By daisy-ruby

244K 15.5K 4.3K

In a world where 25% of men can get pregnant Xiao Zhan is one of them, he's also an intelligence officer, an... More

Author's note
1. The Case
3. Amusing
4. Impressed
5. Bitter
6. Apprise
7. Charmed
8. Striking
9. Stunned
10. Unexpected
11. Jealousy
12. Devastated
13. Depart
14. Feelings
15. Void
16. Unveil
17. Distraught
18. Desperate
19. Unforeseen
20. Trust
21. Infatuated
22. Unfold
23. Obscure
24. Animosity

2. Conspire

10.1K 717 138
By daisy-ruby

"Look, we aren't staying in the lines. Look, we are doing what we want."- RED VELVET

" Hey, Hui Zhong can you do me a favor?" Xiao Zhan called his long-time friend.

Huí Zhong is a hacker/Tech Guru. He's one of the best if not the best. He works for the government which makes him top-notch and Zhan knows it. They knew each other through university years.

"What now Zhan?" Hui Zhong said passively.

"Why does it sound like I bothered you, are you busy?" Zhan said worriedly.

To Zhong's delight, he actually was excited to talk to Zhan but he didn't show it. To him, he was like the funniest person he's ever met.

"No, I was just surprised you called me out of the blue since we haven't kept in touch lately." Hui Zhong said sulking.

"Oh yeah it's been a while, I just needed a favor, right now?" Zhan said hoping he would say yes.

"What does my bro want ?" Hui Zhong said smiling.

"Can you Look into someone his name is Wang Yibo, he's the head of a mafia gang? People don't know much about him, he's anonymous but I know you can hack into his system, and find one or two things about him." Xiao Zhan said as he kept on talking.

While Hui Zhong was already looking into it.

"It's like he doesn't exist he has too little information about himself, he's 22 years old. His parents died no siblings, owns 6 clubs around Hong Kong, 3 businesses in Beijing, and 8 properties throughout China. Looks like he's hosting an underground fighting match this Friday. Seems like it's a test he's doing to take men under his wing." Hui Zhong said as he was still scrolling through the information.

"Great send me the address, and thanks for the info bro, you're the best," Zhan said with a wide smile.

"No prob and why do you need me to do it won't they hire someone to look into him?" Hui Zhong asked interested.

"Long story short, They didn't put me into the case," Zhan said bumped out.

"What did you do now?" Zhong asked again.

"Nothing!?" Zhan said trying to hide the fact.

"Lair, Anyways be careful this Wang Yibo Seems dangerously crazy don't put your life on the line alright?!" Hui said as he asked and made sure.

"Yeah Anyways thanks again I have to go now," Zhan said as he hung up.

"Boss everything is set for this Friday's event." Meng Yao said. As he entered Wang Yibo's office he had in Hong Kong.

Meng Yao is one of Wang Yibo's trustworthy right-hand men. Meng Yao is intelligent and knows a lot about marketing strategies.

"Make sure to accept only delinquents. I can't have any, who have no record." Wang Yibo said as he was on his computer.

"Tell the others to be ready this Friday too, don't be reckless on choosing who's in or not."Wang Yibo said as he closed his laptop and starred out the window.

Wang Yibo is a man who's silent but deadly. He hates useless things that don't interest or Benefit him in any way. But when he's interested he can't let go of the thought of it. He's the type to be very possessive over one thing, that nothing else matters.

Yibo received a call from his stepmother. He thought to himself why would his mother call at this hour.

"What can I help you with, mother ?" Yibo asked as he waited for a response.

"Yibo my dear let's have dinner tomorrow, I have something to tell you ?" She said smiling.

Yibo's stepmother is the only family he has at the moment. His step-father died last year from cancer, and he still thinks about it.

"What time ?" He asked.

"Great.. I'll send you the place and time through text." Yibo's mother said delightedly.

"Ok I have to go now," Yibo said as he hung up.

Sometimes he would think his stepmom is troublesome and a handful. But he knew that she was just as devastated as he was when his step-father died.

"Shoot I have to make up a profile for myself if I'm going to go to that place." Xiao Zhan said as he made his profile and blocked anything pertaining to his personal self.

As an agent he had to go undercover and have a new name and birthdate and age, he also had to make a new ID and passport as well as a new birth certificate.

"Ok, what should my name be, ugh this is hard how about we start at age 30? No! They won't accept me if I'm that old, how about 24 yeah that's good now my record." Xiao Zhan said whispering to himself at work.

He was on the computer so focused on the case.

"What are you whispering about?" Wan Zhuo Cheng said as he was worried for his friend.

"Ah ... I was just reading some reports." Xiao Zhan said as he closed his laptop.

"Anyways, yesterday you left quickly so I couldn't say anything to you, but just don't look into the case anymore ok it's for your own good." Zhuo Cheng said as he crossed his arms.

Xiao Zhan was in disbelief about Zhuo cheng's words.

"Yes I know, I'll stay out of your way, happy ?" Xiao Zhan said as he looked annoyed.

'As if' Xiao Zhan thought. He wasn't that easily convinced.

"Wait ?! Your serious?" Zhuo Cheng said almost yelling of confusion. Zhan was never one to say no.

"Yes as a matter of fact I'm taking a break for the meantime, so there's no need to worry about me," Zhan said.

"Your joking right?" Zhuo Cheng said as he was still shocked.

"No, starting tomorrow I'm taking my leave," Zhan said.

Zhan really hoped Zhuo Cheng would believe him.

"It's kind of hard to believe that you're not interested." Zhuo Cheng said.

"Nope believe it I just need some space knowing you guys don't need me." Xiao Zhan said sulking.

"Come on your the best we have but Officer WU doesn't want you in." Zhuo Cheng said as he went to his desk.

Xiao Zhan thought about it and wondered if Officer WU was worried that he'd end up dead like his father. Zhan always thought about his father and how he was so dedicated to his work he's never seen anyone like that.

Wang Yibo got to the restaurant earlier than he anticipated. It was already afternoon half past 3 pm and his mother was nowhere in sight.

"Sir What would you like to drink?" The waitress said.

Yibo looked at the menú but he wasn't up for much. "How about some whiskey." He said smiling at the waitress.

"Yes." She said as she blushed and jotted down his order.

Soon then Yibo's mother came and to his surprise, there was a young girl beside her.

"Yibo my son this is Jia Hui she's my friend's daughter." Yibo's mother said introducing them to each other.

Yibo was amazed at how his mother tricked him into thinking that this meeting was important.

"Mother is this what you said was important?" Yibo said as he looked mad but his face was always serious so you can see no difference.

"Yes now let's have dinner." His mother said as the girl looked shy.
She was innocent and looked lively. Yet Wang Yibo was not interested in any way.

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