My Brothers Best Friend.

By Kaylee0628

71.4K 757 177

Jordan is Sam Golbach's twin sister. She is moving to Los Angeles with Sam and their best friend Colby Brock... More

Goodbye Kansas
Hello Los Angeles
I love you.
Motor Home.
Uncle Elton's Beard.
Back Home
Prison Nightmare
I'm Sorry
I'm a Slut for Doritos
Better Know.
Wake Up.
I Got You Baby Boy
Versace Nightmares
I'm So Tired...
I Think I'm Okay
The Night I Drove Alone
Possible Rekindling
Broken Into Two
I Still Love You
Wilting Family Tree
I love you bubba.

Announcing Jolby

1.6K 19 9
By Kaylee0628


Jordan's POV:  

Colby and I posted the video announcing our relationship after the fans went crazy and the fandom has been really supportive. Colby's, Mine, Along with Sam and Colby's fans have been so supportive. I woke up this morning to Colby still asleep so i posted on Instagram and then scrolled through my feed for a while.


Liked by: SamGolbach, Katrinastuartofficial, and 3m others.

JordanGolbach: Happy 6 month anniversary to my rock, my baby. I love you so much and i cannot wait for what our future is going to bring us. I love you my King. ColbyBrock

Photo Creds: SamGolbach

View Comments:

SamGolbach: Your welcome for the photo sis. JordanGolbach

JordanGolbach: Whatever you jerk. At least I do not break a camera when a picture is taken of me. SamGolbach.

SamGolbach: The only reason the camera broke was because Elton held it wrong. it had nothing to with me being in the picture you brat. But I still love you. JordanGolbach

JordanGolbach: I love you more. SamGolbach.

I put my phone down and laugh and look down at Colby who is still asleep. I crawl over him and go to the bathroom to take a shower. All of a sudden I hear Colby scream Sam's name. after my shower I walk into our bedroom and see Colby on the bed with a snake. "Sam get that SNAKE off of my fucking bed" I scream as Sam looks at me and laughs. Sam picks up the snake and hands the snake to its owner and leaves. "You good Colby" I whisper. "Yeah I'm okay I just hate snakes" "Me too" i say as i plop down on the bed. "What do you want to do today?" Colby asks. "I honestly have no idea" i reply back. Colby and I sit there in silence for a while just looking up at the ceiling. I wasn't an awkward silence it was a peaceful silence. Which was rare in this house. Everyone must be out of the house or still sleeping. Colby hops in the shower while I sit in our room on my phone. I am so bored I don't know what to do with my life.  After a while Colby walks in and gets dressed. Colby dressed up all fancy so I am sure he has something planned for tonight. I hung out with the girls and went shopping all day and then went home to get ready for our date. Tonight is our six month anniversary so i'm sure he is going to go big like usual. We got ready and headed out he told me we were going out to dinner first. we went out to dinner and had an amazing time. We were on our way back home and we saw a car coming straight towards us then everything went black.

Colby's POV: 

I wake up as people are pulling me out of the car. I can faintly hear paramedics talking and ambulance sirens. I hope Jordan is okay. I listened closely to the paramedics to see what was going on. "21 year old female DOS" I think DOS means dead on scene. I pray to god that was about Jordan. I slightly open my eyes and look up to see a paramedic. "Sir can you tell me your first and last name please" She asks. "Colby Brock" I reply. "Okay Colby we are going to take you to the hospital okay. "Okay, but is my girlfriend okay, is she alive" I ask trying not to cry. "Yes sir she is alive, she is in the other ambulance, but she lost a lot of blood."She reply's hesitantly. "Who hit us" I ask. "A drunk driver sir" She reply's. The paramedics roll me into the ambulance and start to clean me up to see how bad my injuries are. They said that i only had a gash on my head and than checked my vitals and shit. "Does anything hurt, anywhere specific" The paramedic asks. "My right arm and hand" I say weakly. "Oh yeah, this is broken she says look at her partner on the opposite side of me. "This is going to need surgery" She says looking at me. "We are going to give our some pain killers so they can take you straight into surgery when we get there. Is there anyone we can call to let them know you and your girlfriend got into an accident" She asks. "Sam Golbach" I reply. They hand me the phone and I dial his number for them and they call him. He answers after 2 rings.

Sam: Hello?

Paramedic: Is this Sam Golbach

Sam: Yes Ma'am

Paramedic: I am sorry to say this but, your sister and her boyfriend got into a car crash with a  drunk driver colliding into them.

Sam: Are they both alive? 

Paramedic: Yes sir but your sister is in critical condition. 

Sam: How is Colby? 

Paramedic: He is stable.

Sam: Can I talk to him if you are near him please.

Paramedic: Hear you go.

Sam: Hey Colbs how you doing?

Colby: I am so sorry. 

Sam: Hey listen to me this is not your fault, we will all get through this together okay?

Colby: Okay.

Sam: I love you man i'm coming to the hospital with Kat right now I'll see you soon.

Colby: I love you too Sam. 

Sam: Stay strong for Jordan okay she is going to need you.

Colby: I will. 

They end the call with Sam and then give me something to ease the pain and put me to sleep. They tell me to relax and they put a mask on my face and sleep instantly takes over my body. I wake up and open my eyes to see Sam holding my hand and looking at me. "Hey buddy" He whispers. "Hey man" I say weakly. "How you feeling" he asks. "Like absolute shit" I reply we both start to laugh along with Kat who is sitting beside him. I try to move my right arm but then look down to see in in a cast and arm sling. Sam just looks at me with a concerned expression like I didn't know what was going. "Where is Jordan?" I ask. Kat looks towards the floor and starts to cry. "The surgery went well but she hasn't woke up yet. They don't know if she will" He says. I lose it i let my head fall back and freak out. I start sobbing so much that I start to freak out. "How long was I out." I ask in between sobs. "A week" Sam reply's looking at the floor. Jordan has been in a coma for a week and I couldn't be there for her. I was supposed to be strong for her and I did the exact opposite. I look down at my IV's and then look into Sam's eyes. I try and yank the IV's but Sam holds my hand down. I start to freak out. Sam try's to calm me down but I wanted to see Jordan. I need to see her. While Sam is holding me down Kat went to go get the doctor. The doctor runs in with a needle and injects whatever it was into my IV. My vision instantly goes blurry an my eyelids get heavy until darkness takes over. I wake up once more to see Sam looking at me. "Hey" I say weakly. He just looks at me and says nothing. "Sam whats wrong?" I ask concerned. "Nothing I just hate seeing you like this" He reply's starting to cry. The doctor then walks into the room. "Okay Mr. Brock. You have been stable so you may be discharged. Your girlfriends room has a extra bed and a chair if you would like to stay with her also." His attention then goes to Sam as well. "Thank you that would be amazing." Sam reply's. He signs the discharge papers and then Sam and i go straight to Jordan's room. Kat had went home to get Sam and I some things from home since neither of us wanted to have to leave Jordan's side once we got into her room. Sam has seen Jordan multiple times but this will be my first time seeing her since the accident. Sam looks at me and puts his hand on my shoulder. I open the door and look up and to the right not wanting to look at her. I wasn't prepared for the sight that I saw. I completely lost it, I fell to my knees as Sam caught me. 

I couldn't believe this is happening. My poor babygirl. Sam helped me up off the floor and i sat in a chair and held her hand. I picked up her limp hand and kissed it softly before releasing her hand and putting it back down. "The doctor's said she can hear us talking" Sam said softly putting his hand on my shoulder. That made me a little bit happier knowing that she could hear me and know that I am here. I start to talk to her softly. "Hey baby girl, its Colby I love you so much and I am going to stay with you everyday until you get better okay." I obviously didn't expect a response but she squeezed my hand. "She does that to let you know she hears you." Sam says. I laugh out of relief. I sit and just watch her for a while. Everyone made their rounds and came to see her today. Devyn and Kat came in first and completely lost it because nobody was aloud to see her the first week besides Sam and I but I was still a patient so I couldn't see her. Devyn held her hand and Kat rubbed Jordan's forehead and smiled at her. "You know for a fact that you are going to get better because then we won't have anyone else to shopping with at the mall you bitch, and you know for a fact we are not taking the guys instead." Kat says laughing. Jordan then squeezes Devyn's hand twice. "Two squeezes means sassy attitude?" Sam asks Jordan. She then Squeezes Devyn's hand once more meaning a yes to Sam's question. We all laugh and smile at her. Not even a coma could stop her attitude from coming out. I just want her to wake up so bad. You don't even know. 

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