A Jori Story: After The Plati...

By Darkob996

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Read for days with this Jori fanfic with over 50 chapters! The first 16 are the complete main story, the foll... More

Chapter 1 - After the Platinum Awards
Chapter 2 - ...It wasn't true right?
Chapter 3 - Caught
Chapter 4 - We want to be a secret...?
Chapter 5 - School time
Chapter 6 - We are together!
Chapter 7 - First Date
Chapter 8 - Tori's first time
Chapter 9 - The morning after...
Chapter 10 - Jade meets Tori's parents
Chapter 11 - You don't know me
Chapter 12 - After the Full Moon Jam
Chapter 13 - Jade's mom
Chapter 14 - Love is in the air
Chapter 15 - Parents and jealousy
Special Chapter - Brain Squeezers
Special Chapter 2 - Jori and Sam & Cat
Special Chapter 3 - The Chat
Special Chapter 4 - The proposal
Special Chapter 5 - Flashbacks and shocking news
Prequel Chapter
Special Chapter 6 - Tori and Jade talk to Trina
Special Chapter 7 - I kissed a girl...
Special Chapter 8 - Star Spangled Jori
Special Chapter 9 - The Vega-West family
Special Chapter 10 - The 100 days kiss
Special Chapter 11 - During Tori and Jade's first year
Special Chapter 12 - Tori and Jade's family life
Special Chapter 13 - Jealous Jade
Special Chapter 14 - Night of passion
Special Chapter 15 - Jori through the years
Special Chapter 16 - Guess who comes to dinner...
Special Chapter 17 - Love is love
Special Chapter 18 - You are my everything
Special Chapter 19 - Sleepover at Tori's
Special Chapter 20 - Jennifer and Lola
Special Chapter 21 - The Prom
Special Chapter 22 - She is my girl
Special Chapter 23 - Sweet moments
Special Chapter 24 - A crazy return
Special Chapter 25 - Married life then and now
Special Chapter 26 - Jori and their careers
Special Chapter 27 - Teenage girlfriends
Special Chapter 28 - Birthdays
Special Chapter 29 - No photoshoot
Special Chapter 30 - Ex, fans and friends
Special Chapter 31 - Doppelgangers
Special Chapter 32 - J + T = Forever
Special Chapter 33 - A Christmas Jori

Final Chapter - Jori and the Killer Tuna Jump

6.1K 96 49
By Darkob996

"Jade!" When Tori left her house she found Jade next to Meredith's car. She was using her keys to scratch the car. Tori didn't even care about it, as she approached Jade to talk to her. She grabbed one of her arms to make her turn around to speak with her.

"Jade, come on, you can't really believe I would..." Tori was saying but Jade pulled free from Tori's grip and glared at her.

Her eyes were wet and she had trails of tears and mascara running down her cheeks. The vision broke Tori's heart.

"Oh god, baby, please don't cry, I swear she jumped me! She was the one who..." Tori started to say, trying to take her girlfriend's face between her hands but Jade pulled away from her.

"WHAT? She was the one who kissed you? How do I know it's not a lie, just like when you told me your sister would've been here with you tonight? Maybe you wanted to be alone with her..." Jade said, her voice shaking with anger.

"Jade no! That's not true, I just forgot that Trina had to shoot 'Divertisimo' tonight! As soon as she told me I was about to tell you aswell! I also wanted to tell Meredith not to come to my house but..."

"You didn't do anything in the end!" Jade cut her off, before storming away from her, walking to her car.

"Jade wait!" Tori said running after her. Jade stopped near her car and turned to look at Tori again with crossed arms, to let her explain

"I didn't do it because she was already at my house, right after my sister left! I didn't know she had a crush on me or I would have never invited her to begin with!" Tori continued

"You should have stayed away from that bitch! I warned you about her! But noooo, you didn't listen to me! Your own girlfriend!" Jade said before opening her car door and get inside.

"You're right Jade, I made a mistake please forgive me! You know I would never cheat on you, she kissed me against my will! I love you Jade..." Tori was saying starting to sob with her voice shaking, but Jade was still mad. 

When she was inside her car she looked at Tori with anger and disappointment "I know you didn't cheat on me. But you still hurt me. You shouldn't have invited that skank after I had clearly told you I didn't trust her... You didn't get what she was trying to do? Are you really that dumb Tori? No wonder she was able to kiss you... And right where we had OUR first kiss of all the places!" Jade said sternly.

"Jade I'm sorry... You're right, I'm dumb... just please... I..." Tori was saying while doing her best to wipe the tears from her eyes to be able to see Jade's expression, hoping that she would've calm down and listened to her apologies. 

But Jade ignored her and turned the ignition key. Before she could close her car's door though, Tori literally screamed at her "Jade you're my girl, I LOVE YOU and no one else! Please don't go!". Jade waited a few seconds before closing the door. Tori saw her girlfriend closing her eyes clearly trying to fight her own tears back. Jade looked at her with wet eyes for a moment  but in the end she slammed her car's door shut without saying anything else and just drove away.

Tori remained still in her driveway watching Jade's car disappear, crying her eyes out. As she was getting back to her house she saw Meredith getting out. Her right cheek was still red from Tori's slap.

"I-" she started to say but Tori immediately cut her off 

"Don't you ever speak to me again!" she yelled at her. Meredith nodded in fear and ran off. She seemed to stop in surprise for a few seconds when she noticed the scratches on her car but said nothing and got inside, driving away.

As Tori got back in her house she practically launched herself on one sofa and started to cry again, burying her face in the cushions.

Jade's right... I've been such an idiot! I let a stupid movie distract me and didn't even notice what Meredith was trying to do... until it was too late... And now I might have lost the love of my life Tori started to cry even louder at the thought. But then she stood up wiping her tears and took a deep breath to calm herself down a little. No, it was not over between her and Jade, Tori's heart knew that, so she took her phone, and quickly started scrolling for Jade's number. She had her girlfriend's contact saved as 'My Jade <3' ever since they had started dating and she knew that Jade had her contact saved as 'My Vega' which made her smile for a second. Tori waited a little more to not risk distracting her girlfriend by calling her while she was driving, and when she felt that Jade had to be back to her house, she immediately tried to call her. But Jade didn't answer her phone. So Tori texted her.

Jade I love you, please forgive me, I can't lose you... You're the most important person of my life – T

After texting Jade, Tori saw Meredith's contact between the others. Just looking at her name made her furious, so she quickly blocked her contact and deleted Meredith's number. She waited another minute, before trying to call Jade again, but this time the call got immediately transferred to her voice mail so Tori assumed that Jade had switched off her phone. Tori felt her heart clench in desperation. She had to talk to her she couldn't wait any longer... Tori was thinking about just running to Jade's house when she heard Trina parking in their driveway. She immediately run out of the door and saw her sister getting out of her car.

"Hey baby sis! I can't wait to tell you everything abo... hey where are you running at?" Trina asked her sister.

"Trina give me your car keys! Please, I have to go to Jade's!" Tori told her

"What? Tori have you been crying? You don't even have a license I'll drive you ther.."

"No I have to go there by myself, I hurt her and now I need to fix it, please sis I promise I will be careful just give me your keys!" Tori said. 

Trina seemed to think about it but then handed her sister the keys "Ok Tor... But only because Jade's house isn't far from ours. Just don't tell mom and dad ok?" she finally said handing her the car's keys.

Tori smiled at her "I promise, thanks Treen!".

After getting in her sister's car she started to drive to her girlfriend's house. After pretending to drive slow and safely, when she was out of her sister's sight she started to speed up. She needed to talk to Jade the sooner the better. She was at her girlfriend's house in a few minutes. She parked as best as she could outside Jade's house and immediately run to ring at her door. She saw Jade's mother's car parked outside but not Jade's one. She thought that maybe she had parked it in her garage that night, as she was ringing her doorbell again. When she received no response she started to alternate knock to ring until someone finally opened. Tori was about to hug the person who opened the door, but she soon realized it was not her girlfriend but her mother, Emily. She was wearing a night robe.

"Tori! What are you doing here so late? Did something happened to Jade? She called me just few minutes ago, saying she was having a sleepover at Cat's tonight" she said.

"Jade's not here?! She is at Cat's?" Tori immediately asked her.

"Yeah, she didn't tell you? Are you ok Tori? Did something happen between you two?" Emily asked a bit worried

"No... I mean, we just had an argument, and I wanted to apologize to her. Anyway I'll just head to Cat's, thank you Emily"

"Darling, I know my daughter when she is angry, just give her some time to cool down. Drive home now, Cat lives in Venice... it won't be wise to drive there so late" Jade's mother told the Latina.

"Hmm, sure... you're totally right Emily, I'll talk to her tomorrow, see you soon" Tori lied to her girlfriend's mother, waving an hand at Emily, while getting back in her sister's car. She had been at Cat's grandma only once, with Jade, when they helped her moving there but she remembered the place pretty well. Venice was about 30 minutes of driving away from Jade's house, but Tori was willing to take the risk of driving without a license and at night... She couldn't wait the whole night to talk with her girlfriend.

If dad will ever find out about this he will kill me... And then Trina for giving me her car...

Tori was thinking while being very careful to drive as safely as she could... Despite being in a hurry she didn't want to crash, or she might have never seen her girlfriend again. It took her a little more than 30 minutes to arrive at Cat's grandma's house. She saw Jade's car parked outside. She parked Trina's car next to hers and started smiling, before hurrying to Cat's door. Tori started to knock at the door, and soon someone opened it.

It was a blonde girl in pajama. She was pretty and a bit shorter than her. Tori was surprised and taken aback for a few seconds after seeing her.

Is she... What is Sam from Icarly doing here? Tori thought

"Hey, do I know you? You look familiar" she was saying

"Hi, are you... Sam? I'm Tori, I don't know if you remember me, we met during that party at Kenan Thompson's house awhile back" Tori told her

"Oh yeah the girl who looks like Shelby Marx... we gave that two timing prick that was dating both you and Carly a real lesson that time!" Sam said with a smug smile.

"Yeah... well it's me, look I would love to catch up but... Can I come in? I know it's late but I need... It's a long story... is Cat home? She is with a girl called Jade right?" Tori asked her

"Yeah they are..." Sam stopped as she seemed to realize something "Wait, are you Jade's cheating girlfriend? I would have never thought that you of all people would..."

"I didn't cheat on her! I would never! A girl kissed me against my will and... Jade had warned me about her but I didn't think... Look can I just talk to Jade?"

"Yeah, I don't think she wants to see you right n..." Sam was already replying to her

"Please let me in and just tell her I'm here, I need to speak with her!" Tori said with a tear escaping from one of her eyes. 

Sam noticed that and after a few seconds she let her in. While entering Cat grandma's house Tori noticed a sofa bed opened in the living room. Seeing her looking at it Sam explained "I'm here from only a few days... Cat's Nona wanted to go live at 'Elderly Acres' so I decided to stay. I hope I will have a better bed to sleep on soon, if me and the redhead are going to be roommates"

Tori just replied "Oh I get it..." a part of her wanted to know more about what Sam was saying like where and how exactly she and Cat had met,since Sam was from Seattle. But in that moment she just wanted to speak with Jade.

"I'll tell her you're here" Sam said before heading to Cat's room. Tori nodded at her while growing a bit nervous and trying to think of what to say to Jade to make her forgive her.

God... I don't know what I'll do if Jade doesn't forgive me... I don't think I will be able to keep attending Hollywood Arts and see her every day knowing she is not mine anymore...Tori forced her tears back into her eyes while she was waiting in Cat's kitchen. After a few moments she heard someone approaching her. She turned around to see Sam returning with Cat and Jade. Cat was still wearing her pajelehoocho while Jade was still dressed with the clothes she was wearing earlier that night. She had red eyes and no make up. Seeing Jade like that because of her, made Tori sad but her face still lit up as soon as she saw that her girlfriend was willing to talk to her. Tori shyly approached her and tried to caress one of Jade's cheek with the back of her hand but the Goth quickly pulled her face away from her, and crossed her arms.

"Hiiii Tori! Have you met my roomie Sam? She is the same from Icarly you know the websh..." Cat was saying but Tori was not listening, she just kept staring at Jade, with her heart beating fast. Jade looked still hurt and had the same angry expression she had at her house.

"Come on Cat, let's give them some space, let's go to your room" Sam said interrupting her roommate. Cat nodded at her and the two left Tori and Jade alone. After a few seconds of silence Tori started to speak:

"Jade I'm so sorry. I feel terrible... Meredith kissed me against my will, but you're right. You warned me about her. I thought you were just being jealous, but you were right, she wanted more than being friends. I don't know if you will ever forgive me for being so dumb but I'm willing to spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you" Tori started to sob "...If you still want me..."

"Seeing that skank kiss you really hurt me Tori... Even if she kissed you against your will, cause you could've prevented that if you had just listened to me when I told you how she was like" Jade replied sternly to the Latina.

"I know Jade... I'm so, so sorry... Oh god, I'm the worst girlfriend's ever" Tori said burying her face in her hands, starting to cry again. After a bit she was able to continue to speak, but still sobbing "I understand if you want to break up with me Jade... But before you say anything, please, just remember that you're the only one for me. I want to be with you... Forever" Tori said before continuing to cry in her hands.

At some point the Latina felt her girlfriend grabbing her wrists and removing her hands from her face. When she opened her eyes she saw Jade standing in front of her. The Goth started to wipe the Latina's tears away from her face with her thumbs.

"Tori, babe, don't cry... I can't stand seeing you cry. And don't say you're the worst girlfriend. You are the best I could have ever found. I would never break up with you because of a bitch like Meredith, I just wanted you to know how hurt I felt because you didn't listen to me. But I can see how bad you feel about what happened too... And it's not fair that we both have to feel like this, because of that stupid girl. So let's just stop... Cause I also want to be with you forever" Jade told her smiling. Tori looked at her in both surprise and relief "Y...you...mean...?"

Jade nodded "Yes, I forgive you for being so dumb Vega, because you are MY dumb girl" she said laughing a little.

Tori's smile was so wide on her face that she felt her facial muscles hurt. Tori hugged Jade and started to lean in to kiss her. But Jade stopped her with her index finger on her lips.

"Just promise me that you won't let that whore come near you again, and when you have a class with her I want you to tell me even if she just looks in your direction" Jade told her. Tori nodded and kissed her fingertip. Jade smiled remembering when Tori had done that for the first time... Outside the Vega's house the day they had their first kiss. But she returned serious for a moment and removed her finger from her girlfriend's lips. "Say it" Jade told her

"I promise I won't let her come near me again"

"Good... Also block and delete her number right now!" Jade told her almost in an ordering manner.

"Already done that" Tori replied smiling.

Jade smiled too "Perfect. And Meredith better stay away from me too, if she is smart. Cause if she thinks I'm done with her after scratching her car, she is dead wrong: no one kisses my girlfriend but me!" Jade said

"I think I already gave her a lesson by slapping her right in the face after she tried to kiss me" Tori told her smiling

Jade seemed surprised "You really did that?"

"Of course. Seeing you so heartbroken on my doorway, broke my own heart aswell. I couldn't forgive her for making you so sad" Tori replied.

Jade smiled at Tori and leaned to her lips to kiss her. They passionately kissed with eyes closed for several minutes, their bodies melting together always more, like their life depended on that kiss and they couldn't live a second being apart from each other. After a bit, Jade started to push Tori in the living room and towards the open sofa bed. The two girlfriends landed on it giggling before resuming their kiss and hugging each other again. After a few moments Jade slid an hand under Tori's shirt to cup one of her breasts through her bra and the Latina was wrapping a leg around her body before a voice brought them back to reality:

"Hey! I hate to interrupt two lovebirds who just made peace, but that's my bed!" Sam almost yelled at them while Cat was giggling looking at them from behind her roomate.

Tori and Jade pulled a part laughing.

"Sorry, Sam, come on Tori let's go back to your house so we can continue..."

Tori nodded at her girlfriend smiling. While they stood up Jade asked her "How did you came here by the way?"

"I took Trina's car as soon as she was back home and immediately drove to your house. Your mom told me you were here so... Here I am..." Tori said smiling

Jade smiled back at her for a second, before she appeared shocked "Tori you don't have license yet you drove at night all the way here just to apologize to me?" Jade asked her

"Yes Jade... I couldn't wait the whole night to make up with you. I was already missing you like crazy" Tori replied to her girlfriend with a shy smile.

"I love you babygirl" Jade said with unshed tears in her eyes

"I love you too" Tori replied also struggling not to cry again.


"Do you think your sister will be mad at us if we leave her car here and we drive back to your place with mine?" Jade asked her girlfriend after they said their goodbyes to Sam and Cat and were out of their door hand in hand.

Tori laughed "I have no doubts about that... But she can easily take a cab tomorrow morning and come pick her car here, no big deal. Let's go! I can't wait to fully make up to you!" Tori said excited while squeezing Jade's hand.

Jade smirked before saying: "Oh my gosh! I'm so horny right now! Can't wait to have you in my bed Jade!" she said in her mocking imitation of Tori's voice.

"Hey! I don't talk like that!" was her girlfriend's obvious reply.

Jade chuckled "And by the way... I'm you know... Sorry I called you dumb" 

Tori smiled "It's okay you were right. I'm your dumb girl so I'll take it" 

"No Tor I'm serious I was joking before. And earlier ai was just mad. But I apologize. You're amazing. Not dumb" Jade said looking at her girlfriend serious. 

Tori felt her heart flutter as she leaned on her for a kiss "You're too" she whispered against her lips "Amazing not dumb" they both laughed locking lips again. 


7 months later

Tori and Jade were now attending their last year at Hollywood Arts, and they couldn't be happier together. That day they had been invited to attend a show where their friend Sam volunteered to jump with a bike over a tank full of killer tuna fishes. Tori was quite worried for her:

"Jade you think she will be able to do it? I think it's too risky, even for her..." the worried Latina was asking her Goth girlfriend

"Relax, the girl's as tough as nails and knows what she is doing" Jade replied to her

"So you think she might be as tough as you?" Tori teased her.

Jade smirked "No one's as tough as me... But she is very close to be, that's why we get along" the Goth replied to the Latina

"Yeah Cat was apparently jealous of your friendship, that's why she invited Sam's friend, Freddie, here. To be honest, I also didn't like you and Sam hanging out so much, at the start..." Tori said to her girlfriend

"But you know that I'm only yours babe... I mean why should I want any other person when I'm dating the amazing Tori Vega?" Jade said smiling and looking at Tori.

"Baby! You're so sweet... I know I can trust you" Tori replied happily.

"Good, because I like hanging out with Sam, but with you I also like to do... other things" Jade replied winking at Tori and letting her gaze travel lower her girlfriend's body. 

Tori smirked at her "And I love letting you do those 'other things' to me" she said kissing her on the lips. 

Jade chuckled "Good, cause later I will show you exactly what I meant" the Goth replied with a smirk 

"Yay!" Tori exclaimed using an excited little girl tone of voice that made Jade laugh even more. 

In that moment Cat's Grandmother (that she called 'Nona') sat on the stands next to Jade and Tori. After a bit she recognized Jade and immediately greeted her.

"Oh hi Jade! It's so good to see you again, it's been such a long time!"

Jade rolled her eyes "Yeah, hi Nona" was her bored reply.

"Tell me Jade, are you still with that nice boy, Beck?" the woman asked her at one point.

Tori shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"No, we broke up. A long time ago actually..." Jade replied to her. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that... But who knows maybe you will be back together one day!" Cat's grandma said.

Tori frowned and decided to interject "Yeah, no. That's not going to happen, cause Jade's with me now!" she said while taking one of Jade's hands in hers in a possessive way.

Cat's grandmother looked surprised while Jade added "Yeah this gorgeous and jealous Latina, is Tori Vega, my girlfriend. We are together from nearly an year now..."

"Oh I remember Cat mentioning a friend called Tori. Nice to meet you! I'm so happy for you two. You girls make a very cute couple!" Cat's grandma said while Tori relaxed and smiled at her, replying "Thanks, it's good to meet you too, Cat talks about her 'Nona' so often!"


After talking with Cat's grandma for a bit Tori whispered to Jade "So I'm the jealous one now?"

Jade chuckled "Definetely! Every time someone talks about when me and Beck used to date, you start death glaring at them"

"Well I doubt Trina would react any differently since she is with Beck now. You also don't exactly like when I talk about my previous boyfriends..." Tori told her

"That's because they were a bunch of assholes who just wanted to get in your pants... I'm glad I was the only one able to do it in the end!" Jade said with a smug smile on her face

"And I'm glad that you're not an asshole like them!" Tori said giggling making Jade laugh too, before continuing "...Anyway, what am I supposed to do to make everyone know that you are with me now? Wear a t-shirt with 'Jade West is my girlfriend' written on it?" Tori said which made Jade smirk before

 "That's not a bad idea actually... But I think I have another one even better in mind, come on" Jade said standing up and taking Tori's hand in hers before walking down the stands with her girlfriend.

"Where are we going?" Tori asked. Jade didn't reply but lead her to Dice, Sam and Cat's friend who had organized the whole Tuna Jump event. She asked him for his microphone to make an announcement and since the show had not started yet he agreed.

Jade took the microphone still holding Tori's hand who was looking at her surprised while she started to speak. "Hello everyone!" Jade said. Everyone's attention was on them now and Tori felt herself blushing.

"...Before the show starts I just wanted to make an announcement: I, Jadeyn Egan West, am madly, deeply in love with the woman of my dreams that is currently my girlfriend: this beautiful girl, Victoria Dawn Vega" she said raising Tori's hand with hers while the Latina was blushing red all over her face. Then Jade continued "...so, just so you all know, we are already taken... That's all folks!" Jade ended her speech letting the microphone fall down at her feet with a loud sound before taking Tori's face in her hands and kissing her girlfriend on the lips. Tori was still blushing of a deep shade of red but she soon wrapped her arms around her girlfriend's waist and kissed her back. Everyone was clapping and cheering at them while they were kissing.

When they were returning back to their seats hand in hand, Tori was still blushing a little "Well, that's one hell of a way to come out to everyone! But I loved it! It was definetely the most beautiful and touching thing someone ever did for me!" she said. "I'm glad to hear it" Jade smirked.

"I love you Jade" Tori added "Love you too Tori" the Goth replied squeezing Tori's hand lightly.


After the show Tori and Jade were returning to the Latina's car, holding hands.

"I can't believe that Cat was about to jump with the bike instead of Sam, that was insane!" Tori was saying

"Yeah but seeing Freddie and Robbie almost drowning in the tuna fish tank was too funny!" Jade replied

Tori giggled nudging her girlfriend in the shoulder "Jade! I just hope they didn't got hurt too much in that tank..." 

"Don't worry babe, they didn't look that bad. I mean they looked pretty bad, but not worst than usual at least!" Jade said which made Tori laugh 

"You're so evil Jade! Hahaha" she replied

Jade smirked "I know. Anyway Sam and Cat are with them at the hospital right now" Jade said

"I just don't get why neither Cat or Sam would give those boys a chance after all this time. I mean it's clear they have a crush on them!" Tori told her girlfriend

"Well sometimes it's not easy to admit that you have feelings for a certain person..." Jade said looking at Tori, who smiled at her 

"Oh don't I know..." the Latina said before kissing her girlfriend briefly on the lips.

Jade seemed to think about something before she continued "But maybe there's more to this story than we realize... Are we even sure that Sam and Cat were jealous of their respective boys, and not of each other? Afterall Cat was willing to jump with a bike in Sam's place..." she said

"You think...? No way! Sam and Cat?" Tori asked her girlfriend, smiling

"Only time will tell. Maybe they want to be more than just friends... they just need to figure it out, you know... like we did" Jade said smiling aswell.

Tori nodded happily "Maybe you're right. Come on let's go to my car"

"So glad you were finally able to pass the driving test and get your license Vega, it was about time!" Jade said to her girlfriend.

"Yeah! Now I can enjoy driving you wherever you want to go sweetheart! So... about tonight... my place or yours?" Tori asked her

"Well, I think you don't want to risk your dad catching us at your place again..." Jade said trying to hold in laughter.

"Ugh... Don't remind me... that was the most embarassing moment of my whole life!" Tori interjected

"My mom won't be back before tomorrow, so... definetely my house!" Jade answered her smiling.

"Good, let's go love" Tori told her with a seductive tone of voice leading her girlfriend to her car.

The two girls didn't know where life would have led them in the future... But they were sure about one thing: they were in love, so they would have spent it together, no matter what.


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