A Jori Story: After The Plati...

By Darkob996

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Read for days with this Jori fanfic with over 50 chapters! The first 16 are the complete main story, the foll... More

Chapter 1 - After the Platinum Awards
Chapter 2 - ...It wasn't true right?
Chapter 3 - Caught
Chapter 4 - We want to be a secret...?
Chapter 5 - School time
Chapter 6 - We are together!
Chapter 7 - First Date
Chapter 8 - Tori's first time
Chapter 9 - The morning after...
Chapter 10 - Jade meets Tori's parents
Chapter 11 - You don't know me
Chapter 12 - After the Full Moon Jam
Chapter 13 - Jade's mom
Chapter 14 - Love is in the air
Final Chapter - Jori and the Killer Tuna Jump
Special Chapter - Brain Squeezers
Special Chapter 2 - Jori and Sam & Cat
Special Chapter 3 - The Chat
Special Chapter 4 - The proposal
Special Chapter 5 - Flashbacks and shocking news
Prequel Chapter
Special Chapter 6 - Tori and Jade talk to Trina
Special Chapter 7 - I kissed a girl...
Special Chapter 8 - Star Spangled Jori
Special Chapter 9 - The Vega-West family
Special Chapter 10 - The 100 days kiss
Special Chapter 11 - During Tori and Jade's first year
Special Chapter 12 - Tori and Jade's family life
Special Chapter 13 - Jealous Jade
Special Chapter 14 - Night of passion
Special Chapter 15 - Jori through the years
Special Chapter 16 - Guess who comes to dinner...
Special Chapter 17 - Love is love
Special Chapter 18 - You are my everything
Special Chapter 19 - Sleepover at Tori's
Special Chapter 20 - Jennifer and Lola
Special Chapter 21 - The Prom
Special Chapter 22 - She is my girl
Special Chapter 23 - Sweet moments
Special Chapter 24 - A crazy return
Special Chapter 25 - Married life then and now
Special Chapter 26 - Jori and their careers
Special Chapter 27 - Teenage girlfriends
Special Chapter 28 - Birthdays
Special Chapter 29 - No photoshoot
Special Chapter 30 - Ex, fans and friends
Special Chapter 31 - Doppelgangers
Special Chapter 32 - J + T = Forever
Special Chapter 33 - A Christmas Jori

Chapter 15 - Parents and jealousy

6.9K 89 159
By Darkob996

"Dad... What are you doing here? And I thought you had to work mom!" Jade told her parents after a moment of silence.

"My assistant Amanda will be at the convention I was supposed to attend in Fresno, and your father was also able to take some time off his work to talk to you"

"Jade it's good to see you, it's been a long time" her dad started to say standing up from the couch and approaching his daughter. He tried to put an hand on her shoulder but she pulled back.

"Yeah, no shit dad... You prefer to talk to me at the phone, so if you are here now I guess mom already filled you in on everything" Jade said stepping closer to Tori and taking her hand. She noticed that her girlfriend was slightly shaking, which meant she was nervous so Jade squeezed her hand a little to reassure her.

"Yeah, actually... Your mother told me that you are seeing a girl" her father continued

"It's not just any girl, it's her, and I'm not just seeing her, I'm in love with her!" Jade said while turning to see Tori who had a shy but grateful smile on her face. Mr. West seemed to look at Tori better.

Tori was unsure of what to do during such a tense moment but in the end she decided to extend an hand and try to greet her girlfriend's dad "Nice to meet you Mr. West, I'm Victoria Vega. Tori if you want... I don't know if you remember me but I helped your daughter with the play you attended last year" she said. Mr. West looked at her hand for a second than took it and shook it. He had a firm grip. "I vaguely remember, I am Sean West, Jade's father" he said. Tori nodded at him.

"So why are you here? Let me guess, mom wanted your help to convince me that this is just a phase and that I made a wrong decision? Well spare me because..."

"No Jade, it's not like that, please let's all have a talk". Jade's mom interrupted her and stood up motioning them to follow her and her ex husband in the kitchen. Jade seemed surprised and looked at Tori who nodded at her.

After following Jade's parents in the kitchen they all sit at the table, Tori and Jade next to each other. Tori took Jade's hand under the table and Jade squeezed it again, feeling grateful to have her girlfriend by her side. They were all silent for several seconds when Jade started to speak "So why am I attending this family reunion?"

"Jade, the reason I called your dad is because in the past couple of days I thought a lot about you and Tori. And about what your... girlfriend said in particular" Emily told her. 

Tori released a surprised "Oh...?" with a low voice. 

Jade was still looking at her mom. Emily briefly smiled at Tori before she continued to talk with her daughter "She said that you want us to be part of your life and that's what your dad and I want too. You are right, we've been too distant from you while you were growing up. But we want to make up for that... So... our first step is accepting your relationship with Tori. She is very wise for her age considering the things she said the other day, so I have to say that you couldn't choose a better girl to be with" she said looking at Tori again.

"I... didn't realize I was so convincing... But thank you, it means a lot to me hmm..." Tori said shyly.

"Please feel free to call me Emily" Jade's mom said. Tori nodded smiling and trying to hold her tears back. She brushed Jade's hand with her thumb and looked at her. She had an indecipherable expression on her face. After a bit Emily started to look at her daughter too, but Jade was looking at her dad who was simply looking down thoughtful.

"If that's true, I want to hear it from dad too..." Jade finally said.

Mr. West lifted his eyes to look at his daughter and after a moment he started to speak "Well Jade... Your mother sure had more time to process all of this. I honestly can't say I'm not surprised. I mean I didn't even know you weren't with that Bobby guy anymore..."

"His name is Beck, we broke up months ago. I didn't tell you because I didn't think you would care, as you never even asked me to meet him in more than two years that we were together. You simply don't care about what I do" Jade interjected

"That's were you are wrong Jade... I should have been more interested about him, that's true, afterall he was your boyfriend. But I definetely care about you and your life choices, Jade. You're my daughter. When you decided to attend Hollywood Arts, I used to think that you were just wasting your time, but I was wrong. And I realized that after attending your play last year..."

"Really?" Jade asked him

"Of course. I told you it was excellent" he replied

"Yeah, but I remember your expression that day. It didn't look like you were too enthusiast about it..." Jade said.

"I wasn't because I was feeling guilty... Guilty, because while watching your play I realized I made a mistake by not understanding your passions before, when you were younger. I wanted to tell you that, but I've never been good to talk about my feelings, and for that I apologize to you" Sean West said.

"I guess you and me are identical on certain aspects then..." Jade said to her dad before glancing at Tori, who was smiling at her.

"But that spark you have in your eyes when you look at her..." her father continued to say motioning to Tori after Jade had looked at her "It's the same you had when you wanted to attend Hollywood Arts, and I wasn't agree... And you proved me wrong. You proved me how much you cared about your dreams and that performing was really your way. I'm sorry for not believing in you" Jade's father paused. A tear escaped from one of Jade's eye but she quickly wiped it. "But I promise I won't to do the same mistake twice... If this girl... Victoria right?" he asked and Tori nodded, but Jade corrected him "She goes by Tori" so her father continued "Tori... If she is really so important to you, and you care about her to the point of saying that you're in love with her... I won't be opposed to your relationship. You are almost an adult now, and you are very smart and capable of making your own decisions. So, you have my blessing" he concluded.

Tori was wiping tears from her eyes with a tissue, while Jade looked dazed and was slightly shaking.

"Mom... Dad... thank you" was all she was able to say after a long silence before burying her face in her hands and starting to sob because of her tears of joy. Tori started to hug her, crying on her own, while Jade's mother stood up and after a second of hesitation she started to hug both of them.

"It's ok girls... I'm so sorry I reacted that way, when you first told me about you. I made a mistake, I apologize" she said, her voice shaking like she was trying to hold her tears too.

After some moments Jade stood up and Tori released her so that her girlfriend could hug her mom better. Jade's dad also stood up in that moment and waited for her ex wife to release his daughter to hug her too. After hugging Jade, Sean patted an hand a couple of times on Tori's shoulder nodding at her.

Tori couldn't be happier to see Jade bonding with her parents again, and knowing that finally her parents knew about them and accepted their relationship...

From now on things are going to be always better for us the Latina thought with a wide smile on her face while watching her girlfriend wiping her tears and smiling a bit embarassed but happy.


Two months later

In the last two months many things happened for the couple. Tori and Jade had spent time with both of the Goth's parents, having dinner with her mom and go eating more than once with Jade's dad at the same italian restaurant where her parents used to take her as a kid, and also the same where Tori and Jade had their first date. They really seemed determined to keep their promise of being part of their daughter's life. Both girls couldn't be happier. Even if Jade was trying to act like her usual self at school, everyone was noticing her good mood. Jade couldn't help it... She couldn't even remember the last time she had felt so happy. And she knew it was all thanks to Tori. For that reason Jade started to be all lovey-dovey with Tori when they were alone. She wanted to make her girlfriend just as happy as she was. Jade had not been a very good girlfriend when she was with Beck especially when it came to making presents. She could still remember how she had gotten the boy a can of lemonade for his birthday once... But now she wanted to change that, cause she knew Tori was into this kind of sappy stuff. And it was worth doing it just to see her girlfriend smile at her. 

So for the week leading to their third month anniversary Jade made sure to have a gift for Tori each day. Chocolate bunnies, flowers, a ring with a tiny but beautiful gem with the shape of an heart on it, a pair of expensive shoes that Jade had seen Tori looking in a shop once while they were hanging out, a new laptop with a mixer program for her songs and the DVD of the Notebook (that even though it was a film that Jade hated, she knew that was one of her girlfriend's all time favorite romantic movies so she even made the effort of watching it with her). Tori loved each of Jade's presents and how much she cared for their anniversary, but she was a bit mad at her at the same time for spending so much money for her. She kept telling Jade that being with her was all she needed to be happy, and that she didn't need her to buy her so much stuff. But Jade simply ignored her protests. Tori's present for Jade, for their third month together, was a golden necklace with a pendant: a replica in scale of the pair of scissors of the movie The Scissoring, the same used as a weapon by Tawny the main character of Jade's favorite movie. Tori made sure that the scissors really cut before buying them and also asked the shop were she bought the item to make their names engraved on the blades 'Jade' on one and 'Tori' on the other. Jade liked the present so much that she almost had tears in her eyes after Tori gave it to her and helped her to put it around her neck. Jade's final present for Tori was inviting her at her house for dinner a day that her mom was off to work, and after eating, taking the Latina to bed blindfolded before removing her blindfold and revealing to Tori that she had lit up all of her room's candles, before undressing and showing her that underneath her clothes she was wearing only a black transparent baby-doll. Tori's eyes went wide at the sight while Jade told her "I saved your favorite plate for last". Needless to say, after that, Tori practically jumped her girlfriend and made love to her for the rest of the night. 

Their relationship was going so well that Tori decided to give Jade a pair of her house keys so that she could sneak into her house and sleep with her every time she wanted. Some nights it was not even to have sex, but just to cuddle and sleep together in each other's arms, which was also extremely pleasing for both girls. Tori had a couple of Jade's pajamas in her room and had even bought her girlfriend a personal toothbrush that she was keeping in her bath, for when Jade used to spend the night. Every time Jade slept with Tori at her house, the following morning the Goth used to wake up early to go outside and ring at the doorbell to pretend with her parents to have just arrived to have breakfast with Tori before taking her to school. One morning that Jade had slept in, Tori's mom was already awake when she was coming downstairs to leave the house and pretend to have just arrived like usual. When Molly saw her she simply greeted her by saying: "Good morning Jade, you slept in today... Breakfast's ready", letting her know that she was aware that she used to spend the night at their house very often and that she was okay with it. Luckily, Tori's father didn't know, since being a cop, he often had to work at night or early in the morning, so now Tori and Jade only had to do this for him and Trina (who would have certainly complained about the fact that Tori could sleep with Jade in her room, while her parents wouldn't allow her to do the same with Beck).

Many things happened at school too. Beck and Trina were still together, and the older Vega was always bragging about her boyfriend with everyone. Surprisingly, Beck really liked that. The school also hosted a dance called the 'CoWow' which was a mix between an Hawaiian and Cowboy themed party. Tori sang with André the song 'Here's 2 Us' which was a huge success and her girlfriend, Jade was more than happy to show her how much she loved it, later on that night... At that same dance Robbie kissed Cat, but the redhead had ran away from him after the kiss despite having clearly showed to be jealous of him when he had invited another girl at the dance. She was still unsure whether she just wanted to be friends with him or more... Tori and André made also another song together called 'Faster than boyz'. To write the song with Tori, the young boy had spent several nights at her house to stay away from his crazy Grandmother, much to Jade's annoyance, since despite knowing that Tori and André were just good friends, she was still madly jealous of the fact that the boy had practically moved to her girlfriend's house to write his song. So Jade made sure to stay at Tori's house with her and André as much as possible during those days. One time Tori even caught her trying to spy on them from her glass backside door. Jade was trying to see if Tori and André used to act differently with each other when she wasn't around. But obviously that wasn't the case. Tori wanted to be mad at Jade for not trusting her, but the truth was that she couldn't stay mad at her girlfriend cause she liked the fact that Jade was so jealous and possessive of her... For Tori it was simply another proof of how much Jade cared for her and how deeply in love she was with her.

Many other things happened at school, while their couple became stronger every day. 


That day Sikowitz made a bet for the gang daring them to say 'yes' to everything and anything for a whole day (except for things like kissing another person against their will, or dangerous and illegal things). Tori knew the perfect thing to ask Jade and was now talking about it in the school's hallway with Cat who was wearing her pajelehoocho...

"I'll ask Jade to watch the final Twilight movie with me, tonight! I just bought the DVD!" she was saying

"That's great! I went to see it in theater when it came out! But I thought Jade hated the Twilight movies?" Cat replied to her

"Yeah, she says they have no horror in them despite being about vampires and werewolves, and she hates romantic movies..." Tori said. Cat nodded smiling, while Tori continued "Jade and I are together from quite some time now, but she never let me choose the movie we watch when we decide to have a movie night. She only watched The Notebook with me and just because it was her gift for me, for our three months together..."

Cat giggled

"That's not funny! Do you have any idea how many horrors, thrillers and action movies from her collection I had to watch? She made me see things like Jaws, Scarface and even The Scissoring again!" 

"I tried watching The Scissoring with Jade once and the intro alone was so scary, I still have bad dreams about it!" Cat said shivering. 

Tori continued "Yeah, well Jade made me watch it three times already... I thought I could handle it better after the second time, but I still found it horrible. I love my girlfriend but sometimes I really don't know how a beautiful girl like her can enjoy watching such violent and gruesome stuff! And not just the movies... She even made me play a videogame called 'Resident Evil' once where I kept dying trying to fight an angry guy with a chainsaw ugh"

"One time my brother played that game, but he confused it with real life and spent a whole month saying that he had to go to Spain to save the president's daughter from a bunch of monsters. He was in therapy for a long time..." Cat interjected 

"Oh... hmmm yeah I hope he gets better... anyway you remember that we can't say 'No' to anything today or we will lose the bet we made with Sikowitz?" Tori asked her


"That's how I will make Jade watch 'Breaking Dawn part 2' tonight!".

But what Tori didn't know was that Jade was listening behind some nearby lockers. Despite loving her girlfriend she really hated that kind of movies and didn't want to be trickered into watching them. So she knew the perfect way to escape that situation.

As Jade approached them, Tori started to say "Hey love, I wanted to ask-" but Jade quickly cut her off

"Hey babe, sorry, need to talk to Cat for a second, hey Cat remember earlier when you asked me if I wanted to come over to your Grandma's house to make some home made pizza, yes?" "Hmmm" Cat seemed to try her best to remember 

"Say yes Cat" Jade continued

"Oh... yeah I... think" the redhead finally said looking uncertain.

Jade smirked "Good. Well yes, I will come to your house after school to make some home made pizza. But you'll owe me babygirl." 

Tori looked at her shocked for a moment "You call her 'babygirl', too?" 

"Yeah sometimes she calls me that ever since middle school. And I call her Jadey!" Cat giggled. 

"And I keep telling you to not call me that since then!" Jade told the red headed girl before smirking when she noticed Tori's jealous expression "Why? Jealous much Tor?" 

Tori blushed but pretend to look unfaced "Tsk of course n..."

"Hey! You can't say no today! Remember Sikowitz?" Jade replied teasingly repeating their teacher's words. 

"Whatever" Tori said crossing her arms looking down. 

Jade got closer to her girlfriend lifting her chin to make her look at her "I'm just teasing you babe. You know it has a whole different meaning when I call you babygirl" 

Tori started grinning and Jade pecked her lips, making Cat go 'Awww' 

"But today I'm really busy with this goofball" Jade continued tilting her head towards Cat "You're ok with that, right Tor?" Jade asked her girlfriend smirking

Tori started to pout again "Oh... Well, I have to say yes, right? I'll watch the new Twilight movie with Trina I guess..."

"Atta girl" Jade said kissing Tori briefly, once more. Tori smiled but as they were going to their respective classes, she couldn't help but feel a little annoyed that her girlfriend had anticipated her plan. 


While in her biology class Tori saw Meredith sitting next to her that day.

"Hi Tori" she greeted her

"Hey Meredith what's up?" Tori asked her seeing the other girl's gaze lingering on her.

"Well, sorry to bother you, but before in the hallway, I casually heard you talking with your girlfriend and that other redheaded girl, Cat I think? Anyway, you like Twilight? Cause I simply love that saga!" she said

Tori smiled "Oh my gosh, same! After watching the final movie I was thinking about reading all of the books too!" she said

Meredith giggled "Well I've read all the books already, but I was too busy to go see the last movie in theater when it came out"

"Me too! I think I was writing a song or something when the movie was in theater" Tori said

"I understand completely. Afterall an amazing singer like you needs time to write her songs!" Meredith told her smiling

"Aw thank you, you're very kind" Tori replied to the girl.

"Anyway I'm such a die hard fan of Twilight that I had to watch all of the movies too. I even have them on DVD, except for the last one... So I was wondering..." she stopped, looking a bit shy

"Oh, you want to watch the movie with me and my sister today?" Tori asked her

"C... can I?" Meredith asked

"Sure! Come over to my house at six ok?" Tori told her.

"But... I don't know where you live" Meredith said

"Oh right! Silly me, here's my address" Tori said writing her address on a piece of paper and handing it to her.

"You want to exchange numbers just in case?" Meredith asked her.

"Sure, why not?"  Tori replied and the two girls took their respective Pearphones to exchange their numbers.

Then Meredith said "Great! You are so cool Tori! Even if I read the book I still can't wait to watch the final movie!"

"Well I didn't read the book so I'm practically dying to watch Breaking Dawn part 2! I just wish my girlfriend would watch it with us but apparently she would rather do anything else!" Tori said pouting a little

"Aww Jade doesn't like Twilight?" Meredith asked her.

"Unfortunately no. She told me she saw the first movie, but she didn't like it... Anyway I want some spoilers from the book cause I don't think I can wait till this evening to know what will happen now that Bella is a vampire!" But then Tori stopped talking for a second to think about it before continuing. "On second thought, no, I don't like spoilers... But problem is, I also don't like to wait!... So, I don't know! Help!" Tori said excited making a goofy face with her head between her hands that made Meredith laugh. "You're so funny Tori!" Meredith said touching Tori's leg for a couple of seconds while laughing, but in that moment the Latina didn't find it weird. Tori was just thinking to have met another friend, and was happy about it, especially because this new friend loved Twilight even more than her.

"I can give you a ride home later if you want, so we can talk about the saga a little" Meredith continued to say.

"Jade takes me home, but maybe the three of us can take a coffee together after school, what do you think?" Tori asked her.

"Oh, I would love to, but I don't think Jade likes me much... And I am... kinda scared of her" Meredith replied.

"She just doesn't know you very well. And don't worry about her, I can assure you she doesn't bite... Most of the time" Tori said chuckling.

"Well thank you, but actually now that I think about it, I have some stuff to do before coming to your house. So I think I'll just see you later to watch the movie. See you at six yes?" Meredith asked

"Sure can't wait to know how the series will end!" Tori said

"I read it... You will love it!" Meredith exclaimed while the biology teacher entered the class

Tori smiled at her


After school Jade was taking Tori home. But the two girls were having an argument.

"...I still don't understand why you invited that bitch to your house" Jade was saying

"Jade! Meredith is not a... bad person, she said she loves Twilight just like me... Plus we can't say 'no' to anything today remember?" Tori told her

"So a stupid bet is more important than our relationship to you?" Jade asked her

"What? Why would you even think that Meredith coming over to my house has anything to do with our relationship? Babe you know I love you, but that doesn't mean I can't feel free to invite a friend to my house without your permission!" Tori said

"I bet that skank was hitting on you just like she was doing all the time with Beck when I was with him... What is it with that girl trying to steal everything that is mine? Dammit!..." Jade said sounding always angrier.

"She wasn't hitting on me! And I'm sure she wasn't hitting on Beck either, when you were with him. I can't picture such a nice person like her trying to steal someone else's girlfriend or boyfriend..." Tori replied but Jade cut her off again

"Not everyone is like you Tori, and... What? Did you just say she is nice?? What else? You also think she is hot?" Jade said looking mad at her girlfriend.

"Don't be ridiculous Jade! You know I only have eyes for you. Why we can't be friends with her?" Tori asked.

"Because I don't like her and she clearly wants more than being friends with you. And I don't share my girlfriend with anyone. Even if apparently you have no problem to date someone else... Goddammit!" Jade replied angry, looking back at the road and punching the wheel making the horn sound.

"Will you stop being ridiculous Jade?! Meredith and I are just going to watch a movie!" Tori shouted at her girlfriend "And I was going to ask you to come to my house first, but you said you were busy with Cat today. Remember?" Tori continued.

Jade released a frustrated groan "That was before... Nevermind. Trina will be with you two right? You won't be alone with her?"

"Of course! Beck told me, he goes to a drag race with Sinjin today... as weird as it may sound... so Treen will certainly be at home"

"Good, I feel a bit better already. But just barely..." Jade replied releasing a long breath

"Really Jade? This again? You seriously can't trust me enough to leave me alone with a friend for a couple of hours?" Tori asked a bit offended

"It's not that... It's just... that Meredith..." Jade groaned again while she was parking in the Vega's driveway. When she parked Tori smiled tenderly at her and released her seatbelt leaning closer to her girlfriend to kiss her on the cheek.

"Jade, baby, one of the reason I love you is because you care about me so much, that you just can't stop being jealous of me... But you have to listen when I tell you that you have nothing to worry about. I love you and only you, you are the only woman for me. The only person I want to be with." Tori told her.

Jade smiled while looking at her girlfriend "I trust you... But not her"

"Don't worry, I don't think Meredith is even into girls. Afterall she wanted to date Beck just few months ago, remember?" Tori said

"Yeah well I was dating Beck just few months ago and now look at me" Jade said grabbing Tori's chin with one hand and leaning closer to the Latina to kiss her hard on the lips "You're so sexy... You have the potential to turn any girl into a lesbian, Vega" she said when she pulled away.

Tori giggled at that "Look, Trina will be with us, I would have never invited her if I thought we were alone, so don't worry babe"

After reassuring her girlfriend and kissing her again Tori returned to her house.


It was 5:37 PM, when Tori was putting snacks and a bowl of popcorns on her coffee table preparing her TV and DVD player for the movie. Meredith had texted her soon after school telling her that she was very hyped to see the movie with the emoji of a kiss. Tori had replied just with a smiley and a thumb up. She had told Jade that her and Meredith had exchanged numbers, but not about the text. She didn't want to make her girlfriend even more jealous, also she was sure that Meredith was just being friendly. In that moment Trina was coming downstairs. She seemed ready to go out.

"Trina where are you going? I thought Beck was at that race tonight..." Tori asked her

"He is, but today we shoot a new episode of 'Divertisimo', so I have to go!" Trina replied

"What?! I thought we would watch the new Twilight movie together today!" Tori exclaimed

"Yeah well I have to work, your sister is an important and requested star Tori!" Trina exclaimed

Tori rolled her eyes sighing while Trina continued

"Another time! You know I also want to see that movie. But before I go, can you look at my shoulder it hurts!" Trina said turning her back to her sister so that Tori could look.

"Gosh, Treen! You have a huge pimple on your shoulder! Either that or a small volcano!" Tori said looking disgusted.

"Well pop it, it hurts, come on!" Trina yelled at her.

Oh dammit I have to say 'Yes' now because of that stupid Sikowitz bet – Tori thought.

"Ooook... Yes" she said popping her sister's pimple with an even more disgusted face.

"Ugh... Trina don't ever make me do something like this again!" Tori said to her sister who was already at the door "Yeah, yeah, bye baby sis!" she said.

While Tori was washing her hands in the kitchen sink she was thinking:

Maybe I should call Meredith to tell her I'm busy today and just join Jade and Cat at her Grandma's in Venice... Jade would come pick me up in no time... She would certainly prefer to drive all the way here from Cat's house and then back to Venice rather than leave me alone with Meredith... But I wanted to watch this movie from so long... Oh come on we are just two fans of the saga watching a movie, we aren't doing anything bad... What, just because I'm a lesbian, I can't have friends that happen to be girls now, because my girlfriend is too jealous of me? Jade's alone with Cat too right now and I'm not jealous... Well, I trust both Jade and Cat though. Jade on the other hand doesn't trust Meredith... Ok then, I'll call Jade to let her know that Trina had to leave and ask her to come here to...

But before she could completely dry her hands her doorbell rang interrupting her thoughts and Tori had to go open the door. It was Meredith of course. She arrived earlier than expected.

"Hey Tori, look what I brought!" she said waving a dvd box set in front of her

"Hi Meredith. Is that a collection of the previous Twilight movies?" Tori exclaimed excited

"Yesss! I know I should have waited for the last one to buy something like this, but I just couldn't wait! These are special editions, so they are full of extras! Deleted scenes, making ofs, interviews of the cast..." Meredith was saying.

"So cool! Maybe after the new movie we can watch some of these extras!" Tori said picking the boxset in her hands to look at it better, even more excited

"Of course that's why I brought them!" she replied

"Come in!" Tori told her and Meredith entered her house, starting to looking around.

"Love your house!" she said after some moments

"Aw thank you" Tori replied

"That's the piano where you wrote and played the song 'Cheer me up'! I loved it! I saw the video on TheSlap! Is it true that Mason Thornesmith wanted you to open the Platinum Awards a few months ago, after you've sent him a clip of that song?"

Tori looked at her surprised "That's... correct... Didn't know I had a fan at school!" she said

"Are you kidding me? Girl, you sang at the freaking Platinum Music Awards! Everyone admires you at school, you're so talented and funny and beautiful... I mean it's not a secret that you are also very good looking" Meredith said trying to cover her blush

Tori started to feel embarassed and a bit uncomfortable "Oh... huh, thank you"

Is she... flirting with me? Oh my god, maybe Jade was right! No it can't be, she is just being nice. That's all... but I need to call Jad...

"Where's your sister? She doesn't watch the movie with us?" Meredith asked interrupting Tori's thoughts again.

"What? Oh, hmm no, she had to shoot an episode of a mexican tv show called 'Divertisimo' today. I usually switch off my brain when she talks so I must have forgotten about it earlier"

"Oh yeah, I heard she had a part in that show"

"Yeah she told practically everyone at school..." Tori said rolling her eyes

"What about your parents?"

"My father had a couple of weeks of vacation from work so they took a trip to Europe... I wanted to go too, but you know, I have school, and... to be honest I think my parents didn't want to leave Trina alone for too long or we might have found the house burnt down when we came back". Both Tori and Meredith laughed at that.

"Come on, what are you waiting for, can't wait to watch the movie!" Meredith said sitting on one sofa. Tori nodded and went to put the DVD in the player.

Tori made sure to sit very distant from Meredith, on the opposite sofa, as they started watching the movie.


When the movie ended Tori and Meredith couldn't stop talking about it excited like two prep girls. They started to watch some of the extra of the previous movies. Tori had long forgotten to call Jade to tell her that she was alone with Meredith, when she went to put another disc in the DVD player. When she went back, she sat on the sofa where Tori was lying this time. Meredith started to get always closer to her, but Tori was choosing the interviews of the cast she wanted to see with her remote, and didn't even notice that.

"I love Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson! I can't decide if they are cuter together as themselves or as Bella and Edward!" Tori said choosing the interview of the two actors looking excited at the TV screen. Meredith was looking at her from very close instead "Me too..." she replied, but she had barely listened to what the Latina had said.

They also rewatched some of their favorites scenes of the previous movies with the comments of the actors from the many DvDs of the Twilight series Meredith had. They continued to watch them till way past 11 PM, until Tori started to yawn and decided to stop the DVD they were watching. She turned to look at Meredith and only in that moment Tori became aware of how close the other girl was to her. Her head was laying on her shoulder as she was playing with some strands of Tori's long hair. Meredith was looking at her and didn't even seem to have noticed that Tori had stopped the DvD. Tori's eyes went wide in realization. She immediately pulled away from Meredith making her head almost fall on the sofa. But the girl remained still very close to her.

"Well hmmm, don't you have to go? I mean, we had a great movie night but... I think it's a bit late now, so..." Tori was saying but Meredith interrupted her 

"Tori can I tell you a secret?" she asked her.

"Hmmm... I think so?" the Latina replied, growing worried of what Meredith might have said

"I have like... a huge crush on you" Meredith said confirming Tori's fears

Tori's mouth fell open. She felt so stupid for not having realized Meredith's intentions sooner. If she had just listened to Jade, she wouldn't have invited Meredith to her house to begin with, and now she wouldn't have been in this situation. And instead she had even forgotten to tell Jade that she was alone with Meredith in that moment. Tori, quickly regained control of herself determined to reject Meredith and threw her out of her house as fast as possible "Meredith, how can you tell me this? You know that I'm with Jade, and we're happy together. I love her and she loves me." Tori said while Meredith looked down sad. She said nothing so Tori continued "I think it's better if you go now... I'm sorry if I'm being rude but..." 

But Meredith cut her off "If you're so happy together, where's Jade now? She found an excuse to not have to watch a movie you like. She is so selfish and arrogant. She doesn't deserve you Tori, and you don't even realize it!"

"You're wrong Meredith. Jade is an amazing person. You don't know her like I do. You just see the mask she puts on every day. I've always seen through it. And now that we're together, she takes that mask off more and more often when she is with me. And I love her for that" Tori said

"But you two are so different, how could you even fall for someone like Jade West?" Meredith asked her

"Jade and I might not have many things in common, but that's exactly why we are so good together: we are different so we complete each another. I think we're the living proof that opposites attracts. We are in love. She is my soulmate, so if she doesn't want to watch a movie with me every now and then, it's really not a problem cause she makes me happy in countless other ways. That said, I think you should really go now Mered..." Tori was saying but Meredith interrupted her again.

"You know Tori... the reason why I always wanted boys' approval and to please them at every cost is that I was actually unsure with them. Most of the time I felt like I had to be with boys, because that's what people expected me to do, you know, even though it wasn't what I really wanted... I actually found myself more and more to be attracted to girls" Tori gulped at that and was mentally cursing herself for forgotting to call or text Jade earlier, while Meredith was continuing "I thought a boy like Beck would have changed my mind, but it didn't work... And when I saw you and Jade kissing so openly in front of a crowd of people that night few months ago, at the Full Moon Jam... I thought that if you had the courage to do that, I needed to have the strenght to do what I wanted too. To come out to my parents, and stop being afraid to find the girl of my dreams... A girl like you" Meredith said ending her speech

Tori just wanted to get away from Meredith as soon as possible. For a second she thought about pushing Meredith off the couch and literally dragging her out of the house... But in the end her caring side and good manners had the best of her so Tori decided to be nice to Meredith and just explain her that she loved her girlfriend and therefore wasn't interested in her... Even though she had already tried to tell her that with not much success.

"Meredith, I'm flattered I guess that I have the... admiration of a nice girl like you, and I'm glad you were able to come out thanks to me and Jade, but she is the girl I love. And this will never change, I'm sor..." but before she could finish Meredith threw her arms around her neck and tried to kiss her. Tori was able to stop her halfway, pushing with her hands against her shoulders, but Meredith didn't pull away. 

"Stop! Meredith, what are you doing?!? STOP!!" Tori was yelling at her trying to stand up.

But Meredith ignored her. She threw a leg on Tori's lap blocking her on the couch while still trying to pull her close to her with her arms around her neck "Please Tori, just one kiss!" she was saying

"NO! Get away from me! I don't want..." Tori was protesting, but in the end Meredith was able to pull Tori close enough to her to be able to kiss her on the lips. Tori was trying to push her away with all of her strenght to make Meredith release her but the girl didn't seem to give up easily, as she had now an hand on the back of Tori's head and kept pushing the Latina's face on her own, trying to keep her mouth on hers as best as she could, despite Tori's efforts to pull away. Tori was beginning to punch at her shoulders to make Meredith release her when in that moment the sound of a door opening startled Meredith making Tori finally be able to pull away from her. Tori looked over the other girl's shoulders to see who was at the door. 

It was Jade. 

She was looking at them from the doorway. The expression on her face was a mix of shock, hurt and anger. Tears were quickly forming in the Goth's eyes.

"I knew it! And to think I was feeling guilty for not watching that stupid movie with you!" she yelled, her voice loud but cold.

"Jade, no! It's not what you think! She..." Tori exclaimed pushing Meredith's leg off her lap and standing up from the couch. But Jade was already out of the house again after slamming the door shut. 

Tori immediately went to follow her but Meredith stopped her grabbing her wrist and standing up aswell "Tori wait, I'm sorry abo..." before she could finish Tori pulled free from her grip and slapped Meredith so hard in the face that the girl landed back on the couch with an hand covering her cheek, where Tori's palm had just hit her face.

"Shut up! You've done enough! Jade was right about you!" Tori told her before storming out of the door to try to catch her girlfriend and explain her everything.

She has to believe me... She needs to... Tori thought

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