Versace Nightmares

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Jordan's POV: 

Ever since what happened with Bryan in Hollywood. Colby has been very overprotective but he always has been over me. Sam is the exact same way he has always been overprotective of me. Even more so after what we have been through. I woke up to Colby snoring softly. I turned to face him and I moved his soft fluffy blue hair out of his face. and softly kissed his lips. I got up and got my stuff together to take a shower. After I am done I go into the bedroom to do my makeup and Colby is still asleep. He didn't have anything planned today so I didn't wake him up I just let him sleep. After I finished my makeup I knocked on Sam's door. I hear a faint come in but it wasn't Sam's voice. I open the door to see Kat sitting beside Sam on his bed who is snoring away. "Hey...I was just seeing if he wanted to go to the mall with me but uhhh" I said quietly not wanting to wake him up. "I'll go with you, you think you are going to the mall with out me you bitch" She says laughing quietly and kissing Sam on the forehead before shutting Sam's bedroom door behind her. "Okay lets roll" I say as I walk down the stairs and get into my car. Lets just say Kat and I should not be aloud to go to the mall together. We bought a ton of shit and then went out to lunch. "Hey have you heard from the boys?" I ask Kat as we are eating lunch. "I got a text from Sam but nothing from Colby. Why?" She says looking at me confused. "Oh it's nothing it's just Colby would usually texted me by now" "I'm sure he is fine he is probably just sleeping late like usual" She said laughing and that made me almost spit out my drink across the table and all over her. "Yeah probably" I said starting to day dream. I suddenly see hands clap in front of my face. "Hello earth to Jordan" Kat screams. "......Sorry" I say faintly. "What world did my best friend just enter cause you just went somewhere" She says laughing. We get in the car again and drive back home. I walk into Colby and I's shared bedroom to see Colby STILL ASLEEP. Then I realize his inhaler next to him tissues and a bucket. I walk up to him he is drenched in sweat. I rub his sweaty hair off of his forehead and he shoots awake out of a dead sleep. "Hey baby is just me go back to bed" He doesn't respond and just taps the top of his head signaling for me to play with his hair and then closes his tired blue eyes once more. After about 4 minutes Kat strolls in and leans against the door frame and just glances at Colby and then me. "Wow he is really sick huh" She says sitting on the end of the bed. "Yeah he isn't even talking to me, he is just staying asleep" She rubs Colby leg as she goes to leave the room. I wonder what he has because this isn't just the stomach bug it is something much worse. We haven't been in LA that long either so this is the first time any of us have been sick besides me I think. I might have been sick once I don't remember but whatever..... that isn't important. I sit with him for the rest of the day since it's only 4:00 pm right now. He finally woke up around 5:00 and went straight for the bucket to throw up. He threw up 20 more times in that hour. After about two hours of him throwing up Sam comes in the room. "Hey why don't you go get some sleep in my bed with Kat and I'll watch him through the night" I nod and I walk into Sam's room to see Kat watching Netflix. I sit down beside her and lay my head on her shoulder and fall right to sleep. 

Colby's POV:

Sam is in the room with me now so Jordan can get some sleep but I still don't feel any better. Sam said if I'm not better by Monday I'm going to the doctors. It's only Saturday I'll be fine by then. I kept falling in and out of sleep while Sam sat beside me and just rubbed my back. i was in so much pain and I couldn't handle it to the point that I started to cry I don't think I am sick I think something is going on with me. I instantly got a sharp pain in my stomach. I started to sob while Sam tried to comfort me but it wasn't working. Jordan and Kat came bursting in but they didn't calm me down either. The pain was unbearable. "Okay we are taking you to the hospital lets go" Jordan whispers to me as she rubs my forehead. Sam and Kat help me into Jordan's car and they put me in the backseat. Jordan joins me in the back seat and Sam and Kat go in the front with Sam driving. "Sam hurry the fuck up" I scream after about 15 minutes in the car. "I'm trying buddy, I'm trying" He says back to calmly not snapping like I expected him to. Jordan keeps trying to comfort me while the pain gets worse but it feels like I got shot in the stomach the pain won't go away and the pain is internal pain not external pain so I think..... I KNOW something is wrong. We finally get to the hospital and go into the emergency room. They get in to one of the rooms in the ER and they instantly ask for my symptoms I tell them and they check my stomach. "Sir you are having a Gall Bladder attack and you might need to have surgery to remove it if it is inflamed. We will give you some pain medication to ease the pain but until then you guys will have to wait here" ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME. "Okay thank you" Jordan says as I close my eyes and wince from pain. "Could we get that pain medication" Sam asks. "Yes I will be right back with the IV" She reply's then walks away. THANK FUCK THIS PAIN CAN SIMMER DOWN. The nurse comes back quickly and prepares my arm for the IV. She sticks the IV in and I don't even feel it for how much pain I'm already in. I feel the warmth of the medicine enter my system and I close my eyes and everything goes black.

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