By 1985cat

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On earth 38 KAL-El of Krypton is sent to earth after the planet Krypton blows up. KAL-El becomes superboy and... More

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By 1985cat

Lucius Fox opens a special case. There's a utility belt inside the special case.

Lucius Fox says kevlar utility harness. Lucius Fox points at a grappling gun that is also in the special case and says gas powered, magnetic grapple gun. Lucius Fox says the 350- test monofilament. Lucius Fox says wonderful project, your dad's train. Lucius Fox says routed it right into Wayne tower, along with the water and power utilities. Lucius Fox says kind of made Wayne tower the unofficial center of Gotham city. Lucius says of course, Earl let it go to rot... Here we are. Lucius Fox opens a special drawer revealing a special armored suit.

Lucius Fox says it's tear resistant and bulletproof. Lucius Fox says it will be nice working with you Mr. Wayne. It's late at night. Bruce Wayne is sitting in the private library that is at Wayne manor. Bruce Wayne is trying to think of a way to stop the crime in Gotham city. A bat suddenly flies into the private library through the window. Bruce Wayne freaks out because he's scared of bats. Bruce Wayne looks up at the bat and realizes that the only way to stop the crime in Gotham city is to become something that will scare the criminals in Gotham city, a masked vigilante who looks like a bat. The next day. Alfred Pennyworth is showing Bruce Wayne an underground cave that is under Wayne manor. Alfred Pennyworth says maybe this can be your secret headquarters?!! Bruce Wayne says yes definitely?!! Bruce Wayne explores the underground cave.

Alfred Pennyworth says the Wayne family used this cave to help runaway slaves during the days of the underground railroad.

The next day. Bruce Wayne walks up to Lucius Fox and says Mr. Fox I wanna borrow the armored suit that you showed me yesterday. Lucius Fox says may I ask why?!! Bruce Wayne says spelunking?!! Lucius Fox says spelunking?!! Bruce Wayne says yeah you know cave diving?!! Lucius Fox says look Mr. Wayne the way I see it all of this is yours anyway!! Bruce Wayne notices a thing of long black colored cloth. Lucius Fox says oh that's memory cloth... Regularly flexible but put a current through it..

Lucius Fox puts a special glove on his right hand and moves his right hand over the memory cloth.

The special glove runs an electric current through the memory cloth.

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