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Jordan's POV:
Hey. My name is Jordan. I'm moving to Los Angeles with my twin brother Sam and our best friend Colby after graduation. Graduation is in a week and I'm so excited to do YouTube with Sam and Colby. Sam and I are closer than ever and Colby is like my brother.


"JORDAN!" I hear Sam yell. "What Sam." I yell back. " Your boyfriend is here." Oh shit I totally forgot I had a date with Bryan tonight. I get dressed and walk downstairs to see Bryan at the door. We get in his car and go out to dinner. "Jordan, I have to tell you something....I am seeing someone else so I'm breaking up with you." I look into his hazel eyes and see no sympathy. "Just take me home Bryan." I have been dating him for about a year and a half and he jut did that to me. Sam and Colby are going to kill him. He pulls up to my house. When I get out, I slam the door. I could see Colby in the window and I started to cry. Just as I'm about to open the door Colby opens it and walks past me while Sam hugs me. "Colby don't he isn't worth it." Sam yells. Colby doesn't listen he pulls Bryan out of his car and starts to beat the crap out of him in the middle of the street. Bryan gets about one or two punches in before Sam and I break up the fight. I hold Colby back while Sam takes Bryan and tells him to leave before he changes his mind. I'm struggling to keep Colby from barreling towards Bryan. Colby is strong as fuck and I'm short so this was difficult. I turn him around and cup his face with my hands. "Hey I'm okay, why did you do that." "Because I love you and care about you." I have had a crush on Colby for a while now and tonight showed me he felt the same way from how he reacted and Sam knows it too. He looked at us looking into each others eyes smiled and walked back in the house. I stared into his ocean blue eyes and then closed mine and we both leaned forward and our lips came crashing together. I pulled away after about 5 seconds. "Colby.... I can't not yet." " I totally understand you don't want to take it too fast." He looked destroyed as he walked back into the house. Sam and Colby were watching a movie and asked if I wanted to join I said yes and then sat in the middle of them. We were watching the maze runner. We were an hour into the movie when I could feel my eyes getting heavy. I know I did not want to take things too fast with Colby considering I just broke up with Bryan but I feel so safe when I'm with Colby. I laid my head onto Colby's shoulder and heard Sam chuckle. I smacked Sam's chest and then closed my eyes. I woke up the next morning in my bed. Wouldn't be the first time either Sam or Colby carried me upstairs. Let's just say I fall asleep on the couch A LOT. I woke up and got dressed for school. I walked out to see Sam and Colby eating breakfast. Colby spent most of his time at our house because his dad became abusive and an alcoholic after his mom died. So he tries to stay away from his house as much as possible. We ate breakfast and all jumped into Colby's car and drove to school. I called shotgun before Sam could so he had to sit in the back behind Colby and I. We parked and then went into school. Like usual the jocks were in the hallway starting trouble and decided to open their mouths. Bryan is the football captain so he has his little possy of pussies following him around all the time. "I see the slut got another boy toy." Bryan yells as I walk in with Sam and Colby holding Colby's hand. I could feel Colby's palms getting sweaty and he glanced at me to calm himself down. We walked by Bryan and his possy and he grabs the back of Colby's shirt and throws him on the ground. "You think that was funny asshole." Colby replies. " Yeah I do and I think it's gonna even funnier when Jordan see the life leaves those blue eyes of yours." Colby then goes to walk away towards me but Bryan pushes him Colby pushes him back and then spits on him. Bryan swings at Colby. Colby knows how to fight so I wasn't worried but he couldn't fight 8 jocks by himself or so I thought. He raised up and punched Bryan and then got him in a choke hold. "Tell your possy to get the hell away from Sam and Jordan and I won't choke you the fuck out." Colby whispers in Bryan's ear. Bryan lifts up his hand and motions for them to go away. Colby let's Bryan go and falls to the floor gasping for air. "And you would think the captain of the football team would know how to fight." Colby shouts as he kicks Bryan in the stomach and spits on him. He then walks away from Bryan and towards Sam and I. He stands next to me and grips my hand and we then continue walking down the hall. We go to all of our classes and the we go to lunch. As we are eating I see Bryan walking towards us. "Does he know when to fucking quit." I mumble. He goes to grabs Colby's shirt but Colby turns around and smacks Bryan in the head with his lunch tray. Bryan and Colby start to fight again and they are pulled apart my the principal and janitor. "I'm gonna fuck you up Brock." " yeah okay in your dreams bitch." "Don't worry Colby you will be with your mommy soon." Bryan screams. Bryan just fucked up big time. That is a very sensitive subject for Colby and Sam and I knew what was about to happen. Colby was going to go ape shit. That's when I literally thought I saw fire in Colby beautiful ocean blue eyes. He rips the principal and cops arms off of him and runs to Bryan punching him straight in the jaw knocking him out cold. Colby is then grabbed by the police officer and taken out of the room. "Colby Brock you are under arrest for assault." The officer says. " No let him go he was using self defense." I scream. The cop stops and looks at me. "Brock is that true." "Yeah he attacked me in the hallway earlier and just now." After the cop hears Colby's explanation he takes the cuffs off of Colby and walks over to Bryan and handcuffs him. He then takes Bryan out of the lunch room handcuffed. School ended and we went back to the house. We parked and then went in. When I sat down on the couch I realized Colby didn't walk in. I walk back outside to see him crying in his car. He bangs on the steering wheel and screams. I open the door after he is done and he falls into my arms sobbing. "Colby's what wrong bubba." I said softly in his ear. "He brought up my mother Jordan. My fucking mother." He manages to spit out in between sobs. Sam must have heard him scream because when I looked up Sam was right next to me rubbing Colby's back. "Come on let's go inside." Sam says. We walk inside and decide to watch a movie in the living room. We put on Riverdale instead and after about two episodes I feel Colby lay on my shoulder and intertwine his hand with mine. After about a half of an episode Colby started to snore because I playing with his hair. "He feels so safe with you." Sam says. " I know the only people I feel safe with besides Colby is you." I reply back. Sam went upstairs to go to bed and I tapped Colby. "Mhmmmm." Was all I got in return. "Colbs come on let's go to bed." I manage to finally get him awake and take him upstairs. I hug him and say goodnight and he goes to walk into Sam's room. "Colby wait...Can you sleep in my room tonight?" He doesn't respond just walks passed me into my room. I lay down on the bed and he takes off his shirt and lays next to me. "Goodnight." I say softly. " Goodnight Jordan." I then lay on his chest and we fall asleep in that position.
We are woken up by Sam yelling to get ready for school. Today was our last day of school and night of graduation. We get dressed and walk downstairs. We skip breakfast and just drive to school. We get there and park and then walk in to be greeted by a beat up Bryan. "How cute." Bryan says looking at Colby and I walking holding hands. Keep in mind Colby and I aren't dating yet. I'm mean that's what I think at least. I don't know it complicated OKAY. "Back off bitch." Sam speaks up. "What did you just say to me blondy." Colby steps in front of Bryan. "Just grow a pair of balls and walk away like a man." Colby spats at Bryan. Bryan rolls his eyes then walks away. Sam looks shocked that Bryan actually walked off Colby must have really scared the shit out of him for him to not say anything shitty back and walk away, somebody should give Bryan a trophy.
We got our cap and gowns and then went home then we had to get ready for graduation and holy shit i'm nervous.

My Brothers Best Friend.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora