The Night I Drove Alone

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Jordan's POV:

I fell to the floor in Colby's arms and he followed. He continued to hold me. I then realized he just had surgery a couple days earlier. OH FUCK. I look up at him and he is crying as well as wincing in pain. "Colby I-" "Jordan-Just....just don't this is my fault. I did this to you. I broke your heart and now I'll pay for it for the rest of my life" He says in between sobs. I go to grab his shirt to lift it but he grabs my hand and shakes his head no. "Colby please" I beg. He releases his hand and I lift up his shirt. His chest and stomach are completely bruised. "I'm so sorry Bab---Colby" When I said Colby instead on baby like I started to say he broke. He banged the back of his head against the wall and started to cry. I looked up to see Sam angrily crossing his arms standing against the door frame. I mouthed stop it to him and his arms immediately dropped when his saw Colby's chest and stomach. "Jordan?" Colby says weakly. "Colby?". "We are done aren't we?" He asks. I didn't want to give him the answer but I think he knew already. I nodded and I thought I felt his heart stop when he took a deep breath and sobbed. "I'm sorry Colby" I say quietly as I get up off the floor go into our room. No Colby's room. I gather my stuff and put it all in Sam's room for the time being. What are we going to tell the fans? We aren't gonna tell them anything just yet I think that is the best bet. Colby has been sitting in his room for the past three days. Hasn't come out to eat or shower. Only the bathroom that's it. Doesn't talk to anyone. not even Sam. Sam and Kat helped me find an apartment close to here and Kat agreed to move in with me so I wouldn't be alone, along with Kiwi of course. We got the apartment and everyone help me move my stuff. Except Colby but to be expected I guess? We finally got all the boxes in and everyone left expect Sam so he could help Kat and I unpack. He gt a two bedroom two bathroom apartment with a loft as well. The loft we are going to turn into a music studio/ Youtube editing room for Kat and I. All of the pictures of Colby and I I told Sam I threw out but I still have them in a box that I put under my bed. Sam helped us set up some stuff and then it got late so we ordered pizza. Sam then decided to call Colby to check up on him. Sam put on speaker because I wasn't in the room but I could still hear. I was in Kat's room talking with her when I heard the voice I had just started to get over. Kat glanced at me and then at her feet. We sat there and listened.

Colby: Hi

Sam: Hi

Colby: Whats up

Sam: Nothing really just checking in on you.

Colby: Did you guys finish unpacking?

Sam: No they are Kat's room unpacking some stuff right now.

Colby: Oh?

Sam: Colby you got to get out of this funk brother.

Colby: Sam I just can't help it, I love her man and I broke her heart.

Sam: Well you have to live with that Colby. The only reason I haven't killed you for hurting her is because you are my best friend. But you also know what you did wrong on you owned up to your actions and only real men do that so thank you.

Colby: I just miss her being in my arms man.

Sam: I know Colby I know. You just need to find a way to earn that trust back.

Colby: Okay

Sam: I have to help them finish unpacking I'll be home soon. I love you brother.

Colby: I love you too Sam.

After hearing how Colby was feeling about the situation I was sort of sad but kind of relieved that I wasn't the only one in pain. Sam then walks in and looks at us. "Jordan I'm-" "Sam it's fine, he is your best friend you a right to talk to him, don't let what happened between Him and I split the duo up. Just promise me that please" He nodded and then continued to unpack boxes. He set up the room in the loft and everything that needed to be done. Then we all plopped on the couch exhausted. "Wow I am pooped" Kat said loudly. "Tell me about it" Sam and I said in unison. All three of us then looked at each other and started to laugh. Then I slightly frowned. Colby should be here with us. We said our goodbyes and Sam went home. Kat and I decided to watch a movie so we put on twilight. After a while into the movie. I get a notification that Colby posted on Instagram.


Colbybrock: Part of me aches at the thought of her being so close yet so untouchable

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Colbybrock: Part of me aches at the thought of her being so close yet so untouchable.

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Fuck that face. All of a sudden I feel someone grabbing my phone and then it release from my grip. I look over to Kat to see her with my phone. I put my hand out and she puts it back sighing. "Nice try" I say laughing. After a while Kat dozes off so I put a blanket on her and turn of Netflix and the lights. I lay down in bed and then get a text from the one and only twin brother. Samuel Golbach.

Sammy: Goodnight sis I love you.

Jordan: I love you too Sammy.

I plug in my phone and then drift off to sleep within seconds. All I can think about is Colby. SHIT this s going to be hard to get over him.

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