Digimon Adventure: A Yamato l...

By Rubyrose645

136K 2.7K 437

He was my best friend for years... until he suddenly shoved me away. For years I thought that our friendship... More

The Adventure Begins
Rise of Greymon
Birdramon gets Firepower
Kabuterimon's shocking attack!
Togemon in Toy Town
Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo!
Memories tell the truth
Evil shows his face
Legend of the Digidestined
Departure For a New Continent
The Dark Network of Etemon
Arrival of SkullGreymon
The Crest of Sincerity
The Piximon Cometh
The Prisoner of the Pyramid
Rise of MetalGreymon
Forget about it!
WereGarurumon's Diner
No Questions Please
Princess Karaoke
Sora's crest of Love
The Gateway Home: The Crest of...
It's All in the Cards
Return to Highton View Terrace
Almost Home Free
The Ninth Digivice
Gatomon comes calling
The Ninth Child Revealed
Show us your power
City Under Siege
Wizardmon's Gift
The Battle for Earth
Enter The Dark Masters
Sea-Sick and Tired
Under Pressure
Playing Games
Trash Day
The Ultimate Clash
No More Games
Crest of Light. A Mage and Queen
Our Battle
True Power
The beginning of the final battle
Now Apocalymon
Fate of Two Worlds
Book Two Sneak Peak
Book Two is out!!

Garurumon Howls!

4.6K 97 30
By Rubyrose645

We stood atop a cliff near the beach where we got thrashed by Shellmon. Thankfully, Agumon digivolved into Greymon and saved us.

I stood next to Tk and Matt, as the younger blonde wouldn't let my hand go. His shy blue eyes looked up at me.

"Raya?" He said, I looked down and knelt on one knee to face him at eye level.

"What's wrong, Tk?" I asked, smiling as he frowned and held my hand tighter.

"Are you sure it doesn't hurt?" That threw me for a loop.

He had asked the question before, and I heard Matt's breath hitch as he too heard the question.

I sighed, affectionately rubbing Tk's head and ruffling his hair.

"I promise, it doesn't hurt too much. Don't worry about me so much, and focus on yourself and Matt." I said, standing back up as Luna climbed onto my shoulder.

"Yo, Agumon." Tai called over his partner.

"What's up, Tai?" Agumon asked.

"I like it when you're Greymon. No offense, but why don't you just stay that way?" Tai asked.

"I can't." Tai huffed in disappointment, "But even superheroes need a rest."

Tai suddenly tipped over and if it wasn't for Agumon catching him, Tai would've taken a swan dive into the ocean.

We all laughed as Tai was pulled back from the cliff edge.

All of a sudden, roars proudly soared through the air. We turned around and saw a dinosaur digimon. They looked like triceratops with white bodies and steel armor.

The digimon looked straight at us.

"Who's that digimon?" Izzy asked.

"It's a Monochromon, but don't worry about him he's a laid back digimon." Tentomon reassured us.

The Monochromon roared again.

"Although it is better to be cautious around a Monochromon. They do tend to get a bit miffed when they're hungry."

"Then he must be starving because he looks really mad." Tai exclaimed in slight fear.

"And I think he wants to eat us." Mimi added.

Monochromon roared again, and this time it was followed by another loud roar from behind us.

We turned around to see another Monochromon.

"There are two of them!" Joe shouted.

"We're caughr between a rock and two sets of teeth." Matt added.

We ran behind the large rocks to our right and hid behind them. The Monochromon began to fight.

"Something must've set those Monochromon off." Tai said.

"Yeah, their behavior is strange." I agreed.

"They're fighting over territory." Tentomon said.

"They can just have it then." Palmon said running towards the forest, the rest of us following close behind.

We ran far from the site, Tk was still holding onto my hand when he tripped and fell.

I stopped and turned around, watching as Matt ran up behind us.

"Come on, Tk!" He said, helping Tk to his feet.

We continued to run far from the beach, we slowed down our pace a little later.

We continued walking until the sky turned pink. I admired the beauty of the Digital World, but something about it was familiar.

Luna was sleeping in my arms, smiling and mumbling in her sleep. I smiled down at her, thinking that she was just too cute!

"I never walk this much unless I'm at a mall. And as you can see, we're no where near one." Mimi whined and complained.

"Mimi, stop whining." Tai said.

"No! My feet hurt!" Mimi continued to complain.

"Maybe if you take off your boots and socks you'd feel better, Mimi. It's much more practical, I think." Agumon suggested.

"I'm not walking in dirt on my bare feet!"

"I love the feel of dirt under my feet, especially between my toes." Palmon said happily, but Mimi didn't think the same.

"It appears that we may be losing our light source." Izzy said watching the setting sun.

"Izzy, why can't you say that the sun is setting? I think it would be easier." I sighed.

"What a weird sunset." Sora commented.

"Really? I think it's lovely." I said.

"This whole island is weird, and who knows what comes out at night." Izzy added.

"Wait, I detect water. Stay here while I check it out." Tentomon flew up to the top of a tree and spotted a large lake nearby.

"Yes, as usual I'm right. It's a lake with fresh, clean water and a variety of tasty fish. It's the perfect campsite."

"Maybe I can finally soak my poor aching feet." Mimi whined relieved at the news.

"Yay, we get to swim!" Gomamon shouted, but before he could run to the lake, Joe pulled him back by the tail.

"Gomamon, you'd better wait until it's safe first." He warned the water digimon.

I looked down and saw Tk sitting exhausted in the dirt.

"That's why I think we should keep walking and stop complaining." Matt said irritated by the complaints of the group.

"Everybody's hungry, we need to find some food." Tai added.

"That is a good plan. I like that plan a lot." Joe agreed.

I bent down and faced my back towards Tk, "Come on. You're tired, right? I'll carry you to the lake if you want."

Tk smiled, wrapping his arms around my neck and hopping onto back.

I picked him up, but then changed my plans. I walked over to Matt and lifted Tk over my shoulders and onto Matt's back.

Matt was a little surprised but held onto Tk as I put him on his back.

He looked over at me in surprise, "What are you doing?" He asked.

I giggled at his shocked expression, "You two need some brotherly bonding time. I've hogged him enough for today. It's your turn."

I cluthced the sleeping Luna in my arms and walked ahead of Matt and Tk.

Matt's face turned a bright pink, heating up as he walked behind me.

As the sun set further behind the mountainous horizon, we came closer to the lake. Once we came across its beautiful pink waters, I noticed that there were telephone towers in the center of the lake.

'What is this place, exactly?' I thought.

"It should safe to rest here for tonight." Biyomon said.

"Yeah, I love camping outside." Sora agreed.

"If I won't walk ib dirt, what makes you think I'll sleep in it?" Mimi asked.

"Mimi, do you see a hotel here?" Tai asked sarcastically.

Mimi gasped and looked behind Tai, we all followed her gaze and saw a trolleycar with the lights on.

We ran to it, thinking that there might be people on it. To our disappointment, there was no one on board.

I walked out of the trolleycar and looked around, trying to find any sort of dangers nearby. Good thing was that there were no dangers.

After that, we all agreed to sleep in the trolleycar, after we gathered some food.

I stayed by the shore of the lake to gather fish and sticks for the fire while everyone else gathered food from the forest.

I walked up to the makeshift fire pit and threw some twigs in the ring of rocks.

"We're all set to cook dinner, now all we need is the grub." Matt said.

"Great, but how are we supposed to light the fire?" Sora wondered.

"Like this!" Agumon shot out a small ball of fire, lighting the twigs ablaze.

"Hey look it!" Tk said happily holding up his string of fish.

"We caught a whole bunch of fish!" Izzy added.

Tai grabbed the string of fish Izzy was holding, "All right, Izzy let's eat them."

"Thanks, squirt." Matt said as he took the fish from Tk and walking back to the fire.

Tai was on the verge of burning his fingers off, holding the fish directly over the fire.

"This is where I wish we had a microwave." Tai muttered.

"Yeah, me too because you're about to burn your fingers off. Why don't you use a stick?" Matt said.

"How'd you know to do that, Matt?" Tai asked as Matt stuck the impaled fish by the fire.

"Because I'm the man." Matt replied.

I laughed behind ths ash blonde boy, catching their attention.

"Don't you mean I'm the man? Because I'm the one who taught you that trick." I said, making Matt go completely red as Tai teased him.

When the sun set and stars were out, the food was ready and we all dug in.

"Matt, mom only lets me eat fish sticks." Tk said worried.

"I won't tell." Matt said.

"I never eat with my fingers."

"Tk, it's all right." I was almost surprised by Matt's tone of voice. He sounded so irritated.

"Yeah, you're hanging with the big boys now." Tai said, and Tk finally dug in.

I smiled as Tk finished off his fish and took another one, before he finished that one too.

Tai walked over to Sora, who was gathering water from the lake.

"Hey, Sora." Tai said, "Matt doesn't treat Tk like a little brother, only like he's a bother. Is it just me or have you noticed that too?"

"Yeah, Matt's still learning how to be a big brother." Sora said, "But I have noticed a couple of things about Matt and Tk."

"What's that?"

"Well, Tk and Matt seemed to always be worried about Raya." Sora said.

"What makes you think that?" Tai asked.

"Think about it. Tk is usually holding Raya's hand, and Matt always looks at her like he's worried about something."

Tai hummed in thought, "Yeah, you're right. Raya is always worrying about Tk and Matt, but Matt is so cold to her even when she jokes to him. I wonder what happened?"

I looked over at the sparkling lake, just enjoying the reflection and subconsciously rubbing my left leg.

My thoughts were interrupted by a strained yawn.

"Look, Patamon's tired." Tk said. I looked around and saw the other digimon sleeping, much like my Luna.

I stood up and yawned myself, "I think it's time that we all get some sleep. It's been a long day." I said.

"Yeah, Raya's right we should all get some sleep." Tai agreed.

"Wait a minute, we should take turns watching for any dangers." Izzy suggested.

"You're right, all of us should stay on lookout for about an hour." Tai said.

"Not Tk." Matt declared.

Tk didn't like the idea all that much.

"Hey, come one Matt." Tk whined.

"No, you're too young and yoy need your rest." Matt said. I walked over behind Tk and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Matt, if it would make you feel better, when Tk's turned comes around, I'll stay up with him." I offered, but Matt refused.

"No way. Thanks for the offer, Raya, but Tk is too young to stand watch." Matt said.

Aftet that argument, and an addition argument between Tai and Matt about scaring Gabumon, we all headed back to the trolleycar to sleep.

We gathered a bunch of large leaves and packed them on the floor for the digimon.

"I can't sleep with all of you here." Mimi complained.

"Quit complaining. So it's not perfect, just be glad we have a place to sleep." Sora said.

After saying our goodnights, we all slowly fell asleep. I took my jacket off and laid it over Tk to keep him warm through the night.

Matt watched us fall asleep, mostly he watched Tk and me sleeping together. He gasped, noticing that I was slightly shivering because all I had on were my pants, shoes and a white tank top.

"Gabumon," He said, "Go over there and lay down with Raya and my brother."

"But why, Matt?" Gabumon asked.

"Because your fur is making me sweat, now go."

"Because you want me to keep Raya and Tk warm."

"Hey, I didn't say that."

"You just don't want to admit it."


Gabumon did as Matt asked him to do and wrapped his warm arms around me and Tk.

Tk stirred from his sleep and looked towards his brother.

"Thanks, Matt." He said.

Matt quickly turned away with a blushing face and walked out of the trolleycar.

I listened to Matt's fading footsteps as he left, I waited for the footsteps to disappear before grabbing a sleeping Luna, my jacket and getting up, careful not to wake Tk.

I tiptoed out of the trolleycar and followed Matt outside.

Being careful not to let Matt see or hear me, I didn't make a sound. I walked around the trolleycar and saw Tai and Matt talking by the water.

"Look, I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier. I didn't mean to get so mad, it's just being here and watching over Tk and Raya..."

"Do you and Tk even live in the same house?" Tai asked.

"Not anymore. Our parents were divorced and we don't get to see each other very much." Matt answered.

My heart clenched when I heard Matt talk about his parents. Even though it was a long time ago, I still feel bad for the family.

"Well that explains a lot." Tai said, "Wait, you said you had to look after Tk and Raya, why look after her?"

Before Tai could get an answer, Matt ran off the little island we were on and back to the main shore.

I ran after him. He stopped and sat under a tree, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his old harmonica.

I gasped in surprise, he hasn't played his harmonica in a while. I listened as he played the tune I remembered so well.

"What a wonderful sound." Gabumon said as he appeared from the path connecting the island to the shore.

I decided to make my presence known.

"I have to agree with Gabumon." I said, startling the boy and his digimon.

"It's been a while since I've heard you play the harmonica."

"What are you doing here, Raya?" Matt asked.

I sat down next to him and set Luna in my lap, "The same reason as you I guess. I couldn't sleep."

He sighed, we sat in silence for a few minutes, until Matt broke it.

"Tell me the truth," he said, "Does it really hurt or not?"

I looked at him confused, "What are you talking about, Matt?"

"You know what I'm talking about. Tk can't tell when you're lying, but I can. Raya, tell me the truth."

Gabumon looked up at the two of us, completely confused by our conversation.

"What are you two talking about, Matt?" He asked.

Matt turned his head away and sighed.

I sighed as well, "He's asking if an injury from a long time ago still hurts." I said, "And if you want to know the truth, Matt, I am completely fine. Nothing hurts too much anymore."

"Stop being so selfless!" He shouted, "It's that selflessness that'll get you hurt evwn worse than last time.

"What was I supposed to do, let Tk get hurt and leave him in that street? I woudl rather die than let that happen." I argued.

Matt went silent, "I'm sorry. It's just... if I had been paying attention more, then I could've warned you guys."

My eyes widened, "Don't tell me that you blame yourself for the accident?" I asked.

He didn't answer.

All of a sudden, the water became rough and the land shook. We looked towards the little island and saw a large sea dragon digimon emerge fron the water.

The digimon's roar woke up Luna with a start. She screamed in my arms as Matt and I stood up.

"Oh, no! It's Seadramon!" She shouted.

Seadramon pulled the island away and broke the bridge connecting us.

The large digimon suddenly stopped and slammed its tail into thd ground, shakimg the island.

"Tk!" Matt shouted as he dove into the water and swam.

I put Luna on on my shoudlers and told her to hold on tight before I jumped into the water and swam behind Matt.

We swam as fast as we could to the small island, the digimon firing off their attacks to slow the digimon down.

"Tk!" Matt yelled as we got closer.

"Matt, Raya, be careful! Or the monster will get you!" Tk shouted, abother rumble of the land made Tk fall into the water.

Gomamon followed the fallen boy, I dove into the water to help. As Gomamon was collecting Tk, I noticed Seadramon's tail coming straight for us.

The memory of the fast car from all those years ago, came flooding back, and just like back then, I cared more about Tk's safety than myself.

I pushed Tk and Gomamon out of the way, and instead of them getting hit, I took most of the blow.

The goos thing about being in the water when your being hit, is that it doesn't have much force, so I didn't get hurt too much.

Although, my arm was grazed, slowly bleeding and tainting the waters red.

I swam up to the surface and took a big gulp of air.

"Raya!" Tk shouted relieved as he saw me break surface.

I turned back to the island and began swimming towards the shore.

I huffed and sucked in air as I made it to shore. Tk quickly engulfed me in a hug and didn't let go.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded and looked back at the water, gasping when I saw Matt twisted in Seadramon's tail.

"This is not good." Tentomon said, "Seadramom may be a bubble-brain but once he finds his prey, he will not let go."

"Matt, hold on!" Tk yelled his eyes brimming with tears. He turned down to his partner.

"Patamon, please help him, hit him with a bubble boom." Tk begged.

"Seadramon's way too big, I just don't have enough power now. Gabumon you're stronger, how bout you?" Patamon asked.

Gabumon hing his head low, "You're right, Matt is in trouble and I must help."

"Gabumon!" We looked up a struggling Matt.

"Matt, hold on!" Gabumon shouted back. All of a sudden, when I looked down at Gabumon, I saw another digimon overlapping him.

It was a large blue and white wolf with razor sharp teeth, golden eyes, and sleek fur.

"Matt!" Gabumon shouted. Just then, a bright light engulfed Gabumon.

The light grew along with the digimon.

"Gabumon, digivolve to... Garurumon!"

When the light faded, the same digimon I saw earlier appeared and launched at Seadramon.

Seadramon let Matt go and the boy swam to shore.

"Are you alright, Matt?" Tk asked.

"Yeah, but where's Gabumon?" Matt asked.

I pointed at the large wolf attacking Seadramon, "He's evolved into Garurumon." I said.

Everyone followed my pointing finger and saw the large wolf in action.

"Garurumon's fur is legendary, it's strong as steel. He's like a growling torpedo." Tentomon informed us.

"That's astonishing, then he must be invincible." Izzy gasped in awe.

"Well, that's what I've heard anyway. We'll soon find out."

"I hope you're not exaggerating Tentomon with another one of your wild fish stories." Tai said.

"He could be."

"But I heard about it."

Seadramon shot ice at Garurumon, but the wolf digimon broke free.

"Howling Blaster!" Garurumon shouted. A large blast of ice blue fure shot itself from Garurumon's mouth straight at Seadramon.

Seadramon roared as he fell back into the water, defeated.

We cheered in victory as Gabumon returned to normal.

"Gabumon!" Matt exclaimed happily, "You digivolved into Garurumon just in time."

"Oh, Gabumon, thanks for saving my brother." Tk said as he hugged the blue digimon.

"Any time little friend." Gabumon blushed and turned away.

Tk turned back to his older brother, "Matt you were so awesome against that monster."

"You think so?" Matt said as a tinge of pink warmed his cheeks.

"Yeah, you were the man."

"And you're the wolf-man." We all laughed at the joke.

Gomamon called his fish friends and pushed the island back to shore.

I sat away from the group and dreseed my wound. Thankfully it wasn't deep so it was easy to patch up.

When I returned to the group, almost everybody was asleep. Matt was sitting against a tree, playing his harmonica surrounded by Tk, Gabumon and Patamon sleeping peacefully around him.

"Big bro, you're the best." Tk mumbled in his sleep.

I smiled and sat against a tree close to the group, falling asleep to the soft melody of Matt's harmonica.

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