PLL NEXT CHAPTER: Chloe Marin...


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Chloe, the youngest Marin, none other than Hanna's little sister, thought that returning to Rosewood was a ri... More

1st: Pilot
2nd: Trouble is A friend
3rd: A Starry night
4th: A night to remember
5th: Unholy Confession
6th: Kiss No Tell
7th: Truth to be youth
Special Notes!
8th: Memento
9th: A scattered party
10th: Safe But Sour
11th: Kept in the dark
12th: And there she goes again
13th: The Rabbits in the hole
15th: You can always have me
16th: And there she confessed
17th: The man behind his mask
18th: Strike it up Mr. Rollins
19th: No more lies
20th: Bitter Than What was Expected
21st: Game on
22nd: Cheese in the trap
23rd: Total Eclipse of broken heart
24th: Walking into the light
25th: Too good to be true
26th: All at once in one night
27th: Someone had been lurking on the other side
28th: Face it
29th: Up Against The Odds

14th: The Rabbits in the hole part.2

72 2 0

Oliver groans as I put the gauze on several bruises on his face. He winced every time I asked him to stop whining.

I picked up Oliver at the Center Point. I took him to my house by cab.

Apparently, he had just taken a trial to qualify for an underground fighting tournament. His opponent was quite huge and, more surprisingly, he won. I think I want to shout at him so that he won't involve himself again in that stupid illegal match just for money. I hate seeing him getting all injure like this. It's enough his father pouring all jackass to him.

It took longer time to convince him that I was fine after he saw the bruise near my eye and also the bandage in my hand. I can't help but tell him about my fight at The Brew with Sara Harvey.

"For God's sake, Chloe. If only I had been there, I would have kicked that woman's ass for hurting you." He says irritably. His hand touches the wound in my eye.

I chuckle softly. "This is not important."

"But why do you have to fight with her? What happened? This is nothing like you. You are not a violent person."

I heave a sigh. My eyes wells again. The more I remembered my sister, the more I couldn't help but being emotional.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He tilts up my to make me look at him. "Tell me what it is that bothering you."

This is the time when our relationship must level up. The trust should be built from now or there is no point for us to keep together.

I fall into his arms. His warm embrace for some reason has its own power to erase all my anxiety. In fact Oliver is the world's warmest hugger.

His shirt was getting wet because I was crying on his chest. But none of us pulling away from each.

I breke away from him.. Hope that nothing will ever change. I've never been this fragile. Even when I walked in a hell and heaven at Ravenswood, I could still convince myself to strengthen up.

But this time is too different. Someone who means the world to me is in danger. It's more than possible for her life to be threatened. Even though all of this were the consequences of their failed plan, somehow I'm part of this mess.

A.D also did this to punish me for ignoring the offer.

I shouldn't be this stupid...

I should have accepted the offer...

With a hammer on my heart, I told Oliver everything. At first I told him about Hanna who disappeared due to her stupid plans with her friends. Oliver listened patiently. Nodding but occasionally wrinkling his forehead. Naturally because I haven't pulling out the roots.

Part of me was hesitant to tell a tale of my past in Ravenswood and not to mention a summary of the others past with A.

I inhale a lot as he rubbed his temple. Trying to think the right words to to say. "I don't understand why you guys are so secretive if you end up hurting each other like this." He says carefully.

"I know." I murmur.

He cups my face and kisses me briefly. "What happened to your sister is not your fault. You do something right."

"What do you mean? Everything fell apart! I wish I didn't always run away everytime I did a ton of shit—"

Ollie stops me. "Hey, there's no point in taking guilty cards now. Everything happens and can't be done. Now you should focus to look for your sister."

I nod my head weakly. He's right.

"I understand that yo ... you think I'm not the girl with clean reputations. I'm a major mess." I look away to hide my emberrasment.

"Chloe, I like you just the way you are. You're different. I can see right through you like there is purity in your soul. I'm crazy for you."

Those words succeeded in making me smile a little. It turns out that for the past few days I haven't bother to engraved my lips in curl, so that it feels like one pull of a smile feels nothing.

I reach out into something from my bag. I hand him the thick brown envelope . Although he's more hesitated, he accepted it and take a look inside.

His mouth gaped in disbelief for what I had just given him. "Chloe, what the hell is this? ransom?"

I shake my head. "Please get your ass out of the stupid competition. I hate to think you were being beaten by irresponsible adults for dragging you into illegal fights. I know the risk anytime they use you. Everything is dirty there."

He blinks repeatedly. "Are you being drunk? How could you... you—" even he couldn't fathom the right word.

"I know you need a lot of money for your father's. You're too good for the guy whose always hurting you."

He's out of words. His eyes dances between the envelope and me. "No... no freaking way I take this. I don't deserve any cents from you. You force yourself too much." He tries to give it back but I reject it.

"It's too late to pulls the arrow back in the corner." I cup his face carefully not to hit the bruise on his face. "It's okay if you still want to move forward to the fights, I know you're a warrior in heart. I won't holding you back. I just want to help you. You can pay me back at any time. It's not that much."

Oliver chuckles bitterly. "Where did you get this money?"

"I sell my locket. After all, you know I'm not like the other girls who likes to wear jewelry." I say convincingly.

"I know." He sighs. "But you're not supposed to sell your valuables stuff for me."

"This is worth to try. I fight for someone special." I smile and rub his face with my thumb.

"Ohh, Chloe—" Oliver looks away. "This shouldn't have happened. You're too good for me. This will never be worth it. I'm afraid I'll hurt you. I don't deserve you."

"Just.. stop complaining and take this." I slam the envelope to his chest. "And as a catch... be the best guy I've ever met."

His calm gaze warms me up. As if there was nothing he wanted to see but me. "Chloe Alessia Marin..I love you."

My heart stops beating.

"I love you, my girl." His hands curls around my waist. "You're the best thing ever."

My eyes dance in thrilled. For a moment it made me forget my pain today. "I love you, Brantson."

I run my fingers through his hair while he crushed my lips untill my breath was cut off. Recognition of love when the world's fucked up is the best thing to deal off reality. There's no doubt.

This is love. For the first time I feel sincerity from others.

Oliver tip his head back and look at my face in adoration. The eyes never tired of staring at my lips, but we both know this is not the right time to blend our love.

"Let's go find your sister."


We drive out as long as I can recall. When I dragged him to take me trailing off Sara Harvey, he seemed doubtful. However, his doubts were proven right because Sara was no longer staying at the hotel. I can't trace her. Maybe I could ask for more help from Seth to do it. But somehow I doubt myself.

The more days before dusk, my anxiety rose to the surface. Mona texted me she and Caleb are on a woman hunt for Mary Drake (who turns out to be twin sister of Jessica Dilaurentis). Mona said she was Charlotte's biological mother.

And that means she's a person who kidnapped my sister.

For revenge.

And does that mean she is A.D?

I am not sure. Clearly I want to strangle her neck over assumptions and speculations that she is A.D. Even so, I still couldn't find the existence of that woman since Mona and Caleb were there. And others, only God-knows-where definitely won't let me do it.

I wish they only knew that I wasn't that weak.

Oliver pulls over near Lucky Leon's. "Are you okay?" he squeezes my hand to snap me back to reality.

"I should've said yes, but that would be the biggest ultimatum lie of the year." I say softly.

"Have a faith. The others are in a search party, just like us. Maybe this is the time to prove them that you're more than capable on handling chaos." He tries to convince me. And it doesn't sound a hundred percent sure.

"I hope so."

"Maybe you can think for a moment to explore clues and get some points to think about."

He made a point.

"I have no idea. My mind is burning to dead." I say weakly. "I mean, I haven't slept well. This is so infuriating. A.D took Hanna hosted for guarantee if no one could confess or track down the real Charlotte's killer. That bitch's too sneaky."

Ollie grabs my shoulders. "Try to think harder. I know it's hard but I'm sure there must be something you could overlook."

I close my eyes to look for something inside my brain. Everything is just dark absences. But when the shadow of Hanna's photo sent by A.D. make a quick appearance, all the memoris started to unfold. Along with guilt and anger, I wanted to punch the wall somewhere.

"A.D wants Charlotte's killer. Possibly for revenge and that's why she kidnapped Hanna. But Hanna faked the truth. She sacrificed herself initially to trap A.D. That led to one another." I narrate it, with my eyes keep closing.

"Okay... good. Go on."

"The main perpetrators are still unknown—nowhere to found. Anyone can be a prime candidate. But—" I swallow hard.

"What?" he urges me to keep digging.

"I don't know why I suspect this one. I mean, she's the most reliable liar. Her aliby was strong, but after years of knowing her, she was very genius and can never be underestimated. She looked stricken at her cousin's funeral, but — as far as I heard, Charlotte was A." I dig deeper. When I opened my eyes, I come to convinced of my expectations.

"Have you found a clue?" Ollie looks so curious when he sees me grinning.

"I think we need to break into Alison Dilaurentis' house." I tell him.

"Ali —Do you want us to break into a teacher's house?" That silly question made me roll my eyes.

"She only taught in freshman and Sophomore classes. Technically she is not our teacher. Besides, I'm not close to her than the others of Hanna's friends." I say in annoyed. Ollie knew that Alison was one of my sister's best friends.

"I get what you mean." He sighs. "What can you find there?"

"An evidence. Whatever it is. I will try to recalling the events of the last five years." I say confidently.

"OK. I'll be your glue."

I lean over to peck his lip. "Thanks."


It turns out that our capability to work as a teammate and broke into Ali's house run smoothly. Oliver didn't help much other than make sure the house was empty and no one came in.

I am surprised. The last time I heard in school, Alison took a few days off on family business. Her husband is rarely seen. If my memory is correct, Alison was hospitalized due to falling down the stairs.

I think it's such a grand conspiration somehow.

I opened up the wardrobe wide enough. Strangely, not much clothes on it. How come? She was into fashion.

My eyes are fix on the large box containing a collection of clothes. One of the red jackets sticks out. Once I pull it out I try to remember something.

Red coat.

Ahh right! The last time I saw Charlotte in the church, I remembered she was wearing this. It seems that this can be evidence to give to A.D.

But — what if I'm wrong? Isn't this a slander?

And if it hurts Alison then balls are on my court.

Shit, Come on, Chloe! Think about the most important thing now! Your sister's life is in the hands of a crazy psychopath! I yell inside of my head.

I reach for the red coat and rush to Oliver. He was so patient waiting for me. He just closed the phone call and looks so angry. I hope I won't bother him in a wrong space and time.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing." He shakes his head. "Will you make it proof?"

"Yeah. Just this. I'll explain later. We're really on the clock." I say quickly.

Ollie nods then open the door and let me out first. "Don't be delayed anymore."

Oliver drive his old car to Lostwood resort. It's already dark outside.

Once the car stops right in front of Lostwood. I gulp in amazement. I admit this place more likeable a place in a horror movie. I shudder in horror at the history of this cheap motel. There might have been a murder. This is a suitable place for any crimes.

"Wait from here," I tell him before I climb out of the car.

Ollie prevents me. "I have to come along."

"No! I have to do it myself. You wait from here. I'm not going anywhere but putting this under the billboard. I promise. It will be fine." I say, holding his hand.

He exhales loudly. Knowing that I can't be prevented. "I'll keep my eyes on you, then."

I smile. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

I jogged to my destination. I throw the red coat on the ground. I type a text on my phone quickly. The night wind that blew shattered the hair on my neck.




I hurried back to the car. Adrenaline whipping out of me.

"You've done a great job. I'm proud of you." Oliver reassuring me.

I tilt my head to him. "This is not just about Hanna. But, what if I'm wrong? Alison will get hurt and the fault's on my hands. God! Why do I always make stupid shits!" I burry my face in my hands.

"Hey, hey, hey. Look at me." He forcibly dropped my hands down. "You do the right thing. This is for a person you love the most in the world. Anyone will definitely do the same. Hell, Hanna will definitely pull the same stunt if she's on your shoes. Trust me."

I'm amazed by his effort to calm me down. Which is work.

"You're a brave girl, Chloe. And that's very sexy." His eyes dance around me.

"Seriously?" I chuckle. "This isn't the right time for this."

He smiles. "I know. But look. You smile."

I blushed again. Ollie uses it as a weapon to kiss me. His soft lips are like a sign for me to always stick to him. I feel like I'm the luckiest girl to own that lips to mine. He makes me worth it awhile.

We've waited for hours.

Nobody came to take the red coat. I ignored every incoming calls from Mona and Emily. This time, Caleb tried out to call me but I shift the ignore button. I quickly type a text to him that I was fine with Oliver.

"Why can't the bitch showing?" Oliver murmurs. He's getting tired. Of course, it's near dawn.

This must succeed, otherwise I don't know what else to do. I can't lose my family member anymore. That would be so painful.

Incoming message from Caleb appears on the screen. With a wavering heart, I read each word carefully. My breath feels knocked away. My throat choked.


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