She led me to him (Werewolf s...

By milroymelena

23.5K 1.5K 123

When I locked my gaze with hers, everything became clearer. While my wolf screamed 'Mate' in my head with joy... More

Chapter 1: What you meant
Chapter 2: Thanks Zaphira
Chapitre 3: Lucky To Survive
Chapter 4: Tracking This Scent
Chapitre 5: You always knew
Chapitre 6: Her
Chapter 7: Reds
Chapitre 8 (part 1): I won't mind
Chapter 8 (part 2): Four years
Chapter 9: Last warmth
Chapter 10 (part 1): In the middle of nowhere
Chapter 10 (part 2): Hunter vs Rogue; supposedly...
Chapter 11: Beg for my death
Chapter 12: The whisper of despair
Chapter 13: Disappointed
Chapter 14 (part 1): Keep your head held high
Chapitre 14 (part 2):**BANG**
Chapter 15: Hate the most
Chapter 16: Why isn't she coming?
Chapter 17: Need to tell you something
Chapter 18: I'll be the one
Chapter 19: Breaking the bond
Chapter 20: B*stard of human
Chapter 21: Still rejected
Chapter 22 (Part 1): After twenty years
Chapter 22 (part 2): An already written fate
Chapter 22 (part 3): The Sleeping boy
Chapter 23: The best of the worst
Chapter 24: Tainted Purity
Chapter 25: All It Took
Chapter 26: Messed up
Chapter 27: The reason why
Chapter 28: Eye to eye
Chapter 29: Everything black
Chapter 30 part 1: What a day
Chapter 30 part 2: A great mistake
She Led Me To Him Part II
Chapter 31: A dance or chase?
Chapter 32: Introducing Max
Chapter 33: So, It's A Girl
Chapter 34: Next Time
Chapter 35: Crush
Chapter 37: Red Team
Chapter 38: Déjà vu
Chapter 39: Let's go
Chapter 40: The future
Chapter 41: Didn't Tell Her
Chapter 42: A secret
Chapter 43: To be found
Chapter 44: Ice Moon
Chapter 45: Illuminated Night
Chapter 46: End of the day
Chapter 47: Another Pack
Chapter 48: Time for what?
Chapter 49: Take care of it
Chapter 50: The Beginning
Chapter 51: A bitter joust
Chapter 52: The proposition
Chapter 53: Encircled
Chapter 54: Two weeks
Chapter 55: Hidden Pack
Chapter 56: Which room?
Chapter 57: Our exit
Chapter 58: Let her go
Chapter 59: Not alone
Chapter 60: Now
Chapter 61: Can you see?
Chapter 62: Because of her
Chapter 63: Half Blood
Chapter 64: Shameless
Chapter 65: His childhood memories
Chapter 66: Introductions
Chapter 67: A story I have to hear
Chapter 68: Grey
Chapter 69 (part 1): Best friends
Chapter 69 (part 2): worst friend
Chapter 70: A sickening night
Chapter 71: An other reason to disagree
Chapter 72: Shut the f*ck up
Chpater 73: Prophecy
Chapter 74: No responsibility
Chapter 75: They collided
Chapter 76: It talked
Chapter 77: Bad decision
Chapter 78: Keep being busy
Chapter 79 (Part 1) : Peacefulness
Chapter 79 (part 2): The mirage
Chapter 80: A salmon sandwich
Chapter 81: Your Blood
Chapter 82: Erased
Chapter 83 (Part 1): The truth about Dina
Chapter 83 (Part 2): Ridiculous
Chapter 84: Only ally
Chapter 85: All the pleasure was mine
Chapter 86: Broken ribs
Chapter 87: Explosion
Chapter 87 (part 2): Broke her heart twice
Chapter 88 (part 1): Thank you
Chapter 88 (part 2): Memories
Chapter 89: Not today
Chapter 90:
Chapter 91: I don't blame you...
Chapter 92: The hint
Chapter 93: The weight of my wrongdoings
Chapter 94: From human to lycan
Chapter 95: Where you belong
Chapter 96: Run
Chapter 97: A bitter lie
Chapter 98: The answers are ahead
Chapter 99: The red Maiden Tale
Chapter 100: Both tainted red
Chapter 100 (part 2): A promise not to be broken
Chapter 101: Broken Promises
Chapter 102: Inhana
Chapter 103: The List
Chapter 104: A bane or a cure
Chapter 105: From hope to despair
Chapter 106: Wished to be human

Chapter 36: He was gone

165 11 0
By milroymelena

Serah POV

"My crush? Come on! it was so long ago!"

I made myself out of his grip and I crossed my arms thinking about her, Max was it.

"So long ago but you were so excited to see her today!"

I might be petty but I wasn't going to be intimate with a guy who hours ago was all over his first crush.

"Serah, she's like my best buddy, a guy almost-"

Jay wasn't making any sense here.

"A guy on whom you had a f*cking crush on?!"

I won't buy any of his sh*t, I knew I was destroying the mood but we needed to be clear about this girl to go further on.

"Hey! Look over here, it was a one-sided crush on my part, nothing happened and nothing will ever happen."

My *ss nothing will ever happen! I couldn't look at him, I wanted to stay mad and his body would be too distracting and I won't disclose this information. But right now I wanted answers and I was ready to dive into his eyes.

"So tell me, what were you doing just the two of you back then?"

I remember his expression and he never showed me this side of him. And yes I was jealous.

"I can't-"

I cut him right off the bat because anything that he'll say after 'I can't' would infuriate me.

"So, I don't want to hear any of this!"

I turned away making my way to the packhouse. If he couldn't at least tell me about earlier I can't trust him.

"Did I ever ask about your first love?!"

I turned back as he mentioned Kevin in a situation he shouldn't have.

"Did I ever ask about Dina?"

If he was playing this game, he'll be served.

"What's the relation with Max?!"

He was dumbfounded and started to become restless.

"The same relation it has with my first love!"

I turned my heels once again because that guy over there wouldn't give me answers.

"Serah, can you please, explain to me why you are mad right now?"

His plea was genuine and he was hella mad, he didn't know but I wasn't a fool. If he wanted an explanation I'll give them but don't expect me to calm down.

"Okay, so would you tell me, how would you react if my first love came in after so long and we started to show off our memories even those-"

His midnight black eyes were right in front of my face. He tilted my head up with his fingers stopping my speech.

"I wouldn't f*cking care because we're not a thing, we are nothing."

He let go of me. I stared back at him realizing every word he spoke. 'We are nothing'. I saw him back away letting me a bit of space but our gaze never broke.

Regret flashed and if it had a color it would be dark blue. I didn't like seeing him in that state but his words were still echoing in my head.

Who was I kidding?

I was always the one putting the limits so hearing him say so was hard.


I knew he regretted but these were his raw thoughts.

"I heard, I heard enough."

I was walking and I didn't care where I was going anymore.

Damn it! I was giving our relationship a shot but maybe we didn't belong together.

"Serah! Serah-"

I didn't want him to see how much he hurt me right now. It'll get better tomorrow.

I felt him getting closer as his footsteps reached the hard floor. I didn't want him any closer than he was.

"Jay, don't follow me. I need space."

My voice could have cracked at any moment as I couldn't get this lump out of my throat.

"Serah, if you continue this way you'll attain the border!"

He was tired of me, constant fights, constant questions over our relationship, over the mate bond... And my dumbass head.

Did I have to get the paths mixed up? Anyway, I was a prideful woman who won't change her route nor look back.

"So what? As I said, I need space so I'm going for a walk."

I wasn't stubborn. I was only assuming the path I took.

"Serah please, let's go home."

He sighed, I didn't know if it was because oh my behavior or his.

"It's no home for me, remember."

He was right behind me, my back facing him. He stopped following as I stated the last sentence but I didn't stop my legs from moving forward.

The sounds of leaves cracking underneath his feet resumed slowly. However, I felt him retreating violently. It was confirmed by the loud growl resonating in the forest.

Jayson just shifted and went back furious to the packhouse. And who did he think he was to get this mad, I was the one that should react this way!

And now because of him, I had to get deeper in the forest with no f*cking shoes on.

As if I wanted to. Anyway, it might be an opportunity to be alone with me and reflect on all of this.

Thinking back, it had been exactly a month since we're here. A lot had happened, Jess got back home, found her mate, me too actually. However, it wasn't as easy as their story. I was human and he was the alpha of a werewolf pack. Our story didn't start right and here we are. What should I do?

Mom won't be home for two months.
But it might be the time to go back home, start anew, meet new people... And get out of this world.

I thought that I could handle it but I only saw the bright side.

"Serah!! Get on the floor right now!"

My trains of thought were abruptly stopped by Jay crying his life out. I didn't have the time to process his words that a wolf came in rushing towards my head. Without thinking twice I plunged on the floor as Jay advised. The wolf jumped over me and rushed towards Jay. I still on my knees and it wasn't just one wolf it was a dozen of them rushing towards him, I got back up ready to help him.

"Serah! run to the packhouse right now!!"

As his words were said he shifted shredding the wolves on his way. I was in no way running away, since last time, with Gab, I always carried with me a dagger.

A dagger would be enough for me to fight. As I ran towards Jay, a few of them obstructed me from going further. I tried to attack them but they didn't counter-attack even once. I still felt myself drifting apart from Jay.

I could no longer see him now. I tried to fight but none of them fought back and I couldn't take the risk to give them any opening.

What was their goal?!

After a few minutes, the wolves ran away. They just fled towards Jay! I was about to run but a voice came from behind.

"How rude of you! How could you go away like that when I took my precious time to meet you?"

I turned around and saw a man.

He was in an all-black outfit, was he wearing a long skirt? it seemed like he was wearing an ankle-length skirt. I shouldn't distract myself, who was this man?

"Who are you?"

I shouted, I couldn't even have a proper view as if his frame was built from darkness. He stopped moving and started to laugh. The man was confusing who was he? Was he rogue?

"Dear, the real question here is who are you? Or more like what are you? "

This man was getting on my nerves, what was he spouting?

"Anyway, just come closer so we'll get over with a fight because you are out of your mind."

I was advancing with my guards up, I had to end this as fast as possible and help Jay!

"Dear, we are on the same team here! You have questions and I have all the answers you need. "

That crazy dog, did they let mentally ill people on the battlefield.

"I have no questions and no if you're a rogue-"

He cut me and his voice tone changed drastically.

"Two weeks ago, Do you want to know what happened?"

My heart missed a beat, it had been on my mind since that time, how did he know?

"What do you mean? Were you there? What happ-"

That man was playing with my nerves interrupting me like this.

"I won't answer you unless you join me later on. I want you by my side."

He knew something but he had no intention to tell me anything. The man didn't move and his figure wasn't anymore clearer.

"I won't, I won't ever. So you either tell me or I'll figure out myself!"

The man started laughing again. But it wasn't in an evil manner as he did a few minutes ago.

"Not only you have her eyes, but also her temper."

What was this man talking about? How is that possible?


I finally had a glimpse of his face, I couldn't see his full feature but I saw his wicked smile.

"Iris, you look like her."

I didn't care any longer I had to see his face, who was he? He knew mom and two weeks ago what happened? Who was this man?

My feet weren't touching the ground anymore. Sparks and warmth engulfed my body. My eyes landed on a worried alpha who hugged me from behind.

It was nice but we had to catch that man.

"Jay! let go we have to catch him!"

I struggled in arms to get out but I couldn't see, I couldn't see him anymore.

As if he never came, he was gone.

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