Goodbye Kansas

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Colby's POV:

I have never been so excited to do anything in my entire life. I was getting away from my father. Moving to Los Angeles has always been Sam and I's dream but I get to experience with Sam and Jordan. Graduation was in about 5 minutes so I'm awkwardly sitting backstage waiting for my name to be called and then I finally hear it "Colby Brock." My dad wasn't even at my graduation but Mr and Mrs Golbach clapped and yelled for me. They are so supportive. I walked out and heard them yelling and then I did a backflip and got my diploma. Jordan and Sam came shortly after me. Sam and Jordan's mom and dad took all three of us out to dinner afterwards and then we went home to pack the rest of our stuff since we leave tomorrow. I had to go home and get my stuff but thankfully my dad wasn't there when I showed up. All three of us went to bed and then woke up the next morning said our goodbyes and then we were off. Sam was in the backseat while Jordan was in the passengers seat next to me. Jordan put earbuds in and then said she was cold. I reached in the back grabbed my nirvana hoodie and gave it to her she put it on and then fell asleep. She looked so cute when she was sleeping. Sam has been passed out in the back ever since we hit the highway. We were driving for a while and only had about 22 hours left to drive. After Jordan and Sam woke up Sam drove for a while and I slept and then Jordan drove. I got in the passengers seat when Jordan drove and fell asleep again. I am woken up my Jordan tapping me tell me that we are here. I look and see an apartment building and palm trees. WE ARE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE. I laughed out loud and Jordan looked at me weird and shook her head. "Colby wake up Sam before I stab him to wake him up." I listened and threw a pillow at Sam and he jumped up. We unloaded the car and then sat down on the couch and watched a movie. We were all out within minutes of the movie starting. Jordan was passed out on my lap and Sam was on my shoulder. Then my eyes started to get heavy and I was out cold. I was awoken my Jordan and Sam talking. They were talking about me so I just kept my eyes closed and pretended to sleep. "Jordan just date Colby already I see the way you guys look at each other." "Sam stop I'm waiting for him to make the move, the guy is supposed to ask the girl." I pretend to move in my sleep and then actually fell back to sleep. I am suddenly tapped on the shoulder. "Colbs get up we have to go shopping for a bunch of stuff." Jordan whispers. I get up and get dressed then we drive to the store. We get everything we need for our rooms at Ikea and then go to Walmart. I asked Jordan to go on a date with me tonight and she said yes. I took her to a fancy restaurant and got down on one knee. "Jordan will you do me the honor and make me the happiest man alive and be my girlfriend?" "YES" she reply's as I stand up and we kiss. We get home from our date and Sam is standing there smirking at us. "It's about time." Sam yells hugging us. Jordan and I agreed on sharing a room so now what was supposed to be her room can be a filming room. I love how our room looks.

I laid down on the bed with Jordan on my chest and checked Instagram

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I laid down on the bed with Jordan on my chest and checked Instagram.



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