By Emma_Baksh

158K 3.4K 375

"You are mine now!" He said with an evil look on his face. "No I'm not. I have a fiance and I certainly don'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 15

3.1K 68 6
By Emma_Baksh

Picture on top is Tom James (Detective)

Unknown POV....

So Kaityln is trying to find out who is sending her those messages that is from an unknown number.. Which are from me, the unknown person. I heard that they have found the person who did it. But are they sure that's the right person? I have to be more careful now that they are on to something...

Kaityln POV...

So, since I am home for a day or two again, I have decided to go and check my parents. I haven't seen them since that dinner we had together. I wonder how they are going?

Xavier has to go work today since he missed a few days to stay with me. So while he is there I'll go check my fam.

"Babe, I'm going to see my parents while you're at work." I mentioned to Xavi.

"Okay good, so you wouldn't be home alone." He said.

"I'll see you Later." I said to him while I grab the keys to my car.

"Okay, Be safe and call me if anything." He replied.

We hugged and I gave him a kiss before I walk out the door to the garage. He said he'll watch me go and then he will leave... He is so sweet.

I didn't tell my parents I was coming so it'll we a surprise. Within 20 minutes of driving, I have arrived my destination. I parked and rang the door bell.

Dwayne asked the door.

"There's my fav sis." He said giving me a welcoming hug.

"Hey bro." I replied before he let me in.

"Where is mom and dad?" I asked.

"They are actually in the home office. They are discussing something important." He mentioned.

"Oh okay. I didn't call so I thought I would surprise them." I stated.

"Cool. If you're looking for Amber, she is in her room." He said.

"I'll check her before I go see mom and dad." I spoke.

"Okay, If you're looking for me, I'll be watching TV or something." He said.

"Okay.. " I said.

I walked up the stairs and walked down the hall to where Amber's room is located. I knocked in the door.

"Who is it?" She answered.

"Guess?" I asked.

"Is the person a doctor?" She asked.

"Maybe!" I said while the door is being opened.

"Oh hello there." She said while giving me a welcoming hug.

"What are you up too?" I asked.

"Nothing much, I was just reading." She answered.

"Oh Okay," I replied by saying.

"So did you check mom and dad yet?" She asked.

"No not yet, I thought I'll check on you before I do that because Dwayne mentioned that they have an important discussion or something." I explained.

"Oh Yeah, Its something about their company. I don't really know much because they didn't want the tell us to get us worried." She further said.

"Oh okay.  Well I'll chill with you a little and I'll check them." I state.

We chatted for a while and we got to catch up on things. It was good to have that sister bond. I left her room and headed downstairs to where the office is. I knocked on the door.. 

"Dwayne if you want something get it yourself." My dad said.

"Ouch! That's a bit harsh don't you think?" I replied.
After the door was opened by my mom. She let me in and she closed and locked the door after  I came in. I gave her a hug.

"Hey daddy." I said to him. He was sitting by the desk with his head in his hands...

"Oh hey sweetie." He said with a smile.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"If we say you can't mention this to anyone?" My mom said.

"Okay, Is it serious?" I asked.

"It kinda is." My dad spoke.

"Okay, Then tell me what's going on." I stated, they got me curious now.

"Amm, Our company have been cloned." My mom said.

"Huh?" I replied with confusion.

"Okay so, as you know our company is really big in the financing industry so we are very successful in what me do." My dad explained.

"Yeahh." I answered.

"Right so, our company is being duplicated by another company. They are following us in what we go for their company to be as successful as ours. They are trying to win our investors over." My dad continued to explain.

"Waw, That is terrible." I replied.

"It most certainly is." Mom said...

Something told me I should ask who are the owners of the company...

"Hey, Dad. What is the name of that company?" I asked.

"It's Fox Corp." He replied.

"Wait, Fox." I said as I thought of something.

"What are you thinking sweetie?" Mom asked.

"You said that the company who is cloning your company is Fox right?" I stated.

"Yeah. Where are you going with this?" He asked.

"Are those the entrepreneurs, Mateo and Michaela Fox..?" I asked.

"Yes, That's them why?" He asked.

"Oh My God." I responded..

"Kaityln honey, What's the matter?" Mom said with concern.

"These people are bad company. They are hard to get along with." I stated.

"What do you mean? Do you know them?" Dad asked.

"Well dad, Its a long story." I said..

"We have time. Go on tell us... We are your parents, You know whatever is going on you can tell us." My mom said...

I explained what happened from the beginning the day I did that surgury on Johnathan till the messages and the recent events that are happening.... they were in shock. They were even in more bewilderment when I told them that Mr. and Mrs. Fox's son is dating Amber. And also that their daughter is Johnathan's girlfriend. So this was all news for them.  I told them that we shouldn't worry Amber till I am certain that he was the one behind the messages.

So.. Maybe all things happening is for a reason? Maybe someone planned all this? Maybe they are out to get us? Why is all this even happening? Even my parents are seeing trouble..  What the hell is going on with this family?


Emma Baksh...

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