By 1985cat

4.1K 4 0

On earth 38 KAL-El of Krypton is sent to earth after the planet Krypton blows up. KAL-El becomes superboy and... More

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Chapter 54/THE-END!

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By 1985cat

Meanwhile in Metropolis. Lois Lane and her sister Lucy Lane are getting ready to go for a run. Lois Lane's sister Lucy Lane walks up to Lois Lane and says Lois I was wondering can I ask your friend Jimmy Olsen out on a date?!!

Lois Lane says sure?!! It's 2:00 P.M.. Lucy Lane is at Lois Lane's penthouse apartment getting ready for a date with Jimmy Olsen. Jimmy Olsen stands in the hallway of Lois Lane's penthouse apartment. Jimmy Olsen knocks on the front door of Lois Lane's penthouse apartment. Lois Lane opens the front door of her penthouse apartment. Jimmy Olsen says hey Lois?!! Lois Lane says my sister is almost ready... Would you like to come in and wait for her?!! Jimmy Olsen says sure. Jimmy Olsen walks into Lois Lane's penthouse apartment. A few minutes later. Lucy Lane is standing in Lois Lane's kitchen. Jimmy Olsen sees her and hi Lucy... Are you ready for our date?!! Lucy Lane says yes I'm ready!!

Jimmy Olsen says you look beautiful Lucy?!! Lucy Lane says thank you Jimmy!!

Jimmy Olsen and Lucy Lane leave Lois Lane's penthouse apartment to go on their date. Meanwhile in Gotham city. The other man who works for the red hood says so everything's settled for tonight?... You're still goin' through with it? Jack Napier says uh, well, of course!... I'd be crazy to back out now. 2 police officers both walk into the bar/restaurant. One of the 2 police officers is wearing a police uniform and the other police officer is wearing a tan colored trench coat and a fedora hat. Jack Napier says I mean, the worst part, lying to Jeannie, that's over... She, she thinks I have a club engagement tonight... The other man who works for the red hood says no reason why she shouldn't keep right on thinking that. The other man who works for the red hood says right, man... No reason at all. The 2 police officers walk up to the bar table where the bartender is. The other man who works for the red hood says listen: tonight, wear a suit and bow tie... It's a kinda trademark with this red hood business. Jack Napier says of course!... That's what Jeannie will expect me to wear, for the nightclub... It's perfect! The other man who works for the red hood notices the 2 police officers and says uh, Joe... The police officer who is wearing a tan colored trench coat and a fedora hat says we're looking for this man while showing the bartender a photo of Jack Napier and his wife. The bartender points at the table that Jack Napier is sitting at. The 2 police officers walk up to Jack Napier. The 2 men who work for the red hood quickly hide their faces so the 2 police officers won't recognize them. The police officer who is wearing a tan colored trench coat and a fedora hat says excuse me, sir, we're police officers... Could we speak to you outside for a moment? Jack Napier says me?... B-but... Why?... I haven't... I mean, uh... The police officer who is wearing a police uniform says it'll only take a moment, sir...

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