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Colby's POV: 

Jordan sits up and says something. "I'm going to take a shower okay baby" she says quietly walking out of the room and shutting the door behind her soon after. She seemed to be acting weird but whatever, i'll just deal with it we have both been through a lot lately. After Jordan gets out of the shower I hop in. After a while I hear her giggling. I open the door slightly. "Okay I have to go Colby is going to be out of the shower soon see you soon" Is she cheating on me? She isn't like that. She isn't there is no way. I walk in and sit down at my desk to edit. I am all pissed off about who she was talking to because I asked her and she said one of the girls and I know for a fact that it wasn't the girls so I knew she was hiding something. "Baby I'm gonna go run some errands, i'll be back soon" She says before going to walk out. "Make sure you say hi to your side man for me" I say sarcastically. "WHAT" She says yelling. Oh FUCK I said that out loud. "Colby are you seriously starting with me right now". "Yeah I am because you are cheating on me" "No I'm not I was going to surprise you with your best friend Nate because he is in town but whatever, Fuck you Cole Brock" Shit she is mad she never calls me Cole. I fucked up big time. Jordan starts to cry as I see her run past Sam and out the door to her car. "Colby what did you do?" 'I thought she was cheating on me so I confronted her" "Seriously Colby, you fucked up you know she would never do that to you especially after all we have been through together" Sam was right she would never do that to me we have been in each others life's for 8 years now. She has also been there for me when nobody besides Sam was there for me. "Where do you think she went Sam" I asked concerned. "I don't know Colby you fucked up, now you fix it" He replied as he walked past me and into his room slamming the door. I pull out my phone and call Jordan. 

Jordan: What do you want Cole?

Colby: Baby girl can you please come home?

Jordan: Don't call me that, and no.

Colby: Jordan Please. 

Jordan: No, if you have something to say just say it.

I then hear a guy on her line. "Whats up baby girl" "BRYAN, HOW ARE YOU HERE" 

Colby: JORDAN!!! Whats going on. 

Jordan: Colby please come get me i'm on Hollywood boulevard, hurry please.

I quickly tell Sam and he follows me down the stairs and to my car. I speed down the streets of Los Angeles until I get to Hollywood Boulevard. I see Jordan being dragged into a van by to masked men. I see Bryan in the drivers seat. We make eye contact and me smiles sadistically at Sam and I. "THIS MOTHERFUCKER" I scream as he drives off I instantly get on his tail. I drive up beside him and he hits my car. I lose control and crash. I see the van then roll over as well and I see Jordan fight all the guys off as she runs away towards us. Then I blackout from the car rolling over and hitting the highway barrier. I wake up to someone screaming my name and the smell of smoke. I open my eyes slightly to Sam and Jordan outside my window. I slip in and out of consciousness as i hear a huge crash. Sam then comes through the now broken window and pulls me out of the car. I come to for a second and see that my car is on fire. Sam and Jordan are talking to me but my ears are ringing. As they drag me away from the car I feel myself being shielded by someones body and hear screams and a huge explosion. I come to one more to see my car up in flames, It blew up. I look up to see Sam huddled above Jordan and I. "Colby, come on wake up, talk to me baby I can't lose you" I hear Jordan scream as she hold me in her arms. I open my eyes a little more and look up at her. I groan in pain making her look at me. "Hey baby boy, your going to be okay alright the paramedics are on their way okay baby you just have to stay awake for me. I must have hit my head really hard because other than that I felt fine. The paramedics finally arrived and declared me stable on the scene. Sam, Jordan and I gave our statement then we were able to go home. The cop drove us home since my car fucking blew up into flames. I have to get a new car now. (RIP Red Corolla). The cop drops us of at our house and we walk inside. I close the door behind me and slid down it as Sam and Jordan catch me. I started to sob in Jordan and Sam's arms. "I though I lost you both" I cry. "I'm sorry for earlier too Jordan i'm sorry I th-." "Just stop that doesn't matter anymore, what matter is that you are okay that's what matters to me right now, not our dumb ass couple we will have all our lives until the day we die, I LOVE YOU Cole Robert Brock." "I love you too Jordan Lynn Golbach"

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