The Beauty and The Beast

By calianaking

115K 2.2K 450

After the big battle, Hogwarts students didn't flee like they were expected to, but stood tall fighting for t... More

Chapter 1: New beginnings
Chapter 2: Lifeless heart
Chapter 3: Forced bond
Chapter 4: I'm sorry
Chapter 5: Memory Lane
Chapter 7: Mistakes were made
Chapter 8: Hargrids Heart
Chapter 9: Lake Mistake
Chapter 10: Drunk with Lust
Chapter 11: Remembering
Chapter 12: Wishing
Chapter 13: Eyes
Chapter 14: Tears
Chapter 15: Harry
Chapter 16: Mourning
Chapter 17: Sorry
Chapter 18: Fights
Chapter 19: Special Place
Chapter 20: Bullies
Chapter 21: Leader
Chapter 22; Talk
Chapter 23: Stood up
Chapter 25: Goodbye
Chapter 26: She
Chapter 27: Bruises
Chapter 28: New Love
Chapter 24: The Cheat
Chapter 29: Aria
Chapter 30: Redemption
Chaper 31: Hold me close
Chapter 32: Formal
Chapter 33: Slow dance
Chapter 34: To heal
Chapter 35: Additions
Chapter 36: Lint
Chapter 37: Check up
Chapter 38: Alone
Chapter 39: Rekindled
Chapter 40: Time of our lives
Chapter 41: Tied down
Chapter 42: Pansy
Chapter 43: All Love
Chapter 44: In awe
Chapter 45: Wedding
A/N; 1K Reads!!!!
46: Another one
Chapter 47: Others
Chapter 48: Wrong

Chapter 6: New dorm

4.3K 84 30
By calianaking

Hermione's P.O.V.

"I could never and will never forgive you, you're just another filthy Malfoy, just like your father" i spat.

His eyes went from sad and pleading to complete and utter shock and denial.

I rolled my eyes at him acting like he cared about anything I just said.

He saw this and his eyes saddened more, if that was even possible.

Then he took a step back, snapping me out of my daze.

His eyes went back to how they were days ago. Cold, lifeless and empty.

His expression morphed into one of carelessness and hate.

"You want it that way Granger? Take it that way. I tried apologising for my actions, and I see you don't care so I'm going to stop."

He said it so straightforward. There was no "hidden sadness" and I know what he was telling me wasn't fake so he could hide his true emotions behind this veil.

This was his true feelings. He wasn't secretly upset, you could see the honesty in his eyes when he said that.

He looked back at me harshly and I nodded in understanding.

His smug smirk came back and he rolled his eyes at me and walked away.

I deserved that. I acted like he didn't apologise and was being heartless. In reality he was truly sorry and tried his best to show me he was, but I was so blinded by my hate and vengeance toward him for what he did to Harry in the past that I didn't see his intentions.

I didn't realize that he was being sincere. My pride took its place in front of my face and stopped me from apologizing like the stupid idiot my ego is. I couldn't bring myself to.

Now if I did, he would just laugh. It was too late to apologise. I had my chance and I blew it, in classic Hermione fashion.

I gathered myself and walked away, towards my new dorm. I hadn't been in there before, and I was curious to see what it looked like.

I walked in and immediately sucked in a sharp breath. It was beautiful.

The walls were a beige colour and there was a giant bed in the middle. The curtains we're thick and velvety, just like the bed cover and blanket. The wall behind it was cushioned.

It was massive. On the right of the bed, there were two bathrooms.

At least we didn't share one.

I sat on the bed, immediately sinking in after noticing how soft it was. I lay there for five minutes before I got up to take a shower.

I walked into the bathroom, noticing it's enormous size. It was bigger than my old bedroom at home! It was sleek and luxurious, with marble walls and countertops.

I put my items  into their  place, claiming the bathroom mine.

I stepped into the shower, not seeing the showerhead anywhere. I looked up and saw that the shower head was in fact on the roof of the shower.

I turned the water on and thought about what happened today.

The hot water soothed my tense muscles and relaxed my body.

I could get used to this.

After like, 45 minutes I stepped out, dries myself and changed into my pajamas.

I opened the door only to see him in the room.

Of course he's here stupid, you share this.

His eyes snapped up to mine as soon as I exited. I shamefully averted my gaze, recalling what I had said earlier. I've kind of forgiven him for what he said, partly because of how much sincerity and honestly he had when he apologized, which I didn't know he was capable of, and partly because I said something similar to him as well.

He continued to stare at me as I climbed into bed and stuck to one side. The bed immediately soothed me and almost put me to sleep. I turned off the light, placed my wand on the bedside table and tried to sleep.

I heard a disappointed sigh from beside me.

I almost turned to him, but I couldn't face what I had done.

I couldn't face that I, Hermione Jean Granger had done something like this. The words that flew out of my mouth we're not my own, but my true selves. It was what I had wanted to say all these years, but when I finally said didn't feel good, like I thought it would.

I was drifting off to sleep when I heard a knock on our dorm door. Draco sat up from beside me, and without even throwing a glance in my direction ,went to answer it.

He opened the door and there stood Ron.

"What do you want Weasley?" Draco growled.

"I need to talk to Hermione" Ron said sadly.

Draco shot a glance towards me and I nodded.

I got up off the bed and wrapped a robe around my pajamas and left the room, closing the door behind me.

"Yes, Ron?" I asked politely.

I miss the days where we could talk freely about anything to each other. The days where he would hug me and take me out and talk to me about whatever was bothering him.

Now he doesn't acknowledge me, he pretends I don't exist. He doesn't look at me when we are in the group and when I try to talk to him, he quickly ends the conversation.

"Hermione, I'm breaking up with you" he said.

Even though I expected it, it still shook me.  I whipped my head towards him so fast I think I broke my neck.

I nodded sadly.

"Why?" I whispered, wanting to understand what I had done so wrong.

"You're just not good enough" he snapped then walked off.

You're just not good enough.

I wasn't good enough. Draco was right too.

I silently walked back into my room.

As soon as I entered, the enormity of it all hit me hard. I broke down into tears and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

I clutched my knees against the door and sobbed myself to sleep.

And I oop. Haha Soz people I hope you enjoyed it though.

Goodbye for now. See you in the next chapterrrrrrrr.

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