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Jordan's POV

We finally got to go home but Colby has been acting very distant. When he talks to Sam and I he gives us very short answers. He stays away from me in bed and doesn't touch me. I am going to try to talk to him today and see what's going on with him. I walked downstairs to see him on the couch on his phone. "Hey Colbs." I say quietly. "Hi." That's all I get no I love you, no baby. I don't understand what I did but I'm going to find out. "What wrong with you lately Colby." "Jordan there is nothing wrong I'm fine." Colby snaps back slightly yelling. I sit down next to him and cup his face with my hands. I ca see the sadness and hurt in his eyes. "What is wrong you can talk to me." He immediately got tears in his eyes and let his head fall on my chest. I played with his hair until he fell asleep. He woke up about an hour later and looked up at me. I looked down at him and then moved in to kiss him. He immediately kissed back. "I'm sorry for everything I put you through Jordan." He says trying not to cry. "It doesn't matter. None of the stuff that happens is your fault. Stop blaming yourself your not gonna lose me." " I love you baby." "I love you too my Colbs." With that we went upstairs and went to bed. I laid down and he soon followed pulling my close to his chest. This is what I missed. Cuddling with him it gave me the feeling that I could do anything like I am invincible. We are endgame. I woke up to Corey screaming. "I AM ANNOUNCING AN HOUSE PRANK WAR." Oh shit we are screwed. Colby and I look at each other and laugh. We had to watch ours back now. Even from eachother. I don't think he would prank me though. I got up and got dressed to go out with Sam to go shopping. Sam and I go to target and get food for the house. We then drive back and the house seems really quiet until I hear giggling coming from upstairs. I walk up to Colby's door and hear Kat and Colby talking. What I didn't know was Sam was right behind me as well. I open the door and see Colby on top of Kat with his shirt off. Kat immediately pushes Colby off and gets up of Colby's bed to try and explain. Sam and I look at each other and walk away as we hear Colby and Kat screaming to let them explain. "Jordan it's not what it looks like." I hear Colby scream. I can't believe he would do that to me. I loved him and he broke my heart. Sam didn't want me to leave alone so he got in the passengers seat of my car, i drove to Colby and I's spot. I sat and cried in Sams arms. I suddenly hear a car pull up into the parking lot I hear footsteps behind us and I feel that familiar warm touch. Home. It was Colby. He turns me around and hugs me. " It was just a prank baby, I love you I would never do that to you." I hear Sam start to laugh. "You knew you asshole." "Jordan chill out it was jut a pra—." "Sam don't even I just sat and cried I. Your arms and you didn't even have the balls to tell me it was a prank, you made COLBY chase me and tell me it was a prank."  Sam's face turned instantly red and his eyes didn't turn sad they turned with anger.  Sam went to step towards me but Colby got in the middle. " SAM, I know you are mad and upset right now and I know she is your twin sister but so help me god you put your hands on her." Sam immediately pushed Colby. Colby went to go at Sam but Kat and I held Colby back. Sam wouldn't hurt us to get to Colby. Sam looked me in the eyes and he calmed down when I started to talk. "Sam this is your best friend do you want to ruin your amazing friendship by fighting, please don't you guys are putting m Erin the middle and this is very hard for me to watch." "I'm sorry Jordan I don't know what just came over me." "It's okay but I'm not the person you should be apologizing to." I motioned my head toward Colby who is sitting in my car. Sam and Colby talked and they were okay afterwards. I got in the car with Sam and drove home. We got home and Colby asked if I wanted to go over to Brennen's house to film a video and then go out. We filmed the Ouija board picks our food for the day and I helped Brennen and Colby film. Let's just say I love Colby drunk.

We went to the club afterwards and had some fun and let's just say I didn't drink that much. Colby and Brennen drank the most. Let's just say. Jacko and I had to practically drag Brennen and Colby out of the club. Colby is a very flirty drunk. The whole ride home he was all over me. He kept kissing my neck and I kept laughing and pushing him off. "Colby your drunk, stop it." I say in between laughs. "I'm sorry baby, I just love you so much." "I love you more Colbs, just sleep it off okay baby." "Okay but first I want Taco Bell." "Babe, we are already home and we are in bed, I'm not getting up to get Taco Bell it's 2am." "PLEASEEEEEEEEEE BABYYYYYY." "NOOOOOO." After I responded he started to cry. "You don't love me cause you won't get me Taco Bell." "Colby shut the fuck up." "I will when you get me Taco Bell." "OMG get shoes on let's go." I drove to Taco Bell at 2 in the morning and got Colby food. Let's just say he is gonna a fun hangover. I then park the car and see Colby asleep in the passengers seat. I smack his chest and he jumps awake. "We are home bitch." I scream before walking into the house. He ate and then laid down. I soon followed. I laid down next to him and he puts his arm around me. I was now surrounded by his warm embrace. I could feel his cold rings on his hand as he intertwined his hand with mine. We fell asleep in that position and I woke up to the noise of Colby throwing up in the bathroom. I told him that he shouldn't have ate Taco Bell.

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