" The girl asked once more.

"Shut up and leave me alone" Yibo hissed as he drank more.

"JERK." The girl yelled as she left.

"I could care less." He mumbled.

Yibo tried to stand straight but stumbled upon a girl.

"Fuck!" Yibo babbled as he saw the girl and kissed her and ended up taking her with him to his car.

They were both drunk and made out in the car as they tried to undress but it was no use.

"Sir we're here!" The chófer claimed.

The guards helped Yibo and the girl in the house.

"Leave us alone!" Yibo demanded as they continued to make out.

To Xiao Zhan's luck, he was in the living room contemplating. He saw how Yibo entered drunk with a girl.

"Let me help you!" Zhan asked as he tried to grab Yibo.

"Don't touch me !" Yibo barked as he was with the girl.

"Take the girl home," Zhan told the bodyguards.

Soon it was just Yibo and Zhan facing Each other.

"I'll take you to your room!" Zhan grabbed Yibo's arm.

"I said to stop didn't I ! there is no need." Yibo burped as he was going upstairs.

"I don't mind." Zhan continued as he couldn't help but help Yibo.

Zhan dropped Yibo on his bed as Xiao Zhan was pulled by Yibo's full grip.

Yibo pounced on Zhan as he held his hands over Zhan's head with a tight grip not letting Zhan go. Zhan felt like this was Deja Vu.

both their eyes locked with each other as Yibo moved in closer.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Zhan stuttered.

Yibo looked at Zhan's mole under his lips. Everything about the man under him was beautiful. He couldn't restrain himself any longer.

Yibo's lips brushed Zhan's neck and led to his lips.

Zhan's eyes were wide open, he couldn't get himself out of the situation he was in.

"Mmm!" Zhan mumbled as Yibo Kissed Zhan's soft pink lips.

Yibo's grip became more sustainable than before, Zhan is trapped between reality the feeling of being Kissed by another man.

Yibo tasted Zhan's lips for the first time but everything was hazy, nothing seemed real.

Zhan took control and pushed Yibo off.

Yibo felt like he was in heat just from one kiss, he thought that it was the alcohol speaking, it was an indescribable feeling.

Xiao Zhan Ran out of the room with a red face.
Yibo realized what he had done. He knew this time around it wasn't the alcohol anymore.


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