Uncle Elton's Beard.

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Jordan's POV:

"Guys I packed for the warm weather" I say pulling my rain jacket closer to me my camera in hand. "We are about to go hiking about a half and hour to cathedral cove admit the wind is blowing so hard again and it's gonna rain" I say showing my view before lifting the camera towards the gray clouds. "And she's stuck with meeee" Corey says slinging his arm over my shoulder. "I'm stuck with all of you but Corey called dibs on being my hiking buddy because I have the food and first aid kit" I say smirking. "And it my quality is crap it's because I'm filming on my phone instead of lugging my heavy ass camera around on this hike" I say shrugging before I stop recording. We start our hike and the guys are being dumb while Kat and I stare at them the whole time. "Corey let's get a picture!" I say. We had Sam take the picture of us doing a pull up on branch of a tree just because. "There's a penguin bird" Corey says pointing at a bird. "What the" I start laughing at Corey while he tried to catch the bird. "Wait where's Corey?" Elton asks as we start looking around. "Corey?!" I yell trying not to laugh. "Wait I see a man bun" Elton says as we laugh continuing our long walk. "Oh hey who dropped the keys?" Colby shays picking up the RV keys. I look towards Corey. " Yeah Corey who dropped the keys?" Elton asks. "Oh my god if we would have lost those" I watch Corey run away from the blame. "I'll give the first person who can pronounce this word five bucks" Sam says showing us this word with like forty letters in it. "Te- wow wake flocka flame." Colby says and we laugh at him. "Where is the F's?" Sam says. Colby slaps his hand over the word and explains how it's possible. I said my head at him and just walk away from the boys knowing they'd follow.

"We made it guy" Elton says.
"Well almost" Sam says.
"Wow this is beautiful guys" I say taking some pictures.
"Tag" Colby yells slapping me.
"Colby!" I yell chasing him.
I jump on his back laughing he finally stops running and I get off his back.
"Truce?" He asks.
"Yeah" I say out of breath from running.
I catch my breath and then push him.
"Sucker" I say about to run away but his hand grab mine and we both start trying to push each other down but we can't because we are both weak from laughing and we both collapse on the ground.

We clam down and I close my eyes still smiling. Elton helps me up and Sam help up Colby. "Backflip" Corey says but the sand thinks otherwise and he stumbles. He finally does one and I clap pretty impressed that he didn't land on his face. "Jordan, Jordan" They chant for me to do a trick. "Back up boys in about to blow your minds" I say cracking my knuckles getting into position I cleared my throat before doing the worst cartwheel of all time. I throw my hands in the air after I stick the landing. Elton who had given Corey the camera clapped with a wide smile on his face fake wiping a tear and I take a bow before laughing. Elton lands his backflip. "I almost hit my face" he says laughing. "Hey guys" we look up to see Colby in a tree. "Why?" I ask him. "Colby what ha doin buddy" Elton and filming him. "I found a tree Elton" he says excitedly. "You literally just ha fro get stitched up yesterday Colby" I say shaking my head at him. "We took thirty seconds to do a backflip and you're just in a tree" Elton says amused. Colby was having trouble trying to get down  and his first option was to jump off. Onto a rock. "Are you stupid" I yell. "Backflip Backflip Backflip" the three boys next to me start chanting. I look over to Kat as she walks away laughing. "Don't encourage him" I yell. Elton comes up with a dumb idea about Colby pretending to do a flip off the tree while him and Corey look at a leaf acting like the didn't catch the "Epic flip" that was just Colby jumping down like a normal person. I decided to walk away from the boys for a bit and enjoy the cold water running over my feet while the Kat took some photos of the boys. "Jordan come on I want a picture with you" Colby says in a girly voice and I roll my eyes smiling before joining the photos shoot awkward prom pictures were taken of us and some other funny ones. After Colby all the boys wanted pictures so of course me and Corey twerked to make a bonnet and for Instagram Sam flashed the camera with his tiny nipples in our picture together and me and Elton did awkward model poses and Elton kept acting like he and boobs by squeezing his pecks together with his hands which had us dying of laughter.it started raining and the boys decided to run the tow hundred feet to the cave by Kat and I just walked we were already soaking wet form taking pictures in the waterfall. "So what now?" I ask. "I guess we just wait it out and see." Elton says. He turned his camera off and eel all just stood around and I looked at our pictures. "Corey our booty's were poppin" I say showing I'm out boomerang. This storm was not passing we had been standing there for forty five minutes and we were all hungry even after the few snacks I had in my backpack so we put out hoods up and hiked for forty minutes in the rain.

We all sat in the RV I was still eating and the boys had just finished so Erin's tarted filming. "We hiked for forty minutes in sideways rain." Elton says. "Okay guys so that's the end of the video we're gonna be sitting in this form for a little while longer" Elton starting doing a shout of for a lime he had just gotten but food was more important than listening to him. "It was really fun" I say when Elton's topped filming. "What are we gonna do for the time being?" Sam asked. "I want to lay in bed" I say pushing Colby out of the booth so I can throw my trash away. Instead of pulling out the ladder I just climbed the counter and then into the cubby. I listened to Kat and the boys talking before drifting off to sleep.

"Shut up" I groan at the sound of loud laughs and snaps of a camera. I roll over in bed and when I do I hit something and that something falls off the bed a loud thump hitting the ground. I slowly sit up rubbing my eyes. "What the hell did I hit?" I ask peering over looking at the floor and my hand slaps across my mouth muffling my laughter as the three boys howl in laughter at Colby sprawled our across the floor with a panicked look. He must have been asleep when I pushed him off the bed on accident. "Oh my god! Colby did I break you?!" I shout worried. He just groans in response. "I'm so sorry" I say when he sits up. "It's okay I just got the air knocked out of me." He says rubbing the back of his neck. "If it makes you feel any better I got that all for the vlog" Elton says still filming and Colby and I glare at him. I climbed off the bed and helped Colby up. "I'm sorry please forgive me" I say. "You broke my back" he says turning his back towards me and I could see a smile slightly on his lips. I wrap my arms around his waist and poke his cheek with my finger. "Please" I pout before he laughs and I let him go. "How come she gets away with hurting Colby but we can't" Corey whines banging the table with his hand. "I'm just that pretty" I say giving him a wide smile. "But he's pretty too" Sam says defending Corey. They start rambling about who's prettier. "Hey!" I yell getting their attention. "Uncle Elton is the prettiest." I say then they start agreeing with me rambling about how pretty his beard is. "#Jorey bitches" Corey screams. " I'm team #Jolby" Elton says. "Me too" Sam screams. "That reminds me, want to know the reason why you were pushed off the bed because we had woken Jordan up for it" Elton says. Sam hands me his phone and I scroll through it colby peering over my shoulder at all the picture of us cuddled up together taking snap and some pictures had the guys taking a selfie with us. "You assholes" I laugh giving Sam his phone. "So you want me to send the pics?" Sam asks. Asshole twin brother I thought. "Of course" I say nudging him.

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