I'm a Slut for Doritos

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Jordan's POV:

All of us decided to have a Movie day today. We sat down and binge watched movies all day. After about 4 movies Colby was passed out on my shoulder snoring away. Sam smiles at me and kissed my forehead before putting his head on my other shoulder. "I love you J" he whispers. "I love you too S" I whisper back before closing my eyes and resting my head on Colby's. I wake up to Colby tapping me. "Baby food is here, and sam got you doritos. "I am a slut for Doritos" I say laughing at my self and I open my eyes and look up at Colby. We stand up and go to the kitchen and eat our food. It was only 6:00 pm right now so we were still going to watch movies. We all sat back down on the couch and started another movie. After a while I did not feel good at all. I shot up off of the couch and ran to the bathroom and threw up. I heard footsteps to look up to see Kat. "Hey babe, are you okay" she says concerned while she picks up my hair. "Yeah, now I am" I say weakly. Kat puts her hand on my forehead. "Damn girl you have a big fever" she replys. Kat and I walk out of the bathroom after I brush my teeth and Kat tells everyone what happened and that I have a really bad fever. I start to get dizzy walking back into the living room but I catch my balance on the kitchen island and then I'm fine. I walk over to the medicine cabinet in the kitchen and grab NyQuil. I take some and sit back on the couch laying on Colby's chest. After a while I feel myself not being able to keep my eyes open and sleep takes over.

Colby's POV:

After Jordan took NyQuil she laid on my chest. We watched a little bit of the next movie when I felt Jordan's head falling. I picked her up slightly and sat her on my legs and she laid her head into the crook of my neck and completely passed out. After awhile I hear her start snoring. My baby was sick and didn't feel good. I feel so bad but there isn't anything I can do I feel so helpless. Sam looks over to me and smiles. "Thank you for taking care of her" he says messing up my hair and then kissing Jordan on the head before walking up stairs with Kat. I stayed on the couch and just slept with Jordan in my arms. I woke up around 8:00 am and saw Jordan still asleep. I sat there and just watched her sleep. I know it's creepy but she is just so beautiful. What did I do to deserve her love. After about 2 hours and sitting there. She slightly wakes up. I ask her if she wants some tea and she nods her head as I lay her down on the couch and cover her with a blanket. I walk back after making her tea to hear her snoring away. I nudge her to wake up so I can put another pillow under her head so she doesn't snore. She puts her head back down and falls right back to sleep. I sit at her feet at the edge of the couch and rub her leg. After a while I sat down next to her and watched tv. Sam came down after a while and asked me if I was taking her to the doctors. "No I'm just going to let her sleep it off, she seemed fine when she woke up earlier she was just tired" "Alright man I'm going out with Kat" he says walking over to Jordan's and kissing her forehead and whispering I love you before walking out the door. I pick Jordan up and carry her to our bedroom. I lay down next to her and she lays on my chest. She doesn't have a fever anymore but she is sleeping it off because she is sweating like crazy but she keeps saying she is cold. Her eyes finally flutter open and she picks up her head a bit. "Well good morning sleeping beauty" I whisper. "Hi Colbs" she says weakly. "I'm gonna go take a shower okay baby" she says getting out of bed. She already looked better than she looked earlier. I sat for about 15 minutes and must have dozed off because Jordan woke me up by tapping my shoulder and telling me to lay on her. I fell asleep on her chest while we where watching a movie. I feel so safe in her arms. I feel so.... At home.

Jordan's POV:

Colby was now asleep on my chest but after a while he started to drool on my shirt but I don't have the heart to move him. He woke up and laid down beside me after he took a shower. He fell right back to sleep. Sam came in to check on us. "Hey how you doing" he whisper trying not to wake Colby. "Good but I think i got my baby sick" I say tickling his bare back with my nails. Sam then speaks again "Jordan you know what big of a baby Colby is when he is sick have fun sis" he says before hugging me and closing our door and opening his across the hall joining Kat once more. I fell asleep tickling Colby's back. I woke up to the sound of Colby throwing up in the bathroom. I walk into the bathroom to see Sam with no shirt on and sweatpants on the floor next to Colby rubbing his back. Sam notices me and looks my way with a you can deal with this baby look on his face. He pats Colby on the back one last time before walking back into his and Kats bedroom. I walk over to him and he looks at me with tears in his eyes. He looks a lot sicker than I looked. I think he might have something worse than I did. He then brushed his teeth and took a shower because he was sweating bullets and then put just underwear on and laid next to me and then put his head on my chest. I started to play with his hair and hummed our song. (Say you won't let go By James Arthur) He passed out in seconds. Within minutes he was snoring.

Sam knocked and looked at us and smiled

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Sam knocked and looked at us and smiled. "I love how you guys take care of each other" he says walking over and kissing my head before moving to Colby and rubbing his back before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. After about an hour or two Colby is finally awake. "Well hello my sick baby" I whisper rubbing his forehead. "Your really hot baby" I went into the bathroom and got the thermometer. I put it in his mouth and then it beeped. I looked at it and it said 108.4.
"Holy shit" Sam said from behind me. "Colby you need to go to the hospital now" Sam says. Sam and I drive Colby to the hospital. They take him in right away and give him some medicine for the fever through IV. I hated seeing him like this I feel completely helpless but thank god it is something we can fix and isn't life threatening. Colby woke up after a while and freaked out. I ran up to the side of his bed and grabbed his hands and he stopped trying to pull out the IV. "It's okay baby, your in the hospital. You had a really bad fever so Sam and I brought you here. You are okay just relax."
He relaxes a bit and Sam comes In the room and closes the door. I put on say you won't let go and sing it to him. "I love you" he whispers before his eyes flutter closed and he falls asleep to my singing. I stop once I know he is asleep and I kiss his forehead. I go to leave after a while and release my grip on his hand. "NO..... can you guys please stay" Colby says almost crying. "Of course" Sam says. Sam takes the second bed that is in the room and I take the recliner chair that I next to Colby's bed.

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