I love you.

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Colby's POV:

I have no idea what happened at the club last night but lets just say I am never drinking Gin and Tonics again. Those make me drunk as fuck. I woke up and instantly ran and threw up in the bathroom. Jordan was standing at the door when I was done. She was leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed with a I told you so expression on her face. I can't believe she even let me drink that much in the first place. I take a shower and brush my teeth. i walk into the bedroom in a towel and Jordan looks at me and smiles big. I get dressed and then lay next to Jordan. "Colby you have to film for The Sam and Colby channel today." she whispers in my ear.

Jordan's POV:

Colby went out with Sam and Brennen to film so I decided to prank Sam and Colby when they got home. I was gonna do a kidnap prank on them and I'm going to "die". I grabbed my camera and started to record. "Hey what's up guys it's Jordan and today I'm going to be pranking Sam and Colby." As I smile mischievously at the camera.
"I'm going to make it looked like I'm getting killed in front of them." "So I have my friend Bradley who Sam and Colby don't know and he is going to be the one "kidnapping us" I say smirking. "I'm going to set up the camera be back in a few." I say as I put my hand over the camera lens and stop recording. I grabbed another camera from Colby and I's room and went outside to duck tape it to the pillar in the front. "I just finished duck taping the camera to the pillar outside, Bradley should be here in a few minutes, so I'll check back when he gets here." I shut the camera off once more. "So Bradley just got here, and we are driving to an abandoned building where the prank will take place." I say as I shyly smirk at the camera. "Bradley is gonna drop me off at the place and go back to the trap house, park across the street, and when Sam and Colby come home, Bradley is going to hold a gun up to their heads and yell "you speak your both dead." Then duct tape them and put them in the boot of his car and drive back to were I am at." I say laughing into the camera.

Colby's POV:

Sam and I had just arrived home from hanging out with Brennen. I was looking down at my phone walking into the house with Sam when some random mother fucker came up behind us and put pillow cases on our heads and yelled "YOU SPEAK YOU ARE BOTH DEAD." I stayed quiet not wanting to get Sam or myself hurt and they then duct taped Sam and i's hands and thru us in the trunk I think. He then started the car and sped off.

Jordan's POV

Bradley has just texted me to tell me to get in position. So I did, I set u the camera, put duct tape on my mouth and put a pillow case over my head and got down on my knees. I heard footsteps followed by Colby's voice. "Please let us go, I'll do anything." He pleaded you could tell he had been crying. "SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I KILL YOU." Bradley yelled. Bradley then pulled off Sam and Colby pillow cases and then walked over to me and pulled my off. As soon as the pillow case came off my head and Sam and Colby saw me their eyes went wide.
"Jordan what-how-why are you here?" Colby questioned. "I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP." Bradley yelled once more as he walked over to me and took the duct tape off my mouth.

Colby's POV:

He took the duct tape off Jordan mouths and made her look at me. Her eyes were red from crying, her cheeks tear stained and the bottom of her lip trembling. She looked at Sam and I and mouthed I love you. A loud bang was heard and then silence followed by Sam screaming. "NOOOOO, SHESSSSS EVERYTHING I HAVEEEE." Sam screams at the top of his lungs. I wouldn't look at her. I couldn't see that. "NO, JORDAN, NO." I screamed looking away from our kidnapperand jordan body. My head fell as I sobbed.

Jordan's POV:

I got up when I heard Sam and Colby's loud sobs. "Guys." They started to scream "NO NO NO." "Guys look at me I put my hand under their chins and lifted their heads. They looked at me. "JORDAN!" "BABY." "Guys it was a prank." I smiled as I looked at Bradley as he came and undid the duct tape from their hands. They both stood up and hugged me tight. "I though you actually died." Sam said in between sobs as Colby hugged me tight as well. "I don't what I would do if I actually lost you Jordan, I love you." "I love you too Colby."
We then kiss and drive back home.

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