Hero [T/S Relationship & Arra...

De WanderingDancer

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**Song-Inspired "Hero" by Enrique Iglesias** Ever been tied to a chair with a blindfold on after being beaten... Mais

Hero [T/S Relationship & Arranged Marriage]
Chapter 1---Another Day In Hell...Maybe Not
Chapter 2---Going Once, Twice...SOLD!
Chapter 3---New Life. Feelings? Nah! Same Old!
MUST READ! Important Author's Note :)
Chapter 4---Just A Little Misunderstanding
Chapter 5---Goodbye, Rags and Hello, Dresses!
Chapter 6---Carlos Hughes
Chapter 7---Green Light In My Eyes
Chapter 8---A House and A Home
Chapter 9---Behind Closed Doors
Chapter 10---May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor
Chapter 11---What Is This Feeling?
Chapter 12---So Far, So Good...?
Chapter 14---Meet My Future Wife, Cassidy
Chapter 15---Take Me Back
Chapter 16 --- The Show Must Go On
Chapter 17 --- Until My Last Breath
Chapter 18 --- You're Perfect
Chapter 19 --- How?
Chapter 20 --- For Better or for Worse

Chapter 13 --- A Day Out of Town

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De WanderingDancer

Cassidy's P.O.V.

Cassidy, no. You are not falling for Mr. James Ivan Hughes

There are multiple reasons why I shouldn't fall for him:

1.) He is my teacher.

2.) Not my type.

3.) He is not THAT attractive. He just has that sex appeal.

4.) He is my teacher.


But what are the odds anyway if you are arranged to be with him as long as oxygen enters your body?

I knew this day would come. Correction, days. The day that James would ask me out, and the day that I have to admit that I am under his spell. I did not expect this day to come this early. He can ask me out at the day of my death. He doesn't have to know. I don't know if I'll tell him. I won't.


Huh? Was I overthinking again?

"You alright there, Cass?" how did James get so close to me? He was just a few feet away!

"Y-y-yeah, why?" oh, dear God. Here comes the babbling. I just realized how matching James' shirt is with his eyes. Woah, Cassidy, did you just say that out loud in your mind?

"Are you sure?" he asks again but now slowly, giving me the assurance that he is really asking because of concern. "You are lost in your own bubble again. Is there something bothering you?" his brows furrowed a bit.

"No. Nothing at all...I-I was just thinking..." come on, Cassidy, make something up!

James' arms folded over his chest. "Thinking of?" his eyes were fixed on mine. If I look somewhere else, I would be caught. The look he has on his eyes is making me feel the guilt throughout my body. Either way, it's a hard choice.

I cocked my head towards the pitcher of water, and my feet led me to where it was placed. I grabbed a glass from the dishwasher and poured myself a halway through glass of water.

"Cassidy..." James called my attention. He was walking pass the kitchen counter to where I was standing exactly when I took a sip of water. "What were you thinking of?" he asked me.

I finished my water in time for me to collect my thoughts. "I was just thinking where we might go. You know, that first date jitters and that excitement as they call it." really, smoothe. Pat on the back, me.

His face relaxed and he arched his brows for a nanosecond. "Excited are we?" he smirks.

Am I even excited? I don't know! I am nervous because I don't know what to expect in a date. Hannah told me stories of dates and I find them cheesy. Once she told me of the dates in the movies she used to watch. She would tell me different versions of candlelit dinners with the rose petals on he floor, and other cheesy stuff. Should I take these things one of what I should expect?

"I have a question for you, Cass."

I scoffed. "Obvious that you'll ask me, James. I'm the only person here besides you." Unless you want to talk to that frying pan on the stove, which I believe deserves an apology for burning the ham." I pouted playfully at him. Yep, James burnt the ham last night. He was planning on surprising me with his ability to cook other food other than eggs. I guess he'll just stick to the eggs and away with anything else that is edible.

He rolled his eyes making me chuckle. "Fine, I will not try to cook without you knowing."

"Good. Another rule you must follow in this household if you don't want this house and ourselves in ashes at the end of the day." I took my glass and placed it on the sink for now. As soon as I turned around, I almost had a heart attack from James. He was only inches away from me. I couldn't help but let out a yelp and panted. My heart was pounding hard. "James! If you want me to live long you have to stop that!"

He didn't react to what I've said, instead he came closer until we were only centimeters away. His eyes on mine, his hot, minty breath on my cheeks. What does he want? "...why do you keep on changing the subject, Cass?" he asks me softly.

I gasped to myself. I couldn't breathe. "Was that your question?" I whispered. His eyes continued to pierce into mine and he leaned closer.

"What do you think is my answer, Miss Evans?" he continued to speak ever so softly.

I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. Not even air. What was I supposed to say?

*Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep*

His alarm saved me! My mouth was going to dry when his alarm rang. I don't know why he has an alarm right now but I am thankful that he has it now!

James finally sighed and walked to the kitchen island where his phone was while I straightened myself up from our little 'intimate' moment, if that's what you call it. He got his phone and turned the alarm off, making me wonder what that was for.

"You ready, Cass?" he asks.

"Y-yeah." I replied coolly.

He looks at me again but I don't know what it means. Maybe he noticed that he was looking at me because he finally shook his head. "Let's go." he says and starts heading for the door in a quick pace. Ugh, what's wrong with this guy?

I just rolled my eyes and started picking up my own pace so I could catch up with him.


So...yeah, we were on the road until James wanted to stop by Starbucks. We're going to Starbucks for our date? Did he just forget that I hate coffee? How many times have I stated that I hate coffee? Well, since I'll be with him for the rest of who knows until when, I might as well just accept the fact that my future husband is a coffee addict.

We climbed out of the car and I wore my sunglasses that were tinted so dark. I just hope no one will recognize me.

James and I entered Starbucks, and yes, the smell. I couldn't handle it. I told James that I would get us a table and he agreed that I'd wait there. I found a table in the middle and I looked around if I saw anyone I could recognize. Luckily, there was none. You can't help but feel the pressure if someone catches you. Someone catches you and you are doomed.


'Hey, guuurl. How are your royalty lessons? Figured out the difference between sparkling wine and club soda?'

Oh, Hannah. I laughed to myself.

'No royalty lessons today. We're out of the house today.'



'What are you two lovebirds doing? R u gonna watch a movie? Lunch date?'

'I don't know honestly'

'Ok just tell me tomorrow. Have fun on ur first date!!!! xxx'

"Who are you texting?" the voice came from James who was holding our drinks. Looks like I'm having a cold drink again.

"It was just Hannah. Who did you think I was talking to?" I said as I kept my phone in my jacket's pocket.

"Anyone actually. Can be that guy over there." he pointed at a man in the corner busy reading.

I scoffed in a pissed manner at James. "You think I'd give my number to someone I don't know? I am not a hoe, James."

"Good. I don't want any other guy getting your number unless I know the person."

That was...touching. Why did my heart started beating faster? Oh, no not the cheeks. You are not blushing, Cassidy. James was only concerned of your safety.

"Let's get a move on, Cass. The place we're going to is just a few blocks away." he said, handing my drink. I gladly took it and we made our way out of Starbucks.

Why is my drink green?

As usual, James held the door for me and let me get out first. We started walking and then we stopped a few blocks after to cross the street. I was ready to cross when I felt his fingers brush through mine, and before I knew it he was holding my hand. The moment his fingers brushed through mine, it sent tingles all over my body and I felt so awake. I didn't know if James felt it, but I started shaking. I just hope it was only me. I didn't even notice that we have already crossed. I only paid attention to the peculiar feeling I had.

The next thing I knew we were walking towards this huge building. But then James stopped walking.

My brows furrowed. "James, why-"

"James Ivan Hughes? Is that you?" a woman in front of us suddenly said. She was taller than me, sun-tanned, black bob-cut hair, wearing black specks, a white dress, killer heels, and an all-white smile.

"Veronica." James greeted her. "How are you?" is it me or this encounter suddenly became awkward?

"Free as a bird!" she exclaimed with a laugh. "And you're with...?" oh, she's referring to me now?

"Veronica, this is my fianceé-"

"YOU'RE GETTING HITCHED? Oh, darling. James is a keeper I tell you. He is an absolute Adonis in bed." ...was she talking to me? And what was that supposed to mean?

I didn't know how to respond so I just smiled and let out a little laugh.

"Anyway..." James stretched his arms and his left arm wrapped over my shoulders and he pulled me closer to him. "Veronica, it was nice seeing you again and we need to get going. Am I right, baby?" his head cocks to my direction now.

"Y-yeah, we're running a bit late, I guess." I replied. I don't know what to say!

"Aw, such a shame. Well, I hope we can see each other some other time, James. You know, to catch up with life and all." she takes off her specs and pushes it up her hair. Woah, she is beautiful.

"Maybe." James said. "Now if you'll excuse us, we need to get going."

"Sure, sure. Just call me, James so that we can set our little chat." what is this woman trying to show me?

James didn't answer her, instead he just pulled me along and continued walking towards the building. I am confused here.

"Who is she, James?" I asked...out loud. Darn, I was just going to say this to myself!

"She is someone who doesn't deserve to be in your life." he says, his eyes were straightforward not looking into mine. It's better if that's the only information you know about her. I don't want you to feel bad today. This day is focused on us. Can we agree to that, Cass?"

"Okay." I just said plainly. Maybe he was right. Maybe I don't need to know more about her. But it will still be a question. Who was Veronica in James' life?

We stepped inside the building and it was an oceanarium! James and I lined up to get some tickets and once we got in, I was at awe. How did humans get to do this? It felt like I was under the sea. I took off my sunglasses since the place was dim and some parts were dark. Half of me is feeling at awe, half of me is feeling pitiful of all these creatures. They were caught and put in these separate aquariums to be seen by hundreds and thousands of people. We pay to see them and what do they do? They just swim around?

In each separate aquariums there are differents kinds of species of fish. Outside is the name and a description of them. And then I came across these hybrids. They were like worms living under these pebbles. They would suddenly just pop up and then go back. You would call them algae by mistake because of their color.

We both roamed the building. There were even starfishes that you can hold. The last destination was the oceanarium itself. We walked inside and it felt like you were inside a bubble under the sea. I was surrounded 360° with the oceanarium. Fishes of different kinds were swimming, there were stingrays, sea horses, there were even sharks! How on earth can those sharks be so tame inside the oceanarium? This is amazing.

"Enjoying ourselves are we?"

I turned around to see James a few feet away from me. I didn't even notice he wasn't at my side anymore. "I never thought this could exist in this world. It seems so impossible." I touched the cold glass. It was thick and hard. I still wonder how could they have made this.

"The ocean on land. I think it was a marvelous idea." James walked towards me with his hands in his pockets.

"Marvelous, yes. But I wonder, James. Did these animals have a choice? I mean, what do you think they are thinking? I'm sorry. I can't help but feel sorry for them. I just hope they're taken cared of. These creatures have lives just like ours. Shouldn't we treat them like how we treat ourselves? In a world that is free. Everyone deserves to live freely, not being caged."

I thought I was only talking to myself. I looked at James and he looked dumbfounded. "...I have never heard that from a girl before, you know. I have heard people comment on how they concepted this was geniusly made and how convinient it is. I have never looked at it by the creatures' views."

"That's what's wrong with the world today, James. They only think of themselves. They don't even think of the other side's views and how it affects them. Sometimes they don't realize that they've already hurt someone's feelings. They only think that their actions make them happy and the other side is not. The world is such a selfish place."

James didn't respond to what I said. I don't know if he got what I meant, or he just didn't have the right words to say.

We left the oceanarium and went back to the car. I thought we were going home already but he took a different road.

"James, where are we going exactly?"

His eyes were fixed on the road as usual. "That oceanarium is not the only place I want to take you. This is where I really want to take you."

I let James drive us to the place he was referring to. I thought it was a place in the city. Oh, you know. We can have lunch at a bistro or a fancy restaurant. Thise cliché scenarios are entering my mind again. I should just expect the unexpected, I guess. I kept thinking but then I stoped when we got off road. Uh, we already left the city? Where is he really taking me?

I couldn't ask him though. Maybe he was surprising me or...just not telling me. We stopped in this almost remote, forest-like...wait, it's a greenhouse!

I heard his seatbelt click. "We're here." he says. Curiosity strikes. I wonder what's with this place. "Would you like me to open the door for you or...?"

"It's okay. I can do it by myself. I got my seatbelt off and slid out of the car. I couldn't stop looking at the greenhouse though.

(A/N: background music---> "When You Sleep" by Mary Lambert)

James stood by my side and held out his hand. I looked at it first. It was an invitation I couldn't understand. I finally gave my hand and something unexpected happened. Our hands clasped and it was one tight grip. We looked at each other for a second. His look was as if he wanted to tell me something but words didn't come out of his mouth. I finally broke our gaze and we both walked towards the greenhouse.

We reached the entrance and I waited for him to open it. I looked at him and he smiled. Something told me that it meant that I should open the door. So I did. I held the doorknob and opened the door slowly until I heard it slightly creaked. As soon as I opened the door, my jaw dropped.

It was a flower garden with butterflies in different sizes and colors fluttering everywhere. I didn't know how many butterflies are in here. I have never seen anything this beautiful before. I glanced at James and he was also smiling giving me a look that says, 'Go ahead'.

I got up close not only with the most fragrant flowers, but also what I love seeing. Butterflies. They are my symbol for hope and freedom. One day, I will be a butterfly as well. I wanna know what it feels like to be free, to fly, to just be Cassidy.


James' P.O.V.

I haven't seen Cassidy this happy. I wish she would always smile like this forever. I have never met a woman as passionate, delicate, and beautiful as her. She's a puzzle game. Complicated, but worth the effort. Right now, she is an entirely different person. Carefree, relaxed, happy.

I don't know if she notices herself smiling or laughing, or even twirling around with the butterflies in the greenhouse. I guess that she didn't even notice I took pictures of her. As soon as I heard about this place, I told myself that I have to take her here.

Cassidy is not the woman I expected. She is so much more. She's not the typical woman to cross your life, and I'm lucky to have her cross my life and that she'll stay forever in mine.

Cassidy walked towards me with a grin that couldn't be erased. She showed me a butterfly that stayed on her finger. It was purple. Purple is her favorite color. I held out my finger but it flew to my shoulder. Cassidy laughed and we watched the butterfly fly away.

"James..." she called for my attention. "Thank you. Thank you for this. It just means so much. No one has ever done this to me. I was really surprised."

I smiled. "Someone like you deserves this. You should get used to these surprises now. You have the rest of our lifetime to experience them. And you don't know what else is awaiting you."

"...maybe this arranged marriage thing isn't a bad thing at all. Thank you." she kisses my cheek.

I didn't expect that from her. That was my surprise of the day.

She chuckled softly and entertwined her hand with mine. "I kinda like holding hands..." she's finally not scared to tell me what she feels on things.

I love you, Cassidy. Stay with me forever.

Author's Note: YAAAAAAAY!!!! AFTER A GAZILLION YEARS! Can I hear a Hallelujah? Amen! Hahaha!

I know it's been a while, but seriously, the ending was holding me back. I made so many versions of this chapter's ending, and I thought this would be the best ending for the chapter.

Hello, College life! Wish me luck! It's gonna be memorable, I pray. But first, it's still summer. Booyah! So, bring it on Katie, the Musical rehearsals! I am soooo excited and sad cause I don't really know if they are my last shows. It's so sad, but nevertheless, I am grateful. Namaste.



WanderingDancer xo

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