Earth's United Front

By MackFrantz

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Dive in an adventure, deep into the future, where Earth is united and is facing an enemy she created herself... More

About Us
EUF Introduction
Chapter 1 - The Venus Mission
Chapter 2 - Chang Wuan
Chapter 3 - Another Easy Job
[Updating - No.2 - Wattpad only]
Chapter 4 - A Trip to Cyprus
Chapter 5 - An Unexpected Twist
Chapter 6 - Last Minute Decisions
Chapter 7 - From Earth to Rexus
Chapter 8 - Through Fire and...Space
Chapter 9 - Susan's Story
Chapter 10 - The Death List
Chapter 11 - Missing Personnel
Chapter 12 - Party Time
Chapter 13 - Operation Neptune
Chapter 14 - Over Rexus Prime
Chapter 15 - A Dark Star Rises
Chapter 16 - The Neptune Campaign
General Purpose Infantry Unit - Grunt
Chapter 17 - The Neptune Campaign - Part 2
Chapter 18 - The Planet Cracker
Chapter 19 - Morality
Chapter 20 - The Council
Chapter 21 - Prison Break
Chapter 22 - Assault on Uranus
Chapter 23 - ERS Independence
Chapter 24 - Repeating History
Chapter 25 - One Final Chapter
Chapter 26 - Home Invasion
Chapter 27 - How Life Works
Chapter 28 - Back to the Fight
Chapter 29 - Mr.Suit
Chapter 30 - Ghost Squad
Chapter 31 - A New Home
Chapter 32 - Breaking The Ice
Chapter 33 - The Good, The Bad and Vicky
Chapter 34 - An Unexpected Turn of Events
Chapter 35 - New Ways, Same People
Chapter 36 - Held is the Second Council
Chapter 37 - An Imprisoned Star
Chapter 38 - Heroes Don't Rest
Chapter 39 - On The Run
Chapter 40 - Blood and Metal
Chapter 41 - Hunted
Chapter 42 - Highway to Hell
Chapter 43 - Resurrection
Chapter 44 - New Allies
Chapter 45 - Rescue on Rexus
Chapter 46 - The Enemy of my Enemy
Chapter 47 - It's Training Time
Chapter 48 - Operation Pluto
Chapter 49 - One Last Gathering
Chapter 50 - Judgement Day
Chapter 51 - The Last Trumpet
Thank You

Chapter 41 - Hunted (EUF Side)

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By MackFrantz

["Hunted" - EUF Side]

"Some time had passed after Ghost Squad decided to track and find Darkstar, despite Admiral David Morgan's orders to stand by until further notice. The team was heading to one of the agent ships. More specifically, Susan's ship which had recently been upgraded and it was the biggest one. Admiral Morgan was going to send an EUF special forces team to locate and take Darkstar down as he didn't want to lose even one of Ghost Squad's members for this. Before they headed towards the ship, Rj made sure to change Morgan's orders and put his squad (Ghost Squad) to go and assist, instead of the other"

Susan: Alright guys, sit down comfortably and don't forget the seat-belts. I'll set it to full speed.

Max: Copy.

Susan: Alright. Zeon, take the double-gun at the bottom. Reyna, co-pilot. your thing. Kate, take a look at the shield generator and make sure it works fine. I haven't flown this bad boy for quite a while so it's shields might need to reboot.

Kate: You've got it.

Susan: Rj, where are we headed exactly, what did you learn?

Rj: Darkstar took a whole EUF fighter squadron down and destroyed 2 corvettes along with a patrol frigate.

Reyna: Holy crap! They managed to take all of these out just by themselves? That's just...amazing.

Rj: You don't say. Good news is, they crashed into a barn not far out of the capital. Apparently they didn't think to take the ship's tracking device out, so friendly forces managed to locate them.

Susan: Then they must have proceeded by foot from there. Any grand theft auto attempt would have been perceived by the police.

Reyna: Well. At least we can track their heat signatures down from there. They're still humans and they leave footprints.

Rj: Touché.

Zeon: You know. I only don't understand one thing.

Susan: Shoot.

Zeon: Why would they go into all this trouble, willingly becoming prisoners and giving all their information about the civil war to EUF command just to run and escape? To me it doesn't even make sense.

Rj: You're a robot. Nothing must makes sense to you.

Reyna: Rejar!

Susan: Wow. Rj!

Rj: What?

Zeon: I'm not a robot, Rj. I'm an "android". There's a difference.

Rj: Yeah. Two more scraps than the usual.

Reyna: OK, Rj, you need to stop!

Zeon: It's alright, Reyna. And forget what I said. It's probably my newly installed circuits...

Reyna: We'll talk together later, mister.

Susan: Well anyway. Alright guys. Here we go. Taking off.

"The team flies off to the crash site. There they find EUF forces that have closed the area and are searching the barn"

EUF Soldier: ...So you are telling me they took down three corvettes and a fighter squadron using what? Jetpacks and a police gunship?

EUF Officer: Yep. Imagine what would happen if they were properly equipped.

EUF Soldier: And now what?

EUF Officer: Now it's hunting season. One of the admirals said he will send a special forces team or something in order to help.

EUF Soldier: You mean these guys?

"Susan's ship has landed a few meters away and the team was coming out of it"

Reyna: We are sent by Admiral Morgan. Mission report?

EUF Soldier: Excuse me. Do I know you from somewhere? Your face looks so familiar for some reason.

EUF Officer: Ahem! Excuse PVT.Joe here for his behaviour. It's good to see you. As you can see, one of our ships that these guys stole, crashed into this barn. We have searched the surrounding area for signs of movement.

Rj: And? Do you know where they were headed?

"While Ghost Squad was briefed by an EUF Officer, Private Joe came close to Zeon and began looking and touching him"

EUF Officer: Yes. West of here. They must probably be located either in West Virginia or the west side of Pennsylvania. Aerial vehicles are already on their way to find them.

Susan: Right. Thank you, officer. We are---

"Zeon hits Private Joe and sends him 5 meters back with a hard punch"


PVT.Joe: N--Nothing...sir! I was just---I!

EUF Officer: GET BACK INTO THE VEHICLE. I will deal with you once we get back to HQ. I am...really sorry for this. It won't happen again, I promise. You've got to understand he's still new to the job and assigned to me. Unfortunately...

Susan: Yes...No worries.

EUF Officer: Anyway. Good luck team. Good hunting.

Susan: Thank you officer. Come one guys, let's move it. Into the ship.

"Ghost Squad takes off again and starts heading towards West Virgnia to track for any signs of heat signatures that will lead them to Darkstar"

"Some time later"

Reyna: Do we have anything?

Rj: Nope. Still nothing.

Max: Hey Kate. Bet you can't win in a brantefer versus me.

Kate: Oh really? Wait and see!

"In the meantime, Rj reads some incoming transmissions"

Rj: Wait, I have something! Slow down a bit!

Susan: What is it?

Rj: They say police reported fight in a dinner, unknown number of suspects, not far from our location.

Reyna: Wait. How many hours ago?

Rj: Not long. About half an hour. They said the individuals left the area fast.

Reyna: Well that's a slow report...

Susan: It must be them. Hurry. Let's go. Hopefully we can find out where they went.

"The squad lands their ship and get out. Some police vehicles and personnel are there, but nothing other than that. More can be heard coming. Reyna saw a woman next to a table with other police and some EUF army members around her"

Reyna: Hey. What's going on here?

EUF Soldier: Who the heck are you? How did you get in here? You must leave this area, it's dangerous.

Rj: Relax, homeboy. We're the special forces sent by Chief Admiral David Morgan. Here to assist.

"Rj shows his ID"

EUF Soldier: Oh, excuse me then. This woman was there when the fight happened. Apparently her boyfriend is one of the police officers that was injured.

Reyna: How bad was he injured?

EUF Soldier: Just a broken arm.

Susan: Any other casualties or wounded?

EUF Soldier: Negative. There were some more police officers that tried to help at that time, but the suspects left from the back door that this woman appeared to reveal to them.

Woman: No! I did not do anything, I swear! I am innocent!

Policeman: Yeah, yeah. You can say that to the judge.

"The woman starts looking at Ghost Squad. She is crying"

Woman: No please! Please, you have to believe me! I had nothing to do with this! I don't even know who these guys were! Please, you have to believe me!

"Reyna started believing her. Suddenly the policeman with the wounded arm that was outside being treated heard the conversation inside and approached the woman"

Man: Is that so, Jenny? Then tell them why I heard you saying it.

Rj: Wait a minute, who are you?

Kate: He's the injured guy from the looks of it.

Man: That's right. I was having a conversation with my girlfriend. When all of a sudden, her friend came to me and broke my arm. And not only that, but she helped them escape afterwards. Aint' that right, Jenny?

Susan: Miss Jenny? Is all of this true? Did you help them escape?

Jenny: No! ...Fuck! I mean, yes! But they were only trying to help me, I swear!

Reyna: Help you from what?

Jenny: Him!

Man: Me? What in the heck did I do to you to deserve a broken arm?!

Jenny: Today was our one year anniversary! I wanted this relationship to move on and go beyond! And before I said anything, this asshole came to me and told me that he needed to borrow money for something.

Man: Nonsense, don't listen to her. She'll say anything to prove she's innocent!

Reyna: You, shoosh. Jenny, please continue.

Man: But---!

"Reyna pulls her gun out and points it at the man"

Reyna: I said SHUT IT!

Rj: Easy there sister. Miss Jenny. Please proceed with your story.

Jenny: ...At first I thought I should give it to him, but he said it wasn't enough and he wanted even more. When I said I didn't have more, he tried to choke me! Then it was the other woman that came and helped me! They were innocent! He is the guilty one! Arrest him!

Man: This is clearly fake! How can you believe her?!

"Jenny lowers her dress and reveals the bruises"

Man: What? This could be anything! How does this prove anything? She's lying, agents!

Reyna: No she's not. I studied enough medicine to know that those bruises are still fresh.

Man: Excuse me? Are you implying that I chocked her?

Reyna: No. I'm not implying anything. I'm sure of it. Arrest this man.

EUF Policeman: But...

Reyna: I said arrest him! Disobeying me is like disobeying Admiral Morgan's orders! I will have you reported!

EUF Policeman: Uh, I, um. Yes, ma'am. You! Hands up! You're under arrest!

Man: What? No! This is all a lie! She's clearly lying! No!

"As the police were drugging the man away, Jenny came to thank the team. She was still crying. This time because of justice"

Jenny: Thank you. Thank you!

Reyna: Don't worry, Jenny. You have nothing to be afraid anymore.

Jenny: Thank you for believing in me! They were about to take me to jail...

Reyna: That woman that helped you...Did she have a company? How many were they?

Jenny: Three more I think. Two good looking men and one larger one.

Reyna: And did that woman have short red hair?

Jenny: She uh...She had, yes.

Susan: Do you think it was them?

Reyna: Well. Let's just say that I'm sure...of it.

Rj: Well, what do you know!

Reyna: One last thing, Jenny. Did you see where they went? Where they headed towards?

Jenny: Well the back door only leads them more west from here.

Reyna: Well they wouldn't go very far by foot. Let's sweep the area. Thanks Jenny.

Jenny: No! I must be the only one to thank you! Thanks again, for everything!

"After some hours, back in the ship, as Ghost Squad was searching the area they had an incoming transmition from Admiral Morgan...They opened it"

(From Ship's screen) David Morgan: Ghost Squad. Sorry to keep you waiting. You see---

Rj: Oh boy.

(From Ship's screen) David Morgan: What the hell is this? Where are you?

Rj: Susan's ship.

Reyna: You bloody moron...

Susan: Rj!

(From Ship's screen) David Morgan: Is that so? What part of "Stand by and await further orders" did you not UNDERSTAND?! Do you even know in what trouble I could be in? Or you? For disobeying orders?

Reyna: Wait, David. Let me explain.

(From Ship's screen) David Morgan: There is nothing to explain young one! Return to your quarters ASAP! I will deal with you once I get there!

Reyna: Yes! And wait all day for a mission that probably involves us fighting against mark one robots or pirate goons! Well no! Darkstar is playing with us and we must catch them. We'll prove to you that we can!

(From Ship's screen) David Morgan: Reyna, how can you possibly ---

Reyna: We are near them. I can feel it.

(From Ship's screen) David Morgan: I forbid you!

Reyna: Oh really? Are you afraid that something's going to happen to us and you don't want to lose us?

(From Ship's screen) David Morgan: Reyna, I care for all of you. This is not a matter of discussion.

Reyna: Either way we are going after them. And there is nothing you can do to stop us.

(From Ship's screen) David Morgan: I guess you really do like action, huh? Very well. Even though I'm going to regret this...

Rj: And so this just happened!

Reyna: You won't regret anything David. I swear.

(From Ship's screen) David Morgan: Yeah, when did that help the previous time? Anyway. Just don't fail me in this one. Morgan - out.

Susan: Did that just happen?

Reyna: I believe it did, yes.

Rj: Hooah!

Reyna: That's a marine thing. Don't say it.

Susan: By the way guys, we've been travelling for quite some time now. This baby is running out of fuel.

Reyna: What? Didn't you check the amount?

Susan: Apparently some robot forgot to fill it...

"A voice is coming from below"

Zeon: "Android"!

Max: what?

Susan: Now, we take the bikes.

Rj: The what now?

"Suddenly, the team lands and take the bikes that were stored inside. All 6 are on motorcycles"


Reyna: Never rode a bike before brother?

Rj: Nothing this fast Rey! Haha!

Kate: I'm digging this! You had those in the back all the time?

Susan: Figured we were going to need them sometime.

Max: That's a very wonderful figure you had there Susan!

"Rj laughs and screams as the adrenaline rises"

Susan: Hey! Keep it professional!

Zeon: How are you all going that fast! Hey! Wait for me! I'm just an android!

"Rj yells"


"...Some time later..."

Rj: Holy shit! HOLD!

"Everyone gathers around and stops"

Reyna: What is it?

Rj: I know where they are!

Susan: What, how?

Rj: Another transmission. Four individuals inside an armoured military jeep spotted firing against police and unknown vehicles! Police also reports engaging against enemy ships in the air. Must be their reinforcements.

Reyna: Where to?

Rj: A local highway, 30km from here. We should be there in about half an hour or so.

Reyna: Copy that. Ghost Squad, let's roll out again!

"Thirty minutes later - near the highway"

Susan: Where they at, Rj?

Rj: Just infront of us. Behind that building over there.

Reyna: That's a lot of chaos going about in the air. Holy shit!

Susan: Yeah, wish I was inside my ship to help out!

Rj: Stop right there. They're coming this way. Police vehicles have closed all the other exits. Let's stop the bikes here and be ready for everything. Guns out people. This is going to be fun..!

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