It's a Long Story

By aestheticaries

14.1K 442 293

13 ordinary high school students, complete strangers to one another, end up tying a undying bond together aft... More

Chapter One - Detention
Chapter Two - A nightmare
Chapter Three - It Doesn't Really Matter
Chapter Four - Aquarius
Chapter Five - I Trust You
Chapter Six - I'm A Cancer
Chapter Seven - I Killed Her
Chapter Eight - I Don't Care
Chapter Nine - No Comment
Chapter Ten - Do You Believe Me Now?
Chapter Eleven - Another New Student
Chapter Twelve - Locked
Chapter Thirteen - Aries
Chapter Fourteen - A Team
Chapter Fifteen - Powerful
Chapter Sixteen - Aquarius&Capricorn
Chapter Seventeen - Sagittarius&Scorpio
Chapter Eighteen - Libra&Virgo
Chapter Nineteen - Leo&Cancer
Chapter Twenty - Gemini&Taurus
Chapter Twenty-One - Blair
Chapter Twenty-Two - No Problem
Chapter Twenty-Three - Begin
Chapter Twenty-Five - I'm Sorry
Chapter Twenty-Six - Rihanna
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Now
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Psychotic
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Let's Play
Chapter Thirty - Each Other
Chapter Thirty-One - Oh My God
Chapter Thirty-Two - A Word
Chapter Thirty-Three - True Aries
Chapter Thirty-Four - It's A Long Story
One Year Anniversary

Chapter Twenty-Four - Goodnight

141 8 20
By aestheticaries

The supposed 'sleepover'  had begun exactly three hours twenty-four minutes and forty-two seconds ago: make it forty-three now, Vivian and Chi was watching a teenage movie on Netflix, a box of tissues wedged in between them. Scarlett was on the swinging chair, her feet dangling underneath a photo frame as she scrolled through her phone. Whereas I was on the chair that could stretch out, enjoying the company of Buttons sprawled out across my abdomen asleep. 

Scarlett tossed her phone on the floor, causing everyone's attention to avert to her, "It's ran out of battery." she spoke, she switched positions swiftly so that she was sitting up, "Can we do something fun?" she questioned, curiously. 

Vivian grabbed the remote that was beside her left, she picked it up and placed the movie on pause, "Sure, what where you thinking of?" she questioned, I took the opportunity to gradually sit up, as I did so, I made sure not to wake Buttons up, to my surprise, he didn't, he just slid down effortlessly onto my lap instead. 

She hummed in response, her eyes narrowed, Scarlett's emerald eyes drifted to what was happening outside of the window as if she was thinking, I watched through the reflection of the window, seeing her large eyes widen, she snapped her attention back to the three of us listening in anticipation, "Truth or Dare!" she exclaimed in excitement. 

A large grin spread onto Chi's face as they skipped into the middle, their legs crossed, "Let's all gather in a small circle!" she spoke enthusiastically. With a slight smirk, Vivian rolled her eyes playfully before complying to the order, Scarlett took her time with dragging herself off the chair, sliding onto the floor in an army crawl way. 

I was the last one into the circle, as I gently scooped up Buttons and placed him on the chair, gradually sliding onto the floor. I was beside Scarlett and Vivian with Chi opposing me, "Alright!" Chi began, clapping their hands excitedly, "Who wants to go first?" 

"I will!" Scarlett spoke excitedly, her eyes drifted around the circle before they finally landed on mine, I gulped, she only smirked at my intimidated state, "Blair, truth or dare?" she questioned. I bit my lip harshly, I suppose truth can't be as bad as dare, right? "Truth." I answered.

Her smirk only grew wider, "Is their someone who you have your eye on?" she asked, wiggling her eyebrows in a teasing way. Both Chi's and Vivian's eyes widened, Chi clapped her hands together excitedly once again, "Come on Blair, there's got to be someone who you like!" Chi exclaimed. 

I sighed harshly. My heart seemed to ache, as if it knew who I wanted, yet my head didn't. I couldn't understand, what was this feeling I was experiencing? Nobody seemed to acknowledge me clenching my fist, I couldn't see why I was so frustrated by this. My heart and head seemed like two different people, maybe it's someone I couldn't have? My eyes drifted to Vivian, maybe it's because someone else has their heart set on them too? 

I sighed, trying to get the feeling past me, "Nope," I replied, "nobody has really stood out to me yet." 

Scarlett gave a dissatisfied look, as Vivian shrugged it off, yet Chi seemed slightly taken back, "Alright Blair, it's your turn." Chi spoke up, I nodded my head, I turned to Vivian, "Vivian, truth or dare?" I questioned. "Dare!" she spoke determinedly. I gave her a smirk, seeming to hint what I was planning, I know this was going to pain me but I could tell by the look on her face she wanted to me ask her something along the lines of him, I felt pressured. 

"I dare you to call the person you like and confess your feelings, right here, right now." I spoke, the words rolled off me like liquor yet my heart seemed to ache more and more as the words spat out of my mouth like venom, the smirk on my face dropped as I spoke, Scarlett seemed to notice and frowned. 

Vivian blushed, acting surprised, "Oh wow, really? Oh my god, uh, okay." she spoke, seeming rather eager and whipped out her phone that was laying beside her, she grinned excitedly but acted nervous, "Alright, I guess I'll do it, only because I'm not a chicken, not because I want to or anything." she spoke, giggles lurking after. 

Her fingers tapped rapidly on her phone before it began to dial, she pressed it on speaker so everyone could hear the voice at the end of the call, "Oh man, Mason won't know-" Chi began until a totally different voice echoed through the call, "Hello?" Levi's clueless voice came through at the other end. 

My heart twanged, it pained me to know about the events that are going to unravel, I noticed Chi's face scrunch up in confusion as Scarlett looked at me in disbelief, I gave a fake smile and nodded my head, telling them the truth. 

"H-Hey Levi..." Vivian began, I watched her fidget around in her spot, a grin still plastered onto her face, she masked her voice perfectly to seem nervous, but she wasn't, she was full-blown confident and she was terrible at masquerading it. 

I don't understand the resentment I'm feeling towards Vivian, what is this feeling? I couldn't understand, and from the looks of it Scarlett couldn't either. I could sense her eyes burning into the side of my skull, sensing the frustration from myself of not being capable to understand my emotions thoroughly. Her eyebrows furrowed together before lifting her head up, hearing Levi's voice throughout the phone. 

"Vivian? Is everything okay?" I heard Levi ask, I clenched my fists tighter, my nails piercing into my skin, why am I infuriated? What is this feeling? 

Vivian nodded, "Yeah, in fact, I've been meaning to ask you something," she began, Levi cut her off, asking a question I feared him to ask, "Yeah sure, what's up?" he asked, I mentally hit myself, the frustration clouded my mind that in result before I felt my body jolt to taking a swing at Vivian, I used my other hand to grab my hand, biting my nails to bare through this surge I was feeling, yet I pulled off a great act in looking like I was nervous for her. 

As my brown auburn eyes lifted up to meet her blue baby doll ones, she flashed me a thumbs up to signal she got this, of course she did, it's Vivian we're talking about, the most popular girl in school, Queen Bee herself. I gave her a small fake smile, to make it appear as if I felt  her reassurance, but the anger only made it seem like my blood was boiling. I even began to feel myself sweat a little, I don't understand why. 

"I've been meaning to ask you this, but for a while now, I've had these unresolved feelings for you, and I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime?" she asked him. 

A while? If she classes about four hours as a while than sure. We all awaited on his answer, through the phone we heard rustling about, as if his clothes were colliding with the mattress of his bed, changing sitting positions, "Uh..." he began, seeming rather hesitant, as we waited for the two seconds for him to reply, I felt Scarlett's sympathetic stare burning through my skull, she could sense my pain, but I don't understand why I'm feeling pain through this time. 

He was rather hesitant, "Yeah sure, I don't see why not." he spoke, that's when I felt my heart shatter, I won't lose. I won't lose. I won't lose. I won't lose. I won't-

My thoughts were cut off by Vivian's fangirlish squeal, "Great! Maybe we can meet up tomorrow or something?" she asked with an arched eyebrow, "Yeah sure, I'd like that!" he replied, than Vivian almost immediately hung up. 

She squealed excitedly, "Great!" she spoke, "Okay, my turn, Chi-" she began. "In fact, I think we should take a break for a bit," Scarlett intervened, Chi nodded their head in agreement, "Yeah, say Blair," she began, catching my attention, I was sweating a lot more, but Vivian seemed to oblivious to notice. 

"Yeah?" I questioned as I watched Vivian outstretch her body, towards the sleeping Buttons, she stroked behind his ear causing his eyes to hazily open. "Say, do you want to freshen up with me?" Chi questioned, extending their thumb behind them gesturing towards the stairs. I furrowed my eyebrows but nodded my head, "Yeah sure." I spoke. "Great!" Chi spoke, giving s happy fake smile as we both picked ourselves up from off the floor, Scarlett gave an awkward smile before laying on the floor, running a hand through her bold red locks. 

As we both got to the top of the stairs, Chi stopped walking as I opened the door ready to go to the bathroom, but Chi forcefully yanked me away, "What the hell was that?" Chi whispered worriedly. I furrowed my eyes, getting ready to step back as I shook my head slowly, unaware of what they was talking about, "What was what?" I questioned arching one eyebrow. 

"Just then when Vivian was on the phone with Levi, you almost took a swing at her!" she whispered, raising her voice. 



I shuddered at the thought, "I-I don't know!" I stuttered, "I-It just came over me, I don't understand, I've been feeling irritated the past few hours yet I don't get it, it keeps getting worse and worse." I answered. 

Chi scrunched up their face in confusion, "That's odd," they began, Chi looked up to me as I placed a hand on their shoulder, I opened my mouth to speak but she jerked herself away from me, her confused look turned distressed, "W-What's wrong?" I questioned. "You're burning!" Chi exclaimed in shock, they pulled down the rim of their shirt, exposing their shoulder which had a new bold hand-print burn mark, I looked up from her shoulder to her distressed look, "You burned me." 

I shook my head in disbelief, "I-I don't know what's happening." I spoke. Gently she shielded her shoulder back up again, as Vivian's voice echoed at the bottom of the stairs, "Is everything okay?" her sing-song voice echoed. 

Me and Chi flickered glances towards each other, "Yeah, it's fine!" Chi replied, their bold eyes remained on my figure, "You sure?" Vivian's voice hinted concern, "You said Blair was burning." she commented. 

Chi nervously chuckled, "Y-Yeah, I think...I think Blair's coming down with a fever." Chi quickly covered up, I sighed in relief, Vivian's tone quickly turned sympathetic, "Aw, is she okay? Does she want to stay in my room tonight instead of downstairs with us?" she suggested, "It might cool her down a little." 

Chi looked back at me, her facial expression hinted that it wasn't a bad idea, "U-Uh," I began, I cleared my throat, "If you don't mind." 

Vivian soon came running up the stairs, seeming surprised to see me and Chi out of the bathroom, "It's no problem at all, honestly!" Vivian reassured, "If you're feeling ill now, you can go to bed now if you'd like, I don't think we'll be doing much beside watching movies." Vivian suggested. 

I let out a heavy sigh, sweat pouring more and more down my face, I could fully sense myself burning up, physically and mentally, I nodded my head, "Y-Yeah, I think I need it." I spoke, practically throwing myself into her room, I face planted on her pillow face down, Chi closed the door behind me, flashing a sympathetic yet worried look, that read 'We'll solve this in the morning' as she closed the door. 

"G-G-Goodnight." I weakly stuttered before passing out due to the tremendous amounts of heat I experienced throughout my body. 

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