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Jordan's POV:
Once we get ready we go to the mall that we always used to go to as kids. We are walking around and we see David. He approaches us and starts to talk shit to Colby. Colby starts to get angry and I can see him getting balling his hands into fists. I tap Sam slightly and signal to Colby who is standing beside me. I put my arm on his waist and he calms down a bit but is still tense. "You grandmother deserved to die, just like your bitch of a mother did" Colby then snapped. He immediately stepped forward and throws a punch at Daniel. Daniel stumbles back and regained his balance before coming at Colby as well. They were fighting when Sam got in the middle and pulled David off of Colby and helped Colby up and we ran quickly to the car and started to drive. I drove and Colby sat beside me with Sam and Kat in the back. Colby was in and out of consciousness. "Colby baby are you okay?" I ask putting my hand on his leg. No response. Sam try's to talk to hi and he doesn't respond. He is completely out cold. He has bruises everywhere and he took a couple of punches to the head. "There is no use he isn't waking up anytime soon" Sam says worried. "Should we take him to the hospital?" Kat says worried. "No he will be fine he just needs rest before we go back to Los Angeles tomorrow" Sam says rubbing his shoulder. We arrive home and Sam picks up Colby's limp body and throws him over his shoulders. He walks in the house and gently sets him down on the couch. I sit with him head on my legs and just brush his forehead for a while. After about 4 hours his eyes started to flutter open slowly.
"Hey baby boy" I say quietly trying not to startle him. "Hey" he says with a weak smile. "How are you feeling?" "Like shit" he says with a slight chuckle. "I love you" he says breaking the silence. "I love you too" I say sweetly as I kiss his forehead and he closes his eyes again and I run my fingers through his hair. He lets out a sigh and I hear his breathing slow and he starts to slightly snore. It is about 10:00 PM so I just decided to stay up all night and sleep on the plane ride home. Sam and Kat stayed up with me but eventually crashed on the couch with Kat laying on Sam's chest. I was completely exhausted because I didn't sleep so we all woke up we packed and Colby drove to the airport. He was feeling better but he still have bruises and shit but they weren't that bad as they were yesterday. We arrive at the airport and do everything we need to do. Boring shit that you don't want of here about. We walk to our gate and get one the plane. I sit in the middle of Sam and Colby with Kat beside Sam on the end of the aisle. I lay my head on Colby chest and I feel his arm go around me and start to rub my back softly and I fall asleep in his arms instantly. I am woken up by Colby talking to me softly. "Baby girl we landed" he says rubbing my back. I lift my head up slowly and look at him and then put my head back on his chest. "Baby come on you can sleep when we get home" he says laughing softly. I could barely even keep my eyes open right now it was so difficult. We get off of the plane and get into Colby's car and start to drive home. I fall asleep in the passengers seat and I am awoken by being lifted up I instantly cuddle up into their chest because I know it's Colby by his cologne. I cuddle my face into his chest and fall back to sleep until I feel myself being set down. And blankets being put on me. I wake up the next morning and see that Colby isn't with me. I walk into my living room to see Sam and Colby asleep on the couch. "Why didn't they just sleep with us" Kat questions as she walks out of the bathroom and over to me. "I have no idea" I say laughing. The boys eventually wake up and leave to go move their stuff to their new apartment. That was literally down the hall from ours. They come back a couple hours later and we hang out for a while and then the boys leave around 10:00 PM to go to their apartment and Kat and I call it a night and we both go in our rooms and go to sleep. I wake up to my phone dinging. I look to see a text from Colby.

 I look to see a text from Colby

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